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APST Standard 1: Know students and how they learn

Focus area 1.1: Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students
Graduate level: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students and how these may affect learning
Focus area 1.3: Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds
Graduate level: Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and
socioeconomic backgrounds

Placement context: Year 1 Pre-service teacher name & date: Madeleine Hahnel – 24/08/20


(first name only)

- Short brown hair - Quiet - Teacher support in some - Simplify work
curriculum areas
JAKE - Has a great friendship - Provide extra support (SSO support)
circle - Needs support regularly
- Encourage him to take time with work, rather than rushing
- Hard to depict work to be first one completed
- Very small - Loud - Brings prior knowledge to - Needs reminding of persistence
curriculum areas
MAX - Blonde hair - Great friend - Encourage him to stay on task
- Needs to transfer sound
- Sensitive
knowledge in writing

- Blonde curly hair - Disruptive - Relies heavily on teacher - Needs assistance in all tasks
support with everything
JOSHUA - Behaviour – very low and - Needs reminding of behaviour
often needs to be - Tries really hard
- Needs to sit by himself where he doesn’t distract others
addressed every lesson
- Poor writing
- Need to write what he is saying as you can’t depict his
- Brown hair - Behaviour - low - Relies on teacher support - Needs assistance in all tasks
& prompting in some areas
WILL - Tall - Needs reminding of behaviour
- Rushes through his work
- Encourage him to take his time
- Blonde short hair - Emotional - Needs to think about what - Needs reminding of resilience
she is going to say before
SAVANNAH - Tall - Small group of friends - Support her to talk about her ideas before writing them
putting hand up.
- Quiet
- Has great ideas

- Short brown hair - Quiet - Relies on teacher support - Needs assistance in all tasks
and prompting in all areas
OLIVER - Tall - Easily embarrassed - Need to write what he is saying as you can’t depict his
- Great vocab and language writing
- Slim
comprehension struggles
with word recognition
- Reading with SSO 2
mornings a week.
- Short blonde hair - Great friend - Brings a lot of prior - Needs a challenge to push him further
knowledge to all areas
CONNOR - Supportive
- Very academic – top of the
- Behaviour - excellent
- Confident
- Short brown hair - Behaviour - low - Relies on teacher support - Encourage him to stay on task
and prompting in most
MITCHELL - Short - Remind him to worry about himself rather than what
others are doing
- Concentration and focus
during instructions is low
- Gets easily distracted
- Lacks confidence
- Short brown hair - Quiet - Lacks confidence - Work on taking risks
FELIX - Tall - To himself - Writing is hard to decipher - Encourage correct letter formations
- Needs lots of check ins

- Very short/ small - Social - Brings a lot of prior - Needs a challenge

knowledge to curriculum
IVY - Light brown hair - Loud - Needs time to process her ideas
- Behaviour - excellent
- Has great ideas
- Confident
- Black long hair - Great friend - Has high expectations of - Encourage her to take her time
- Short - Behaviour - excellent - Encourage her to focus on her letter formations
MAHI - Indian - Confident - Brings a lot of prior - Provide a challenge for her
knowledge to all areas
- Academic
- Brown short hair - Confident - Wates time - Encourage him to stay on task
TAS - Very short/ small - Talkative - Distracting - Encourage to start work as soon as possible
- Give time reminders

- Short brown hair - Quiet - Has great ideas - Encourage him to take time with writing
ISAAC - To himself - Rushes to finish his work - Encourage him to listen carefully when giving instructions

- Blonde, curly hair - Great friend - Has high expectations of - Needs a challenge
ISABELLE - - Sensitive - Needs reassurance of the steps the tasks need.
- Brings a lot of prior
- Behaviour - excellent
knowledge to all areas
- Confident
- Academic
- Short brown hair - A good friend – always - Relies on teacher support - Encourage him to have a go himself
looks out for others and prompting in most
LOGAN - Aboriginal - Remind him to focus and not worry about everyone else
- Confident
- Provide support in some learning areas
- Perfectionist with fine
motor skills of handwriting
- Dark long hair - Great friend - Sometimes off task due to - Encourage her to focus on task
ANGELLE - Bubbly personality - Encourage her to write all ideas down
- Has great ideas
- Behaviour - excellent
- Understands concepts
- Confident
- Dark hair - Behaviour - improving - Needs to be pushed with - Provide positive reinforcement
(responds well to positive writing
SPENCER - Bigger - Encourage him to stay on task
- Can get easily distracted
- Aboriginal - Needs a challenge
- with writing
- Academic
- Dark curly hair - Great friend - Tries really hard - Needs reminding to be resilient
- Lacks confidence with - Encourage her to have a go
DAVINA - Tall - Behaviour - excellent writing and having a go - Clarify the expectations with her so she understands what
she needs to do
- Need support when
- Short brown hair - Great friend - Tries really hard - Encourage him to take his time
KAI - Short - Behaviour – good - Great fine motor skills - Take his time when writing and encourage correct letter
- Hard to depict his writing

- Dark long hair - Great friend - Tries really hard - Encourage her to take her time when writing
LILY - Tall - Behaviour – excellent - Had great ideas - Provide her with a challenge
- Very quiet - Needs a challenge

- Blonde short hair - Loud - Trouble listening on floor - Need to provide explicit instructions.
and then applying it when
HAMISH - Great friend - Need to ask him what is required so he knows and
going back to table
- Perfectionist with fine
- Need to give time reminders
motor skills of handwriting
- Black curly hair - New student - Troubling listening on the - Need to provide explicit instructions
ZALIA - Short - Distractive - Needs reminding to stay on task
- Can’t stay focused
- Doesn’t listen - Need to go through task clearly with her
- Needs teacher assistance

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