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Get Ready!
0 Before you read the passage, talk about
these questions.
1 What happens if you write a check for more
money than you have in your bank account?
2 What are the penalties for overdrawing a bank

f) Read the notice from a bank. Then,
choose the correct answers.
1 What is the passage mainly about?
A a missing check
B an excessive bank fee
C an overdrawn bank account
D an upcoming account statement

2 How can Mr. Johnson compensate for the

A pay the bank $235
B pay the bank $200
C request a transfer
D choose a different bank
Dear Mr. Johnson,
3 What can be inferred about overdraft charges?
Account No. 58756 A Some of them can be negotiated.
We regret to inform you that you B There are new charges for every overdraft.
have an overdraft of $200.00 on
C They vary according to the overdraft amount.
your account. On April 3, 2010, Total
Value Office Supply cashed a check D Customer service representatives can
in the amount of $500.00. Your block them.
account balance on that date was
$300.00. Your upcoming statement Vocabulary
includes overdraft charges in the
amount of $35.00. To avoid further E) Match the words (1-5) with the definitions
charges, please do not make any (A-E).
additional withdrawals or transfers
1 _ overdraft 4 _upcoming
until compensating for this overdraft. If
you have any questions or concerns, 2 _ compensate 5 _ cash a check
please contact us. For your convenience, 3 _transfer
customer service representatives are
available twenty-four hours a day by A appearing or arriving in the near future
phone. B to receive money in exchange for a document
C a withdrawal that exceeds an account's balance
D to restore or replace something
E to move something from one place to another

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