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Short Report Ann Clin Biochem 2001; 38: 64±66

Evaluation of thin-layer chromatography methods for laxative

A Duncan1 and I J Phillips2
From the 1Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Macewan Building, Royal In®rmary, North
Glasgow University Hospital NHS Trust, Glasgow G31 2ER, Scotland, and the 2Department
of Chemical Pathology (NHS), Level D, University Hospitals NHS Trust, Southampton
SO16 6YD, UK

INTRODUCTION each stage in methodology, several identical

TLC plates were prepared. The performance of
Surreptitious laxative abuse is a signi®cant cause
each system in detecting laxatives was scored as
of chronic diarrhoea, the detection of which is
7, +, ++, or +++ (poor, weak, moderate
often missed, leading to misdiagnosis and
or strong detectability). This subjective score
additional costly investigations. Affected pa-
was based on the clarity of chromatographic
tients usually deny taking laxatives, and so the
bands (vividness of colour, sharpness of band,
diagnosis can only be made by a search for
degree of colour change) and freedom from
laxatives among the patient’s belongings or by
interfering bands.
chemical analysis of urine. Ethical and practical
We initially used our routine laxative methods3
considerations make the latter approach prefer-
to evaluate ®ve different detection solutions:
able. A pilot National External Quality Assur-
6 mol/L sodium hydroxide,4 3 mol/L sodium
ance Scheme (NEQAS) for laxatives has
hydroxide, 3 mol/L potassium hydroxide,5 5%
revealed poor analytical performance, with
potassium hydroxide in methanol:water (70:30)6
overall false negative and false positive rates of
and Mandelin’s reagent.4 TLC plates were
28% and 10%, respectively.1 In an attempt to
sprayed for about 5±10 s from a distance of at
optimize laxative detection we have individually
least 50 cm. Plates were also viewed under
evaluated the extraction, chromatography and
ultraviolet (UV) light at 360 nm to monitor the
detection stages of thin-layer chromatography
¯uorescence of anthraquinone laxatives.4
(TLC) methods described in the literature or in
The performances of four commercially avail-
current use by NEQAS participants.
able TLC silica gel plates were compared: three
were silica gel high-performance thin-layer
MATERIALS AND METHODS chromatography (HPTLC) plates with con-
centrating zones (from: Whatman, Maidstone,
Ten urine samples, four negative and six positive
for laxatives (three for aloe-emodin, two for Kent; BDH, Poole, Dorset; and Merck, Poole,
rhein, two for emodin, two for phenolphthalein Dorset, UK) and the last was a Schleicher and
and two for bisacodyl metabolite), were ob- Scheull TLC plate, used most frequently by
tained from the pilot NEQAS scheme. The NEQAS participants (originally distributed by
samples were deconjugated overnight at room Anderman and Co., Kingston-upon-Thames,
temperature using 30 mL glucuronidase2 Surrey, UK, but not now available in the UK).2
(132 500 units/mL, G7017 from Sigma Chemical Using the optimal TLC plate and detection
Co., Poole, Dorset). Standard solutions (2 mg/ system, we compared 11 mobile-phase solvent
10 mL in chloroform) were prepared for rhein, systems in current use by UK laboratories (see
aloe-emodin,emodin, phenolphthalein,danthron Table 1). Six of these are described in the
(all from Sigma Chemical Co.) and bisacodyl literature.2±6
Lastly, the performance of solvent/solvent
metabolite, which was prepared as described.2
The evaluation was carried out independently in extraction using chloroform/propan-2-ol (9/1)4
two sites and the results compared. To evaluate was compared with two solid-phase extraction
systems previously described4,5 (Extrelut NT20
prepacked columns from BDH and SepPak
Correspondence: Dr A Duncan. C18 columns from Jones Chromatography,
E-mail: Hengoed, Mid-Glamorgan, UK).

TABLE 1. Comparison of mobile-phase solvent systems on the performance of laxative detection (listed in order of performance)

Detectability of laxatives

Mobile phase Rhein Aloe-emodin Emodin Phenolphthalein Phenolphthalein metabolite Bisacodyl metabolite

Ethyl acetate:toluene:glacial acetic acid (4:16:1)3 ++ + +++ ++ ++ ++

Hexane:toluene:glacial acetic acid (3:1:1)4 ++ + + ++ ++ ++
Chloroform:acetone (4:1)2 7 + + +++ +++ +
Dichloromethane:acetone (8:2) 7 + + ++ ++ ++
Ethyl acetate:methanol: water (100:17:3)6 ++ + + +++ 7 +
Ethyl acetate:methanol:concentrated ammonia (85:15:6) 7 + + ++ + +
Heptane:acetone:glacial acetic acid (50:50:0´2) ++ 7 ++ ++ 7 +
Hexane:4-methyl-2-pentanone*:glacial acetic acid + + + +++ 7 +
Xylene:4-methyl-2-pentanone:methanol (10:10:1)4 + 7 7 ++ ++ 7
4-methyl-2-pentanone:xylene:hexane:glacial acetic acid + 7 + ++ 7 7
Chloroform:acetone:glacial acetic acid:toluene 7 7 7 + 7 7

*4-methyl-2-pentanone is also known as methyl-isobutyl ketone and isopropyl acetone.

Evaluation of thin-layer chromatography methods for laxative detection

Ann Clin Biochem 2001: 38

66 Duncan & Phillips

RESULTS potential interfering bands. Although there is

an element of subjectivity in reading TLC plates
Comparison of detection systems there was good agreement when the results of
The use of 5% methanolic potassium hydroxide the two independent assessments were com-
gave a poor colour response for all laxatives. pared. The best overall results were obtained
Spraying with aqueous solutions of sodium with ethyl acetate:toluene:glacial acetic acid
hydroxide resulted in slightly clearer bands than (4:16:1) and hexane:toluene:glacial acetic acid
with potassium hydroxide. Little difference was (3:1:1), both of which correctly identi®ed the
apparent between 3 mol/L and 6 mol/L sodium laxatives in the positive urine samples. The
hydroxide solutions, but with the latter bisacodyl retention times (measured from the concentrat-
produced a slightly more intense colour response ing zone/chromatography zone intersect) found
and the phenolphthalein band faded rather more for these two systems were: rhein 0´45 and 0´52,
slowly, and so this was the preferred option. respectively; aloe-emodin 0´34 and 0´32; emodin
Anthraquinone bands produced an orange 0´55 and 0´4; phenolphthalein 0´32 and 0´00;
¯uorescence at 360 nm, but the ¯uorescence was phenolphthalein metabolite 0´38 and 0´06; and
not striking and was sometimes obscured by bisacodyl metabolite 0´15 and origin (i.e. within
other urinary pigments. We concluded that this the concentrating zone).
step did not confer any additional bene®t.
Similarly, spraying with Mandelin’s reagent did CONCLUSIONS
not improve the detection of laxatives.
Bisacodyl metabolite is usually only detectable Perhaps the single most important factor in the
following heating of the plate. We found that its successful detection of laxatives by TLC is the
detection was made easier by visualizing the skill and experience of the operator. However,
development of the spot using a hair dryer or a methodological aspects contribute signi®cantly.
heating plate at >758C. The colour can be In this respect the choice of mobile phase is
intensi®ed further by placing the plate in an oven particularly relevant, with ethyl acetate:tolu-
at 1008C for 30 min. ene:glacial acetic acid (4:16:1) and hexane:tolu-
ene:glacial acetic acid (3:1:1) giving the best
Comparison of TLC plates results. The use of HPTLC plates with a
The performance of the three HPTLC plates in concentrating zone is recommended. There was
laxative detection was signi®cantly better than little to choose between solvent and solid-phase
that of the Schleicher and Scheull plate, which extraction, although the use of Extrelut columns
produced lighter and more diffuse spots. The may have practical bene®ts. Finally, visualiza-
three HPTLC plates performed similarly; how- tion under UV light or spraying with Mandelin s
ever, sample application was easier using What- reagent conferred little additional bene®t over
man HPTLC plates (LHP-KF, catalogue spraying with 6 mol/L sodium hydroxide and
number 4806410) in which the concentration subsequent heating.
zone was less compacted.
Comparison of solid-phase extraction with solvent
1 Duncan A. Screening for surreptitious laxative
extraction abuse. Ann Clin Biochem 2000; 37: 1±8
No signi®cant differences in performance were 2 Morton J. The detection of laxative abuse. Ann Clin
found for the three extraction systems. In terms Biochem 1987; 24: 107±8
of practicability, Extrelut columns were the 3 Duncan A, Cameron A, Stewart MJ, Russell RI.
simplest and quickest option. Although these Diagnosis of the abuse of magnesium and stimulant
laxatives. Ann Clin Biochem 1991; 28: 568±73
columns are initially expensive (approximately
4 de Wolff FA, de Haas EJM, Verweij M. A screening
£6´30 each), costs can be minimized by repack- method for establishing laxative abuse. Clin Chem
ing with loose Extrelut NT20 (from BDH) and 1981; 27: 914±8
by scaling down urine volumes to 10 mL 5 Perkins S, Livesey JF. A rapid high-performance
(approximately £2´50 each). thin-layer chromatographic urine screen for laxative
abuse. Clin Biochem 1993; 26: 179±81
Comparison of mobile-phase solvent systems 6 Maurer HH, Kraemer T. Rapid detection of anthra-
The choice of mobile phase had a marked effect quinone laxatives in urine using high-performance
on the clarity of laxative bands (see Table 1). thin layer chromatography. Bull Soc Sci Med Grand
Duche Luxemb 1990; 127 (Suppl): 476±480
There were signi®cant variations in the colour
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Ann Clin Biochem 2001: 38

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