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Name: Rose Jane Canabuan

CN#: 5623 GE 205

SUBJECT: The life and Works of Jose Rizal
TEACHER: Brigida Satinitigan Neri

ACTIVITY 2 pg. 1

The Philippine 50 years hence

50 years from the possible situation of the Philippines is well developed especially in technologies, our
economics will rise as much what country have, The economy of the Philippines is expected to grow
continuously till 2050 and beyond. Within 5–10 years the road, sea and air transport system will allow increase
in productivity, increase tourism, increase foreign direct investments, Increase Self Reliance in agriculture and
major industries. Currently, the government spending on new infrastructure and local tourism are growing
exponentially. The people right now after 50 years the Population would clearly expected to grow up to 160
million this has been estimated by Elijah Paul Castaneda their life become easier they are two possible what
way they can enter, first is the Filipinos are well discipline because of the government 2nd is the things
become worst because of the Generation that we have, According to Dr. Jose Rizal "The youth is our hope of
our nation" we need to stand this saying we need to prove this.

The year pass by we need to care our nation so that in 50 years the Next Generation will experience
the lives of what we have before.
Personal Information An important experience in
his/her life
 Was born on March 18, 1948. Her father  She joined exposure trips to the rural areas
was Romeo Barros. Her mother Alicia and immersed herself in the emerging
Morelos. political literature. She organized the all-
 studied until Grade II at the Instituto de women Makibaka (Malayang Kilusan ng
Mujeres (Academy for Women) and Bagong Kababaihan) and became its first
finished grade school at St. chairperson. Makibaka chapters quickly
spread across the country, in factories, in
villages, and even in exclusive girls’ schools.

Lorena M.
Importance of his/her Barros Accomplishments
To National history
 To remind us that not only Men Filipinos  Founded the Malayang Kilusan ng Bagong
have fight for our Lives and to be Free but Kababaihan (Free Movement of New
also Women like Lorena and others who Women) or MAKIBAKA,
also sacrifice themselves. And to remind  A militant women's organization shortly
women to strike hard at them would be to before the Martial Law.
increase the weapons of self-discovery and  Rejoined the underground, helping to fight
self-understanding that we need for what by then had become a full- blown
tackling the larger political issues that dictatorship.
should be our foremost concern.
ACTIVITY 2 pg. 2
ACTIVITY 2 pg. 3

1.) What are the earliest recorded biographies in the Philippines?

- The earliest recorded Biographies in the Philippines Is focusing on the life of the missionaries
who worked in the civilization of the natives. These narratives can be read in religious
chronicles and histories citing the missionaries.

2.) What is the importance of writing/studying a biography?

- The importance of writing/studying a biography is to know the story of his/her life for us a
reader to give an attention and deeper understanding and we can share this also to others what
is his/her life.

3.) How is biography related to national history?

- Biography is a tool to study the lives and experience of the people written by someone , the
biography later on it will become a national history especially that person having a good
accomplishment during his/her time since, national history is a study of a nation’s of the past

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