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Principles of Steam-In-

Jean-Marc Cappia

A dequate configuration of steam-

in-place (SIP) systems is vital
and must be considered at the
early conception stage of the plant.

The critical requirements associated

with SIP include proper steam dis-
tribution, noncondensable gases re-
moval, and continuous condensate
elimination. Good engineering
practices, adequate piping design,
steam traps, valves, and monitoring
Steaming-in-place (SIP) is a instrumentation are essential to en-
widely adopted method for the suring SIP validation.
in-line sterilization of processing
equipment. The main advantage Gas filter engineering
of SIP relies on manipulation
System design, installation, and stan-
dard operating procedure. Vent filters
reduction and aseptic connect-
are required for the sterile introduc-
ions that might compromise the tion of air or nitrogen during and
integrity of the downstream after the process of vessel steriliza-
equipment. tion. Gas filters are made of hy-
drophobic materials such as PTFE to
prevent blockage by humidity dur-
Jean-Marc Cappia is the ing use. Therefore, condensate may
program director for high filtration accumulate on the membrane dur-
performance solutions in the ing SIP and produce blind filters. In
BioPharmaceutical Division of
Millipore Corporation, 80 Ashby
such circumstances, the steam no
Road, Bedford, MA 01730, tel. longer passes through the mem-
781.533.2219, jean-marc_cappia brane, leading to incorrect steriliza- tion. The filter housing must there-

s40 Pharmaceutical Technology FILTRATION 2004 www.phar

Figure 1: (Left) In-line vent filter housing, where downstream condensate is drained by
gravity to the vessel. (Middle) T-type gas filter housing in which a slope must assist
condensate drainage to the tank. (Right) Incorrect set-up.

fore be designed and in-

stalled for correct drainage
of condensate, with the inlet
sterile side of the cartridge
fitted on the sterile vessel.
This setup is preferred, since
the housing closure as well
as the connections to vent
and drain valves may pres-
ent risks of leakage on the
upstream side of the filter. A
reverse mounting would re-
Figure 2: Reverse steam sterilization of vent filters
sult in the filter bypass and
along with the associated vessels.
would compromise the
equipment’s sterility.
Figure 1 shows the correct instal- be installed on the top of the filter to
lation of a vent filter. The in-line de- evacuate noncondensable gases dur-
sign of the housing allows the ing the sterilization cycle. This en-
drainage of downstream condensate sures the penetration of steam to all
from the vertical connection to the filter assembly extremities.
vessel. The T-type housing needs a In most cases, vent filters are
fall on pipework to ensure conden- steam-sterilized along with their as-
sate drainage to the vessel. In both sociated vessels (see Figure 2). Be-
cases, the upstream condensate is cause large amounts of steam are re-
eliminated through a steam trap fit- quired to start the SIP cycle, heat the
ted on the drain port of the housing. system and remove non-condensa-
A thermostatic steam trap also must ble gases, it is better to introduce

Pharmaceutical Technology FILTRATION 2004 s41


steam into the vessel first, and then

sterilize the vent filter with a reverse
steam flow. This procedure is pre-
ferred to a forward steam injection,
from the filter to the tank, because it
limits the steam flow rate. It also
avoids high differential pressure
over the filter and prevents contact
with superheated steam. The reverse
steam flow through the filter is re-
duced significantly, because it only
compensates for condensate elimi-
nated by the steam traps opening
upstream of the filter assembly. Re- Figure 3: Separate filter and vessel
verse steaming is safe if using a sterilization. This configuration allows
locked filter. three different SIP procedures—separate
As shown in Figure 3, some in- filter sterilization in the case of
stallations such as water for injec- replacement, vessel sterilization only, and
tion (WFI) tanks or fermenters may simultaneous filter and vessel
require separate vent filter steriliza- sterilization.
tion to allow their replacement with-
out re-sterilizing the vessel. All con- test is conducted at 2 barg pressure.
figurations require the installation of Superheated steam will be present
a pressure-relief safety valve as well at the beginning of the sterilization
as pressure gauges upstream and cycle because of high velocity and
downstream of the filter. This en- sudden steam expansion into the
sures that the reverse differential tank. Therefore, it is better first to
pressure does not exceed specifica- admit regulated saturated steam
tions throughout the SIP procedure. into the tank and then maintain the
Temperature probes are located in isolated filter. All the bleed valves on
the coldest points of the filter as- the vessel must be open to ensure
sembly and the vessel (i.e., the drain removal of condensate and noncon-
points) to monitor the SIP process. densable gases. The duration of this
Adding steam traps downstream of operation depends on the size of the
the bleed valves allows condensate equipment and is established during
removal, reduces the steam flow the validation of the SIP cycle. When
rate, and minimizes the pressure the drain temperature reaches 110
differential across the filter. 8C or the tank pressure is approxi-
Flushing noncondensable gases and mately 0.5 barg, the valve is open to
heating the system. Before starting the filter and the steam quickly rises,
the SIP cycle, it is important to and heats the filter housing.
check the leak-tightness of the sys- Eliminating all noncondensable
tem. A five-minute pressure hold gases normally requires flushing the

s42 Pharmaceutical Technology FILTRATION 2004 www.phar

system with 10 volumes of saturated pressure should be in the range of
steam, which might take between 5 6 2 8C from the actual temperature,
and 20 min. The maximum amount as accepted by the European stan-
of condensate is generated at the SIP dard EN 285. A current industry
start because of the high tempera- practice checks for both pressure
ture difference between steam and and temperature during the valida-
the heat transfer equipment. Steam tion and uses tighter acceptance cri-
traps shut automatically once the teria for the deviation (6 1 8C).
steam exits the drain and vent valves Provided that routine SIP opera-
and indicates that air and conden- tions are implemented using the
sate have been removed. This limits same validated SOP, only the tem-
the steam flow and allows the sys- perature is monitored. This is ac-
tem to be increased and maintained ceptable because equipment SIP
at the desired sterilization tempera- processes generally involve numer-
ture. Steam traps will open intermit- ous sterilization conditions.
tently to evacuate condensate and Automatic SIP can be regulated
allow replacement with fresh satu- directly or indirectly via a steam
rated steam. For manual SIP systems inlet control valve. Another possible
that may not include steam traps, regulation simply involves accurate
the bleed valves must open progres- pressure regulators for the inlet
sively to avoid excessive pressure dif- steam and steam traps at the drain-
ferential when steam flows through ing points. During SIP, condensa-
the filter. The bleed valves remain tion spontaneously draws fresh sat-
cracked open during the SIP cycle to urated steam and energy at the
eliminate condensate and adjust the points where it occurs, and the ster-
flow rate across the filter. ilization temperature is maintained
Sterilization cycle. Once the moni- at the set value. For manual proce-
toring temperature probes located dures, the steam flow and pressure
in the slowest heating points of the differential are regulated via the
system (generally the vessel and fil- manual steam supply valve and the
ter drains) indicate the set steriliza- bleed valves, which remain cracked
tion temperature, the SIP plateau open. Air and condensate are elimi-
begins and continues for the re- nated continuously through the
quired time period defined by the open bleed valves during the SIP
validation study. The pressure dif- cycle.
ferential over the filter must not ex- Venting steam, drying and cooling.
ceed 70 mbar during the entire ster- Upon SIP completion, it is necessary
ilization cycle to maintain the filter to release the steam pressure and re-
integrity. Both pressure and temper- move residual condensate from the
ature should be monitored to ensure lowest drain points of the system.
that saturated steam conditions are This step is critical because steam
met. The theoretical saturation tem- condensation can create vacuum
perature calculated from the actual and compromise integrity. A mole of

Pharmaceutical Technology FILTRATION 2004 s43


saturated steam at 1218C occu-

pies a volume of 15 L, whereas
the same mole of condensate only
occupies 18 mL. Condensation
must be compensated by sterile
gas, such as air or nitrogen. Sterile
compressed gas pressurizes the
system and completely purges the
condensate through the bleed
valves. The maintenance of steril-
ity is ensured as long as the pres-
sure gauges indicate a positive
reading in all parts. This opera- Figure 4: System designed for SIP and
tion also allows the cooling of the integrity testing of vent filter.
equipment and filter, which is
critical when post-SIP integrity
testing has to be performed. to wet hydrophilic filters makes
Integrity testing the vent filter. Post- their sterilization easier because
SIP integrity testing of the vent filter condensate can pass through the
increases the level of sterility assur- membrane along with the steam
ance. Integrity testing must be per- and reduce the occurrence of blind
formed without compromising the filters. Conversely, the hydrophilic
sterility of the downstream equip- nature of product filters makes pre-
ment. This is achieved easily by the and post-SIP drying difficult. Water-
water-based testing method (see wet filters do not allow air passage
Figure 4). Because water flow when the pressure is below the bub-
through an integral filter is mini- ble point pressure (typically 3.6–4
mal, it can be used in place after SIP. barg).
In-line integrity testing of the filter Polymer materials used for fabri-
before the process avoids potential cating hydrophilic filters do not ex-
time loss and rejected product hibit high thermal conductivity and
caused by a damaged filter. The ster- are good insulators for heat transfer.
ilizing vent filter then is used for Furthermore, the air entrapped in
aseptic compensation of liquid the polypropylene support layers,
movements in the tank or for prod- the microporous membrane and the
uct transfer. Post-use testing also is pleated structure of the filter acts as
required to ensure that the filter was a barrier to the heat transfer
not damaged during the manufac- process.
turing process. The filter system must be equipped
with appropriate vent and drain
Liquid filter engineering valves as well as designed and placed
System design, installation, and stan- in the upright position to properly re-
dard operating procedure. The ability move air and condensate. These

s44 Pharmaceutical Technology FILTRATION 2004 www.phar

Figure 5: (Left) In-line filter housing. (Middle) T-type filter housing. (Right) T-type filter
housing equipped with a steam trap on top for air evacuation.

valves permit a continuous steam trol the differential pressure. Temper-

flow during SIP and eliminate poten- ature probes are located in the drain
tial dead flow areas. point downstream of the filter assem-
Figure 5 depicts possible filter bly to monitor the set temperature.
configurations. The in-line housing The addition of steam traps and
design allows the downward evacua- downstream bleed valves allow con-
tion of air and condensate through densate removal and reduce both the
the vertical connection to the down- steam flow rate and the pressure dif-
stream thermostatic steam trap. The ferential across the filter.
T-type housing needs a fall on Sterilization cycle. If the filter was
pipework for condensate drainage. integrity tested before sterilization, it
If the steam is supplied from the must be dried with pressurized air or
product line, a thermostatic steam nitrogen to provide a path for subse-
trap must be installed on the top of quent steam flow-through. It cannot
the filter to evacuate air and ensure exceed the maximum pressure drop
that steam penetrates all filter as- of 0.35 barg across the filter.
sembly extremities. In all cases, the Water present in the steam line at
upstream condensate is eliminated the beginning of the sterilization
via a steam trap fitted on the drain cycle first must be purged upstream
port of the housing. of the filter to avoid wetting and
Liquid filters should be sterilized in subsequent blocking. The bleed
the forward direction (separately valves on the filter are open to en-
from their associated downstream sure condensate and air removal.
equipment) to reduce the steam ex- Once the temperature probe indi-
pansion volume at the beginning of cates the set sterilization tempera-
the SIP cycle. Such a procedure will ture, the SIP cycle begins and con-
limit superheat effects and reduce the tinues for the required time defined
steam flow rate over the filter. Pres- during validation. The pressure dif-
sure gauges are required upstream ferential over the filter must not ex-
and downstream of the filter to con- ceed 350 mbar to maintain the filter

Pharmaceutical Technology FILTRATION 2004 s45


integrity. Both pressure

and temperature are
recorded to ensure that
saturated steam is pres-
ent in the system.
Automatic SIP is reg-
ulated via the steam inlet
pressure reducing valve
and steam traps. Manual
procedures are regulated
via the manual steam
supply valve and down-
Figure 6: SIP and post-SIP integrity testing of liquid
stream bleed valves. The
bleed valves must be
opened progressively to
avoid excessive pressure differential has remained integral during the
as well as eliminate air and conden- entire manufacturing process.
Drying, cooling, and integrity testing Conclusion
the filter. After SIP, the steam supply Steaming-in-place (SIP) is the pre-
valve is closed and compressed air ferred method for sterilizing pro-
or nitrogen is admitted to the sys- cessing equipment, including vessels,
tem for cooling and drying the filter. valves, process lines, filter assem-
Quick drying is obtained with both blies, manifolds, and filling nozzles.
the gas flow and the high tempera- The confirmation of a well-designed
ture of the system. As required by and engineered filtration system is
the European Commission’s Good the ability to validate the SIP cycles
Manufacturing Practices Guide, fil- using thermocouples and biological
ter-integrity testing must be per- indicators. Following the design and
formed after sterilization but before engineering rules detailed in this ar-
the process (1). This operation can ticle will simplify both the validation
be performed without compromis- and ongoing operation of filtration
ing the sterility of the system by systems in aseptic processing.
using the set-up depicted in Figure
6. In most cases, water cannot be in- Reference
troduced into the system because of 1. European Commission,“Guide to Good
subsequent product dilution. Using Manufacturing Practice. Annex I, Manu-
facture of Sterile Medicinal Products”
the product as the wetting medium (European Commission Enterprise Di-
enables filter integrity testing after rectorate General, Brussels, Belgium,
steaming and avoids time loss and 1997). PT
rejected product resulting from a
damaged filter. Post-use testing also
is required to ensure that the filter

s46 Pharmaceutical Technology FILTRATION 2004 www.phar

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