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4 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT CORI Niel Ros Transpo Hahways, Govrmentotnca ON SuaRATMALA Wd omicen Reet for Res Se, oRtaes ate earl area, an eae steal Su HP, al, fraser (8 Biota IONAL HIGHWAYS, By ;APCO Camp, Gagan, Sonam, Dist. Ganderbal (J8K)-191202 AOATOPROSPERTY. GD NFASTRUCTRE al nhc sonamarg@gma : : ot mal: ahi sonamargagmail com, Website: wnwahiécleon CIN: v4s4o00L2014cor265062 EM Ta UTS CUI No. NHIDCL/PMU-SMG/SMEC/2020-21/ 1°3 Date: 1\"May'2020 To, Deputy Commissioner Ganderbal UT- J&éK Sub: Appointment of Competent Authority for Land Acquisition (CALA) for making NH 1 from Z Morh Tunnel Easter Portal to Western Portal Zojila Tunnel for all ‘weather connectivity road in the UT of J&K-reg Sir, 1, Refer 2. UT of J&K Govt. letter No. Rev/LAK/05/2020 dated 08" May 2020. (Copy Enclosed) b. DC Ganderbal letter No. ADC/GBL/PS/2020/68-70 dated 25" April 2020 ¢. NHIDCL/BO-SMG/SMEC/2020/002 dated 09" April 2020 addressed to DC- Ganderbal d. NHIDCL/BO-SMG/SMEC/2019-20/332 dated 20" Jan 2020 addressed to DC- Ganderbat 2. Please refer the subject cited above and letters under reference it is submitted that Revenue Department , Civil Secretariat, Jammu/Srinagar Government of Jammu & Kashmir vide their letter under reference (a) has appointed Competent Authority for Land Aquisition (CALA) under section 3(a) of National Highway Act, 1956 for the Districts in the UT of J&k. 3. It is therefore requested to verify Draft 3(a) notification (Hindi & English) for further uploading in the Bhoomi Rashi start Land Aquisition process for the said project. 4, It is also requested that the details of Nodal Officer from your office may be intimated with whom NHIDCL can interact on the subject land Acquisition. Draft 3(a) prepared by the consultant preparing the DPR is attached for reference, 1. The Executive Director (P), NHIDCL ,Jammu for information Please. 2. The Executive Director (Ill), NHIDCL HQ, New Delhi for information please. 3. The General Manager (T), NHIDCL HQ, New Delhi for information please. 4. Office copy. yer erate : chat aire, ot Zt ong faiten, 4 wae art, af Reet-110001 H.0.: 3rd Floor, PTI Bullding, 4-Parliament Street, New Delhl-110001. Scanned with CamScanner GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU & KASHMIR Revenue Departmant Civil Secretariat, Jammu/ Srinagar n D The Director General (RD) & SS, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Transport Bhawan, 1-Parllament Street, New Delhi - 110001, No, Rev/LAK/05/2020 Dated:- 08-05-2020. Subject:- Appointment of CALA under Section 3(a) of National Highway Act, Sir, I am directed to convey the approval of the Government to the appointment of the Deputy Commissioner's (Annexure-A) as Competent Authority for Land Acquisition (CALA) under Section 3 (a) of National Highway Act, 1956 in respect of 20 Districts in the UT of J&K for NHIDCL and National Highway Projects. Further, the approval is also conveyed that the Divisional Commissioner, Jammu and Divisional Commiczioner, Kashmir may be appointed as “Arbitrators” for their respective Divisions under section 3 G(5) of National Highway Act 1956 for NHIDCL and National Highway Projects. . rs faithfully, AI Gj fa (D. P. Sharma) Under Secretary to Government Revenue Department Copy to the: 1, Managing Director, NHIDCL. . Chairman, National Highway Authority of India, New Delhi. . Executive Director, NHIDCL. |. Regional Officer, National Highway Authority of Indla, 28K, 2. 3 4 5, OSD to Hon'ble Advisor (S). 6. Private Secretary to Chief Secretary, J8K. 7. Private Secretary to Administrative Secretary, PW (R&B) Department, J&K, Civil Secretariat, Jammu. Scanned with CamScanner Deputy Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Samba Deputy Commissioner, Udhampur Deputy Commissioner, Reast Deputy Commissioner, Ramban {Deputy Commissioner, Rajoul__——— Deputy Commissioner, Poonch Deputy Commissioner, Doda Deputy Commissioner, Kishtwar Deputy Commissioner, Srina ar Deputy Commissioner, Anantna Deputy Commissioner, Bandipora Deputy Commissioner, Baramulla Deputy Commissioner, Budgam Deputy Commissioner, Ganderbal Deputy Commissioner, Kulgam Deputy ‘Commissioner, Kupwara Name of District Division Deputy Commissioner, Jammu _ Jammu Kathua Deputy Commissioner, Pulwama Deputy Commissioner, Shopian Jt sya aw (D. P. Sharma) Under Secretary to Government Revenue Department Scanned with CamScanner ravages 17200, £00 CSET tw rer 8 aso ‘eda Naga, Jars 160020 e218 suanaruata, Uta nrasTRUTE-BOKOAS HE TON an ORME CIN: UAS-LOODLZ014GOI269062 ENSUE IHIDCL/BO-SMG/SMEC/2019-20/ 533 cena To, The District Commissioner, District- Kargil, Govt. of Ladakh, JEK. sub: convey Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and Providing Pre-Construction activities for Construction of approach roads with avalanche protection works to East Portal of the proposed Zojila Tunnel -Draft 3(a) Notification-reg Ref: _(i)SMEC letter no. 7061520/NHIDCL/2020/004 dated 13/01/2020. sir, Please refer to the subject cited above itis to bring to your kind notice that DPR ‘work of construction of approach roads with avalanche protection works to East Portal of the proposed Zojila Tunnel. _ In this context DPR consultant M/s SMEC International Pty Ltd. has submitted Draft 3(a) notification as per NH act 1956 in English & Hindi and same being forwarded herewith for verification and further action as per NH Act 1956. peep (R.P Mishra) General Manager (P), NHIDCL, Jammu Copy to: 4, The Executive Director (P)/ RO - Jammu, for information please. 2, The Executive Director-lil, NHIDCL HQ, New Dethi for information please. 3. The General Manager (T), NHIDCL HQ, New Delhi for information please. 4, M/s SMEC International Pty Ltd. for information please. 5. Office Copy. ‘ bie | gor aren: dard aos, A ong Pa, 4-aiee st, af Reh-110001 H. 0: 3rd Floor, PTI Building, 4-Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001. a Scanned with CamScanner , SMEC pe soba ember ofthe SurbanJrong Group Blobal experience Ref. to. 7061520/NHIDCL/2020/004 13* January, 2020, To, Sh. BP. Mishra General Manager (?) National Kighweays & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited H No. 11, Sector 2, Trikuta Nagar (Near Easy Day) Jammu ~ 180012 Subs Consultancy Services for Preparation af Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities For construction of approach Reads with Avalanche Protection Works to West and Fast portal at ‘he proposed Zola Tunnal between (between Baltal and Minarnar) rom kn 22 0 to km 95,60 om Svinagar-Leh road {Ns 1) an; For making the NH-1 from Z-Morh Tunnel to proposed Zojila Tunnel (approx. 20 km) all weatner ‘oad in the State of Jammu & Kashmir Reg: Compliance to observations on Draft 3{a) Ref; (1) Our Letter No, 7061520/NHIDCL/2020/003, Dt. 09/01/2020 (2) Your Letter No, nHiDc\/a0-si4a/sMaeC/2019-20/330, Dt 09/01/2020 Dear sir, This regarding the subject project and your observations on Draft 3fa) vie letter SI. No. (2) above, which hhave been incorporated in the enclosed Annexures as below: 41. Observation No. 1,2, 3 and 4 complied in the revised Draft 3(a) submission placed at Annexure ~1 to this Letter. Observation No. 5 complied vide Annexure ~2to this Letter. ‘The Forest Clearance Proposal for diversion of forestland corning in the Alignment is under process as discussed during the Meeting on 10.01.2020 Thanking andl assuring you of our best services at all times Yours sincerely, me behalf of SMEC International Py. td SAID we eS oo coe ea ner ols Director ~ O89}. Cen EO Encl: As above. Copy to: (1) The Executive Director [P], NHIDCL, Jammu Office, 184 (2) The Executive Director, NHIDCL, New Delhi Office (3) The General Manager (1), NHIOCL, New Delhi Office SEC eatin Py iterber of he Srbs ure raul 1st oa ows Tovey, est Wag Prt number Seetor~ 18. Sion 122015, anya Te 120450 109 F¥91 124450119 Eiadainec com Scanned with CamScanner (erat & OTT aAeTETRML, APT 2, GPS 3, sRAUS, UR AER apa oftaes aie mora Harere aA aig fave! ard, vunne2020 TAS nen) BATH RAR, aha roar fF, 1956 (1956 1 48) I 83 Sas cy are ga afl a wa ea ge AR Hau BARK aia Tae. ‘ufgal cider sited as I 2 1a eH 32,000 3 are Fae re wee ‘ifsren i aye are 8g MURR Me ew. ST fran & are 1 ar are ura wees fora, seq, Hae Si qi ae ay af re By ny) se ore / a ae eae ceeen rere awe HY I a1 orga ag orate enter erorar 0.1 aa autre veer wy Oe ———— oe | eat ly (ae aT : ver | aIget ict aero. 2 | faa 0.000 8 smart fiaeaet aan | |174815 ' | 2 FRR Abd, col, Ravinder Ki Ni ‘Tea Lede) Scanned with CamScanner CTION 3,50 1 GAZEVTE OF INDIA, EXTRAORDINARY PAR TL, {V0 BE PUBLISHED IN TU SECTION GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS NOTIFICATION NEW DELI Date ise (a) of section 3 of the 1936), the Central Government hereby authorizes the fof the Schedule annexed here (0 as the competent said Act with effect from the elle, in respect of the stretch of land ia Tunnel near Baltal Camp S.0, 4249. —In exercise of powers conferred by National Highways Act, 1956 (18 of officers mentioned in column (2) authorities to perform the functions of such authorities under the ‘date of publication of this notification in the Official Gaz fiom Kay 82,000 of NH-1 to Western Portal of the proposed Zojih for allweather connectivity with 2 lanes with payed shoulder configuration, inain ent and operation in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir SCHEDULE Union ial Highway No 1 in th mu Kashmir. Land acquisition on Natio Territory of Ja care Competent Streteh Distt Taluk/Mandal Authority, (Desigan (Chi Name ot the Village | Sonmarg j 0.000 KM To [ammu — |Gandarbal 17814KM_ {Kashmir ‘Gund Nilgrr Col Ravinder Kumar Aina (Team Leader) IF. No, Scanned with CamScanner Tae qq GIG D TOU SMH, IL 9, ey g nea ( TN AY (A wren) AVS URAGET ae Worf signee SIRT aL Rech, aay, orn hO2) TLS gocsmonnne(Sl) BARAWDR, PLL AOI SHAPLUT, 1956 (1956 «My 46) 38) aay 23 whey (H HURT WAT AAT a wT eR ey Ned ae ae ll AY ae Fane weaatac ontiyeH aed a dea Dw woel1a Mel 118000 4 affel-dee ae ar 2 a ard) uredeleeeararey, SryRaur, wart alk a aba MURR Meat ap ait cafer afta ell 2 aptera (2) TY eae sileeprha / era Aer aerafgere y ear-ctH aNrt ahr ree HN art 9 arse ete wrorart tot a xnPRrer Heer ETT | sate | erorte Ri satiate as Rds aor at rey aaa ay TH uikteyra are By entra | ma Fore : IE | 1 3 Lo | ate | OMT OT | ayer ant 1 2 fer 0.000 8 0.660 (NH-1 Col, Ravinder Kuma Atma (ream Leader) I. a aime as i Scanned with CamScanner [VO HE PUBLISHED INTHE Gaz, FINDEN. EXT, RY Pai AG DINARY Panta SECTION (iy SECTION 3, sum GOVERNMEN'T OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT NOTIFICATION AND HIGHWays, NEW DELI bg $0, 4249(E}—In exercise of powers conferred by clause (a) of seston 3 of me waa ihways Aes, 1956 (8 of 1980), he Catal Covemment hay trig National Mond incom (2). of the Schedule annexed here to ty the Somes fom the funetons of uch authors under the said Act with eet Meee tn sae reabtiaton ofthis notation inthe OFFial Gaz, in respect ofthe seh of land rasan ofthe propese Zojik) Tunnel (© Km 118.00 of existing NIT fr ale ‘with 2 lanes with paved shoulder conliguration. maintenance, ation in the Union Territory of Ladakh, from easter weather comectivity management and oper SCHEDULE ional Highway No 1 in the Union tory of Ladakh Land aequisit [si Competent | Stee No. [Authovity | (De i 5 | {Chainage) . 7 | | 3 4 5 6 iv fj = Nea | 1 | kan 0.000 to 0.660} | ov 118,000 at Sa | | Na Lakh | Kang a (Col. Ravinder Kumar Aims {sam Leader) Scanned with CamScanner i Scanned with CamScanner seine aa ET ——~ requepues 11810 Scanned with CamScanner

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