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Department of Electronics Engineering,

V.I.T. Pune
Control System EL 2002
Q. 1 Analyse the scenarios below and try to give a description that captures the relevant
properties of the system:
• What should be controlled?
• What control signals are used?
• What measurement signals are available?
• Is the system affected by any disturbances?
• Is feedback or feed forward used for control?
• Draw a block diagram that describes the system. The block diagram should show how
the measurement signals, control signals, and the disturbances are connected to the human
(which here is the controller), and to the process.
a. You take a shower and try to get desired temperature and flow of the water.
b. You drive a car.
c. You boil potatoes on the stove.

Q.2 Determine which of the following transfer functions correspond to step input, A to E
Q. 3 A large, braced robot arm for welding large structures is shown in Figure. Sketch the block
diagram of a closed-loop feedback control system for accurately controlling the location of the
weld tip.


Q. 4 Consider the mechanical system depicted in Figure. The input is given by f(t) and the
output is y (t). Determine the transfer function from f (t) to y(t) and, using an m-file, plot
the system response to a unit step input. Let m = 10, k = 1, and b = 0.5. Show that the peak
amplitude of the output is about 1.8.
Q. 5 Pair each of the four pole-zero plot with the corresponding step responses A-G.

Q. 6 A system is described by,

𝑑2𝑥 𝑑𝑥
+ 𝑐 +4𝑥 =𝐹
𝑑𝑡 2 𝑑𝑡
What value of damping constant ‘c’ will be needed if the % overshoot is to be less than 9.5%?

Q. 7 The block diagram describes the temperature control system in a room. The measurement
signal ‘y’ is the temperature in the room. The control signal ‘u’ is the power of the radiators.
The reference value ‘r’ is the desired temperature. A controller GR(s) controls the power of the
radiators based on the difference of the desired and measured temperature, ‘e’. The temperature
of the room is also affected by the outdoor temperature, which may be seen as a

a. Determine the transfer function from R (s) to Y (s).

b. Determine the transfer function from D (s) to Y (s).
c. Determine the transfer function from R (s) to E (s).
d. Determine the transfer function from D (s) to U (s).

Q. 8 The inflow to a liquid level system changes after 8 min from 0 m3/min to qi(t) = 20 m3/min
The liquid level system has a gain, K, of 0.5 min/m2 and a time constant of 5 mins. Sketch the
response of the liquid height, assuming the tank is empty at t = 0.

Q. 9 A servo system for positioning of a tool in a tooling machine is depicted in Figure -a. In
Figure -b, the poles of the closed loop system are plotted for different values of the gain K.
Find for each of the step responses in Figure -c, the corresponding value of K used when
generating the step response.

Fig. -a
Fig. -b

Fig. –c


Q. 10 Consider the simple model of the roller shown in the following figure.

Relationship between the position of the screw and the thickness of the sheet d1 directly after
the roller is given by,
𝐺(𝑠) =
1 + 𝑠𝑇
To determine the constants β and T, the effect of a sudden change in the position of the screw
which caused the resulting thickness profile d1(t) is registered and is as shown below.

Because of the practical difficulty in measurement, instead of d1(t), thickness d2(t) is measured
L length units after the rollers. Find the transfer function from the position of the screws to the
thickness d2. The sheet moves with speed V.
Q. 11 A mercury thermometer has a time constant of 0.8 seconds and the oven it is being used
with has a time constant of 3 hours. Will the time constant of the thermometer have an effect
on the plot of temperature against time for the oven?

Q. 12 In the continuously stirred tank, shown in the following figure, an acid process flow is
neutralized by adding a concentrated NaOH solution. The acid process flow has a tendency to
vary its pH with time, which gives undesired variation of the pH in the outflow. In an effort to
reduce these variations one has decided to use control.
a) Classify the different signals as input, output, and disturbance signal.
b) Draw a block diagram of the system with a control strategy.


Q. 13 Show that the two systems shown in figure 14.1 (a) and (b) are equivalent.

Q. 14 A system comprises a tank of liquid heated by a coil containing saturated steam, as shown
in the

The energy balance is given by:

V = volume of the tank
cp = liquid heat capacity
= liquid density
Acoil = heat transfer area
U = overall heat transfer between steam and liquid respectively.
Tsteam, TLIQ = temperature coefficient of steam and liquid
Explain the energy balance equation on which the model is based.
(a) Determine the purpose of the mixer in this tank
(b) Identify system input and output variables
(c) Identify the associated time constant
(d) The initial liquid temperature is 20 °C, and the steam is supplied at a constant temperature
200 °C. Explain with suitable sketch graphs the behaviour of the liquid temperature TLIQ.

Q. 15 Find Kp, Kv and Ka and Ess for a system using open loop
10(𝑠 + 2)(𝑠 + 3)
𝐺(𝑠)𝐻(𝑠) =
𝑠(𝑠 + 1)(𝑠 + 2)(𝑠 + 3)(𝑠 + 4)
Where input is r (t) = 3 + t + t2.

Q. 16 For a system shown below find the values of K1 and K2 so that Mp = 25% and Tp =
4sec. Assume unit step input.


Q. 17 For the system with transfer function

𝑄(𝑠) 1
𝑅(𝑠) (𝑠 + 3 + 7𝑗)(𝑠 + 3 − 7𝑗)

Draw pole zero plot and find damping ratio, natural frequency, peak time and
maximum overshoot.
Q. 18 Find steady state error when a system having open loop transfer function,
𝐺(𝑠) = 𝑠2 (𝑠+4)

And unity feedback is excited with an input signal of r (t) = 2 + 3t + 4t2.

Q. 19 Consider a cascade of systems given by:
(a) Assuming a step of magnitude 8 is applied to V(s), sketch the signal i(t) indicating the steady
state values.
(b) A control engineer wishes to predict the type of step response from V(s) to θ(s). Using your
step response sketch for intermediate signal i(t) would it be reasonable to approximate i(t) by
a step input function. If so, what height step should be select for I(s).
(c) Using this step input for I(s), sketch the heading response θ(s).
(d) What evidence could be offered that the ship’s rudder system has been designed to be
critically damped?

Q. 20 Given a system represented in transfer function form as:

where U(s), I(s), Tq(s) and Ω(s) are the Laplace transforms of the signals, u(t), i(t), tq(t) and
(a) What is the transfer function from U(s) to Ω (s).
(b) Find the steady state values of the signals i(t), tq(t) and ω(t) if the applied input U(s) is a
unit step.
(c) Draw the signal ω(t) given that the applied input U(t) is step of magnitude two units.
Q. 21 For a unity feedback system having transfer function G(s) = 35(s + 4)/s(s +2)(s + 5), find
(i) type of system (ii) all error coefficients and (iii) error for ramp input with magnitude 5.

Q. 22 A person stands on the automatic weighing scale. Scale has spring constant of 36.88
N/m, damping factor of 0.44. Settling time required to display the weight is 4 sec. Find out the
a) In how many oscillations reading is settled?
b) What is the weight of the person?
c) What is the natural frequency of the system?
d) What is the governing differential equation of the system?
Q. 23

Q. 24 Find the value of K and a for the unity feedback system having G(s) = K/s(s + a) so
that Mr = 1.25 and ωr = 12.65 rad/sec will be satisfied. Also determine settling time and
Q. 25 Consider the system shown in Figure. Obtain the closed-loop transfer function C(s)/R(s)
for the reference input and the closed-loop transfer function C(s)/D(s) for the disturbance
input. When considering R(s) as the input, assume that D(s) is zero, and vice versa.
Department of Electronics Engineering,
V.I.T. Pune
Control System EL 2002
Q. 26 A unity feedback system gas G(s) = 200 (s +1) / s2 (s +5) (s + 8). Draw the bode plot on
Semi-log paper. Find out gain cross over and phase cross frequency.
Q. 27 The open loop transfer function of the unity feedback system is given by,
10 (𝑠 + 20)
𝐺(𝑠)𝐻(𝑠) =
(𝑠 + 10)(𝑠 + 1) (𝑠 + 2)
Draw the Bode plot on semi-log paper. Find gain margin and phase margin. Comment on
stability of the system.

Q. 28 The system shown represents the position control system for a robot cutting arm within
a manufacturing system which produces clothing. The production manager has insisted that in
order to save material wastage, there should be no overshoot to any requested change in cutting
position. What value of controller K would satisfy this requirement?


Q. 29 The gain response of a first-order system is given below. Find the gain and the time

constant of the system.

Q.30 The feedback control system shown in Figure has the transfer function

The time delay is T = 0.2 s.Plot the phase margin for the system versus the gain in the range
0.1  K  10 . Determine the gain K that maximizes the phase margin.


Q. 31 The open loop transfer function of the unity feedback system is given by,
𝐺(𝑠)𝐻(𝑠) =
𝑠(𝑠 + 1) (4𝑠 + 1)
Sketch the polar plot, find out GM and PM.

Q. 32 Sketch the root locus for the system,

𝑘 (𝑠 + 4)
𝐺(𝑠)𝐻(𝑠) =
𝑠 (𝑠 2 + 2𝑠 + 2)
Q. 33 Consider a thermocouple with a transfer function which senses the temperature and
outputs voltage,

30 𝑋 10−6
𝐺(𝑠) = 𝑉/℃
10 𝑠 + 1
Determine the response of the system when subject to a step change of temperature 100°C and
hence the time taken to reach 95 % of the steady state output.
Q. 34 Consider the unity feedback system with G(s) as shown below.

Investigate the stability using Bode plot technique, Root Locus and Routh’s criterion
by finding range of Kp, Critical gain Kcrit, at which the system becomes marginally
stable and corresponding frequency of oscillation.

Q. 35 An open-loop motor control system is shown in figure.

The potentiometer has a maximum range of 10 turns ( 20 rad). Find the transfer functions
Eo(s)/Tm(s). The following parameters and variables are defined:  m (t ) is the motor
displacement;  L (t ) , the load displacement; Tm(t), the motor torque; Jm , the motor inertia; Bm,
the motor viscous-friction coefficient; Bp, the potentiometer viscous-friction coefficient; e0(t),
the output voltage; and K, the torsional spring constant.

Q. 36 When heating a thermal bath, one can assume that the temperature increases linearly
with 1○C/s. The temperature is measured by means of a thermocouple with transfer function

G(s) = 1/1 + sT

with time constant T = 10 s.

After some initial oscillations, a stationary state, in the sense that the temperature measurement
increases with constant rate, is reached. At a time instant, the temperature measurement reads
102.6○C. Calculate the actual temperature of the bath.
Q. 37 Consider the unity feedback system with G(s) as shown below.

Investigate the stability using Bode plot technique, Root Locus and Routh’s criterion by finding
range of Kp, Critical gain Kcrit, at which the system becomes marginally stable and
corresponding frequency of oscillation.


Q. 38 We analyse the two systems in the Figure 38.1; the sea water and the water in a small
garden pool. The input signal to the systems is the air temperature and the output is the water
a. Figure 38.2 shows two Bode diagrams. Which diagram corresponds to which system?
b. We assume that the air temperature has sinusoidal variations with a period time T =
1 year. The greatest temperature in the summer is 19○C and the lowest temperature in the winter
is −5○C. What is the difference between the greatest and lowest sea water temperature over the
year? Use the Bode diagram.

Figure 38.1
Figure 38.2

a. During a summer day we assume that the air temperature has sinusoidal variations with
a period time T = 1 day. The greatest temperature of the day (at 13.00) is 27○C, and the
lowest temperature (at 01.00) is 14○C. At what time during the day is the water in the
garden pool the warmest?

Q. 39 The pole-zero configuration of G(s)H(s) of a single-feedback-loop control system is

shown in Fig. . Without actually plotting, apply the angle-of-departure (and -arrival) property
of the root loci to determine which root-locus diagram shown is the correct one.

Q. 40 Consider the control system shown in Figure. Plot Nyquist diagrams of G(s), where

for k=0.3, 0.5, and 0.7.

Q. 41 Consider an aircraft,

where the pitch angle θ is controlled by the elevator deflection, δ. Let ω be the angular
velocity. If we consider small deviations from reference θ0, we get the transfer function from
δ to ω for a specific aircraft as,

This model is valid when the aircraft is flown with a large θ0. The elevator is driven by a
hydraulic servo amplifier with the transfer function,

From elevator command δref to δ.

a. The angular velocity ω is measured and a control law is used so that the input δref to
the servo amplifier is {k (ωref - ω)}. Draw the root locus with respect to k. For which
values of k is the system stable?
b. Is there any value k such that the closed loop system is stable and all poles are real?


Q. 42 The block diagram of a furnace-control system is shown in figure . The transfer

function of the process is
G p (s) 
(1  10s )(1  25s )

The time delay Td is 2 sec.

Plot the Bode diagram of G(s) = Y(s)/E(s), and find the gain-crossover and phase-crossover
frequencies. Find the gain margin and the phase margin.

Q. 43 Consider the system shown in figure. Draw a Bode diagram of the open-loop transfer
function G(s). Determine the phase margin and gain margin.

Q. 44 Consider the control system shown in Figure. Plot Nyquist diagrams of G(s), where

for k=0.3, 0.5, and 0.7.


Q. 45 A PI controller has KP = 2.0, KI = 2.2 S-1 and PI(0) = 40%. Plot the output for an
error given by,


Q. 46 A unity feedback system has,

𝐺(𝑠) =
𝑠(𝑠 + 1)(1 + 0.4𝑠)
i) If r(t) = 4t and K = 2, find the steady state error.
ii) If the desired value of steady state error is to be 0.2, find the corresponding value of K.
iii) Find the steady state error if the input is changed to 2 + 6tand K = 10.
Q. 47 A unity feedback system has following transfer function
10(𝑠 + 1)
𝐺(𝑠) = 2
𝑠 + (𝑠 + 2)(𝑠 + 10)
Find out type of system, error coefficients and SS error for input of 1+4t+t2/2.


Q. 48 Derive the transfer function for lead network.


Q. 49 Find out gain, pole-zeros and corner frequencies for the following transfer function.


Q. 50 The pH in a biochemical reactor is controlled by addition of a base. The transfer function

G(s) from added base to pH for the open system has been determined by experiments to be

In a attempt to control the pH the control structure shown in figure is employed.

a) Make a Bode plot for the transfer function G(s).
b) Assume that a P controller is used (F(s) = K). At what value of K does the pH start to oscillate
with constant amplitude?


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