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J. Dairy Sci.

© American Dairy Science Association®, 2018.

Invited review: Breeding and ethical perspectives

on genetically modified and genome edited cattle
S. Eriksson,*1 E. Jonas,* L. Rydhmer,* and H. Röcklinsberg†
*Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and
†Department of Animal Environment and Health, 75007 Uppsala, Sweden

ABSTRACT breeding organizations and breeding companies should

take an active role in ethical discussions about the use
The hot topic of genetic modification and genome of these techniques and thereby signal to society that
editing is sometimes presented as a rapid solution to these questions are being responsibly addressed.
various problems in the field of animal breeding and Key words: genome editing, genetic modification,
genetics. These technologies hold potential for future cattle, ethics, breeding program
use in agriculture but we need to be aware of difficul-
ties in large-scale application and integration in breed-
ing schemes. In this review, we discuss applications of
both classical genetic modifications (GM) using vectors The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) de-
and genome editing in dairy cattle breeding. We use fines genetic modification (GM) as follows: “Genetic
an interdisciplinary approach considering both ethical modification of an animal involves altering its genetic
and animal breeding perspectives. Decisions on how to material by adding, changing or removing certain DNA
make use of these techniques need to be made based sequences in a way that does not occur naturally. It
not only on what is possible, but on what is reasonable aims to modify specific characteristics of an animal or
to do. Principles of animal integrity, naturalness, risk introduce a new trait, such as disease resistance or en-
perception, and animal welfare issues are examples of hanced growth” (EFSA, 2017). The generation of trans-
ethically relevant factors to consider. These factors also genic animals implies insertion of DNA sequences from
influence public perception and decisions about regu- another organism using genetic engineering. It opens
lations by authorities. We need to acknowledge that up possibilities to introduce traits from other species
we lack complete understanding of the genetic back- into farm animals, which could not be done through
ground of complex traits. It may be difficult, therefore, traditional breeding. For a genetic modification to
to predict the full effect of certain modifications in be inherited, it must be present in the gametes and
large-scale breeding programs. We present 2 potential integrated into a chromosome. In the case of genome
applications: genome editing to dispense with dehorn- editing, no foreign DNA is incorporated in the genome,
ing, and insertion of human genes in bovine genomes and there is no consensus on whether genome edited
to improve udder health as an example of classical organisms should be referred to as GM (Cotter et al.,
GM. Both of these cases could be seen as beneficial for 2015; Bruce, 2016b; Nuffield Council on Bioethics,
animal welfare but they differ in other aspects. In the 2016). Similar genetic changes may or may not occur
former case, a genetic variant already present within naturally in the same species or breed. The classifica-
the species is introduced, whereas in the latter case, tion may be important in the process of obtaining legal
transgenic animals are generated—this difference may approval for applications. For the discussion in this
influence how society regards the applications. We un- review, however, the preconditions and effects of the
derline that the use of GM, as well as genome editing, genetic changes are more important than the classifica-
of farm animals such as cattle is not independent of the tion of the techniques.
context, and should be considered as part of an entire A rapidly increasing number of publications suggest
process, including, for example, the assisted reproduc- agricultural applications of GM or genome editing of
tion technology that needs to be used. We propose that livestock. Modification or editing of animal genomes
raises several ethical questions, and societal acceptance
of GM animals has been shown to be influenced by both
Received March 31, 2017.
Accepted August 29, 2017. the species modified and whether the animals are to be
Corresponding author: used for production of food or pharmaceuticals (Frewer


et al., 2013a,b). Citizen concerns reflect the complex ethical questions. In this review, however, we focus on
ethical and safety considerations that need to be made some of the ethically relevant aspects of methods di-
by authorities before GM animals and products can rectly linked to the use of GM and genome editing.
be released on the market. Commercialization of GM We start with a short background on the use of GM
animal products is a complex matter. The first GM and genome editing in livestock, and on assisted re-
animal for human consumption, the AquAdvantage production techniques (ART) that enable such genetic
salmon (AquaBounty Technologies, Maynard, MA), changes, followed by possible consequences of applica-
was only recently approved (FDA, 2015), more than a tions in breeding schemes. Each part is followed by an
decade after the first attempts of approval. This salmon ethical reflection. In later sections, we focus on 2 cases:
is produced using classical GM, and there is currently (1) genome editing to eliminate dehorning, and (2) in-
no comparable case of an animal product for human sertion of human genes into bovine genomes to improve
consumption from genome edited animals. Besides the udder health. These cases are compared in a general
species involved and the perceived importance of the discussion focusing on ethical parameters selected from
product, the type of technology used and the absence the sections above, followed by some conclusions.
or presence of alternative ways to reach the goal can
influence ethical and practical considerations. Farm GENETICALLY MODIFIED AND GENOME
animal genomes can now be modified without leaving EDITED CATTLE
traces of the technology used and with increasing preci-
sion and efficiency (Laible et al., 2015), and these are Several recent review articles have been published
relevant aspects. Even if technical and legal obstacles about genetic modifications of animals generated by
are settled, ethical issues and practical breeding ques- different methods in various species, including cattle.
tions regarding introduction and multiplication of Genetic modifications of cattle have often targeted the
modified or edited genetic variants in the populations udder, aiming for improved udder health or milk qual-
will remain. In this process, possible ethical concerns ity aspects. Lievens et al. (2015) classified GM animals
need to be considered. There are probably lessons to of 15 species as either food-producing livestock, medi-
be learned from societal reactions to previous attempts cal bioreactors, or companion animals. Five out of 6
to introduce GM in livestock. To prepare for possible studies of GM cattle in their review dealt with cattle
reactions to genome editing, early ethical discussions as livestock, in which improved animal health or milk
within the scientific and animal breeding community composition were the goals; only 1 study focused on
could be valuable. cattle as bioreactors.
Most articles about GM farm animals deal with bio- Laible et al. (2015) presented an overview of different
technical developments, but there is increased interest methods used on farm animal species: genetic changes
in societal and ethical aspects, too, requiring multidis- of cattle applicable in agriculture have been generated
ciplinary approaches (Frewer et al., 2013a). Neverthe- using both genome editing and classical GM techniques
less, there is a lack of scientific papers combining deep such as microinjection, and random or targeted cell-me-
discussions between animal breeders and ethicists in diated techniques. The development of these methods
the author team, which is why we chose an interdis- applicable in cattle for different purposes was further
ciplinary approach in this review. Most researchers described by Wang (2015). In a recent overview, Tan et
in animal breeding and genetics (including the 3 ge- al. (2016) presented the background to genome editing
neticist authors), appreciate development of methods in livestock and discussed future applications and chal-
and techniques that increase efficiency in breeding. We lenges for the techniques. Although technical details
also tend to take already routinely applied inventions and comprehensive overviews of GM and genome ed-
for granted and instead direct our focus, and possibly ited farm animals can be found in other publications,
ethical concerns, toward inventions still in the pipeline. we will discuss here a few specific cases from an inter-
For a researcher in ethics (such as the last author), disciplinary breeding and ethics perspective.
this may seem incomplete. With this article, we want
to discuss potential applications of GM and genome Reproduction Techniques—A Precondition
editing of cattle for food production considering both
the breeding program and its ethical aspects. By choos- The advancements in controlled genetic modifications
ing this focus, we do not consider all potential ethical of farm animals would not have been possible without
concerns on keeping, breeding, and utilizing animals for the development and refinement of ART, including in
the benefit of humans. Also, genetic change of livestock vitro fertilization, in vitro cultivation of embryos, and
through conventional selective breeding and associated cloning techniques. The use of somatic cell nuclear
assisted reproduction techniques, are artificial and raise transfer (SCNT) or embryo microinjections, together
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 1, 2018

with new methods to modify the genome, made various the pregnancy rate averaged 25% for the most success-
applications possible, despite the lack of true pluripotent ful method used, about one-quarter of the pregnancies
cells in large domestic animals (Petersen and Niemann, resulted in calvings, and only half of the born calves
2015). Indeed, SCNT remains the primary method to survived the first 3 mo.
generate GM and genome edited livestock (Tan et al.,
2016). Because in vitro handling of germ cells or embry- Ethical Aspects of the Use
os are still necessary for controlled genetic engineering of Reproduction Techniques
of animals, potential ethical concerns associated with
methods for the introduction of the modification or the The use of advanced ART is still a precondition for
preparation of animals in the process will be a relevant GM and genome editing. There are also other impor-
part of the discussion in this article. tant preconditions, such as breeding programs with
In cattle breeding, advanced ART are in place and breeding objectives, that could not easily be achieved
used on a large scale within conventional breeding using conventional methods, but we focus here on ethi-
programs as important tools to increase genetic prog- cal concerns evoked by ART that are often neglected in
ress. The fact that such techniques are already well current discussions on GM or genome editing. Potential
established would facilitate commercial use of GM or problems associated with the use of cloning have been
genome edited breeding animals. Artificial insemina- given special attention within the European Union
tion has been routinely used in cattle breeding since (EU). Ethical and animal welfare concerns brought the
the 1940s, and multiple ovulation of donors and embryo European Commission in 2015 to approve 2 proposals
transfer to recipient females in cattle was developed from 2013 to restrict cloning of farm animals, resulting
in the 1970s. Nonsurgical ovum pickup and in vitro in suspension of cloning of animals for food production
fertilization were adapted to cattle in the 1980s and are and marketing of live animal clones, and prohibited
considered mature reproduction techniques today (van food products from animal clones on the EU market
Wagtendonk-de Leeuw, 2006). Soon after the successful (European Commission, 2013). With SCNT, there re-
cloning of an adult sheep in 1996 (Wilmut et al., 1997), main increased risks of failures at in vitro cultivation
cloning of cattle and other farm animals by SCNT fol- and transfer of embryos, and during the development
lowed. The number of laboratories with expertise in in the uterus with risks of abnormalities caused by epi-
SCNT in cattle increased faster than that for other genetic influence (Urrego et al., 2014). This calls for
mammals (Oback and Wells, 2007). reflection on the human–animal relationship, on the
Further development of ART needed for GM and ge- balance between harm and benefit, as well as criteria to
nome editing of animals, such as in vitro cultivation of justify limitation of animal welfare.
embryos, has decreased negative effects on development One set of ethical aspects is related to concerns
and survival rate of embryos and young offspring. One about the individual animal’s welfare, considering
well-known abnormality affecting especially cattle and both the dam and the calf. That the dam is sentient is
sheep fetuses after in vitro cultivation of embryos was understood, but when the calf should be regarded as
large offspring syndrome, where the calf or lamb had a sentient being is still debated. According to Mellor
considerably increased BW (Kruip and denDaas, 1997). (2010), a calf is not sentient before it breathes with its
With the development of serum-free culture conditions, own lungs, implying that a fully developed but not yet
large offspring syndrome is no longer a clinical problem breathing individual would not be capable of physically
in routine in vitro embryo production (Stroebech et experiencing struggle at birth. In contrast to this, the
al., 2015). Still, SCNT increases the risk of other fetal EU’s Directive 2010/63/EU on the use of animals in
and placental abnormalities (Hill, 2014). This results in research states that live non-human vertebrates are to
higher than usual losses during different stages of bovine be regarded as sentient, and that, based on scientific
pregnancies and in increased mortality of calves. These evidence, fetal forms of mammals are included in this
problems might be due, in part, to epigenetic modifica- group from the last trimester of pregnancy (recital 9,
tions of the DNA chain and, as stated in a review by Chapter 1, Article 1, §3; European Union, 2010). Based
Smith et al. (2015), some of the epigenetic mechanisms on this view, calf welfare is relevant both from ethi-
and thereby consequences are yet unknown. In spite of cal and legal points of view and should be taken into
these problems, Kues and Niemann (2011) noted that consideration in a utilitarian harm–benefit analysis.
SCNT seems to be more efficient in cattle than in most Cattle breeding procedures used by farmers or breed-
other mammals. The efficiency needs to improve, how- ing companies do not generally need approval by an
ever, as rates of embryos resulting in surviving offspring animal ethics committee. This differs from Article 4
below 10% are still reported. In a recent study by Gao on 3R (replacement, reduction, refinement) in Directive
et al. (2017), using SCNT for genome editing of cattle, 2010/63/EU, which states that breeding procedures
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 1, 2018

shall undergo the same claim of refinement as other For example, embryo transfer (and by implication,
accommodation and care of research animals (Euro- cloning) is not approved within organic farming in the
pean Union, 2010). If breeding were part of a research EU (European Union, 1999). This is not because of
setting, it would have undergone a project evaluation concern for welfare impairment of the dam but because
balancing harm and benefit. it touches upon what is perceived unacceptable inter-
From an animal welfare perspective, there is an ference with the nature of animals (Nauta et al., 2005;
increased risk of the unborn calf suffering in later Lund, 2006). It seems fair to conclude that, indepen-
stages in fetal development or from being born with dently of what one regards to be the right course of ac-
deformations when SCNT is used. For egg donors, hor- tion, both welfare-related arguments and other factors
monal treatments and the ovum pickup process have are ethically relevant to consider when it comes to an
been shown not to harm reproduction or production assessment of reproduction technology.
(Chastant-Maillard et al., 2003) or to cause stress or
pain, although heifers have been shown to react to the Improved Biotechnological Methods
administration of epidural anesthesia (Petyim et al., to Change the Genome
2007). From a utilitarian point of view, an individual’s
impaired welfare may be outweighed by other factors, The first genetic modifications of farm animals were
such as breeding achievements appreciated by humans generated in the mid-1980s (Hammer et al., 1985) and
in the next cow generation, but the harm–benefit calcu- methods have improved considerably since then. Dif-
lation should be made carefully. Consideration should ferent techniques have been used to create transgenic
not be limited, for instance, only to calves born healthy animals, such as direct microinjections, or microinjec-
and their health status and overall welfare during the tions of transposons into pronuclei or embryos, the use
first months of life, but should also include less suc- of lentiviral vectors, sperm-mediated transfer of DNA,
cessful pregnancies, related welfare issues, and financial and DNA transfer via cloning (Houdebine, 2009; Miao,
loss. 2013). Early methods to generate GM livestock animals
According to ethical approaches such as duty eth- such as pronuclear microinjections had low efficiency,
ics and virtue ethics, calculation of harms and benefits with uncertain results and a low frequency of live off-
alone cannot be the basis for justification of an ac- spring with the targeted genetic modifications. To pro-
tion, as it excludes other relevant aspects. Within an duce a single transgenic calf, approximately 1,600 eggs
animal rights version of duty ethics, the animal is seen were microinjected. About 15% of transferred embryos
as an individual worthy of respect in its own right, survived to term, and the transgene was expressed in
and should not be regarded as a mere instrument for only half of the transgenic offspring born (Wall et al.,
human purposes (Regan, 1983; Francione, 2010). This 1997). The use of SCNT has the advantage that modi-
view excludes both breeding and housing of farm ani- fied somatic cells that have the desired genetic change
mals for production and is thus difficult to embrace for can be selected as donors for cloning. All liveborn calves
animal scientists. However, it may still add a relevant will then carry the genetic modification (Wang, 2015).
perspective for ethical elaboration because this view Efforts are continuously made to improve techniques
is embraced by some members of the society. The and, recently, so-called molecular scissors have further
animal integrity concept reflects a sense of respect for improved the efficiency. Engineered nucleases in the form
the animal as a sentient being experiencing its own life of zinc finger nucleases (ZFN), transcription-activator-
and existing on its own premises before we define it like endonucleases (TALENS), or clustered regularly
through its function for human purposes (Röcklinsberg interspaced short palindromic repeats with associated
et al., 2014). Rutgers and Heeger (1999) defined animal protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9) enable targeting and cutting
integrity as the “wholeness and intactness of the animal the DNA strands at desired locations. Endogenous cell
and its species-specific balance, as well as the capac- repair mechanisms (homology-directed repair or non-
ity to sustain itself in an environment suitable to the homologous end-joining) then introduce new genomic
species.” This view is an influential branch of animal variants, and it is possible to select for targeted gene
ethics, pointing at aspects beyond animal welfare, con- knockouts or insertions (Petersen and Niemann, 2015).
cerning the overall respect for another being. Hence, it With these designer nucleases, precise and efficient
advocates limits set for acceptable treatment of animals changes can be made in farm animal genomes without
other than utilitarian calculations. Where these limits integration of foreign DNA. It is possible to restrict the
are set cannot be answered by scientific facts; rather, DNA strand repair to the homology-directed pathway
each answer is embedded in a person’s set of values, to avoid unwanted off-target cleaving events (Petersen
choice of ethical theory, and worldview. and Niemann, 2015). Wei et al. (2015) showed that it is

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 1, 2018


possible to generate bovine embryos that are homozy- formulation of a moral limit to human food choices or
gous for a precisely edited allele. actions in general (Rozin et al., 2004; Tenbült et al.,
In the generation of genome edited farm animals, 2005; Lassen and Jamison, 2006). Based on the view
SCNT has continued to play an important role, but mi- that naturalness is a relevant concept for many citizens,
croinjection in embryos (zygotes) is now an alternative one can argue that, for instance, polled cows are more
method to generate GM or genome edited large ani- natural and thereby more acceptable than transgenic
mals (Petersen and Niemann, 2015; Wei et al., 2015). cows producing human protein variants in their milk.
Problems with SCNT related to reprogramming of the We have chosen to discuss these 2 cases further later in
somatic cell nucleus in the recipient cell can then be this review.
avoided, implying a reduced negative effect on animal Further, risk assessment needs consideration and,
welfare. In the review by Tan et al. (2016) on genome here especially, genetic changes that will remain for
edited cattle, sheep, and goats, efficiency in terms of generations are ethically relevant. For instance, if the
number of edited per live born was lower for cytoplas- genetic modification leaves traces of DNA from other
mic injection of zygotes than for SCNT (8.2 vs. 81%), species or GM animals are spread by mistake (e.g., GM
whereas cytoplasmic injections gave a 2-fold-higher fish escaping from sea cages) or on purpose (e.g., modi-
pregnancy rate and a greater number of liveborn per fied insects spread to combat diseases), there will be
pregnancy than SCNT (1.2 vs. 0.2). different views on how to handle risks and unforeseen
consequences, as well as whether there is a need to
Ethical Aspects of Different Biotechnological take action (Sandin, 2004; Myhr, 2010). Precaution
Methods to Change Cattle Genomes includes both risk detection and risk management. For
example, within the organic movement, precaution is
In this section, we will highlight some ethical consid- considered a suitable principle for risk perception when
erations regarding the use of classical GM and genome it comes to new techniques such as GM (Padel et al.,
editing as such. Considering the methods from an 2009; Wickson et al., 2016). The precautionary prin-
ethical perspective, it may be relevant to distinguish ciple is thought to be important, especially in research
between different kinds of genetic changes. Ranged having dual use, such as techniques developed for a
along a spectrum of changes, we can see 3 levels: (1) benevolent purpose but that could be used for other
genome editing, where a few nucleotides are changed to aims, exemplified by nuclear energy (Kuhlau et al.,
variants already existing within the species (and then 2011). Context awareness, reflection, and considerate
traditional breeding methods may be implemented); (2) decision-making are core concepts that may, according
making more extensive changes within a species, such to Kuhlau et al. (2011), be successfully combined with
as using vectors to transfer genetic code; and (3) in- the precautionary principle for risk management. With
troducing active genetic material from another species. reference to genetic changes in animals, one could argue
Effects of genome editing and intra-species modifica- that researchers need to be aware of their own role
tion can be seen, to some extent, as human-imposed and responsibility in seeking information on potential
mutations, whereas targeted genetic change introducing causes of harm in a wider context than their specific
DNA from another species would not have occurred in genetic research question or related to the welfare of
nature. Whether or not the degree of interference is an the animals strived for. Inclusion of such wider aspects
ethically relevant aspect is a question of fundamental could imply acknowledging limits of our current un-
ethical principles or perhaps even view of life perspec- derstanding of the new technologies regarding, for ex-
tive. Although open to definition (van Haperen et al., ample, genetic control of complex traits, identification
2012; Siipi, 2013, 2015; Sandin, 2017) and difficult to of functional mutations, and mapping of pleotropic ef-
implement in action, “naturalness” frequently occurs in fects. Application of the precautionary principle in the
both the societal and the philosophical discourse. Siipi EU is limited to risk management in political decisions
(2015) argues that not all definitions of naturalness are and has been widely understood as a decision rule that
ethically relevant, but also that even if one regards GM hinders balanced decision-making. It is generally more
food to be natural in one sense (e.g., humans are part of difficult to prove that something is safe than to find
nature and hence all our actions are natural), this does potential risks, which may lead to prohibiting scientific
not per se exclude other definitions of natural from development and practical applications of new tech-
being ethically relevant. Such definitions could be “in- niques. In some cases, the damage done by denying the
dependence from human beings,” “nutritional suitabil- application might exceed the potential risks associated
ity,” or “environment friendly” (Siipi, 2015). Further, with a new technique (Hathcock, 2000). A balanced
it has been shown that naturalness is an often-used use of the precautionary principle has been advocated

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 1, 2018


(Tait, 2001), and according to Weimer (2010), it should give extremely short generation intervals (Kadarmideen
be seen rather as a procedural principle facilitating et al., 2015; Kasinathan et al., 2015). Together with
thorough reflection. the use of sexed semen or embryo sexing and SCNT,
efficiency in the breeding program may increase even
Breeding Schemes Incorporating GM further. Possibilities for collection of increased amounts
or Genome Edited Cattle of DNA (e.g., for whole-genome sequencing and stor-
age) from early embryo biopsy were suggested by Ka-
The use of new technology to make precise genetic sinathan et al. (2015). The breeding activities would
changes has been advocated as a potentially efficient include transferring multiple embryos from elite donor
and rapid tool to improve important traits in livestock cows to recipients, collecting embryos from the recipi-
(Laible et al., 2015). It would indeed be advantageous ents after 3 wk, and using them to establish fibroblast
if generations of selection within breed or backcross- cell lines. Genetic material from these cell lines would
ing to regain genetic level after introgression of spe- then be genotyped and the best ones selected and used
cific genes from inferior breeds could be avoided. Even as SCNT donor cells. The resulting embryos would be
without GM or genome editing, the rapidly adopted transferred to non-elite recipient females and result in
use of genomic selection based on genome-wide marker high-merit live calves. It is not difficult to imagine the
panels with SNP as a breeding tool has opened up new integration of genome editing to further improve em-
possibilities for earlier selection of animals and reduc- bryos in a similar program (Figure 1). Genome editing
tion of progeny testing (Jonas and de Koning, 2015). could be used to modify either zygotes or somatic cells
However, the use of genomic selection can only improve (fibroblasts) in such a system.
a population when genetic variation for the trait can be How would a future breeding program with applica-
found within the breed. tions of GM or genome editing in livestock be designed?
Genetically modified and genome edited farm ani- Jenko et al. (2015) simulated and compared different
mals have, until now, been generated only within re- scenarios where genome editing was used to improve
stricted environments, targeting either production of a quantitative trait in a livestock breeding program.
pharmaceuticals or improvements of livestock within They concluded that genomic selection together with
research projects. To our knowledge, there are no long- promotion of alleles by genome editing gave a higher
term, large-scale breeding programs incorporating GM selection response than the use of genomic selection
or genome edited farm animals for food production. alone. Their simulation was based on several assump-
For such a program to be possible, legal approval is tions that (as the authors pointed out) are currently
necessary but has, so far, not been given, which has more or less unrealistic, such as faultless knowledge of
prohibited practical applications in livestock for food (all-additive) quantitative trait nucleotides (QTN) and
production. Early GM pig breeding programs, such as effects, perfect accuracy of genomic selection, and error-
the EnviroPig, failed largely due to complex regulatory free genome editing (Jenko et al., 2015). The ability to
frameworks (Sanderson, 2015). The only GM animal make multiple genome edits at the same time would
with approval for human consumption is the AquAd- make the technique more useful for quantitative traits.
vantage salmon (FDA, 2015). AquAdvantage salmon This is anticipated to become a reality within a few
are fast-growing triploid, sterile females produced from years (Jenko et al., 2015) and studies in model species
non-GM Atlantic salmon dams and GM sires (Aqu- are ongoing (Sakurai et al., 2016; Zerbini et al., 2017).
aBounty Technologies, 2013). The publications regard- Modern breeding goals for cattle are typically broad
ing this GM fish do not reveal whether the GM males in the sense that they incorporate various functional
are also selected for other traits in a breeding program. traits in addition to production traits. Unfavorable
Large-scale cattle breeding programs are complex, and genetic correlations between production and fertil-
continuous selection would be required even if GM or ity or health traits are commonly found and need to
genome editing could improve one or a few main traits be considered in the breeding program (Rauw et al.,
of interest. 1998). Different steps are taken, therefore, to select
The use of GM in farm animals may seem unlikely the best breeding stock and to monitor genetic gain
to some, but advanced high-technology methods are in different traits to control unwanted effects (Figure
already accepted and in use. Advanced ART combined 2). Favorable QTN alleles can be promoted with the
with genomic selection is incorporated in many dairy use of genome editing in the population independently
cattle breeding programs. Studies performed today of other QTN in the population (Jenko et al., 2015).
deal with the possibility of shortening the generation This may be an advantageous asset especially if traits
interval further and thus increasing the genetic gain. are unfavorably correlated because of linkage disequi-
Genomic selection of preimplantation embryos could librium. Nevertheless, the genetic background of many
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 1, 2018

quantitative traits, and their genetic interactions, is repair accumulated damage in the genome of breeding
more complex as effects can be specific to environment animals was pointed out as one of the most obvious
or sex, and epistatic effects may exist (Mackay, 2004). potential applications of genome editing in farm ani-
This complexity is important for conventional breeding, mals by Simianer (2016). However, even in the case of
and it can make the outcome of genome editing of mul- monogenic traits, the total effect of genome editing on
tiple QTN for complex traits difficult to predict with the animal needs to be considered. As an example, a
certainty. The application of GM or genome editing deletion in the bovine myostatin gene (MSTN) affects
would seem more straightforward in the case of mono- the regulation of skeletal muscle growth, causing the
genic traits with known allele sequences. Among others, double-muscled phenotype common, for example, in
Hickey et al. (2016) proposed the use of genome editing the Belgian Blue cattle breed (Grobet et al., 1997).
to fix favorable alleles for traits related to, for example, Attempts have been made to use genome editing to
disease resistance, polledness, or myostatin. To use modify this gene in other cattle breeds but using other
genome editing to remove known harmful recessive al- mutations than the one initially identified in Belgian
leles that impair fertility or health and in that sense Blue cattle (Proudfoot et al., 2015). The aim is to

Figure 1. Illustration of possible inclusion of genome editing in a cattle breeding program with genomic selection of embryos. Germ cells
collected from elite cows and bulls with high genetic merit are used for in vitro fertilization. The embryos are transferred into recipient females
(multiple embryos per female possible), and, after some time of development, collected and used to prepare multiple fibroblast cells lines from
each original embryo. One part of each cell line is used for genetic testing and the other will be used further if selected based on genomic breeding
values. The selected fibroblast cells may be genome edited to introduce further genetic modifications of interest. Nuclei from selected fibroblast
cells are transferred into egg cells from which the original nuclei have been removed, whereupon these are developed until blastocyst stage and
then transferred to recipient cows. Recipient cows can differ between the different stages as hormonal treatments are needed for synchronization
of the cycles. The liveborn calves are genotyped to identify successfully edited individuals carrying the introduced mutation that will be used as
the next generation of breeding animals. Green animals in the figure indicate the superior selection candidates.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 1, 2018


Figure 2. Schematic breeding program including genetic modification. GEBV = genomic EBV. Color version available online.

achieve more-efficient meat production with higher cells to create GM or genome edited clonal cell popu-
meat yield and a larger proportion of high-value retail lations via SCNT. The resulting animals would then
cuts. The double-muscling syndrome in cattle has been be groups of identical clones from this limited number
associated with problems such as dystocia, reduced calf of donors. With direct microinjections of zygotes, any
survival, and reduced fertility, as reviewed by Arthur desired combination of parents can be used and thus
(1995) and Fiems (2012). The phenotypic effects can the progeny can be more genetically diverse. However,
differ depending on the modification made in MSTN, the risks of off-target changes or mosaicism when us-
but effects of changes in this gene on such functional ing microinjection need to be further reduced (Tan et
traits need to be monitored and evaluated. al., 2016). If microinjections of zygotes become more
An important aspect of breeding programs including precise, this will enable production of edited embryos
a limited number of highly valuable breeding animals on a larger scale in livestock. It is possible that a large
(e.g., GM or genome edited elite animals) is the risk proportion of AI bull candidates, if not all, may be
of an increased inbreeding rate and thus inbreeding- edited in the future; in such a scenario, genome editing
related problems in the population (Blasco, 2008). In would not increase the inbreeding rate further.
their simulation study, Jenko et al. (2015) pointed out Livestock breeding programs undergo changes, often
that inbreeding needs to be managed if the number based on new technologies. Recently, the use of genomic
of edited sires is limited. This is highly relevant be- selection has led to changes in the selection process,
cause intensive selection within the internationally especially in Holstein cattle populations. Adjustments
widespread Holstein breed has already led to limited of breeding programs would likewise be expected if GM
effective population size (Mc Parland et al., 2007; de or genome editing were incorporated. The breeding
Roos et al., 2008). The international exchange of elite goal and selection strategies may be changed if new
dairy bull semen implies that modifications of high- traits can be included as a consequence of novel genetic
merit animals within one breeding organization could variants. Furthermore, changes of the registration of in-
rapidly be introduced in populations in other countries. dividual identity may be needed to allow identification
Considering cost efficiency, few (international) top- of GM individuals and their offspring (Forabosco et al.,
merit animals may initially be selected as donors of 2013). The need for such additional registration would

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 1, 2018


depend on the future legalization, as well as on demands welfare, such as certain changes in the MSTN gene might
from breeders, producers, and citizens. Cost efficiency bring, would from an animal welfare perspective need
and success rate of the reproduction and biotechnologi- to be considered in a cost–benefit analysis. Regarding
cal methods will be relevant factors to determine the editing of multiple QTN, the genetic complexity and
applicability of new technologies. The potential risk of possible interlinkage between loci require reflection in
off-target modifications or unwanted side effects due to each step of the process. As in any conventional breed-
complex genetic interrelationships, in relation to the ing program, the breeding organization would need to
increased gain achieved, will affect the attractiveness consider the multifaceted interrelations between traits
of incorporating GM or genome editing in breeding and take responsibility to avoid unwanted side effects
programs. The steps in a breeding program that would on animal welfare and health from introduction of GM
potentially be altered are indicated in Figure 2. or genome editing in the breeding scheme. To be able
to identify GM individuals may be important to fulfill
Ethical and Practical Aspects of Adjusting Breeding expectations of consumers, producers, and authorities
Schemes to GM or Genome Editing for high standards in safety and traceability (Forabosco
et al., 2013). Also from ethical points of view, well-
In an overview of important technologies implement- functioning tracing and recording schemes of both posi-
ed in animal breeding, Simianer (2016) discussed why tive and negative effects constitute a necessary factual
only some of the inventions have had a large effect on basis for ethical decisions by breeding organizations,
breeding programs. He argued that to become quickly consumers, and authorities on where to go next.
adopted and implemented, novel technologies must not A second ethical issue concerns the practical side of
only be suitable for daily use, benefit the breeding pro- increasing efficiency in establishing changes in subse-
gram, and be cost efficient, but they also have to be ac- quent generations by using elite donors and embryo se-
cepted by society. However, it is an open question when lection, in a breeding program similar to that suggested
or if general societal acceptance of food items produced by Kasinathan et al. (2015) to decrease the generation
by GM will be achieved. The general view in Europe is interval. The procedures described by Kasinathan et al.
exhibited in restrictive legislation, which affects what (2015) primarily aimed to decrease the generation inter-
breeding organizations may and may not do and need val, without a focus on GM or genome editing. Ethical
to consider in case of future changes. concerns about the handling of females or embryos are
Besides ethical issues about reproduction techniques thus equally relevant for all breeding programs using
and modification of the cattle embryo discussed in the these methods. Provided that the number of very high
sections above, several ethical aspects relate to inclu- ranked females used as donors was relatively low, the
sion of GM or genome editing into breeding programs, impression may be that few individuals would be used
two of which will be discussed here. One is related to in reproduction and modification procedures. A closer
the ambition to avoid and handle unwanted effects by look reveals, however, that the elite individuals used to
monitoring changes in different traits. With precise produce the genetically modified clonal cell population
modifications applied on a limited number of genes, it is via SCNT might be used more extensively, and that
possible to create “pilot” individuals in a process aiming a large number of recipient females and intrusions in
to eliminate unwanted traits or repairing genome dam- embryo development are needed. Intuitively, this can
age in a breeding stock. This makes it possible to follow be considered at odds with respect for life or for the
the development of each first-generation individual. If process of creating a unique individual, and it is ques-
we regard GM or genome editing as such acceptable, tionable from any ethical point of view ascribing animal
this is advantageous. Even though there is a difference embryos an ethical standing, for example, by holding
in complexity between monogenic and polygenic traits, individual integrity.
unexpected effects may appear even with apparently In general, discussions about animal integrity con-
simple modifications. Our knowledge of genetic mecha- cern individuals after birth, but the technologies in
nisms (e.g., regarding epigenetic phenomenon such as focus here show that it might be relevant to ask at
genomic imprinting) is still far from complete. what age species-specific capacities and functions are
It is understandable that improving disease resistance developed, and whether the individual needs to per-
or establishing a polled breeding line—for example, form them outside the uterus to found its individual
through GM or genome editing—would be attractive. integrity. The view that animals have integrity that can
From an animal welfare perspective, there are reasons to be harmed may be related to a more general ethical no-
be positive provided that legal welfare requirements are tion of respect for the “zone of untouchableness” of an
met throughout the process. Negative effects on animal individual being (Röcklinsberg et al., 2014). As a con-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 1, 2018


sequence of the gene technology debate, the concept of CASES

“Würde der Kreatur” (the dignity of the creature) was
included after a public vote in the Swiss Bundesverfas- Case 1: Genome Editing to Eliminate Dehorning
sung (national legislation) 1992 and ever since widely
debated both in bioethics and from a philosophy of law Genetic dehorning of cattle is a likely candidate for
perspective (Baranzke, 2002; Rippe, 2011). It called for the application of genome editing of farm animals on
respect for the welfare and dignity or integrity of the a large scale. Polledness (the genetic absence of horns)
animal, which imposed moral obligations on humans. is an autosomal dominant trait and there are likely 2
Hence, genetic modifications might impair both and the independent mutations that have occurred and been
legislation aimed at ensuring it would not. This stricter selected for in different cattle breeds (Medugorac et
perspective on the researcher’s role—considering ethical al., 2012). In modern dairy and beef farms, dehorn-
aspects beyond welfare—is also in the guidelines Ethical ing is commonly used to prevent injuries to animals
Principles and Guidelines for Experiments on Animals and humans, especially in loose housing systems. Here,
(EPGE) by the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences and we use the term “dehorning” both for amputation of
the Swiss Academy of Sciences (2005). Since 1983, The more or less outgrown horns and for disbudding in
EPGE is declared binding as a code of conduct for all young calves. Today, more than 80% of European dairy
researchers and their scientific collaborators working in cattle are dehorned, in most cases without pain relief
Switzerland. For example, researchers are expected to medication (Cozzi et al., 2015). Dehorning is a costly
balance a fundamental ethical realization of “respect for and time-consuming process. Furthermore, dehorning
life” with probable benefits from research. Holding this without anesthesia has been shown to cause measurable
perspective, each step of collecting eggs, editing genes, responses associated with pain in cattle (Stock et al.,
creating cell lines, and transferring embryos is consid- 2013), and is thus a clear animal welfare issue. We here
ered ethically relevant and in need of justification. This exclude the potential ethical discussion on whether or
view may seem foreign to many animal breeders but, as not losing horns could be seen as harmful for cattle in
illustrated above, it has both philosophical and regula- other ways, such as affecting animal integrity.
tive foundation and may have an effect on or mirror Genetically polled breeding bulls are available in
public concerns and decisions about regulations of GM many cattle populations. However, in the most numer-
and genome editing. ous dairy breed—Holstein—the number of genetically
Some further ethically relevant issues connected to polled AI breeding bulls is still low, and only a few polled
the use of GM and genome editing in breeding schemes Holstein bulls are homozygous for the polled allele. The
are worth mentioning here. One is related to counter- demand for genetically polled cattle and thereby the
acting increased inbreeding rate. A lack of diversity in number of polled Holstein AI bulls has increased, but
breeding populations can imply a risk of future costs in Windig et al. (2015) found that genetic merit was still
terms of lost opportunities to select for certain capaci- lower for polled bulls and they were more inbred than
ties, impaired fitness traits, or decreased adaptability horned bulls. Spurlock et al. (2014) concluded that
to new environments or demands, and has therefore intensified use of polled bulls would reduce the genetic
been highlighted by the Food and Agriculture Organi- level in Holsteins, whereas the effect would be less in
zation of the United Nations (FAO, 2007). There may the Jersey breed. When selecting for polledness, it is
be advantageous effects of genome editing on genetic necessary to control relatedness and inbreeding and to
diversity if it can increase, for example, the number use special elite mating schemes to avoid loss of genetic
of breeding animals with different genetic backgrounds gain (Windig et al., 2015).
carrying a genetic variant selected for. On the other Genome editing has been proposed as a short cut
hand, if it leads to more intensive use of modified elite to produce top-merit polled bulls while avoiding both
animals, it could contribute to an increased inbreed- losses in genetic gain and the use of closely related
ing rate. Another issue deals with the mere scale of polled individuals. The use of genome editing would
the applications. There is an enormous difference in allow production of a large proportion of animals that
magnitude between experimental use of genome editing are homozygous for the favorable allele (Laible et al.,
in a laboratory and extensive use of edited breeding 2015), and a larger number of homozygous bulls would
animals in large-scale breeding programs worldwide. increase the allele frequency in the population. Selec-
The changes are designed to remain in generations to tive matings of horned, homozygous, and heterozygous
come, and our ability to ensure that lines of animals are polled breeding bulls and cows could be used to op-
not edited or that the process could be reversed in the timize the number of polled calves born (Spurlock et
future may be small. al., 2014). A precise and small change in the genome

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 1, 2018


that mimics what already exists within the species, or to improve udder health. These are easier to measure
breed, may be considered a minor interference. When on a continuous scale in a standardized way, resulting
no foreign DNA is incorporated, it may not even require in a somewhat higher heritability than for clinical mas-
permits for genetic modification, but the regulation for titis. Still, indicator traits are less informative than the
genome editing is not final in either crops or animals goal trait (Heringstad et al., 2000). Even though other
(Carroll et al., 2016; Wolt et al., 2016). indicator traits of clinical or subclinical mastitis, such
The first reported cases of genome edited polled as milk conductivity (Norberg, 2005), can be automati-
calves were produced using SCNT (Carlson et al., cally recorded and used as an additional information
2016). Using SCNT, a selection of embryos with the source, unfavorable genetic correlations with milk pro-
targeted modification could be made before embryo duction traits slow the genetic progress in udder health
transfer into a recipient cow. An alternative method traits.
could be microinjection of editing reagents in zygotes Several candidate genes for mastitis resistance or
(Tan et al., 2016). To successfully utilize genome ed- susceptibility are presented in a review by Thompson-
iting to increase the frequency of polled cattle, sires Crispi et al. (2014). For example, polymorphisms exist
and dams of modified embryos would have to have high for the bovine lactoferrin- and lysozyme-encoding genes
genetic merit, and if the number of animals to be edited (Seyfert et al., 1996). A heritability of 0.22 was esti-
is limited, they should also be as unrelated as possible. mated for lactoferrin content in bovine milk (Arnould
The selected modified embryos must be numerous et al., 2009), indicating that genetic selection for in-
enough to spread the polled allele faster in the popu- creased lactoferrin content is possible. The complexity
lation compared with the use of naturally polled AI of the mastitis resistance trait remains to be a chal-
bulls, without increasing the inbreeding rate further. In lenge, however, and adequate bovine mastitis control
a scenario where genome edited cattle enter large-scale is still lacking in spite of breeding and management
breeding programs, a combination of naturally polled, practices (Thompson-Crispi et al., 2014).
genome edited polled, and (de)horned breeding animals Modification of the production of milk proteins was
would be used. Because of allelic heterogeneity in the identified early as a useful agricultural application of
POLLED locus, the naturally polled and the genome genetic engineering (Cooper et al., 2015). One of the
edited polled animals may carry different alleles. In the potential targets is the glycoprotein lactoferrin that
first genome edited polled Holsteins (Carlson et al., plays an important role in the innate, nonspecific host
2016), the genetic code for polledness used for editing defense against pathogens. It is present in bovine co-
was the one of Celtic origin (common in the Angus lostrum and, albeit at lower concentration, in milk and
beef breed, for example), which is different from the other secretory fluids (Pakkanen and Aalto, 1997). The
more complex allele of Friesian origin typically found in content of lactoferrin in bovine milk is considerably
polled Holsteins (Medugorac et al., 2012). lower than that in human milk (Rainard and Riollet,
2006). Similarly, the protein lysozyme, which is pres-
Case 2: Insertion of Human Genes to Increase Udder ent at very low concentrations in bovine milk but at
Health in Dairy Cattle higher concentrations in human milk, can help in the
defense against several pathogens (Rainard and Riollet,
Udder health is of great economic importance in 2006). The peptide human β-defensin-3 (HBD3), with
dairy production, and contributes to animal welfare. a broad-spectrum antimicrobial function, is present
Cows with mastitis have been reported to show be- in different human tissues but not normally in bovine
havioral and physiologic responses associated with pain milk (Dhople et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2016). Geneti-
(Leslie and Petersson-Wolfe, 2012). Poor udder health cally modified cattle that produce recombinant human
is one of the most common reasons for culling in mod- lactoferrin, lysozyme, or HBD-3 in milk have already
ern dairy herds (Ahlman et al., 2011). There are thus been generated (Cooper et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2016).
strong incentives to rapidly improve udder health using Simojoki et al. (2010) showed that transgenic cows that
available tools, including GM. produced recombinant human lactoferrin in the milk
Clinical mastitis has long been recorded and included did become infected by Staphylococcus chromogenes but
in the breeding goals for dairy cattle in the Nordic showed fewer symptoms and eliminated the bacteria
countries. Estimated heritability values have gener- faster than nontransgenic control cows. In other stud-
ally been low, but favorable genetic trends have been ies, GM cows expressing HBD3 (Chen et al., 2016) or
shown (Heringstad et al., 2000; Philipsson and Lindhe, human lysozyme in milk (Liu et al., 2014) seemed to
2003). Not all countries have well-developed recording be more resistant to bacterial udder infections than
of clinical mastitis, however, and indicator traits such nontransgenic controls. In addition to improved udder
as milk SCC are commonly used in breeding programs health in the dairy cow, production of bioactive recom-
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 1, 2018

binant human lactoferrin, lysozyme, and potentially of embryos have proven difficult to solve. Increasingly
other agents in the milk could improve gut health of advanced ART are already in use in cattle breeding
human consumers. The review by Cooper et al. (2015) today, however, and their use may increase further for
presents beneficial effects on intestinal health and reasons other than to enable GM or genome editing.
microbial flora and improved growth, iron status, and With rapid technological development, it is clear that
recovery from infections in pigs, rats, and mice fed with the alternative to refrain from using any form of GM
milk from transgenic cows expressing human recombi- or genome editing is also an active choice that requires
nant lactoferrin or lysozyme. ethical considerations. The increase in world population
creates challenges and demands that are often suggest-
Discussion: Context Sensitivity ed to require further technological advances in several
from a Holistic Perspective areas related to food production (Tian et al., 2016).
The use of GM and genome editing could contribute to
Genome editing has sometimes been presented as a reducing the environmental impact of animal produc-
“quick fix” to rapidly introduce a new trait, such as tion, for example, by decreasing amounts of manure
polledness or production of certain milk protein vari- phosphorus, as has been described for pigs (Golovan et
ants, in a population. Any animal welfare issues di- al., 2001). More general genetic progress in dairy cattle
rectly related to the process of GM or genome editing can also be expected to increase production efficiency
would then be relevant for only one or possibly a few and lower greenhouse gas emissions per kilogram of
generations. It may be argued that the welfare benefits milk solids (Pryce and Bell, 2017), either achieved by
to multiple future generations could outweigh potential traditional breeding or enhanced by genome editing.
suffering of a limited number of animals. It should be Several studies have suggested that animals’ resistance
kept in mind though that animal breeding is targeting to different diseases could be increased by the use of
a continuous accumulation of genetic improvements, GM or genome editing (Liu et al., 2014; Burkard et al.,
leading to genetic gain. If one application of GM or 2017; Gao et al., 2017), potentially reducing the need
genome editing is successful; for example, introduction for antibiotic treatment of diseases or secondary infec-
of genetic polledness in a breed, it is more than likely tions. Very expensive and time-consuming assessments
that the breeding company would continue with further and complicated regulation processes that prevent the
modifications to improve or introduce new traits. adoption of new technologies thus also limit our options
Once a method in a certain field is approved and to handle future challenges through such means.
established, it is often expected that it will be used. In the cases discussed above, the choice to not use ge-
However, in the case of GM, the situation has been dif- nome editing to make cattle genetically polled implies
ferent, with extensive regulatory barriers, and introduc- that dehorning would continue on a large scale for a
tion and application has not followed directly from what longer period. With increasing numbers and improved
researchers regard to be an established technology. This genetic merit of naturally polled bulls, the advantages
may be due partly to the relatively higher complexity of genome editing must be obvious to motivate the
in large-scale application of genetic modifications of use of this technique. The effect on animal welfare of
food-producing animals, with several levels of ethical refraining from using GM to create animals that pro-
dimensions to be considered. Different viewpoints and duce certain milk proteins to improve udder health is
value clashes among parts of the society have led to less clear, because this trait is much more complex and
long-lasting discussions about GM (Fischer and Eriks- strongly influenced by environmental factors. It could
son, 2016), with different aspects in focus depending on be argued that benefits of GM or genome editing for
region (Frewer et al., 2013b). The debate on GM has animal welfare are only relevant if animal management
been more intensive than for new applications of, for is not downgraded as a consequence; for example, if
example, ART. From an ethical point of view, intro- more resistant animals are kept in less hygienic stables
duction of methods should be scrutinized from several or polled animals are kept in more crowded enclosures.
perspectives. It is important to consider both costs and However, cattle breeding programs are already aiming
benefits, regarding the possible gain and probability of for genetic improvements of health, function, and pro-
reaching the aim, possible positive and negative conse- duction, and it requires a deeper analysis to evaluate
quences for animals used in the development process whether it would be justified to discriminate between
and for those with an edited genome, as well as aspects methods to achieve these goals because of concerns for
of animal integrity and the perception of producers and effects on management.
the public. Improvements of the technologies over time The nature of the 2 cases discussed above differ
could lessen animal welfare concerns, but so far, the in the sense that genome editing does not leave any
problems with negative side effects of in vitro handling foreign genetic code and that the genetic variant for
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 1, 2018

polledness is already present within the species (but however, we find that genome editing especially is often
not necessarily within the breed), whereas the modi- presented in the media as a rapid and uncomplicated
fications for improving udder health create transgenic way of solving complex problems, whereas our present
animals containing a fragment of human genetic code. knowledge about the genetic background of important
Consumers and citizens can be assumed to more eas- traits is incomplete and the difficulties in large-scale
ily accept GM or genome editing that benefits animal application may be underestimated. Perhaps “Amara’s
welfare (Frewer et al., 2013a). For reasons given above, law” by American researcher and futurist Roy Amara
genetic dehorning of cattle may be one of the least con- applies in this case: “We tend to overestimate the effect
troversial applications. However, it brings additional of a technology in the short run and underestimate the
costs in terms of money and discarded embryos, po- effect in the long run.”
tential risks of off-target events and animal suffering, The concept of genome editing has already been pre-
and possibly negative consumer reactions. Potential sented to the public by the media. It is important that
additional benefits of human protein variants in bovine clear and honest information about different methods
milk for consumer health bring an additional aspect and their potential use and consequences be provided
of GM cattle. If the greater public acceptance for GM by researchers. A willingness to discuss ethical dimen-
animals as bioreactors compared with GM to increase sions with stakeholders and an awareness of possible
food production (Mora et al., 2012) would apply on a controversies may decrease the risk of miscommunica-
larger scale, then transgenic cattle producing milk with tion. We find that questions regarding GM and genome
substantial health benefits (e.g., for young children) editing should be discussed within a relevant context—
may be more easily accepted. in this case, modern farm animal breeding—and not as
According to Lassen and Jamison (2006), the pub- a separate phenomenon. A similar view was expressed
lic “cultural discourse” criticism of gene technology is by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics (2016) regarding
partly based in perception of it harming the order of genome editing. We see a need to include all steps of the
nature. Two further argument clusters for criticism process in an ethical consideration when introducing
found in their focus group study are the “societal dis- new technological methods in breeding of farm animals
course” (e.g., health and environmental aspects) and (e.g., the ART used). This should not be dismissed as
the “economic discourse” (e.g., fair business). Lassen unimportant because several steps in the process could
and Jamison (2006) argue that these aspects are not evoke reactions from consumers and citizens. We ac-
sufficiently considered by policy makers and politicians. knowledge that it is difficult to predict reactions among
A recent study of how key actors in the Swedish food the public (Björnberg et al., 2015) and challenging to
chain perceive biotechnology in relation to sustainable create arenas for discussion and to handle tensions be-
agriculture shows an ambiguous view. Even though tween scientific risk characterization and broader risk
key actors may be neutral or positive themselves, they management governance incorporating, for example,
may be reluctant to introduce a product on the marked ethics and politics (Hartley and Millar, 2014).
due to expected consumer skepticism related to health Because the limiting factor is not what is technically
aspects, criticism of the “playing God” attitude, and possible to do but rather what is reasonable to do, we
issues of business fairness (the role of large companies; need increased awareness about the basis for and ar-
Björnberg et al., 2015). Hence, recent studies support guments behind “go/no go” decisions (Bruce, 2016a).
the need for a nuanced discussion of aspects other than Animal breeding organizations and companies have
mere biological facts about genetic changes or welfare both a responsibility and an advantage in evaluating
assessments of modified animals. the benefits, costs, and further ethical aspects of the
methods within a relevant context. To leave the ethical
CONCLUDING REMARKS discussions and decisions about GM or genome editing
primarily to parts of society with less insight in genetics
With this article, we wanted to merge approaches of and animal breeding procedures would be suboptimal.
genetics and ethics to achieve a comprehensive discus- There seems to be a need for ethical advisory boards, or
sion on the hot topic of genetic modification and genome committees, in breeding organizations to avoid the risk
editing. Emerging new technologies such as genome that several smaller changes, that are not necessarily
editing have the potential to be of great importance in challenging individually, together lead to a “slippery
the future and to benefit both animals and humans. To slope.” Such advisory boards would ideally act as a re-
refrain from using new genetic technologies to increase source for breeding organizations in internal discussions
food production or lessen the environmental or climate and decision-making rather than creating additional
impact from cattle could be considered irresponsible, as regulations or external control. The implementation
pointed out by Laible et al. (2015). In the short term, needs to be made with care, taking each organization’s
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 1, 2018

topical ethical issues as point of departure to ensure leading to considerable improvements, and we thank all
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already in place in some countries. For example, the
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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 101 No. 1, 2018

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