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2 Ina light experiment. a plane mirroris placed upright a the corner of a piece of graph paper, {as shown In Fig 11. A small lamp acts as a bright object. The lamp is placed over a point L ‘on the edge of the graph paper that is adjacent o the mirer. Note that 1. the miror has a line drawn on its face, 2. theresa card witha vertical viewing sot line drawn on the mitor ‘raph paper lamp card with vertical vigyfag stot ——[ we oO Fig. 121 Some ofthe light rays coming from the lamp are reflected from the Ene that is drawn on the mirtor. These rays are located by looking through the sot in the card. When the card is in the correct postion, the slt in the card, the fine on the mitor and the lamp appear to be in ‘one straight ine. ‘The distances shown as yand xare measured. In all, the experiment was performed with the lamp in four positions. These are shown in Fig. 1.2 on page 3 and are labelled L,, LL, and Ly. The values for x ate 180mm, 150mm, 100mm and 50mm. ‘The correspending positions forthe slot are labelled S,, S,, 8, and 8, {(@) Fig. 1.2 shows the graph paper and the postions of the lamp labelled Land the slot labelled S. Four incident rays and one reflected ray are shown. () Complete the diagram by drawing the thee remaining reflected rays. (li) For each reflected ray you have drawn, measure and record the value for y. ‘Complote the table in Fig. 1.2 by caleulating the thrae missing vakios of xy co) (b) Explain how the viewing slot enables the student to locate the rellected ray. oy (60mm) (100mm) L(t50mm aie (180mm y= tom Fig. 12 (6) @_ Determine the average value ofthe product xy. average valu (Comment on your values of ay. 1] 2 When a ray of light is incident on a rectangular transparent block at an angle of incidence i, ‘the ray of lights refracted. The emergent ray is displaced sideways by a distance t [A student ie investigating how t depends on the angle of incidence. The apparatus ie shown in Fig. 1.1 Fig 1.4 ‘The line AB represents the direction of an incident ray at an angle of incidence of 50” Two pins P, and P, are inserted to show the direction of the incident ray. The diection of the emergent ray is found by aligning P, and P,, as seen through the bloc, with two more pins P, and P,. ‘The displacement of the ray is measured and both J and 1 are recorded in a table. The ‘experiment is repeated with diferent values for (a) Why is it important that the pins P,. Pz. P, and P, are standing perpencicular tothe piece of the paper? a {b) In the space below, draw a table in which you could record the results of the ‘experiment. Do not wrte any numerical values inthe table. m1 {c) Fig. 12 shows a sketch graph of the results obtained fora glass block. 40) Yim 30. 20. 10) o © 10 20 a0 40 50 60 70 r Fig. 12 (Using the graph, obtain an estimate for the value fort when /= 10° (i) Suggest two reasons why some of the points do not lie onthe curve, 1 a emo [Turn over 3 Light from an extended source XY is allowed to pass through a circular hole in 2 place of card and to liuminate part ofa seraen, The apparatus i shown in Fig. 1.1 light card with circular hole Fig. 14 (2) (2) Carefuly draw the paths ofthe rays to show the part ofthe screen iluminated by Point X. Use the labels X, and X, fo show this part ofthe screen. (W)Carefuly draw the paths of the rays to show the part of the sereen iluminated by point Y. Use the labels Y, and Y, to show this part ofthe screen, "41 (b) Mezaure and record the diameter ofthe area of that part ofthe soreen iluminated by all of the source XY. iaMetOr = oon ceo 4 Aconverging lens isto be used to produce # focused image on a screen, A student sets up the apparatus 2s shown in Fig 51. stand and clamp holding the object lames ‘above the bench object = fe Yee na stand and clamp {@tanguiar hole) QR holding the scree x ‘above the Bench lens held at a fixed height bya stand on the bench ‘translucent rule Fig. 54 The image is located for diferent object cistances. n each case the distances labelled w and ¥ are measured, The values obtained are given in Fig, 52. [ winm [100 [0 [200 [ ze | a | m0 | [vm [29 | aw [ae [20 | am | vs | Fig 52 (2) Using the grid on page 9, plot the graph of vimm (y-axis) against ulmm (x-axis) Start the axes from the point where umm = 150 and vimm = 180, Draw the best curve through the graph plots, 1 (©) Another student attempts the experiment. This student does not obtain a full mage of the object on the screen. In this attempt, only a clear focussed image of the top of the ‘object Is formed at the top of the screen. () Draw diagram to ilustrate an aerangement of the apparatus that would cause only this part ofthe image to appear on the soreen. On your ciagram, draw a line to show the path of @ ray from the top of the objec to the corresponding point onthe image. (How would you adjust the apparatus so that a full image appears in the centre of the screen?” ey 5 Inc light experiment, a ray of ight is incident on one face of atiangular glass pi ‘The path ofthe inckdant ray and the path ofthe emergent ray are marked with small dots P,, ,, By and Py, as shown in Fig. 4.1 (2) On Fig. 4.1, draw neat lines to represent the incident and emergent rays. Make the two lines long enough sa thal they cross. Measure the angle between the incident ray and the emergent ray angi 8 (©) The ray of ight passes through the glass. On Fig. 4.1, draw the path of the refracted ray inside the giass. 1 (6) In order to view an object. the normal eye needs to be at least 25cm away from the object. On Fig. 4.1 the object is labelled 0. Fig. 411s a full-size diagram. (On Fig. 4.1, mark with the letter E the posiion where you would place your eye in order {888 the cbject © through the prism, 1) (@) On Fig. 41, draw the angle of incidence at the surface of the prism nearest to the ‘object 0. Label the angle tH) = 2 ouces am sestosonne [Turn over 6 A converging lens fs used as a magnifying glass. A welkit scale on a rule is observed {through the lens, a8 shown in Fig. 5.1 lens wollit scale aa y Fig. 54 “Two labels stuck to the sides of the lens restrict the fiold of view through the lens. A ‘magnified image of a small part ofthe scale is observed, as shown in Fig. 6 2. The length w ff the scale seen tough the lens is recorded. The object cistance us also recorded, sticky label lens reyes) Fig. 52 ‘The procedure is repeated for diferent values of u and the values obtained are given in Fig. 53. ‘object distance umm 1o | 30 | 7 | 82 | tos | 18 length of scaleseen wim | 42 | a7 | 30 | 28 a | at Fig. 53 {2) Plot the graph of wimm (ax) against u/mm (x-axis). Draw the best smooth curve through the graph plots 4) {(b) State how the readings show that the magnification ofthe scale is greatest forthe last ‘set of values, [148, 21], You may draw a diagram if you wish, tt) (€) Describe how the magnification ofthe image of the scale changes as the value of u is increased i 7 student is asked to measure the focal length fof a convex lens. A quick method is used first to obtain a rough estimate for f. This is Followed by a more accurate experiment. (8) For the quick estimate, the student forms @ focused image of the Sun on a piece of card, () Inthe space below, sketch a labelled diagram to show how can be measured. m1 (ti) The student repeats the experiment in (a) sing a window 4m away instead of the ‘Sun. State how this wil affect the measurement obtained for f io) (b) For the moce accurate experiment, the student uses the small iluminated abject shown in Fig. 3.1. Ths object and a plane miror are set up as shown in Fig. 3.2. fone view of plane mirror iluminated object itluminated convex tens object, £ thio card > hotein cares | covered with ‘arto tracing paper Fig. 34 Fig.32 () Two rays from the illuminated cbject to the mirtor are shown on Fig.3.2. Explain iy 2 clear focused image of the illuminated object is seen beside the abject on the card m1 emer (i) State the effect on the image of 4. moving the miror further away from the lens, 2. moving the lens towards the object. anaes 1 io} [Turn over 8 A student measures the volume V of the glass prism shown in Fig. 1.1. A displacement ‘method is used five times. The volumes measured were 248em? —27.8em? ~— 24cm? 24m? 25m" (a) () Circe the measurement that is not consistent withthe other. n (l) Suggest a possible reason forthe error inthis measurement. io} (ii) Calculate the average valve for V ignoring the inconsistent measurement, vi 2 (b) The volume ofthe prism is given by v=04ss? where 1s the length ofthe side ofthe prism. Use your average value for V to obtain a value for |. Give your answer to a suitable ‘umber of significant figures. a Fig. 3.1 on page 7 shows a rectangular glass block used in a light experiment. ‘The path of a ray of light incident on one face of the glass block is marked with pins P, ‘and P,. The path of the emergent ray after passing through the block is marked by pins P ‘and P, (a) (0 On Fig. 3.1, draw a straight line of length 20cm that passes through P, and P,- Label the ends ofthe line X and ¥ Wj () On Fig. 24, draw lines to show the emergent ray and the path ofthe ray inside the. glass block tt) (lil) On Fig. 3:1, mark the distance d between the line XY and the emergent ray. [1] (Iv) Measure o. a= « : i} (b) Use Fig. 2:1 to measure the thickness tof the glass biock. = iO} (6) The refractive index n ofthe glass is given by the equation Calculate the refractive index of the glass, pe rectangular glass block Fig. 341 ucts 207 sasuouonor [Turn over 10 A student performs an experiment to find the position ofthe image of an abject in a plane mir. ‘The student forgets to draw tho lne ofthe mirror on the paper he uses. The paper withthe positions of object O and the pins is shown in Fig. 2.1. ‘Tho studont places two pins P, and P, on an incident ray rom O tothe mirror He places two pins and P, on the reflected ray. This is repeated with pins Q, and Q, on a diferent incident ray and Q, and Q, on the reflected ay (@) OnFig.21, (0 raw the incident ray from the object through pins P, and P,, (W) draw the reflected ray through pins P. and P, 1) continue these two rays and find where they meet. a (©) Repeat (a) using pins Q,, @,, Q3 and Oy, 1 (©) On Fig. 2.1, draw alin to show the postion of the mito. Label this ine Mt fo) (@) On Fig. 2.1, use the reflected rays to find the position of the image in the plane miror. Label the image position 1 i (©) Measure the distance between O and 1 ddotance = 1 (Explain why the student should observe the botiom of the pins when pertorming the experiment a +P, ae Poe ae Poe Pas ase ae Fig. 24 [Turn over 11 A student tes three lenses from a drawer labelled “convex lenses: Sem (2) Describe, with the aid of a labelled diagram, how the student quickly checks thatthe lenses have the correc focal length. (3) (©) The student places two of the lenses touching each othe measures the foal length af the two lenses together. (8 shown in Fig. 3.1, and then Fig. 34 Fig. 3.2 ‘The focal length of two lenses together is found to be 7.50m. ‘The student repeats the experiment with three lenses together, as shown in Fig. 2.2, and the focal length is now 5.0cm. ‘State the relationship between the numberof lenses and the focal length. fa oucies 20 sosemsanvoe [Tur over 412A student performs an experiment using optical pins to find the effect ofa circular block, made of transparent plastic, on parallel rays of fight Fig. 4.1 shows the circular plastic block on a sheet of white paper. ‘The student draws round the block with @ sharp panel. The student also draws three parallel ines upto the black before starting the experiment. (2) Explain why the student draws round the block. (©) The student places pins P, and P, on line 1, representing an incident ray of light Describe how the student places pins P, and P, to locate the emergent ray. (©) OnFig. 41, (complete the path ofthe ray along fine 1 through the block, (draw the normal atthe point where the ray along line 1 enters the block, }) measure the angle of incidence /where the ray along ine 1 entere the block (@) Explain why a ray along line 2 passes through the block without changing diction. (©) On Fig. 4.1, complete the path ofa ray along line 3 through the block. 1 1 ty 0 1 1 ty creular plastic block Pe, Ps linet tine? tine 3 Fig. 4 13. A student investigates the effect ofa converging ens on light from the Sun. ‘The stucent uses a converging lens to produce a clear image ofthe Sun on a piece of white card, as shown in Fig. 2.1 converging ens ti light from white apointon card the Sun image of the point on the Sun Fig. 2.1 (notto scale) ‘The student measures the perpendicular sistance from the centre of the lens to the write card (2) OnFig.21, mark this distance and label ts. "1 (W) State the name given to tis distance a (©) Describe in detal the experimental techniques used to obtain an accurate value for this distance, (3) oucies an seoeannyys [Turn over 14 A student measures the focal length of a converging lens. The student sets up the apparatus as shown in Fig. 1.4 laminated stand ‘object mete rule Fig. 14 (2) The distance Dbetween the iluminated object and the screen is fixed inayat 1.00. (The image on the sereen ie blurred. Describe the adjustment thatthe student makes 10 oblain a sharply focused image, without changing D. ty (il) The focused image is a the top ofthe screen. Describe one adjustment thatthe student, ‘makes to move the focused image to the centre of the screen, 1] (ll) The tens is ina holder on a stand. The postion of the centre ofthe lens isto be marked ‘accurately the stand. Describe how the student does this. ro} oucies an sesuezcnurs [Turn over (©) The student finds that, for the same value of D, there are two positions of the lens that produce a focused image on the screen. These positions are at distances u, and u, trom the Mluminated object, as shown in Fig. 12. lene, | sereen ‘luminated object “I Fig. 1.2 ‘The two distances u, and u, are measured for D= 7.00m. ‘The values obtained are u, = 0.42m and u, = 0.56m. (Calculate the distance d betwoen the two lens positions. @: ro} {l)_ Theory shows that the focal length fof the lens is given by the relationship pa) aD Caleulate f ty (6) The student repeats the experiment for different valves of D and calculates values of (0? °) each time. Fig. 1.3 shows the student's results. Dim (= Aim 1.10) 1.08 120 116 130) 1.28 1.40) 1.38 180) 147 Fig. 1.3 (On Fig. 1.4, plot the graph of (0 - d2)/m? on the yraxts against D/m on the ants Start your graph trom (D2 — d°) = 0.901? and D= 1.00m.. Draw the straight line of best fit. 4) Fig. 1. {Determine the gradient of he ine of best fi, Show your working carly. gradient (ll) Calculate fusing the relationship fu Sdent nr 1] (@) Explain why itis better to determine fusing the method in (e) rather than the method in (b) i ‘ovctesz01 sesuezcnurs [Turn over 15 A student investigates the deviation of a ray of ight by a prism. ‘A ray of rd light passes through the prism, The student places pins P, and P onthe incident ray and pins P, and P, on the emergent ray. Fig. 4.1 on page 11 shows the positions ofthe pins and the prism. (@) (© OnFig.4.1, draw a straight line through P, and P,. Continue tis line through the prism. 1 (W) On Fig. 41, draw a straight ine through P, and P, Continue tis line to cross the line drawn i (i). 1 (li) Measure the smaller angle between the ine drawn in (and the line drawn in (i ANGIE = ons i} (1) On Fig. 4.1, draw a line to represent the actual path ofthe ray through the prism. i (b) Suggest wy the student uses red ight and not white light inthis experiment. 1 ‘Question 4 continues on page 12. xP, *P, Fig. 44 [Turn over (6) Ina diferent experiment, the student is asked to draw the normal atthe point where an) py incident ray strikes a prism, learns The student draws a line, as shown in Fig. 42. students line Fig. 42 (Explain why the student's tine isnot the normal io} (i) On Fig. 42, draw the correct normal, Measure the angle of incidence & i} SSS a aoc Cnmrase mara Sa ft te Canoe etcemat Goi Connie Fear tana of Uma ot htop oat neon elt tastes sonar ston bey canna 16. A student determines the focal length of a lens. ‘The apparatus is set up as shown in Fig. 1-4. oe. | Fig. 4.1 (notto scale) The iluminated object is fxed atthe Ocm mark on the metre rule. ‘The perpendicular distance u ofthe abject from the lens is fixed at 15.0cm, (a) On Fig. 1.1, mark u and label it 16.0¢m 1 (b) The image on the screon isnot clear and the centre of the image is above the centre of the lens Explain how the apparatus is adjusted ()_ toprocuce @ cussed image on the screen, io (i) sothat the centre of the image is level wth the centre of the lens. a (c) The image on the sorean isin focus. ‘The student measures the distance from the object to the screen, Fig. 1.2 shows an enlarged view of part ofthe screen and the metre rule. Les Re PTT Te TTT TTT TTT oy 43 44 4 45. Fd mete rule Fig. 1.2 (State the reading on the metre rue a the position ofthe screen. readin 1 afe All) Use your answer to (¢)i to calculate the distance vof the image from the lens io (4) The student repeats the experiment for increasing values of u. The results are recorded inFig 13 tule vem 200 198 250 165, 300) 164 350 142 409 133 Fig. 1.3 (Inthe spaces in Fig, 1.3, wile your value of v from (eX) and the corresponding value ofu tt {W) On Fig. 1.4, plot the graph of vem on the y-axis against u/em on the x-axl, Start your graph from v= 10om and u = 10em, Draw a curved line of best i. co) oucies 219 sesueannans| [Turn over {€) Suggest two practical techniques that the student uses to make the readings for v es accurate as possible. 2 a (8) When u = v, theory shows thatthe focal length ff the lens is given by F= u/2, Use your graph to determine a value for f 1 aye 17 A student investigates the rflection of ight, The student has availabe: pin board, ‘8 sheet of plain paper, 8 plane miro, optical pins, ‘a penal, ruler and protractor. (2) Descrine how the student uses the apparatus to verify thatthe angles of incidence and reflection are equal Include a clear labelled diagram in your answer. ‘4 (b) The student carries out the experiment carefully Describe one practical technique thal improves the accuracy ofthe experiment io oucies 219 seosuzana [Turn over 3. Anexperimentis carried out to investigate refraction of light through a glass block, Fig. 3.1 shows a rectangular glass block. A ray of ight is incident at P at an angle of incidence of ‘40°. The angle of refraction in the block is 24°. (@) On Fig. 31, draw lines to represent (the normal at P, 10) Ail) the retracted ray fo (b) The lower face of the block is labelled XY. (0) On Fig. 3.1, continue the normal to meet XY. Label this point A. (i) OnFig. 3.4, continue te ine of the retracted ray to meet XY. Label his point 3. (il) Measure AB end P38. PB (lv) On Fig. 3.1, continue the line of the incident ray to mest XY. Label this point C. (v) Measure AC and PC. A= Pc io (vi) Theory suggests thatthe refractive index of the glass is given by the ratio AC x PB ABxPC Calculate ths ratio. Give your answer to a suitable number of significant figures. (€) On Fig. 3.1, draw a line to represent the ray of light that emerges from the block. Label ths tine L. 0 eucies.ns glass block Fig.3.1 sosauonvane [Turn over 19 A student performs an experiment to obtain an accurate value forthe focal length of a converging lens, His schoo! has lenses with focal lengths 10cm and 1Sem. The student is given a lens from a packet labelled focal length 10cm (@) Describe a simple method the student can use in order to check that the lens has a focal length of 1m. You may use a diagram in your answer. uy (©) The student then uses the apparatus in Fig. 1.1 to obtain an accurate value for the focal length fof the lens. metre rule scr00n lens, lens holeer ituminated, objoct > ton | ‘The student places the fons a measured distance u from the iluminated object. He then adjusts the positon of the screen uni a clear focused image is seen on the screen, He ‘measures the distance D from the objec othe focused image on the screen. Fig. 4.1 (not scale) (On Fig. 1.1, mark and label the lengths wand D. ra (i) The distance wis set at 85.0cm and the student measures the distance D. He repeals, the experiment and obtains the folowing values, in cm, for D. 965, 963 962 6.1 962 Calculate 0,,, the average value of . Give your answer to three significant figures, 1) State one way in which the student can ensure that each measurement of Dis accurate. ssn o i oucies 215 Sosa [Turn over (€) The student repeats the experiment for a range of values of u and obtains a value for Dy, each time, The results are recorded la Fig. 1.2 rem Dy fem 850 70.0 aio 50.0) as 250 416 180 405 160) 454 120) 695, Fig. 4.2 (On Fig. 1.2, add your value of 0, for u= 85.06m trom (BNA. (i) On Fig. 1.2, plot the graph of D,,/em on the yaxis against ulom on the xaxis. Start your ‘axes from (0, 30). ‘The graph shows that Dy has a minimum valu Draw the smooth curve of best fit Fig. 1.3 4) (ii) Use your graph to find 14. the minimum value of Dy. minimum value of Dp, 2 Ugy the value of u when B,, is minimum. uy oucies 215 sess [Turn over (lv) Theory shows thatthe minimum value for D, is when 0, = 4fand when tn = 2F , Calculate —f* and from the values you have given in (eX). Comment on your 1 20 A student investigates the path ofa ray of ight through a angular prism Fig. 2.1 on page 7 shows the triangular prism placed inthe centre of a sheet of white paper. (@) OnFig.21, (mark and label P, the mic-point ofthe side AB ofthe prism, 0 (draw the normal tothe prism at P t 1) draw aline to represent a ray of ight incident at P with an angle of incidence of 40° [1] (©) Fig.22 shows a ay box that produces a narrow ray of light ‘electric lead ray box arrow ray offight, Fig. 22 Describe how the student can use the narrow ray of light to find the path of the ray through the prism. (4) white paper triangular prism Fig. 21 [Turn over 21 An object is moved between a lamp and a screen. A student investigates how the height of {h shadow east by he abject on tha sersan changes. ‘The apparatus is shown in Fig. 4.1. lamp object (side view) a »—__p= 200m Fig. 41 (not to scale) The object is a square sheet of white card. The length of each side is H. The object is attached to pin and supported by a cork, as shown in Fig. 4.2 cars ———_} 4 pin ~—1) Fig. 42 (tullsize) (2) Measure and record the length Has shown in Fig. 4.2. 4 om{t} (b) The screen is placed at a distance D = 80.0cm from the centre of the lamp. ‘She places the object ata distance d = 70.0cm rom the centre of the lamp and observes the shadow made by the object on the screen. The shadow is shown in Fig. 4.3. screen shadow Fig. 43 (tullsize) (Measure and record the length of the shadow shown in Fig. 4.3. be em |] (il) Suggest why it would be dificul to measure accurately the length ofthe shadow. tn oucies 217 sesueonnarr [Turn over (©). She repeats the procedure for values of d of 60.0em, 65.0cm, 45.0cm, 30.0cm and 26.0cm. Her results ae recorded in the table of Fig. 44. dion halon 700) 60.0 27 550 29 450 36 30.0 53 250 64 Fig. 44 (Acs your vaive of h trom (bi) to the table in Fig. 4.4. (W)_On Fig. 45, plot a graph of hom on the yaxis against d /em on the x-axis, Start Both axes from the origin. Draw the smooth curve of best fi ‘Question 4 continues on page 12. 4 euces an? sxswonvas7 [Turn over (@) (Use your graph to find hy the value of A when the object is 40.0¢m from the centre of the lamp. om] (ii) The student suggests that the value off, is related to the length Hof the object by the ‘equation hug = 2H, Caleulate the length H of the object using this equation, om [1] ‘Compare the value for H calculated in (4)(I) withthe value that you measured in (a). State whether your results support the student's suggestion and justify your answer by reference to the results. statement justification til (©) (0. Extend your graph to predic the length hg ofthe shadow when d = 20.0em. Nan (i) The student suggests that the distance d should not be less than 10.0em. Give one reason why this Is a sensible suggestion. com [i] 1 (0) Das kept constant throughout the investigation. Suggest why. lt ‘era © wo tom th #romty ound. ntd ronan by Org eked fen bor oon we cued awe pombe Ey ‘aeass ctor maybe toe U0LES) tae ot he, ba an toma outros hve arty cone he ited ox gamed ats mans ae sat sae spat “Dinca a Sesouncl nanetand tema o cdeisesp acoder we epee ne Can near Etat Cipyigtasoanipsns te Tan aah vant sie et wep se ‘conaap onan Shannon ep te Canoe ssa Geap. Contin escort Bana Umer Con a ‘Stevan Satan (CLES, waste hat putas he rey Caaee euctes.on7 sosauonuan7 22 student measures the refracve index ofthe material ofa transparent block ABCD by tracing the path ofa ray of ight through ‘The expemontis sot up as shown in Fig. 3.1. ray box ‘transparent ‘look Fig. 9.1 {@)_ She directs a ray of ight PQ from the ray box on to side AB ofthe block. (© On Fig. 3.1, draw a normal to side AB at point Q. Extend the normal so that it crosses ‘ide CD. Label the point at which the normal crosses CD with the letter R. tH (Measure the angie of incidence «ofthe ray PQ on side AB. 1 {(b) She marks, with crosses, two points on the emergent ray from CD, as shown on Fig. 3.4 + On Fig. 3.1 draw tne joining the two crosses and continue this line uni it meets QR. + Label the point where the line crosses CD with the letter $ and the point where it crosses (QR with the lettor T. + Draw a straight ine from Q to S. (Measure the length x of QS. (W)_ Measure the longth yof ST. {c) The refractive index n of the material of he block's given by the equation Calculate n. eucies 2017 ssc? [Turn over

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