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Writing Ability Test


 The WAT or Writing Ability Test is basically a test to analyse a law aspirant’s
ability to write skillfully and coherently, while maintaining clarity of thought. It
is, in fact, more or less, an essay writing test. Although the weightage of the
WAT on the SLAT is 20%, it is a very crucial aspect of the final selection

 Many other entrance exams in India test students’ abilities similarly. For e.g.
IIM-A tests students through Analytical Writing Test (AWT), while Graduate
Record Examination (GRE) and Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
both test students’ abilities through Analytical Writing Ability (AWA). Different
entrance exams may have different names for such process, but all of them
have the same purpose.

 Not only schools in India, but alsoschools in foreign countries test candidates’
ability to write and communicate idea clearly by asking them to write Essays
and Statements of purpose (SOPs).

The Rise of the WAT

 Xavier Labour Relations Institute (XLRI), Jamshedpur was the first school to
herald theintroduction of the WAT by making it a part of the entrance exam –
Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT).

 But, the WAT was first made a part of final selection procedure, post-entrance
exams, by the older Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) in 2010. The IIMs
introduced the WAT in addition to the usual group discussion & personal
interview(GD-PI) rounds for the candidates who had qualified the CAT (common
aptitude test). In the following years, the six new IIMs (IIM Raipur, IIM Rohtak,
IIM Ranchi, IIM Udaipur, IIM Tiruchirappalli and IIM Kashipur) adopted WAT as
well, replacing GDs with the WAT.

 Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune (SIBM-P) was the first

institute under Symbiosis group to follow the footsteps of IIMs and make the
WAT a part of final selection procedure. Since then Symbiosis Law Schools are
some of the institutions under Symbiosis group to have adopted the WAT as a
part of final selection procedure.

 With LAW course becoming popular among masses year after year and the
resultant increase in the number of candidates opting LAW as career after 12 th
or Graduation, more schools are likely to adopt WAT as a measure to test
students’ skills.

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Somethings you should know about the WAT-

 The WAT is designed as a direct measure of your ability to think critically and to
communicate your ideas effectively.

 The topics, which you will find on the test, concern topics of general interest
related to business or a variety of other subjects. A specific knowledge of the
essay topic is not necessary. Only your capacity to write analytically is

 The WAT tests your ability to explore the complexities of an issue or opinion,
your ability to formulate an appropriate and constructive critique of a specific
conclusion based on a specific line of thinking, and if appropriate, your ability
to take a position that is informed by your understanding.

 The candidates are judged on five areas through the essay they write, namely:

 Overall quality of ideas about the issue and argument presented

 Overall ability to organize, develop, and express those ideas (Effective
 The relevant supporting reasons and examples used (KNOWLEDGE and
 Ability to control the elements of standard written English (LANGUAGE
 Novelty of thoughts about a given topic. (MULTI-DIMENSIONAL thinking)

 The skills mentioned above help panellists decide which candidates have an
edge as far as their communication is concerned. Apart from this, a candidate’s
presentation skill is also tested and gives an interviewer a closer look into the
thought process of candidates.

The 4C Mantra to help you foresee how much you can score on
the WAT:

 Content: The star of your essay is the actual information you write and share.
Whatever topic you are given, the essay should focus on it and there should be
no deviation. Make sure you have well-thought and relevant ideas and
information. Use quotes and idioms to make the essay sound impressive.
However, avoid beating around the bush, be succinct!

 Coherence: It is extremely important that you make sure that what you write
is not haphazard or disjoint. The essay should have a proper structure with
an impactful start, meaningful body and logical ending.

 Competence: You must ensure that the language you use for essay is
competent and fluent. Some of us may commit grammatical mistakes, but we
need to make sure that the number of those mistakes should not be too big to
drastically alter the meaning of ideas that you intend to convey. In short, be

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articulate in expressing your ideas, and keep the number of mistakes as low as

 Concise: Writing the WAT essay is not the time to try to give Tolstoy a run for
his money. Use fewer words and make sure each word is the right one for the
job. Using more than one adjective is a good example of when you need to
carefully edit. Maybe that dark and stormy night should be either dark or
stormy but not both.
Keep checking and correcting your essay while you re-read during the exam.
Also, keep a check on the time. It is important for you to stick to the time and
the word limit

Essay as a precursor to PI:

 The essay that you will write after taking the SLAT can generate some questions
duringthe Personal Interaction round.

 The panel could ask you about your opinion and you will have to defend your

 Questions on the topic can also be asked, and it might be possible that you will
not know answers to some questions. In such situations, simply admit that you
don’t know the answer. It’s ok not to know somethings. We are humans; we
can’t know everything.

 If you are unware of something, itis alright.But,if you are unware of most or
everything, it will definitely land you in trouble. Hence, start practising the
WAT, and reading books and newspaper to expand your horizon of knowledge!

Some things to keep in mind:

 Don’t be vague in your expressions. Clear writing is straightforward, avoiding

convoluted phrases or over-long sentences.
 Do not make extremely guarded statements in order to appear neutral.
 Organize the essay into well-demarcated paragraphs.
 DO NOT write in points.
 Display syntactic and sentence variety- voice, person, and construction.
 Have consistency in spelling - both UK and US spellings are acceptable, but DO
NOT mix them.
 Use punctuation - even a comma can alter the meaning of your sentence.

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What WAT topics can I expect to have on the SLAT?

We recommend that you be updated with the latest pressing issues around the
world as you might be given a topic pertaining to such an issue/event (should your
panellists choose to ask you about your opinion about such an issue, this will help
you during your Personal Interview as well).

Some suggested Topics to prepare for WAT in SLAT 2020:

1. Impact on e-commerce of business

2. Is India ready for cashless economy?
3. Economic slowdown - cause and consequences
4. Role of media in democratic country ( Indian context)
6. Is India ready for work from home?
7. Reservation for economic weaker Society
8. Australian bushfire - climate change
9. Emerging water crisis in India
10. Role of news channels in shaping Indian psychology
11. Crisis in hongkong
12. Ayodhya verdict
13. Triple talaq
14. Emerging infectious diseases threats to global stability (Special reference
to COVID-19)
growing gap in between rich and poor
18. CAA and NRC
19. Jammu and Kashmir (Article 370)
20. Internet Shutdown in Jammu and Kashmir

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WAT topics From Previous year SLAT

1. Euthanasia (Favourite topic at SLS Pune, asked every year to almost all groups,
passive euthanasia is back in news) -Right to die with dignity a fundamental
right: Passive Euthanasia and Living Will allowed by SC.
2. Swachh Bharat Mission: A failed movement?
3. Uniform Civil Code: It’s time.
4. Judiciary and Government Confrontation
5. Media Freedom: There should be a limit.
6. Abolition of Article 35 for Jammu and Kashmir
7. Abolition of Article 370 (Jammu and Kashmir)
8. Capital Punishment should be banned.
9. Election Commission and its impartial role.
10. Aadhar Usage: Breach of Privacy.
11. Trial by Media and Right to Privacy.
12. Triple Talaq and Right to Religion.
13. Conflict in Judiciary and remedies.
14. Should CJI have resigned over the sexual harassment allegation for impartial
15. Courts shouldn’t interfere in religious practices: Sabrimala and Shani Signapur.
16. Adultery not a crime anymore: Section 497 struck down by Supreme Court.
17. India under Narendra Modi Regime.
18. GST: The biggest Tax reform
19. #MeToo: Misuse?
20. 10% reservation quota for economically poor: Uncalled for?

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How to write the WAT?

When we are ultimately faced with the final WAT assignment and a blank paper,
several factors begin to weigh heavy on our minds. There is the complexity of the
topics, the usual lack of enough practice in writing, the external pressure of the
ticking clock, and the internal fear of ‘messing up and being eliminated’. Anyone of
these is sufficient to distract you from the task at hand. When all four come
together, most candidates have the same response: utter panic.

This, in fact, the first test in the WAT assignment: are you a kind of individual who,
in the face of a serious challenge, panics and breaks down, or are you the one who
is able to keep calm, think logically, plan accordingly, and accomplish the task to
the best of your abilities?

In the words of the great Rudyard Kipling, if you can keep your head when all
about you are losing theirs, you are the one the Law-school is looking for.

If you keep in consideration the following points, chances are that you will sail
through the WAT process with ease -

1. Plan, Plan, Plan For a 30-minute composition, you can distribute your
timealong followinglines:

2 minutes READING and Re-reading the Topic

3 minutes THINKING
2 minutes preparing the OUTLINE
3 minutes Adding SUB POINTS to the outline
17 minutes actually TYPING the essay
3 minutes REVISION

2. Be particularly concerned with structure: Every essay has three main

components, namely Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Clearly divide your
essay into the introductory paragraph, some content paragraphs and a
conclusion. Use blank lines to demarcate paragraphs.

3. Use transitional phrases such as "first," "therefore," and "because" to help the
evaluator identify concepts between and within the paragraphs.

For ideas that you plan to oppose:



To continue an idea or line of thought:


To show cause-Effect relationship:


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4. Show Commitment - Show that you are not afraid of taking responsibility for
your actions. DO NOT start your sentences with weak phrases like:It is, there is,
I feel, I think, In my opinion

5. Be organized - The evaluator will compare your essay to other high-scoring

essays. The following example will give you a sense of the proper writing style
for the WAT

6. Clearly state your critique in the Analysis of Argument essay – Sometimes,

while writing the WAT, you might want to state an example that confutes the
fallacious reasoning people generally use. Using such examples helps clearly
state your critique and may help you earn some brownie points.

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Sample WAT
Topic: Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, they should be
flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times,
and places.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree
with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take.

Introduction: The introductory paragraph may containa few opening lines about the
topic, some famous lines by famous personality pertaining to the topic, and your
opinion/view on the topic.The same can be explained with the help of an example

‘Laws are a system of rules that are formulated to bring order in a society. They
help bring a system or a country under one rule which everyone must obey and
accept. Laws are therefore enforced upon people without any bias so that there is
discipline and peace in society.

Since the whole society is subject to the same laws, it is the responsibility of the
governing authority to make sure that the laws are for people,not against them,
and the government must look into the needs of the societywhile formulating laws.
Moreover, since, laws should also not be fixed.

Thus, while the contrary that laws should be fixed seems plausible in some
situations, I overall agree with the topic that laws should be flexible as the needs of
a society as a whole are not fixed and are subject to time, place and circumstances.

Body: The second part in an essay is Body. Body may have minimum three
paragraphs, while there is no limit to the number of paras the body can have.
Usually, a 30 minute task should ideally have approx. 600 words and the body
should have 3-4 paras. 2/3 paras should accentuate the opinion that you have taken
in the introduction and 1 para should emphasize the other side. Also, the writer
should make sure he/she provides adequate examples to justify his/her claims.
Examples always help you earn extra brownie points as you let others know that you
have sound knowledge on the topic.

For the purpose of forming and maintaining a healthy democratic society, laws
shouldbe amended with passage of time as the needs of people change with
changing times. What was required in the past is different from the requirements of
the present. Moreover, with the passage of time the success of laws can be judged.
A system of governance where laws are rigid takes the form of dictatorship. For
example, in India, there were a lot of restrictions put on private sector, as the
government had had a tight grip on the economy and economic activities were
mostly managed through public sector enterprises. However, with the passage of
time, it was observed that such a restriction had only alienated the country and
thus had put hurdles in the way of progress. Today, the private sector forms a large
part of the society and their needs are put first. Consequently, the economy has
become stronger than ever.

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Similarly, there can be changes in circumstances that require a change in laws. For
example, in case of violence or attack, it becomes essential to put restriction over
the common man keeping in mind the interests of the society. Thus, a curfew or a
state of emergency can be declared to bring the circumstances back to normalcy.
However, such laws are not required when the circumstances do not allow and
there is peace everywhere. A change in place can also see a change in laws.
According to laws and rights, a citizen of a country may be free to move, settle or
buy property in any part of the country, but there can be restrictions put on such
liberty according to the place as well. Some places need to be protected by the
government for various purposes, like security and elevation of the poor and the
minority etc.

However, the change in laws should not be made at the click of a finger as in such
systems the importance of laws is diminished. There has to be a predefined and
proper procedure of amendment of laws, making them somewhat rigid so that they
can’t be bent and twisted easily. While making amendments every aspect of the
society that would get affected with the change, should be taken into consideration.

Conclusion: The last part in an essay is conclusion. A conclusion is has to maintain

the coherence of the passage. It should state, in nutshell, what has been mention in
introduction and body.

Thus, laws must be flexible but not weak. Only strong laws that take into
consideration the interests of the society as a whole are the ones which form a
healthy and peaceful society.Therefore, there cannot be any definite answer
whether laws should be rigid or flexible as it will completely depend on situation
under assessment. If we think without bias and more about general welfare, it
would lead us to the right path.

Thus, the overall essay (596 words) may look like this:

Laws are a system of rules that are formulated to bring order in a society. They
help bring a system or a country under one rule which everyone must obey and
accept. Laws are therefore enforced upon people without any bias so that there is
discipline and peace in society.

Since the whole society is subject to the same laws, it is the responsibility of the
governing authority to make sure that the laws are for people,not against them,
and the government must look into the needs of the societywhile formulating laws.
Moreover, since, laws should also not be fixed.

Thus, while the contrary that laws should be fixed seems plausible in some
situations, I overall agree with the topic that laws should be flexible as the needs of
a society as a whole are not fixed and are subject to time, place and circumstances.

For the purpose of forming and maintaining a healthy democratic society, laws
shouldbe amended with passage of time as the needs of people change with
changing times. What was required in the past is different from the requirements of
the present. Moreover, with the passage of time the success of laws can be judged.
A system of governance where laws are rigid takes the form of dictatorship. For
example, in India, there were a lot of restrictions put on private sector, as the
government had had a tight grip on the economy and economic activities were
mostly managed through public sector enterprises. However, with the passage of

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time, it was observed that such a restriction had only alienated the country and
thus had put hurdles in the way of progress. Today, the private sector forms a large
part of the society and their needs are put first. Consequently, the economy has
become stronger than ever.

Similarly, there can be changes in circumstances that require a change in laws. For
example, in case of violence or attack, it becomes essential to put restriction over
the common man keeping in mind the interests of the society. Thus, a curfew or a
state of emergency can be declared to bring the circumstances back to normalcy.
However, such laws are not required when the circumstances do not allow and
there is peace everywhere. A change in place can also see a change in laws.
According to laws and rights, a citizen of a country may be free to move, settle or
buy property in any part of the country, but there can be restrictions put on such
liberty according to the place as well. Some places need to be protected by the
government for various purposes, like security and elevation of the poor and the
minority etc.

However, the change in laws should not be made at the click of a finger as in such
systems the importance of laws is diminished. There has to be a predefined and
proper procedure of amendment of laws, making them somewhat rigid so that they
can’t be bent and twisted easily. While making amendments every aspect of the
society that would get affected with the change, should be taken into consideration.

Thus, laws must be flexible but not weak. Only strong laws that take into
consideration the interests of the society as a whole are the ones which form a
healthy and peaceful society.Therefore, there cannot be any definite answer
whether laws should be rigid or flexible as it will completely depend on situation
under assessment. If we think without bias and more about general welfare, it
would lead us to the right path.

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