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91-100 – Potential
76-90 – VS Passer!
51-75 – In a delicate
position, still a passer!
0-50 – Wag naman uy!
• Phil. Government

• Constitution with Human


• Philippine History

• Basic Economics

• Taxation

• Agrarian Reform

• Society

• Culture

• Rizal

• Philosophy of Man

• Psychology

1. Participation in governance, including
the right vote and seek public office is
secured within the citizenry’s ________.
A. Right to due process
B. Right of suffrage
C. Political rights
D. Socio-civic rights
The answer is…

Political Rights
Political rights – the rights that involve
participation in the establishment or
administration of a government and are
usually held to entitle the adult citizen to
exercise of the franchise, the holding of
public office, and other political activities
2. The right to search for information is
invoked through the ________.

A. writ of habeas corpus

B. writ of habeas data
C. writ of certiorari
D. writ of amparo
The answer is…

Writ of Habeas Data

A writ of habeas corpus (literally to "produce the body") is a
court order to a person (prison warden) or agency (institution)
holding someone in custody to deliver the imprisoned individual
to the court issuing the order.

A type of writ, meant for rare use, by which an appellate court

decides to review a case at its discretion. The
word certioari comes from Law Latin and means "to be more fully
informed." A writ of certiorari orders a lower court to deliver its
record in a case so that the higher court may review it.
The writ of habeas data is a remedy available to any person
whose right to privacy in life, liberty or security is violated or
threatened by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or
employee, or of a private individual or entity engaged in the
gathering, collecting or storing of data or information

The petition for a writ of amparo is a remedy available to any

person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or
threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of a
public official or employee, or of a private individual or entity.
3. Which condition contradicts the
social justice mandate in the 1987
A. Creation of economic opportunities for all
B. Sense of dependency among citizens
C. Elimination of cultural inequalities
D. Equitable distribution of wealth
The answer is…

Sense of dependency among citizens

Article XIII of 1987 Constitution
Sec. 1. The Congress shall give highest priority to the
enactment of measures that protect and enhance the right of all
the people to human dignity, reduce social, economic and
political inequalities, and remove cultural inequities by
equitably diffusing wealth and political power for the common

Sec. 13. The State shall establish a special agency for disabled
person for their rehabilitation, self-development and self-
reliance, and their integration into the mainstream of society.
4. Which is the fundamental law of the

A. The Philippine Constitution

B. The Civil and Criminal Codes
C. The Ten Commandments
D. The Bill of Rights
The answer is…

The Philippine Constitution

Civil and Criminal Codes- a statute which purports or
attempts to set out all prohibited or criminal offences,
and their various punishments.

The Ten Commandments - are a set of biblical principles

relating to ethics and worship, which play a fundamental
role in Judaism and Christianity.

The Bill of Rights- a formal declaration of the legal and

civil rights of the citizens of any state, country,
5. The fundamental right invokes by
filing the “writ of amparo” is ______.

A. The right to self-defense

B. The right to due process
C. the right to life, liberty and security
D. The right to be defended by a public
The answer is…

The right to life, liberty and security

The petition for a writ of amparo is a remedy
available to any person whose right to life, liberty
and security is violated or threatened with violation
by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or
employee, or of a private individual or entity.
6. The biggest of the seven continents of
the world is _________.

A. Asia
B. Australia
C. Africa
D. Europe
The answer is…

7. Which band played the Marcha Nacional
Filipino or the national anthem on June
12,1998 during the declaration of
Philippine Independence?
A. Malabon Band
B. Kawit Cavite Band
C. Pangkat Kawayan ng Pateros
D. San Francisco Del Monte Band
The answer is…

Malabon Band
Professor Julian Felipe described the adoption of the
National Anthem thus:
…Then after a brief interchange of opinion, the gentlemen
present resolved to officially adopt the musical composition
as "Marcha Nacional Filipina"; and Don Emilio Aguinaldo
requested General Trias to see that ( I ) go to San
Francisco de Malabon for the purpose of teaching this new
music to the town's band which was selected to play it on
the following day, Sunday, June 12, 1898 on the occasion
of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence and the
exhibition of our National Flag.
8. The province in the Philippines which
was called “Ma-i” by the Chinese is the
14th century is _______.
A. Ilocos
B. Mindoro
C. Cavite
D. Palawan
The answer is…

Scholars Blair and Robertson, translated the
Spanish historical record “Relation of the
voyage to Luzón.” When the Spanish arrived in
the Philippines and transferred their
headquarters from Cebu to Panay, they then
sent an expedition to Mindoro (Ma-i) where
they discovered several towns and forts that
were already in the island of Mindoro.
9. Through the Galleon Trade (1565-
1815), the Philippines had extended
contacts with ________.
A. Mexico
B. Spain
C. China
D. Spice Islands
The answer is…

When the Spaniards came to
the Philippines, our ancestors were
already trading with China,
Japan, Siam, India, Cambodia,
Borneo and the Moluccas. The
Spanish government continued trade
relations with these countries, and the
Manila became the center of
commerce in the East. The Spaniards
closed the ports of Manila to all
countries except Mexico. Thus, the
Manila–Acapulco Trade, better
known as the "Galleon Trade" was
10. Which religious missionary order first
arrived in the Philippines?

A. Augustinian
B. Jesuit
C. Dominican
D. Franciscan
The answer is…

The Augustinians
The Augustinians came to the Philippines with the Legaspi
expedition in 1525 as represented by Fray Andres de Urdaneta.

The Franciscans
The second group of friars to arrive in the Philippines was the
Franciscans or Order of Friar Minor (June 24, 1578). This
religious order established their mother church inside Intramuros
in honor of Nuestra Senora de los Angeles (Our Lady of Angels).
The Jesuits
The Jesuits or the Society of Jesus arrived in Manila on September 17,
1581. The Jesuits are known as educators who founded the school Colegio
de Manila or Colegio Maximo de San Ignacio in Intramuros in 1590.

The Dominicans
The Dominicans or the Order of Preachers were the fourth friar arrival in
1652. 15 Dominicans landed in Cavite on the eve of the feast of Mary

The Recollects
The last friars to arrive in the Philippines were the Augustinian Recollects.
The recollects initially established their mother church outside Intramuros.
11. Which law set a full free trade policy
abolishing the quota limitations on
Philippine export to the United States?
A. Payne-Aldrich act
B. Underwood-Simmons Act
C. Bell trade
D. Hare-Hawes Cutting Act
The answer is…

Underwood-Simmons Act
Free Trade Relations with the US
1902 – Reduction of 25% was allowed on goods coming from the Philippines
1909 – American Congress passed the Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act where all Ph
exports, except rice, were allowed to enter American markets free of duty within
certain quota limits.
1913 – American Congress passed the Simmons-Underwood Tariff Act where
quota limitations were abolished on Ph export product like hemp, sugar and
1933- Hare–Hawes–Cutting Act, the first law setting a specific date for
Philippine independence from the United States.
1946- Bell Trade Act of 1946, also known as the Philippine Trade Act, was an act
passed by the United States Congress specifying policy governing trade between
the Philippines and the United States following independence of the Philippines
from the United States.
12. Which power of the state enables it to
impose charge of burden upon persona,
property or property rights for the use and
support of the government in its discharge of
appropriate function?
A. Eminent Domain
B. Expropriation
C. Value Added Tax
D. Taxation
The answer is…

Inherent Power of the State
It is the sovereign power to promote and protect the general welfare. It is the most pervasive
and the least limitable of the three powers of the state, the most essential, consistent and
illimitable which enables the State to prohibit all hurtful things to the comfort, safety and
welfare of the society.


It is an inherent power of the state that enables it to forcibly acquire private property, which
is intended for public use, upon the payment of just compensation. It is based on political
necessity; it is inseparable from the state unless it is denied to it by its fundamental law.

It is the inherent power of the state to raise revenues to defray the expenses of the
government or for any public purpose. This can be done through the imposition of burdens
or imposition on persons, properties, services, occupations or transactions.
13. Which best describes the division of
the Legislature into the Senate and the
House of Representatives?
A. Unicameralism
B. Bipartisanship
C. Co-legislative powers
D. Bicameralism
The answer is…

The Philippine Congress is bicameral
since it has two chambers: the Upper
House of Senate and the Lower House
or the House of Representatives
14. What kind of cooperative system
sells farmers agricultural produce?

A. Service cooperative
B. Producers cooperative
C. Marketing cooperative
D. Multi-purpose cooperative
The answer is…

Marketing cooperative
Credit Cooperative – promotes thrift among its members and creates
funds in order to grant loan for productive and provident purposes.
Consumer Cooperative – procure and distribute commodities to
members and non-members.
Producers Cooperative – undertakes joint production whether
agricultural or industrial.
Marketing Cooperative – engages in the supply of production inputs
to members and markets their products.
Service Cooperative – engages in medical and dental care,
hospitalization, transportation, etc.
Multipurpose Cooperative – combines 2 or more of the business
activities of these different types of cooperatives.
15. The economic policy that good action is
one that helps the greatest number of
people is called _____.

A. Mercantilism
B. Colonialism
C. Capitalism
D. Utilitarianism
The answer is…

Mercantilism–an economic theory and practice, dominant in
modernized parts of Europe during the 16th to the 18th century,
that promoted governmental regulation of a nation's economy for
the purpose of augmenting state power at the expense of rival
national powers.
Colonialism– the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial
political control over another country, occupying it with settlers,
and exploiting it economically.
Capitalism– an economic and political system in which a
country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for
profit, rather than by the state.
16. Which contradicts the Filipino
Value of sacrifice?

A. Willingness to forgive
B. Delayed satisfaction of desires
C. Inability to forgive
D. Tolerance of pain and mistakes
The answer is…

Inability to forgive
17. The smallest unit of society is
the ________.

A. Church
B. Family
C. Purok
D. Government
The answer is…

18. Is it correct to say that “Bahala na” is a
Filipino negative trait?
A. Yes, it is tantamount to leaving one’s fate to
B. It depends on the situation of the person
saying it.
C. It depends on the intention of one’s action.
D. No,”Bahala na” is an attitude of daring
combined with genuine concern.
The answer is…

It depends on the intention of one’s action

The use of the phrase “Bahala na” in the second context somewhat
manifests the tendency of Filipinos to humbly submit everything to the
Higher Being during tough times. People who frequently use this phrase
don’t see anything wrong with it. They even see it as a positive thing
because it acknowledges that the Supreme Being has a greater power than
man, which is why they are entrusting their lives to Him.

However, some scholars see it in a negative light and consider it as a

fatalistic submission or a form of avoidance of responsibility. Some scholars
see it as just an excuse of lazy people for getting away from their personal

Most Filipinos are said to be ambivalent since it may have positive and
negative contexts.
19. Where is the birth place of Jose

A. Intramuros, Manila
B. Calamba, Laguna
C. Malolos, Bulacan
D. Kawit, Cavite
The answer is…

Calamba, Laguna
20. One instance of taking away the life
of another person without due process is
A. Summary killings
B. Suicide
C. Capital punishment
D. Euthanasia
The answer is…

Summary killings
Summary killings- an execution in which a person
is accused of a crime and immediately killed
without benefit of a full and fair trial.
Suicide- the act of intentionally causing one's own
Capital punishment- the legally authorized killing
of someone as punishment for a crime.
Euthanasia- the practice of intentionally ending a
life in order to relieve pain and suffering.
21. What was the first term given by Marcelo
H. del Pillar to the hidden control and
domination by Spanish religious priests over
the colonial government?
A. las suerte partidas
B. pase region
C. frailocracia
D. complace
The answer is…

La Frailocracia Filipina is a pamphlet written by
Filipino writer Marcelo H. del Pilar.
The pamphlet was an answer to a pamphlet
entitled Los Frailes en Filipinas which was written
by a Spaniard.
22. What does a professional code of
conduct prescribe?

A. Civic Conduct for all

B. Professional tradition and mores
C. Moral and ethical standards
D. Stricter implementation of laws
The answer is…

Moral and ethical standards

23. Due to close family ties, Filipino
families are generally _______.

A. secular
B. nuclear
C. extended
D. divided
The answer is…

24. The Philippine President who was
known as “the man of the masses” was

A. Fidel Ramos
B. Ramon Magsaysay
C. Manual Quezon
D. Manuel Roxas
The answer is…

Ramon Magsaysay
Fidel Ramos- “First Protestant President”
of the country
Manual Quezon- “Father of National
Manuel Roxas- “First President of the
Independent Third Republic of the
25. A recently awarded national
artist for sculpture was _________.

A. Blanco
B. Abueva
C. Alcantara
D. Luna
The answer is…

Napoleón Abueva, is a Filipino artist.
He is a sculptor given the distinction as the
Philippines' National Artist for Sculpture.
He is also entitled as the "Father of Modern
Philippine Sculpture".
He was awarded National Artist of the
Philippines in the field of Visual Arts.
1991 "Siyam na Diwata ng Sining" sculpture by Abueva (9 Fairies of
Theatre), University of the Philippines College of Arts and Letters.
26. The stage actress who brought fame to
her country through her international
awards for her stage performances was
A. Isay Alvarez
B. Geneva Cruz
C. Lea Salonga
D. Sharon Cuneta
The answer is…

Lea Salonga
Isay Alvarez (Actress)

Geneva Cruz

Sharon Cuneta
(Singer/Actress/TV Host)
27. Those who advocate the revival
of the classics in art and literature
are called _______.
A. humanists
B. rationalist
C. reformists
D. existentialist
The answer is…

Humanist is a philosophical and ethical stance that
emphasizes the value and agency of human beings.

Rationalist the principle or habit of accepting reason as the

supreme authority in matters of opinion, belief, or conduct.

Reformist a person who advocates gradual reform rather

than abolition or revolution.

Existentialist It is the view that humans define their own

meaning in life, and try to make rational decisions despite
existing in an irrational universe.
28. Which characterizes
psychologically healthy people?
A. pre-occupied only with their interest
B. concerned with goals beyond
C. feels superior over others
D. Can’t accept others as they are
The answer is…

Concerned with goals beyond themselves

29. Which is the study of human

A. Ethics
B. Philosophy
C. Morality
D. Psychology
The answer is…

Ethics the branch of knowledge that deals with moral

Philosophy the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the

nature and meaning of life, (from Greek, by way of Latin,
philosophia, “love of wisdom”).

Morality principles concerning the distinction between right

and wrong or good and bad behavior.

Psychology is the study of human behavior.

30. The sum total of a person’s effort to
cope with stressful situations in life is
called _______
A. reaction
B. anger
C. defense mechanism
D. emotion
The answer is…

Defense mechanism
31. It is the process of storing, recovering
and disseminating recorded data through
the computer.

A. Information technology
B. Information utilization
C. Information retrieval
D. Information science
The answer is…

Information retrieval
Information technology the study or use of systems
(especially computers and telecommunications) for storing,
retrieving, and sending information.

Information utilization is a method for describing and

analyzing how information entities identified in information
analysis are being used.

Information Science is an interdisciplinary field primarily

concerned with the analysis, collection, classification,
manipulation, storage, retrieval, movement, dissemination,
and protection of information.
32. Social network service
available through the computer is
A. Wikipedia
B. I-pad
C. Google
D. Facebook
The answer is…

33. ______ means the graphics will be
displayed more than once.

A. texting
B. tagging
C. timing
D. tiling
The answer is…

34. Face-to-face communication is
made possible via the computer
through _______.
A. twitter
B. e-mail
C. skype
D. google
The answer is…

35. Messages are easily transported
anywhere in the world through the
A. e-shopping
B. e-learning
C. e-register
D. e-mail
The answer is…

36. What symbol is used to make the
text bold?
A. Ctrl+ x
B. Ctrl+ V
C. Ctrl+ O
D. Ctrl + B
The answer is…

Ctrl + B
37. Which of the following is considered
as the brain of the computer?

C. Program
D. Password
The answer is…

38. According to the connection of the
computer system it is described as

A. Virtual
B. Distance
C. Online
D. Network
The answer is…

39. Miss Victoria has many children. Her
husband decided to send her to Manila and
seek jobs. The eldest child is 16 years old. What
right is violated by the father?
A. Right of family to family living wage
B. Right to education
C. Right of the children to work and exploitation
D. Right of the children to assistance, proper
care and attention
The answer is…

Right of the children to assistance, proper

care and attention
40. A prisoner was made to confess of his
guilt. A lawyer of the respondent was present
in the confession. What was violated?
A. The confession was without due consultant
B. The prisoner was approached properly
C. The prisoner should have a lawyer of his
D. The choice of a lawyer was made by the
The answer is…

The prisoner should have a lawyer of his

Miranda warning/Miranda rights
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything
you say can and will be used against you in a
court of law. You have the right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be
provided for you. Do you understand the rights
I have just read to you? With these rights in
mind, do you wish to speak to me?”
41. Parents are worried about student’s
interest in Internet. What is the most
A. Check on learners interest while surfing
B. Allow internet only after classes
C. Supervise Internet use with parent’s
D. Allow students use of Internet instead of
using library books
The answer is…

Supervise Internet use with parent’s

42. President Ramon Magsaysay was
chanted a song______

A. To Whom it may Deserve

B. For Democracy Will Die
C. For All Must Die
D. For Whom the Bell Tolls
The answer is…

For Democracy Will Die

43. Every June, Manila has its festival of
outstanding Filipino films. This was a
project initiated by ______.
A. Gat Atienza
B. Gat Lacson
C. Gat Lim
D. Gat Villegas
The answer is…

Gat Villegas
Gatpuno Antonio J. Villegas
Cultural Awards is an annual event
created by the Metro Manila Film
Festival in honor of Antonio
It awards lifetime achievement
awards to films in the annual film
festivals, and that portrays
Philippine culture and Filipino
people to the world.
44. Families of OFW meet a lot of
conflict. How does the government
address this?
A. Increase insurance benefits
B. Encourage more opportunities for OFW
C. Provide scholarship for husband left
behind to study
D. Creation of skills development centers for
The answer is…

Creation of skills development centers for

45. A young girl left her baby the household of a
monastery. The child grew up without knowing
her mother and father. What right is deprived of
the child?

A. Right to freedom of choice

B. Right to assert individuality
C. Right to quality education
D. Right to life
The answer is…

Right to assert individuality

46. There are many cases of abuse on Filipino
contract workers. Where can these workers
seek justice and redress?

A. International Court of Justice

B. Department of Labor and Employment
C. Philippine Supreme Court
D. DOJ and Foreign Affairs Consulate Office
in the Foreign country
The answer is…

Department of Labor and Employment

47. To assure healthy banking industry,
the Bangko Central has encouraged.

A. Bank tie up with foreign banks

B. Bank Merger
C. Bank Closure and Declared bankruptcy
D. Selling of Stocks to interested buyers
The answer is…

Bank Merger
■The Banco de Oro-Equitable PCI
Bank merger (2004–2006) was a plan by
the SM Group of Companies and Banco de
Oro Universal Bank, the fifth-
largest bank in the Philippines, to merge
with Equitable PCI Bank, the third-largest
48. The Department of Agriculture noted that
only 1/3 of the palay produced are used to
advantage. What measure was adapted to save
observed harvest wastage?

A. Rice milling process

B. Palay-drying and storage
C. Rice Transplanting method
D. Palay Exchange and Marketing
The answer is…

Palay-drying and storage

The Rice milling system objective is to remove the husk
and the bran layers, and produce an edible, white rice
kernel that is sufficiently milled and free of impurities.
Depending on the requirements of the customer, the rice
should have a minimum number of broken kernels.
Transplanting is the most common method of crop
establishment for rice in Asia. Rice seedlings grown in a
nursery are pulled and transplanted into puddled and
leveled fields 15 to 40 days after seeding (DAS). Rice
seedlings can either be transplanted manually or by
Palay Exchange and Marketing – exchanging/selling
49. Similar eruptions of volcanoes have
affected lives in Zambales. Relief and
evacuation were managed by the Red Cross in
Mindanao, especially in:
A. Taal volcano
B.Mayon volcano
D.Mt. Halcon
The answer is…

Hibok-Hibok volcano (also known as Catarman volcano) is
the youngest and the only historically active volcano on
Camiguin Island, which is located 9 km off the north coast
of Mindanao Island, Philippines.
50. In the Philippine government, the
earliest and smallest service of
governance is the:
A. Municipality
B. Poblacion
C. Barangay
D. Barrio
The answer is…

A municipality is a local government unit (LGU) in the
Philippines. Municipalities are also usually called towns.

Poblacion or población is the name commonly used for the

central, downtown, or central business district area of a
Philippine city or municipality, which may take up the area of a
single barangay or multiple barangays

Barrio is a Spanish/Portuguese word meaning neighborhood.

The term is also used officially to denote a division of a
51. Personal income tax should be paid and filed
every year by employees and corporation. Who
among the group are exempt from filing income
tax returns?
A. Government employees on daily, contractual and
consultation basis
B. Government employees receiving less than
P180,000.00 per year
C. Retired government employees receiving only
D. Overseas workers
The answer is…

Retired government employees receiving only

52. Protest from inhabitants close to dumping
sites of Metro Manila waste arise from some
observable factors. The most serious of which is:
A. Presence of human being dumped in the
B. Unlimited seepage of waste into the water
C. Presence of flies and mosquitoes
D. Noise pollutants from garbage trucks
The answer is…

Unlimited seepage of waste into the water shads

53. Philippine eagles are identified as
rare species. Lately, in Davao more
eagles were raised through
A. Catching eagles and raised them in cages
B. Artificial insemination through fertilized eggs
C. Incubating eggs from their nests
D. Putting up eagle farms under the Bureau of
The answer is…

Artificial insemination through fertilized eggs

54. A provincial governor was convicted
for using prisoners to build his summer
resort. What should the prisoners
A. The right to refuse the job
B. The right to vote
C. The right to live in standard rooms
D. The right to just compensation
The answer is…

The right to just compensation

55. A priest gave all his possessions to
disabled children. What right may they

A. Right to just treatment

B. Right to proper treatment
C. Right of disabled to equal treatment
D. Right of disabled to equal protection
The answer is…

Right of disabled to equal treatment

56. A police officer forced open the house of a
drug pusher. The drug pusher complained on
the police officer’s actuation because he
alleged that:
A. He was not around when the incident
B. The officer had no warrant of arrest
C. The officer was armed
D. The right for privacy was violated
The answer is…

The right for privacy was violated

57. A candidate was detained for
working against a dominant political
party. Which right can be invoked?
A. Right to his political beliefs
B. Right to his aspirations
C. Right to seek redress
D. Right to vote according to one’s conscience
The answer is…

Right to his political beliefs

58. Voting is a privilege in a
democracy. Those who are
deprived their votes are normally:
A. Franchised
B. Exiled
C. Disenfranchised
D. Executed
The answer is…

to deprive of a franchise, of a legal right, or of
some privilege or immunity; especially : to
deprive of the right to vote.
59. What is LEAST likely to be
function of a trade association?

A. Protecting the reputation of the

B. Standardizing types of the products
C. Influencing government policy
D. Encouraging competition
The answer is…

Influencing government policy

60. In every society, a certain positions are
assigned to individuals on the basis of age,
sex, marital status, and other criteria.
These patterns are:
A. Universally accepted and practiced
B. Cultural defined
C. Learned from parents
D. Taught in school
The answer is…

Cultural defined
61. In countries where medical skill and a public
understanding about health and diseases are widespread,
which of the following changes are evident?
I. Accidental deaths have decreased
II. The communicable disease death rate has decreased
III. Infant mortality has decreased
IV. More people live long enough to succumb to
degenerative disease
The answer is…

62. Which of the following characterizes
the behavior pattern of delayed

A. The minority groups

B. The lower class
C. The upper class
D. The middle class
Delayed gratification, or deferred
gratification, is the ability to resist the
temptation for an immediate reward and wait
for a later reward. Generally, delayed
gratification is associated with resisting a
smaller but more immediate reward in order
to receive a larger or more enduring reward
The answer is…

The middle class

63. Very lately, Philippine mangoes were
exported to Australia, but a new country
has produced more quality mangoes and
mango products. This is in:
A. Singapore
B. Indonesia
C. Korea
D. Thailand
The answer is…

Mango (in Thai MA MUANG) is
one of the oldest tropical
plants and it's been grown by
people for over 4000 years.
64. The Philippines and other nation’s
health are ministered by an organization.
Which is mentioned for this?

A. World Health Organization

C. United Nations
D. United Arabs
The answer is…

World Health Organization

65. A child saw an incident if killing in
school. The authorities could not compel
the child to go to court. What should be
present to allow the child to testify?
A. Consent of the classroom teacher
B. Consent of the trying judge
C. Consent of the parent to testify and
D. Consent of the school principal
The answer is…

Consent of the parent to testify and participate

66. A family built his house in an inner piece of
land. He was not allowed to go through a
neighbor’s yard. He was accused of trespassing
private property. The law allows such passage
under the ________
A. right of travel
B.right of eminent domain
C.right of way
D.right of homeowners
The answer is…

right of way
67. Mr. Son was born as a Chinese national. He
wants to run as a congressman. He was
naturalized at age 18. Can he run for a
congressional seat?
A. Yes, because he was a naturalized citizen
B.Yes, because he is a citizen
C.No, because his parents are already citizen
D.No, because a naturalized citizen can’t run
for congress
The answer is…

No, because a naturalized citizen can’t run for

“No person shall be a Member of the House of
Representatives unless he is a natural-born citizen of
the Philippines and, on the day of the election, is at
least twenty-five years of age, able to read and write,
and, except the party-list representatives, a registered
voter in the district in which he shall be elected, and a
resident thereof for a period of not less than one year
immediately preceding the day of the election.”
-1987 Constitution Article VI Section 6
68. The government wants a piece of private
land for a government project. The owner
resisted the government’s demand. How
may the government own the land?
A. right of habeas corpus
B. right of a sovereign over the governed
C. right of eminent domain
D. right of government ownership
The answer is…

right of eminent domain

"Eminent Domain" - also called
"condemnation" - is the power of local, state
or federal government agencies to take
private property for "public use" so long as
the government pays "just compensation."
The government can exercise its power of
eminent domain even if the owner does not
wish to sell his or her property.
69. A girl scout is qualified to join an
encampment in England. What advantages
would she profit from the experience?
A. To see the world
B. Present Filipino values at the camp
C. Feel the sisterhood among other girls
D. Understanding other girls in the world
The answer is…

Understanding other girls in the world

70. The sum total of traditionally derived
and orally transmitted literature, material
culture and customs within predominantly
and technologically advanced is referred to
as _______.
A. Folk tale
B. Folklore
C. Folk literature
D. Folk song
The answer is…

■ Folktale – stories passed down through generations,
mainly by telling. Different kinds of folktales include fairy
tales (or fairytales), tall tales, trickster tales, myths, and
■ Folklore – traditional customs, tales, sayings, dances or art
forms preserved among a people
■ Folk literature - includes ALL the myths, legends, epics,
fables, and folktales passed down by word of mouth
through the generations.
■ Folk song - A song belonging to the folk music of a people
or area, often existing in several versions or with regional
71. The Katipunan in Cavite was divided into two
factions – the Magdiwang and the Magdalo.
While the Magdalo in Cavite was led by
Baldomero Aguinaldo, who led the Magdiwang
A. Daniel Tirona
B. Artemio Ricarte
C. Mariano Alvarez
D. Ciriaco Bonifacio
The answer is…

Mariano Alvarez
In early 1896, Álvarez
was elected president of
the Magdiwang, one of
two Katipunan branches
in Cavite along with
Magdalo. The two
branches evolved into
separate factions with
their own local
governments, through
their provincial councils.
72. The meeting of the APEC in the
Philippines was held in November 1996.
What was its lasting significance?
A. Filipinos feel they have to relate to Asian Pacific
countries not only politically but economically
B. Filipinos become aware of global matters to
maintain peace
C. Filipinos will display their superiority among Asians
D. Filipinos realize he is no longer an island.
Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC) is a forum
for 21 Pacific Rim member
economies that promotes free
trade throughout the Asia-
Pacific region.
The answer is…

Filipinos feel they have to relate to Asian Pacific

countries not only politically but economically
73. Maternity leaves are extended to
women working in schools. What legal
provision in the Constitution extends
A. Article XIII Sec. 14
B. Article XIV, Sec. 5
C. Article XIII, Sec. 3
D. Article III, Sec. 4
The answer is…

Article XIII Sec. 14

Section 14. The State shall protect working women by
providing safe and healthful working conditions,
taking into account their maternal functions, and
such facilities and opportunities that will enhance
their welfare and enable them to realize their full
potential in the service of the nation.
74. A rich candidate bought a big family by
the thousand. On Election Day, no one was
allowed to leave their homes. What right
was deprived to the members of the family?
A. Right of eminent domain
B. Right to life, liberty
C. Right to participate in democracy
D. Right to due process
The answer is…

Right to participate in democracy

75. Local peace negotiation should be
the primary concern of what office?

A. Philippine National Police

B. Church hierarchy
C. Local municipal and provincial executives
D. Philippine Marine SWAT force
The answer is…

Local municipal and provincial executives

Republic Act No. 7160 - AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A LOCAL

Chapter II - General Powers and Attributes of Local Government Units

SECTION 16. General Welfare. –Within their respective territorial
jurisdictions, local government units shall ensure and support, among
other things, the preservation and enrichment of culture, promote
health and safety, enhance the right of the people to a balanced
ecology, encourage and support the development of appropriate and
self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities, improve public
morals, enhance economic prosperity and social justice, promote full
employment among their residents, maintain peace and order, and
preserve the comfort and convenience of their inhabitants.
76. Families in the troubled
Mindanao were ________.
A. Happy while gunshots filled in the air
B. Satisfied with the peace efforts
C. Unmindful of the events so they stayed
D. Scared so they left their homes
The answer is…

Scared so they left their homes

77. Which administration claims the
Comprehensive Land Reform Law as the
center of its government administration?
A. Aquino regime
B. Marcos regime
C. Garcia regime
D. Macapagal regime
The answer is…

Aquino regime
The legal basis for CARP is the
Republic Act No. 6657 otherwise
known as Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Law (CARL) signed by
President Corazon C. Aquino
78. The primary objective of
marriage is
A. Multiplication
B. Procreation
C. Mutual security between man & woman
D. Companionship
The answer is…

Mutual security between man & woman

79. Which novel was inspired by
the execution of the GOMBURZA?.
A. El Filibusterismo
B. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
C. The Count of Monte Cristo
D. Noli Me Tangere
El Filibusterismo, also known by its
English alternative title The Reign of
Greed, is the second novel written by
Philippine national hero José Rizal. It is
the sequel to Noli me tangere and, like
the first book, was written in Spanish
Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the
Lowly, is an anti-slavery novel by
American author Harriet Beecher
Stowe. Published in 1852, the novel
"helped lay the groundwork for the Civil
War", according to Will Kaufman
The Count of Monte Cristo is an
adventure novel by French author
Alexandre Dumas completed in 1844. It
is one of the author's most popular
works, along with The Three
Noli Me Tángere is a novel written by
José Rizal, one of the national heroes
of the Philippines, during the
colonization of the country by Spain to
expose the inequities of the Spanish
Catholic priests and the ruling
The answer is…

El Filibusterismo
80. Which is a negative consequence
of our value of close family ties?
A. Stability of the family
B. Double standard mentality
C. Development of prolonged dependence
D. Permanence of marriage
The answer is…

Development of prolonged dependence

81. The process humans use to develop
new products to meet their needs and
wants is _______.
A. Technology
B. Innovations
C. Inventions
D. Engineering
The answer is…

Technology- is the collection of techniques, skills, methods
and processes used in the production of goods or services or
in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific

Innovations- the action or process of innovating

Engineering- is a broad term that covers a wide range of

applications and industries. Combining mathematics,
science and technology, engineers produce creative solutions
to real world problems. As a result there are many different
types of engineering degrees available.
82. It is an art composition in which
scraps or pieces of various materials are
arrange into design and pasted onto
A. Color
B. Pahiyas
C. Painting
D. Collage
The answer is…

83. An international convention where
the Philippines can validate its claim to
the Spratlys and other territories in the
west Philippine Sea.
A. Rio de Janeiro convention
B. Kyoto Protocol
D. Geneva Convention
The answer is…

United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea

• Rio de Janeiro Convention – UN Conference on
Environment and Development
• The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change is an international treaty
that sets binding obligations on industrialized countries to
reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
• The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are
at the core of international humanitarian law, the body of
international law that regulates the conduct of armed
conflict and seeks to limit its effects.
84. This is the guarantee given by the
constitution to certain units of government
where their approved annual appropriations
shall be automatically and regularly
A. Fiscal Autonomy
B. Fiscal Discipline
C. Internal Revenue Allocations
D. General Appropriations Act
The answer is…

Fiscal Autonomy
■ Fiscal Autonomy - defined as guarantee given to certain units of the
government by the constitution. It is concerned with understanding which
instruments and functions are best centralized and which ones are best
decentralized in the government levels.
■ Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) - is a local government unit’s (LGU) share
of revenues from the Philippine national government. Provinces,
independent cities, component cities, municipalities, and barangays each
get a separate allotment
■ Fiscal Discipline - means to cut governmental budget spendings as well as
tax cuts.
■ General Appropriations Act (GAA) - a national government budget of
estimated receipts based on existing and proposed revenue measures, and
of estimated expenditures. It is a form of budgetary programs and projects
for each agency of the government, with the corresponding appropriations
for each program and project, including statutory provisions of specific
agency or general applicability.
85. This can be identified with
public purpose, public interest and
public convenience
A. Public use
B. Eminent Domain
C. Just compensation
D. Property
The answer is…

Eminent Domain
86. The author of “Flora de Filipinas” circa
1837, the botanical illustrations of plant
specimens that grew into the Philippines
A. Gov. Narciso Claveria
B. Gov. Camilo de Polavieja
C. Padre Emmanuel Gonzales
D. Fr. Manuel Blanco
The answer is…

Fr. Manuel Blanco

He is the author of the first
comprehensive flora of the Philippines,
Flora de Filipinas. Según el sistema de
Linneo (Flora of the Philippines
according to the system of Linnaeus).
The first two editions (Manila, 1837
and 1845) were unillustrated.
Celestine Fernandez Villar (1838-
1907), together with others including
Antonio Llanos, published an
illustrated posthumous edition from
1877 to 1883, printed by C. Verdaguer
of Barcelona.
87. The municipal mayor is for
today while _____ was during the
Spanish period.
A. Governor General
B. Alcalde Mayor
C. Cabeza de barangay
D. Gobernadorcillo
The answer is…

Municipal Government
Towns, or pueblos, where headed by so-called little
governors or gobernadorcillos. Administrative duties
included preparation of tribute lists; military conscription,
communal work, postal work and recruitment and
distribution of individuals for draft labor. In addition, the
little governor acted as a judge in minor civil and
administrative cases.
88. If you keep seeing your ways of doing
things as the right way and everybody else’s
as the wrong way, you tend to have the
attitude called _____.
A. Xenocentrism
B. Ethnocentrism
C. Ethical relativism
D. Cultural relativism
The answer is…

Xenocentrism is the preference for the products, styles, or
ideas of someone else's culture rather than of one's own.
Ethnocentrism- evaluation of other cultures according to
preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of
one's own culture.
Ethical relativism- is the theory that holds that morality is
relative to the norms of one's culture. That is, whether an
action is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the
society in which it is practiced. The same action may be
morally right in one society but be morally wrong in another.
Cultural relativism-is the principle of regarding the beliefs,
values, and practices of a culture from the viewpoint of
that culture itself.
89. What do you call the right of the teacher
in higher institution of learning to conduct
research and discuss, publish his/ her
conclusion according to law without
unnecessary interference?
A. Freedom to travel
B. Free enterprise
C. Academic freedom
D. Press freedom
The answer is…

Academic Freedom
90. The standard territorial and political
subdivision of the Philippines is into

A. Municipalities and barangay

B. The autonomous regions
C. The provinces and cities
D. All of the above
The answer is…

All of the above

91. Every society has means to ensure that
its members behave in approved ways. The
general term for these means is

A. Social control
B. Fines and imprisonment
C. Values
D. Taboos
The answer is…

Social Control
92. In moral life, responsibility depends on one’s
knowingly and freely doing an act. In which of
the following situations would you attribute
A. A person unknowingly passes counterfeit money
B. An insane person strikes someone’s head with a
C. A four-year old fires a loaded gun killing his own
D. A nurse administers a medicine despite strong
The answer is…

A nurse administers a medicine despite strong

93. The government has control of many
government corporations and industries.
What was deregulated and allowed to raise
prices without control?
A. Oil industry
B. Fishing industry
C. Mining industry
D. Water source
The answer is…

Oil Industry
94. Democracy refers to the involvement of
all citizens in the control of government,
while an oligarchy relegates control of
government to
A. the mother country
B. an autocrat
C. a religious group
D. a select few
The answer is…

A select few
Oligarchy means the rule
of the few, and those few
are generally the people
who are richer and more
powerful than the
others, what you might
call the aristocrats or the
95. How may the establishment of housing
subdivisions to address housing problems
contribute to decreased food production?
A. Housing divisions become overcrowded.
B. Men get occupied with construction and leave
their farms untilled
C. Arable lands are reduced for these are converted
into housing subdivision
D. People who flocked to the center where most
subdivisions are located have no skill
The answer is…

Arable lands are reduced for these are converted

into housing subdivision
96. Which principle of taxation does the
Philippine government lack if it fails to raise
the needed revenue and therefore borrows
from other countries to cover its expenses?

A. Equity
B. Elasticity
C. Neutrality
D. Adequacy
The answer is…

Equity - may refer to equal life chances regardless of identity, to provide
all citizens with a basic and equal minimum of income, goods, and
services or to increase funds and commitment for redistribution
Elasticity - The sensitivity of changes in a quantity with respect to
changes in another quantity.
Neutrality is an important economic concept; taxes that are neutral (or
efficient) do not affect economic decisions. This is one of the
arguments used by those who wish to impose sales tax on e-commerce
An adequate tax system raises enough money to pay for public services
requested by citizens and policy makers. An inadequate system runs
deficits; some state constitutions prohibit deficit budgets (that is,
planning to run in the red).
97. The dignity of every human
person is rooted on his/her being

A. Good
B. Productive
C. Educated
D. Created into God’s image and likeness
The answer is…

98. The third and last military Governor
of the Philippines was ______.

A. Gen. Wesley Merritt

B. Gen. Elwell E. Otis
C. Major Gen. Arthur MacArthur
D. Gen. Douglas MacArthur
Wesley Merritt Elwell Otis Arthur MacArthur
Aug. 14, 1898 – Aug. 30, 1898 Aug. 28, 1898 – May 5, 1900 May 5, 1900 – July 4, 1901
The answer is…

Major Gen. Arthur MacArthur

99. Traditional Chinese society was
characterized by all of the following
EXCEPT _________.

A. Confucian beliefs
B. Government exam for public service
C. Patrilineal families
D. Practice of Shinto
The answer is…

Practice of Shinto
100. To which country do mountain
climbers flock to climb the highest
mountain in the world?
A. Sri Lanka
B. Nepal
C. Pakistan
D. Bangladesh
The answer is…

Mount Everest, also known in
Nepal as Sagarmāthā and in
Tibet as Chomolungma, is
Earth's highest mountain.
Its peak is 8,848 metres
(29,029 ft) above sea level.
Mount Everest is located in
the Mahalangur mountain
range in Nepal and Tibet.

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