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Challenge and Response in the Karakoram: Socioeconomic Transformation in Hunza,

Northern Areas, Pakistan

Author(s): Hermann Kreutzmann
Source: Mountain Research and Development , Feb., 1993, Vol. 13, No. 1 (Feb., 1993), pp.
Published by: International Mountain Society

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Department of Geography
University of Bonn
Meckenheimer Allee 166
D-5300 Bonn 1

ABSTRACT Improved accessibility and attempts for integrated rural development in high mountain regions challenge the economic,
social and cultural system of mountain societies. An examination of transformations in the Hunza Valley in the Karakoram shows
how external interventions change the internal structure and economic conditions. Following a diachronic approach, the political
and economic framework is analyzed and some aspects of recent sources of income are discussed. The decline of high pasturing,
change in the traditional pattern of gender-related division of labor, and the impact of development projects indicate that the
subsistence component of production has declined while diversification and increase of non-agrarian income sources have occurred.
The Karakoram Highway enhances geographical mobility and exchange relations between the mountains and the plains.

RgSUMI Defi et roponse dans le Karakorum: transformation socio-economique dans la valle de la Hunza, Pakistan septentrional. Un meilleur
acces et des tentatives de d6veloppement rural int6gre dans les r6gions de hautes montagnes presentent un defi au systeme
&conomique, social et culturel des soci&t6s montagnardes. Une etude des transformations qui se sont produites dans la valle
de la Hunza, dans le Karakorum, illustre la manieire dont les interventions externes modifient la structure interne et les conditions
&conomiques. Une approche diachronique est utilsee pour analyser le cadre politique et &conomique et examiner certains aspects
de l'origine des revenus actuels. Le d&clin du paturage d'altitude, le changement dans la division traditionelle du travail parmi
les sexes et l'impact des projets de developpement indiquent que l'autoconsommation cede la pas a la diversification et ' une
augmentation des sources de revenus non-agricoles. L'autoroute du Karakorum favorise la mobilite geographique et les relations
d'&change entre les montagnes et les plaines pakistanaises.

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Herausforderung und Antwort im Karakorum: Sozio-ikonomische Transformation und Haushaltsreproduktion in

Hunza.VerkehrserschlieBung und Versuche einer integrierten Entwicklung im Hochgebirge stellen eine Herausforderung ffir
Hochgebirgsgesellschaften dar. In einer Fallstudie zum Hunza-Tal wird dargelegt, wie von auBen gesteuerte Entwicklungsprozesse
die inneren Strukturen einer Talschaft beeinflussen und auf die Wirtschaftsverhiltnisse riickwirken. Ausgehend von einer
diachronischen Analyse der polit-6konomischen Rahmenbedingungen werden einige Aspekte der gegenwiirtigen Zusammensetzung
der Erwerbsquellen diskutiert. Fallbeispiele zum Verfall der Almwirtschaft, zur Geschlechterarbeitsteilung und zum EinfluB von
Entwicklungsprojekten unterstreichen eine Abnahme der Bedeutung der Subsistenzlandwirtschaft zugunsten einer Diversifizierung
und Zunahme der nicht-agrarischen Erwerbsquellen. Der Karakorum Highway verstirkt regionale Mobilitit und Austauschbezie-
hungen zum pakistanischen Vorland.


In recent years increased attention has been paid to on exchange relations between lowlands
the development problems of high mountain regions.
highlands, as well as a more detailed study of speci
chosen areas, are necessary for the appraisal of deve
First of all, a great number of development projects
ment processes in high mountains. This could help
aiming at integrated rural development have penetrated
the high mountains in connection with the extension of the whole range of interactions between man a
his environment in the high mountains and the strate
road networks. Secondly, the discussion of the Himalayan
Dilemma (Ives and Messerli, 1989) has revealed aofgap of
utilization and management of marginal resources,
knowledge on land degradation, erosion, and relatedcould provide a planning basis for the regional adm
destructive phenomena in the forelands. It has stration
become of the affected countries.
obvious that there is a deficiency of regional studiesThe following case study aims at depicting the eco-
treat high mountain regions as a part of annomic overalldevelopment of one Karakoram valley over a
ecological and economic system and thus contribute period of two centuries, and to describe the framework
to a more comprehensive analysis of high mountain of the present exchange patterns. Migration and its
phenomena. consequences for the local agricultural system are taken

0 International Mountain Society and United Nations University

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as an example to demonstrate how socioeconomic trans- persons, village elders, and local teachers were conducted
formations function in a high mountain region and how either in the local language, Urdu, or with the help of
they are influenced by external interventions such as the local interpreters. Thus village profiles could be estab-
construction of the Karakoram Highway, a new traffic link lished in order to work out regional patterns of
between the plains of Pakistan and the Xinjiang forelands diversity.
via the Hunza Valley. The extensive fieldwork period was necessary to under-
The collection of empirical data is based on field visits stand seasonal variations in the utilization of ecological
in 1981 and 1983 followed by fieldwork executed during zones, in the workload, and in the structure of mobility.
twelve months in 1984 and 1985. Shorter visits followed In order to determine the recent spatial resource alloca-
in 1986, 1988, and 1989. During these periods all villages
tion and differentiation, settlement patterns and infra-
of Hunza were visited except the Chupursan Valley structure
and detailed maps on different scales were
Misgar which were restricted areas for foreigners. Thus,prepared.
out of 43 villages 34, giving home to 93 % of the Hunza The material of the present fieldwork has been com-
population, were covered. Residence was taken in pared Kar- with the personal records of D.L.R. Lorimer, who
imabad, the central place of Hunza and former seat of ago collected valuable information on the Hunza
50 years
the hereditary ruler. In Karimabad, where close contactsValley, published by Miiller-Stellrecht in 1979. Local
to different households could be established, systematicscholars like Qudratullah Beg, the author of Tarikh-e
observations of agricultural practices, communal under- Hunza, supplied valuable information from the first half
takings, and social activities were carried out. In order
of this century. In addition to this source the colonial
to elaborate on the ethno-linguistic, economic, and in the India Office Library and Records, London
ecological differentiation of the Hunza Valley andsuppliedthe data for the diachronic reconstruction of trans-
varying degrees of its accessibility, regular visits to formation
the processes up to 1947. Census and other reports
neighboring villages (Figure 1) from Khizrabad tobySost the Government of Pakistan, local administration, and
and Shimshal as well as to the pasture settlements of
development agencies supported the data collection in
different groups were undertaken. In addition to sample Pakistan.
surveys in different villages, interviews with resource


The study of high mountain geography has a (outmigration

long from mountain valleys). Cultural-
tradition. Essential knowledge was first gained in the
geographical studies were dominated by questions o
European Alps and used as a model for high mountain new road networks, regional disparities, and migratio
research in general. At present two main lines of investiga-
patterns. Overpopulation and carrying capacity of hig
tion are generally followed: mountains were initially discussed especially in conne
tion with the migration to overseas colonies and wit
First are studies that stress orographical and ecological
industrialization in the lowlands, and more recent ca
features and lead to extensive terminological and classifi-
cation models. Carl Troll (1941, 1975) based his compar-
studies have emphasized the link between carrying capac
ative high mountain research upon these. In his concept
ity and population growth within the Karakoram (Ehlers
of a three-dimensional synopsis (Troll, 1959, 1962) he Land-use competition between nomads and agr
proceeded from a narrowly defined term of high moun- culturists in Middle Eastern mountain regions becam
tains as an object of research to an ecological model.another
The focus of research stressing the interrelationship
natural resource potential in different climatic zonesof was
lowlands and highlands (cf. Ehlers, 1980).
systematically analyzed based on vegetation cover as an two main research approaches have given im
indicator for ecozones. The limitation of this concept to
portant impulses to the development of high mounta
orographically defined high mountain regions made geography and have thus influenced cultural geograp
global comparisons possible, as well as the construction
ical research. They rely on external interventions t
of typological models and the setting up of zonationmodernize these regions considering the increasingl
models (Rathjens, 1981, 1982; Schweizer, 1984; Uhlig and questions on the protection of natural resourc
Haffner, 1984). To date, numerous studies on production
and the satisfaction of fundamental needs of a growin
and utilization systems adapted to high altitudespopulation
have in the high mountains of the Third World (c
incorporated this concept which stresses the seclusion of
Grotzbach, 1982, 1984). The accessibility concept (Wi
high mountains. banks, 1972; Allan, 1986) stresses the importance of road
A second group of geographical studies on high moun-
infrastructure for economic development and innovation
tains underlines the ecological and economic brought
inter- from the plains into mountainous regions. Thes
relationship between mountains and the surrounding
approaches based on modern theoretical thinking pa
areas, as well as their integration into larger regions.
little attention to the fundamentally different socioeco-
Transformation processes in European high mountains
nomic base and political characteristics of developin
initiated the discussion of phenomena like Bergbauernpro-
countries. Geographical development research can fill th
gap and provide aspects of comparison as it discusse
blem (problems of mountain agriculture) and Hdhenflucht

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Babagundi Ziarat ....... .....T ..- .. ..

merk Ispenj Reshit Ki rml


. ?0 Imaabad Jam arabad

o Pasu

Benit a Khara ad

u ih tmAbaZaraba
Daintar e n raGulmit Shishke
Haide a minabad Ainabad

ans-iad Faiabad GNaltar akhr

S da * 601- 1200 jeepable road 240 altitude
, Mra400
Rahin.abad rr-6 border
' . 201 - 1 - -lia under ice cover
of subdivision
Tungda sh. t 20"kmpa
Jaglo h - 1 - 200 inhabitants -
I i h i b e r:
Gwach o settlements
Jagat size (1981): . iniportant seasonal se
1 - 200 inhabitants
Rahimiabad 0 201 - 600 " border of subdivision
601 - 1200 "----..... jeepable toad 2400
.............. footpath101e9io ns above 4500 miceandlor
tinder cover

FIGURE 1. Settlements in the Hunza Valley.

regional aspects in their holistic context (cf. Blenck, analyzed with emphasis on the interaction between ex-
Tr6ger, and Wingwiri, 1985: 69). ternal interventions and internal developments. The
The following study focuses on the transformation construction of the Karakoram Highway is used as an
processes and how they were initiated in a Karakoram example of change in the economic basis of a high
valley. Starting with a historical perspective the con- mountain population and the local response to external
sequences for the economic and social structure are challenge is analyzed.

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Yasin ' Chatorkand Aliabad HUNZA

GupiseSGup Sin Sikandarabad .

Gakuckk I " N E "

0 Gumari
\Jaglot D/ mR KHAPLU
North-West / ChilasSha HANCHE
Frontier Province ( Chlas DISTRICT
\ CHILAS / Astore Skardu /
?D Khaplu
0 50 100 km ASTORE SKAR
50 /k Kharmong,

Azad- / C\ DISTRIC
Kashmir Zcea fireI KHARMONG

FIGURE 2. Administrative regions cI- International Boundary ---.- District Border 0 Distr
and borders of the Northern Areas. - --- Border of Northern Areas ------ Subdivision Border * Adm


For such a diachronic analysis the choice ofculture" (Rhoades and Thompson, 1975) based on oas
a suitable
study area was of prime importance. The present-day
irrigation and animal husbandry utilizing natural pa
Hunza subdivision of the Northern Areas administered tures in different ecological zones.
by Pakistan forms such a region (Figure 2). Hunza
Large areas in Hunza are covered by glaciers. Th
borders on Afghanistan and China in the north Karakoram
and is represents the most glaciated mountain ar
part of the area disputed by Pakistan and India in outside
the the polar regions and area-wise 28% of t
forty-year Kashmir conflict. The size of the Hunza Karakoram
terri- is covered by ice, compared with 8-12% i
the Himalaya and 2% in the Alps. Such a vertical
tory is 11,695 km2-about one quarter that of Switzer-
land. The population density of 2.3 inhabitants per km2
differentiated extreme relief explains the low populatio
is very low. The permanent settlements of the 28,000
Hunzukuts, as they call themselves, lie close to the Hunza
The settlements are situated as compact irrigated oases
between 1,850 and 3,500 m (Figure 3). Total annual
River or its tributaries (Government of Pakistan, 1984).
The population of the Hunza Valley consists ofaveragefourprecipitation measured at climatic stations on the
ethno-linguistic groups. In the upper Hunza Valley valley
therefloor is less than 150 mm and rainfed agriculture
live mainly Wakhi farmers (19.2% of the Hunzukuts) is not
whopossible. The extensive glaciation can only be
came as late immigrants from the Afghan Wakhan into by much higher precipitation in the summit
Hunza seeking refuge; they speak an Eastern Iranian region (cf. Flohn, 1969: 211,213; Ferguson, 1984: 583;
Whiteman, 1985: 5-28). The Hunza Valley is deeply
dialect. The Burusho of Central Hunza are the biggest
group in number (67.1%). So far their idiom-the incised and has very steep slopes: on a horizontal distance
Burushaski-cannot be linked to any of the existing of 11 km the Karakoram main crest rises vertically 6 km
language groups. Shina speakers (12.6%) haveattheir several places (Figure 4). This high relief energy gives
settlements in the lower parts of the Hunza Valley, known
rise to different vegetation belts from desert-steppe on
as Shinaki; the Shina language belongs to the Northwest
the valley floor up to the nival belt of permanent ice (cf.
Prakrit. The Dom form the fourth and smallestPaffen, groupPillewizer, and Schneider 1956; Schweinfurth,
(1.1%); they are traditionally craftsmen and musicians,
1957). In between there are belts of differing widths of
thus ranking at the bottom of the social hierarchy. artemisia,
All conifers, and meadow, which are utilized in
the groups in Hunza have their own history anddifferent
tradi- ways by the mountain farmers.
tions and have in common a "mixed mountain The agri-irrigation economy is based on highly sophisti-

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cated and appropriate technology: the channels of

oases are mainly gravity fed by meltwaters of the s
valleys of the Hunza River (Figure 5). The cultivated lan
/:r. ., WORN"
is strictly divided by this network of channels and cor
sponding rights of water usage into areas of intens
agriculture, orchards, and irrigated grasslands (cf. Kreu
mann, 1988, 1990). The pasture land of the artemi
steppe lies above the oases with seasonal pastural set
ments and occasional crop farming at altitudes rang
from 3,000 to 4,000 m.
. . . . . . . . . . .n~u
Animal husbandry is important for the supply of me
and milk products. After preservation, these prov
households with food for the winter season. Moreover, t
livestock provide the permanent settlements with man
of which 20-40 tons of dry matter manure are nee
per hectare for successful double cropping on terra
at an altitude of 2,500 m (Figure 6). Corn (Zea may
millet (Panicum miliaceum, Setaria italica), buckwheat (F
?* *;J pyrum esculentum and tataricum), and potatoes (Solanu
tuberosum) follow winter sown wheat and summer sow
barley, respectively. However, part of the irrigated lan
has to be reserved for the production of fodder. Lucer
(Medicago sativa) is grown on a large scale and occup
up to half of the arable land in some of the irriga
oases, and thus reduces the valuable land available for
*01,?- -11
grain production. Additionally, the straw of the grain and
the leaves of trees are stored for fodder purposes. The
size of herds depends on the availability of fodder during
the long winter season. This interdependence between
agriculture and animal husbandry is significant for the
economic system of the Hunzukuts which has relied on
i'-'-A --
subsistence farming over a long period.
In contrast to the plains of Pakistan where large
FIGURE 3. Village of Altit
landholdings,Khan with
on the one hand, traditi
and tenancy and wage
ment structure on a terrace above the Hunza River.
labor, on the other, dominate the agro-social structures,

:?... : :..... . ...

.... .... .....??

4. z,;
lk :?.:

FIGURE 4. Ulta
above Karimaba
The Ultar glacie
network of Cen
meltwater and p
in the valleys.

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Landuse in Karnrnabad (Central Hcrnza)

ichi - assikisb, orchard I.: u2-ie

toq, irrigated meadow stream f bn ne atr stlm t
E Dabndne pstresetlmet . . . . . .
F - 1 trhihpsueirriq .channel Jamaat Khana
ditch Karakoram Highway!
newly dvelope
IZ1 villaglelands projected ch. road jeepable road ,
directionof flow ow-A* escarliment \

contour lines: 50 r altitude in m 0 00100

----- ---- . . . . . . . .

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FIGURE 5. Land use in Karimabad.

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........... ... , . "' % .... t;

ter . ti


- ,".:r C7P
narrow terraces and to facilitate

. jk.

FIGURE 7. Smallholdings are the

characteristic features of the Kara-
koram village lands.

in Hunza there is a high percentage of equally-sized abolishment of hereditary rule in 1974 he has s
landownership units that do not, however, conceal ofan his property to local farmers. His royal esta
hectares, however, is still the largest possessio
evident social stratification-the extreme positions merely
whole of Karimabad (formerly named Balti
lie closer together. Farmers of all four ethno-linguistic
groups in Hunza cultivate irrigated terraces that on 1983).
average comprise a landholding of approximately one To supply the population with adequate basic food-
hectare for mixed cropping (Figure 7), although stuffsthey has been a perpetual problem. It has been tackled
occupy different parts of the valley. The former ruler of
in different ways depending on the historical conditions.
Hunza, called mir or tham, was the largest landownerToand
compensate for regional production deficits a non-
still owned 120 ha of land in the 1960s. Since the agrarian exchange system came into existence.

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tion. The important Muslim Kashmir basin was sold to

Hunza has never functioned as a typical Paflstaat (pass
or entrepot state) controlling important trade routes the Hindu Dogra ruler, Gulab Singh, and this eventually
between Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent as did led to the so-called "Kashmir problem."
Badakhshan and Kashmir where the pashmina wool trade (2) Colonial period: The "turbulent frontier" phenome-
was significant. Nevertheless, the principality participated
non (Galbraith, 1959), the term applied to the Northern
in trans-regional exchange trade in a similar manner to in the aftermath of the forward policy strategic
Chitral. Hunza had access to subsidiary branches of the
advance, finally reached Hunza in 1891 when it was
silk route, such as the trade link between Badakhshan
conquered by British-Kashmiri troops in the so-called
"Hunza Campaign" and deprived of sovereignty (cf.
and Eastern Turkestan (Kashgar) and between Kashmir/
Ladakh and Eastern Turkestan (Yarkand, Khotan). Knight,
This 1895; Huttenback, 1975). The following im-
position contrasted with that of neighboring principali-
plementation of "indirect rule" affected the institutions
ties which depended solely on a rural economy. Theof hereditary rule and the social structure of Hunza in
colonial interests of Russia and British India in the many ways.
nineteenth century followed similar courses andDuring
the the colonial phase from 1892 to 1947 Hunza's
strategic importance of the Hunza Valley was a valuable
economic and political relations were increasingly di-
route. This factor led eventually to the construction
verted of
to the south. The appointment of a compliant mir
the Karakoram Highway. in Hunza eased relations with the British representatives
There are four phases in which the development in
the and Kashmir and kept the cost of administration
exchange relations took place (Figure 8; Kreutzmann, low. Under the 46-year auspices of Mir Muhammad Nazim
1989: 17-39). Khan the internal socioeconomic structure in Hunza
(1) Pre-colonial period: After the incorporation of Eastern changed significantly. As an autocratic ruler backed
Turkestan into the "Middle Kingdom" in 1759 the ruler British support, he increased his income considerably ou
of Hunza, Tham Khisro, tried to secure Hunza's inde- of local taxes and profited by colonial subsidies and
pendence through tribute relations with the emperor of contracts. Until 1937 the relations with China were
China. He proved his loyalty by an annual exchange of nominally kept alive. At this point Hunza gave up a
gifts. Hunza had to pay its tribute in gold and received territorial claims in Xinjiang. The assertion of the Britis
in return a great amount of silk, cotton cloth, tea, silver, Indian predominance in the "Great Game" with Tsari
and porcelain. The weight of the gold tribute amounted Russia signified a unilateral concentration of economi
to 15 miskal which valued Rs. 120 in 1898, while the exchange relations on Gilgit, the center of coloni
return gifts were worth Rs. 1,070 (McMahon, 1898: 61). administration.
There is no evidence for the assumption of Allan (1990: Although an intensification of trade through the
406) that the hereditary ruler used local grain taxes "to Hunza Valley had been frequently considered, this route
trade with neighbouring Chinese Turkestan to the north never gained the approval of the non-local traders and
and with Kashmir to the south." Compared to those transporters. It was a difficult track and pack animals as
fertile oases Hunza produced no surplus in grain and well as adequate provisions were lacking. The rulers of
transport over long distances was difficult and costly. Hunza and Nager levied transit dues on all merchandise
Trading goods had to be light and valuable; they were which exceeded the tolls on the Chitral and Leh trade
mainly used for the benefit of the hereditary ruler's own routes (Kreutzmann, 1991).
household. The regular attacks on trade caravans by the The excellent relations of the mir with the British
infamous Hunza robbers were more or less tolerated and colonial administration resulted in the offer of cultivable
did not lead to a serious decline of the friendly relations land in the vicinity of Gilgit where Hunzukuts also for
with China. The reason for this mutual understanding the first time found non-agrarian jobs as mercenaries and
might have been the location of Hunza at the periphery in services.
of China and communication problems due to long (3) Post-colonial period: At the time of independence in
distances. A substantial part of the income of the mir of 1947 when Pakistan and India came into existence as the
Hunza was gathered by looting caravans and afterwards result of dividing the "Indian Empire," the status of
selling the captives to the slave markets of Badakhshan Kashmir was not defined. The criterion for dividing the
and Turkestan (cf. Miiller-Stellrecht, 1978, 1981). More- country was a religiously motivated "Two Nation Theory."
over, the mir managed to extend his sphere of influence But the Hindu Maharaja of this princely state was re-
to the Pamir regions where there were easily accessible luctant to join Pakistan. There followed the first war
and productive pastures for herds from Hunza. The between India and Pakistan and the demarcation of a
Kirghiz nomads were partly expelled and the remaining cease-fire line dividing Kashmir into two parts. This
graziers were taxed. For more than a century the ex- colonial heritage is a constant burden on the relationship
change relations of Hunza were directed exclusively between the two neighboring countries. At present Kash-
towards the north and the silk route oases. This one-sided mir is divided into the Indian province of Jammu and
orientation was challenged after 1846 when in the Treaty Kashmir and into the Pakistan-controlled Azad Kashmir.
of Amritsar the Northern border was handed over to the
The regional structure was dramatically affected by
Maharaja of Kashmir by the British colonial administra- the partition of the Indian Subcontinent in 1947. India

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1761-1891 1892-1947

Sinkiang Sinkiang

Hunza Hunza


Badakhshan i1 Gilgit \

dearcaled since 1963Sinkiang Sinkia

demarcated since_1963 __

T? -
H unNorthern I
* Areas



Pakistan India Pakistan

1947- 1974 since 1974

(rulers. mir, rij, tham""en"n) """" tributary relationships

Hunza principalities of the Karakoram -,,-ed0-,,-
trade, exchange

Pakistan states/provinces etc. having ..........."" raids on caravans

exchange relations with lunza ^ slave trade

Northern I dis

I Areas
Areas I contro
AK Azad Kashmir J & K Jammu

FIGURE 8. Historical developme

Studies, 25 (4), 1991, p. 717, Cam

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claims that Hunza as well as the total former Gilgit maneuvers such as the sealing of the Hunza-China
Agency and Baltistan are a part of Kashmir. According boundary in the winter of 1950-51. Pakistan improved
to Pakistan's views, these districts have a different status the Babusar route (Pass, 4,173 m) via the Kagan Valley
relating to international law and are excluded from the and, subsequently, the first jeep reached Gilgit in 1949.
Kashmir dispute. For both opinions there are supporting In Hunza the age of motorization began in 1957 when
and contradictory colonial documents. the valley was linked to the Pakistan road network.
All mountain regions with a majority Muslim popula- At the same time plans were devised for the construc-
tion decided right from the beginning unequivocally to tion of an all-weather road between Pakistan and China.
join Pakistan. Fighting the Kashmir Dogra rule, local First plans for such a road through the Indus Valley with
officers succeeded to declare the "Independent Republic links to the railheads at Havelian (Hazara) and Dargai
of Gilgit" on 1 November 1947 (Sherullah Beg, 1976: 9). (Malakand Agency) originate from 1936. In a "Note on
For diplomatic reasons, and due to its inability to enforce the Improvement of Communications between Gilgit and
its own administration in the region, the Government of the Plains of India" MajorJohnson proposes to follow the
Pakistan hesitated to incorporate these areas within its Swat route via Shangla Pass (2,100 m) and to negotiate
own domain. Therefore, the mir of Hunza renewed his with the "Indus Kohistan tribes" for safeguard of the road
diplomatic relations with China. At the same time he (IOL/P&S/12/2382). In 1959 these plans were realised
threatened Pakistan to join the Soviet Union if no quick with the construction of the "Indus Valley Road." It took
solution were to be found in the question of accession nearly twenty years for this road-now called the Kar-
(IOL/P&S/13/1860). The local rulers aspired for auton- akoram Highway-to be completed. This "Friendship
omy in internal matters with a Pakistani representation Highway" forms a link between branches of the historical
regarding foreign policy, similar to the princely states in Silk Route in Xinjiang and the colonial "Grand Trunk
India. The Kashmir war in 1947 polarized the question Road" located in the Indo-Pakistan lowlands. The Kar-
of alliance even more.
akoram Highway directed and substantially intensified
As one major result of these early conflicts, traditional
the exchange relations of the Northern Areas and Hunza,
links were severed by the demarcation of a cease-fire line.
in particular towards Pakistan.
This actual line of control between Pakistan and India (4) Post-autonomy period: During the presidentship of
interrupts the traditional entry to the Valley of KashmirZulfiqar Ali Bhutto the last rulers of the Northern Areas
(Rawalpindi-Domel-Srinagar) as well as the support routeswere deposed and pensioned during the period from
for the Karakoram valleys (Gilgit-Srinagar; Baltistan- 1972 to 1974 (Sherullah Beg, 1976: 11). Finally Hunza
Kashmir/Ladakh). Nowadays Srinagar can be reachedwas integrated into Pakistan's administration and many
across the Pir Panjal mountains via the Banihal Pass measures were introduced by the government to develop
(2,831 m) or tunnel (2,196 m), respectively, from the infrastructure, to abolish direct taxes, and to subsidize
railhead at Jammu on well-developed roads. Previously transport. These provisions led to the eradication of
the only route led from the Gilgit Agency across thefamine periods in Hunza while increasing the depend-
Burzil Pass (4,200 m) into Srinagar. In a few centuriesence on non-local production. Trade with China along
the Russo-British confrontation had turned into an un-
the Karakoram Highway continually gained in impor-
stable Indo-Pakistan contiguity which was aggravated on tance but it has, so far, an inferior position in the overall
a global scale through different alliances of the two bilateral exchange of goods.
sovereign states with the contemporary Superpowers. The The Karakoram Highway was built mainly for strategic
strategic importance of the Northern Areas has thus reasons. It has consequently tightened the bond of the
Northern Areas with Pakistan. The power vacuum which
During the 1950s the Northern mountain communities
was left after the abolishment of hereditary rule has been
lost nearly all their traditional trade and exchange
filled by administrative institutions that have also ad-
relations due to the closure of borders and political
vanced into the remote mountain valleys.


The external interventions and their influence upon

household income in varying degrees. Marketable prod-
the internal structure in Hunza will be demonstrated ucts
by add to subsistence farming. There are incomes from
discussion of the composition of the household incomes non-agrarian occupations in services, trades, and crafts.
in recent years. Household in this context denotes These
very sources of income are only partly developed within
close kinship bonds related to a group of several persons
Hunza. They depend on increased geographical mobility.
in order to manage the household together; i.e. in Hunza
A third component has to be taken into consideration:
a house or hearth community who lives in a ha, the income is generated through different relationships with
traditional one-room house, and shares all resourcesgovernmental,
and social, and developmental organizations
the workload.
which contribute directly and indirectly (e.g., through
In addition to the formerly dominant subsistencesubsidies, scholarships, and loans) to the economic
farming and animal husbandry, there are now other strength of households and to the diversification of
sources of income (Figure 9) that contribute to the
financial resources.

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INSTITUTIONS SECTOR i army service trade

I M I I..... ..I civil service wage labour
I migrant labour - tourism
FIGURE 9. Income composition of a
Hunza household.

purchase > production , purchase < production



Golodas Korkulti Nomal

g Hindi Thaus
* Thui * * Yasin Pakora
* Chatorkhand
0 * ,0
Gupis * ,
S 40 Pasu Sandi * Phandar Immit
- Gulmit EM Ghulkin Ishkoman

40 80 120 160

annual grain production

0 villages in Hunza Subdivision
* villages in GilgitDistnct So
of grain in

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A more detailed analysis of the components of the beef, mutton, and lamb, now the marketing of meat
household incomes reveals the mechanism that influ- Gilgit Town and also in the Hunza Valley (Rahimaba
and Aliabad) has been spreading. Livestock is smuggle
ences this process of development. Two figures illustrate
the local agricultural production deficit: presently, intoless
Chitral from Afghanistan and water buffalos from
than two thirds of all the consumed foodgrainsdown are country are sent to Gilgit for slaughtering. In 198
there were only two places in Gilgit bazaar where water
produced in the Gilgit District; in Karimabad, the capital
of Hunza, the subsistence share is 42% in 1983, in Gulmit
buffalos were sold; in 1990 there were more than fifteen.
only 25% (Figure 10). Increased dependence onTransport non- costs of live cattle have been subsidized by th
local resources rose to 47% in Gulmit by 1991. These Government (World Bank 1990: 95). During the autum
figures are valid only for the grain production. Presently,
of 1989 a group of Hunzukut entrepreneurs from Ghujal
20-30% of the wheat consumption in Gilgit District is for the first time, a herd of 500 yaks and 1,500
imported by the Civil Supplies Department (Worldsheep Bankand goats in Xinjiang Province (China) and drov
1990: 95). Other foodstuffs like rice, pulses, vegetablethem
fats, via Hunza to Gilgit. Some animals were sold for
tea, and sugar have to be purchased in the local bazaarsupgrading the livestock population while the bulk ended
and cooperative societies' shops. Production deficits of
up with the meat vendors (qasai) of Gilgit Town.
this size which must be compensated from external From the perspective of the individual household t
sources are surprising in a high mountain region compensate
where for this production deficit it is obviously
agriculture dominates the occupational structure and
necessary to earn additional money to be able to pu
subsistence production has been prevalent. chase extra supplies. These resources derive mainly from
Meat production is similarly affected. The Northern the factors that are categorized under the caption no
Areas and Chitral face a severe deficit in meat supply at
agrarian employment (Figure 9). Remittances of migrant
present. While cattle were traditionally slaughtered play
only a very important role in this context.
during winter and the herds supplied the household with


Traditionally the agrarian calendar determined the allowed the search for temporary occupations
demand for workforce and the seasonal emphasis of
construction work or trade in Gilgit. This seasonal p
activities. In addition to the tasks of sowing, field tern
still dominates the labor-related mobility in m
tion, and harvesting in the villages every household sent of the Karakoram, for example in Bagrot, Ya
shepherds to the high pastures during summer and for
Ishkoman (Ehlers, 1992: 86; St6ber, 1992: 98).
grazing animals, hunting wildlife, and gatheringThe fire-spectrum of different forms of mobility is wide
wood, birch-bark, and other natural products. The geographical
dura- mobility includes intra-montane migratio
tion of this period of agricultural work depended on
of the
Hunzukuts to surrounding areas within the Gil
location of the oases and thus on the possibility of seasonal as well as increasingly long-term extr
harvesting single or double crops. In winter there were migration to the urban centers of the lowland
longer periods in which the daily workload for household
and finally overseas migration. A sample of 69 househo
in different
members was less than during the rest of the year but villages of Hunza (Table 1) shows th
these were also used for the construction and repair of 17% of the male workforce are full-time farme
channels and terraced fields. Not surprisingly, theLess
than 1% migrated overseas to work, predominantl


Sample survey of the Hunza workforce and workplace

Number of Male workforce Army Other non-agrarian activities in Farmers in

Village households total 0o Service Overseas Karachi Gilgit Hunza Hunza
Aminabad 40 64 1.6 7 1 15 10 21 10
Shishket 15 32 2.1 7 - 7 10 5 3
Kamaris 12 23 1.9 4 - 5 5 4 5
Ghulkin 12 29 2.4 5 - 7 4 6 7
Total 79 148 2.1 23 1 34 29 36 25
Percentage 100 15.6 0.6 23.0 19.6 24.3 16.9

'Average number of male workforce per household.

Source: Sample survey by author 1984 and 1985.

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/ / Baltistan

/ . 0Bar
" G~oloda

S ad Raid r uimab a re ra nst

00 %

\ L 00 0o.11
. ?oioa ;.0
.. ..'0 oo0 -:1 0
0x 0.PIiln

Euopl0 h 0ic


S overseas migrants

o 0 0 Areaovesea:1ig1nt
FIGRE1 . obiit
FIGURE 11.pttrnsfrm Hnzapespctve patterns from a Hunza per

military persuoell international tourists

-- students

in the Middle East on contract basis, and 15.6% seek Ishkoman, as tourists from the lowlands, and from
army services either within the Northern Areas (Northern abroad.
Light Infantry, the former Gilgit or Northern Scouts) or More detailed information can be obtained by looking
in down country Pakistan. Two thirds of the male work- into the different spheres of mobility. In the aftermath o
force follow other non-agrarian activities in Karachi, the British conquest of Hunza in 1891 agrarian coloniza
Gilgit, or Hunza. A growing number of Hunzukuts tion by Hunzukuts occurred in the vicinity of Gilgit Town
succeed in finding occupations within Hunza, in this The colonial administration tried to safeguard the supply
sample nearly one quarter. Figure 11 shows different of the Gilgit garrison through amelioration of waste-lands
migration flows and the pattern qualitatively reflects Mainly settlers from Hunza were admitted to these irri-
mobility from the mountain perspective. Smaller num- gated colonies because this valley community had, and
bers of seasonal migrants stream in the other direction still has, a well-known and excellent reputation for con-
into the mountains as wage-laborers from Baltistan and structing channels in difficult terrain.

This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Sep 2020 12:12:22 UTC
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615 :9
60 -64
28436 inhabitants
55 59
50- 55

14386 men 4549 14050 women

40 44

35 - 39

30 34

25 -29

'----I--- 9
20 - 24

10- 4M


0% 9 4 2 2 4 6 0%

stiphus in age group

by qender


30410 inhabitants 228185 inhabitants

445 -4945 49
18827 men 11583 women 121122 men 107063 women
L1 40 4 140 -44
301--34-30 34

20 -
5 - 9 15

.. . __
8% 4 2 2 4 6 8% 8% 6 4 2 2 4 6 8%
SOUItC: Government oft Pakistan 1984r TabA

FIGURE 12. Demographic aspects of age groups in Hunza, Gilgit Town, and Gilgit District.

During this period the first opportunities of earning pattern of Hunza has changed from seasonal (confined
money outside Hunza opened up when mercenaries were to winters) migration during colonial times to a long-
term absence.
recruited and simple administrative and post runners'
jobs were offered. Army and civil services have been a The remittances of the migrants contribute a sig-
nificant share to the household incomes and this allows
reliable source of non-agrarian income, not only for
Hunzukuts. Gilgit Town offers jobs in trade and business. the purchase of basic foodstuffs which originate from
The migration to Gilgit, the district capital, occurs surplus production in the irrigated plains of Pakistan. It
seasonally as well as permanently. The number of Hunzu- can be proved quantitatively that the amount of basic
kuts who live in Gilgit Town and its surroundings for long supplies in Hunza from external resources is steadily
periods has been estimated at 14,000 persons, which is growing. Back in 1963 only 3-4% of the total consump-
half the resident population of Hunza. The population tion had to be imported into the Gilgit district whereas
pyramid (Figure 12) for Gilgit Town shows an enormous before the independence of Pakistan (1947) an external
surplus of able-bodied male persons. Overall, for every supply of foodstuffs was destined only for the army and
100 women there are 164 men which is typical for a colonial administration; (cf. Nasir Hyder, 1961:22; Staley,
migration target town where only men find occupations. 1966: 373-374). Messerschmidt (1953: 236) gives a figure
They normally leave their families behind. of 10,000 maund (=37,32 t) deficit per annum for the
The estimate of the Ismaili community that 3,000 to first years after the decolonization. Increasing monetary
5,000 Hunzukuts live in down country, i.e., in the lowland incomes and steady supplies of subsidized edibles have
urban centers and especially in Karachi, seems to be contributed to the abolishment of famine periods in
realistic. In summary, it can be said that the migration

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Mixed mountain agriculture and division ofapproach

labor are
is followed in Ghujal where women are respon-
taken as two aspects of the agricultural sector for grazing the cattle and are in control of the
Hunza to illustrate the consequences resultingpasture
from settlements.
the A conflict between high pasturing
above-mentioned changed external conditions.andHighnon-agrarian
pas- occupations of the men does not exist
turing, interdependently connected to the tillagetoof
same extent. These differences within Hunza can
in the system of mixed mountain agriculture, has be explained
under- by the fact that the population belongs to
gone an enormous change within the last fifty years. In ethnic groups; contrary beliefs in purity are
1935 in Hunza 10-20% of households usually sent aand taboos determine pastoral activities.
shepherd to the high pastures, in Ghujal in the It Upper
can be stated generally that agricultural activities are
Hunza Valley more than 75% of all households concentrated
went to in the hands of women and old people as
the high pastures (Qudratullah Beg, 1935; Schomberg, a result of reduced availability of manpower. In most
1936). agricultural activities the majority of able-bodied men ar
Half a century later fieldwork revealed a completely not involved at all. Accordingly, labor-intensive practices
different picture (Table 2): little more than one per cent are given up, as has been illustrated in the case of high
of the households provided shepherds in Shinaki and pasturing, and the agricultural workplace is being trans-
Central Hunza. Even in Upper Hunza, the number ferred into the permanent settlements on the valley
decreased considerably, with the exception of Shimshal- bottom. These developments reflect the flexible approach
the only village left in Hunza without road access-where to division of labor in the rural context of Hunza.
the proportion of households following the difficult Lorimer (published by Miiller-Stellrecht 1979: 1
tracks to the remote pastures resembled the pattern from served that by the 1930s: "In Hunza from ancient t
fifty years ago (cf. Schomberg, 1936: 56, 62; Kreutzmann a man who is able to, does every kind of men's
1986). Furthermore, the rotation system was simplified women's work, and a woman who is able to, does both
due to lack of personnel. Easily accessible pastures are women's and men's work." In a changing socioeconomic
used more frequently and for extended periods (Figure environment women have to undertake many activities
13). This leads to the exhaustion of natural pasture traditionally reserved to the male sphere and this in-
resources in certain areas while additional available creases the female workload dramatically and affects the
pasturage in remote areas is abandoned. utilization of the natural resource potential by the aban-
The age structure of the shepherds has donment changed. of traditional practices. Modern agricultural
Elderly men have to take over duties that have been
management has introduced mechanized plowing and
traditionally reserved for the sons of a household
by travelling entrepreneurs or local cooperative
whom it was a privilege to spend the hot summer societies.
seasonThis is cheaper and more effective and these
in the Sommerfrische of the pastures. Thereinnovations
is also a help to reduce the labor shortage at peak
tendency to extend cattle husbandry in the permanent

Other time-consuming activities a

settlements all year round. The decline of high pasturing
is mainly determined by two factors which are inter-
external wage-laborers from Baltistan
related: lack of manpower and non-agrarian incomeprovide the required workforce duri
sources. Extended stays in the high pastures were tradi-
vesting. For several years they have
tionally a welcome change from daily village routine. Now for seasonal work. This ph
they are incompatible with regular non-agrarian explained
occupa- through regional differences
tions. High pasturing practices are thus indicators of a
Hunzukuts would not take up these job
changed production priority and a new evaluationdailyof wages of 25 Rs in 1985 and which
manpower. 1989 (1 US $ = 21.4 Rs). For farmhan
Most areas of subsistence agriculture suffer severe where wages are much lower than in
changes in the traditional division of labor. This isjob opportunities are less, this seasonal
apparent in high pasturing practices in Central Hunza worthwhile the 250 km journey, as foo
where a group of old men has taken over. There women also provided.
have been traditionally restricted from access to the high Factors that help to explain regional
pastures due to local belief systems emphasizing the Karakoram and demonstrate the spec
purity of higher altitudinal zones. A quite different Hunzukuts are described below.


The high mountain regions of Hindukush and Kar- Sunnite dominated Pakistan (Table 3). More
akoram can also be characterized as "regions of than refuge"
95% of the Hunzukuts belong to the Ismailiya with
(cf. Skeldon, 1985: 234) for Shiite minorities in an Shah Karim al-Husayni, Aga Khan IV, as their spiritual

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Pasture utilization in Hunza 1935 and 1985 compared

Pasturel Right of No. of No. of Type of

Village location pasture households2 shepherds animal Cultivation
1935 1985 1935 1985 1935 1985 1935 1985

Maiun Baiyes Shinaki3 137 344 12 H/P H/O xx -

Maiun Maiun bar Shinaki3 137 344 10 3-4 H/O/P H/O xx -
Maiun Rui bar Shinaki3 137 344 10 H/O/P H/O - -
Hindi Deinger har~iay Hindi 170 303 3 H - -
Hindi Chashi hariay Hindi 170 303 2 H - -
Hindi Proni Hindi 170 303 4 H - -
Hindi Phulgi hariay Hindi 170 303 3 H - -
Hindi Hundri Hindi 170 303 5 H - -
Hindi Ghumu ter Hindi 170 303 4 H - -
Murtazabad Bate khar Murtazabad 112 190 3 H - - -

Hassanabad Hachindar Hassanabad 47 72 5 H H - -

Hassanabad Hachindar Ganesh giram 127 204 10 H H - -
Hassanabad Muchu har Bur6on 220 260 40-70 4 H/O H/O xx -
Hassanabad Shishpar Diraimitin 250 320 40-70 4 H/O H/O xx -
Dorkhan Ghumat Dorkhan 45 84 2-3 1 H H xx -

Ganesh Ganzupar Ganesh kalan 90 100 15-20 -4 H/O H/O - -

Karimabad Bululo Bur6on 100 130 6 - H O xx tt
Karimabad Hon Dirimitin 100 150 4 - H H - -
Karimabad Ultar Karimabad 380 529 5-12 3-4 H/O/P H/O xx -
Karimabad Sekai Wazirkuts 30 40 4 - O/P O - -
Karimabad Bulen - - O - -
Karimabad Suchash 2 - H - - -
Altit Berico cok Berishal 33 47 8 2 H H - -
Altit M6intas Altit 178 380 4 2 H H xx tt
Altit Talmushi Altit 178 380 4 H H - -

Altit Khuwate Altit 178 380 4 H H - -

Altit Tiyash Altit 178 380 8 H H xx -
Altit Ghundoing Altit 178 380 2 H - -
Ahmedabad Gurpi Ahmedabad 36 70 3-4 H H xx tt
Faisabad Churd Faisabad 14 20 1 H H - -

Atabad Baldiate Atabad 32 73 10 4 H H - -

Gulmit Baldi hel Gulmit 96 208 8 2 H/O H/O - -
Gulmit Gosh Gulmit 96 208 2 1 H H xx tt
Gulmit Shatuber Gulmit 96 208 - - O O - -
Gulmit Shamijerav Gulmit/Khudabad5 96 208 12 6 H H/O - -
Hussaini Batura (South) Hussaini 21 50 21 6-8 H/E H/E - -
Pasu Batura (North) Pasu 22 61 22 13 H/Y/P H/Y xx -
Shimshal Shuwart/Shuijerab Shimshal 546 123 42 80 H/Y H/Y - -
Shimshal Ghujerab Shimshal 54 123 12 6 H/Y H/Y - -
Khudabad Burum ter Khudabad/GulmitO 22 70 6 4 H H - -
Morkhun Abgerch/Boiber Abgerchi7 10 60 ) ) H/Y/P H/Y/D xx -
Gircha (Sarteez) Abgerch/Boiber Abgerchi7 20 27 ) 18 ) 10 H/Y/P H/Y/D xx -
Sost Abgerch/Boiber Abgerchi7 22 61 ) ) H/Y/P H/Y/D xx -
'This table contains information available in written sources or in oral traditions re
2Number of households with rights of access to high pasture.
3Excluding Hindi (Nasirabad).
4These flocks are pastured by Nagerkuts.
5The combined pasture area of Shamijerav (Wakhi: white valley) and Burum ter
Wakhi and Burusho in a contiguous settlement with separate dwellings.
6According to Schomberg (1936: 38) and Shipton (1938) 50 households with 160 m
7The term Abgerchi includes all Wakhi settlers of common origin who claim to be
Sost, and Ghalapan who jointly are entitled to the utilization of all pastures of Abg
Morkhun. The data of Ghujal originate from fieldwork by author in 1990 and 1991
H = huyes (sheep and goats); P = horses; O = oxen; D = donkeys; Y = yaks
xx = cultivation of grain crops in pasture area; tt = toq (irrigated grasslands)
Sources: Lorimer (personal records); Schomberg, 1936; author.

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., ,, -9.'


FIGURE 13. Shishpar pasture settle-

ment (3,700 m). Flocks of the
Diramitin from Central Hunza are
pastured here by three shepherds
during summer season.

Pakistan where they play an important and active role
Religious group distribution in Pakistan industry and services.
The predecessor of the present Aga Khan united bo
Hunzan Gilgit the groups of the Pakistani Ismailiya and imposed
Religious group Subdivision District Pakistan organizational structure upon them. This led to ma
community projects and to the establishment of comm
Ismailiya 95 % 43 % < 0.5 %
nity services; these have benefited most the smallholde
Shia Imami (12er) 5 % 39 % < 17.0 %
of the Karakoram in recent years. In this respect, relatio
Sunna 0% 18% > 80.0 %
ships exist between the southern and northernmost par
Muslim population of Pakistan which can be interpreted as bonds of memb
(absolute numbers) 27,797 255,043 81,900,000 ship in a minority community. This explains why 90%
all extra-montane migrants from Hunza go to Karac
Sources: Usman Malik and Schimmel 1976: 205; Government
when they leave the Northern Areas.
of Pakistan 1984; World Bank 1987; author. The relationships between the headquarters of the Ag
Khan in Aiglemont near Paris and the rural areas of
Karakoram are channelled through an institutional n
leader. The Aga Khan personifies a living imam work
and thus
that provides services and employment to commu
gives reasons for other Muslim communities to nity members.
regard the In recent years newly established projec
Ismailiya as a separate sect within the Shia (see the "Aga Khan Rural Support Programme" or
mann, 1989: 149-165, for further details on therestructured
dissem- "Aga Khan Health Services" have focus
on non-communal and non-denominational targe
ination of the Ismailiya). This minority of Pakistani
Ismailis holds an exceptional position. The income Services and projects are identified for
employment profile of the mountain Ismailis who are
improvement of the living conditions of all the peo
smallholder farmers in the Hindukush and Karakoram in the Northern Areas.
In addition
contrasts with that of the Ismaili community living in to the numerous sub-institutions in the
Southern Pakistan which is called "khoja." This social
lattersector for health and education, as well as in
group originates from the former Hindu tradersindustry
of the and tourism, that support the mountain Ismailis,
Lohana caste, who turned Ismaili in the fifteenth century,
there are informal networks which help in the provision
of and
and occupies an affluent position in the trade work for migrants, housing, and facilitating
industry of Karachi. In various countries of Easteducation.
The hierarchical system of the Aga Khan network i
where Ismaili traders settled during colonial times Ismailis
have been persecuted and expelled since decolonization.
distinctly structured and delegates clear-cut competences
Of the more than 200,000 refugees, over 10,000 came for the
to institutions on different levels. The greatest

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achievements have been attained in the education sector. opportunities to the Hunzukuts and thus increases the
Today more than 90% of the school-age children of
household incomes significantly.
There has been also a strict organization of the
Hunza attend educational institutions run either by the
administration of the Ismaili institutions. The Aga Khan
government or by the Aga Khan Education Services, and
this is an exception in Pakistan. The percentage himself
of has travelled to Hunza several times since 1960,
children attending school in Hunza is outstanding, the first ever visit of an Aga Khan to the Northern Areas.
The completion of the Karakoram Highway in 1978 has
cially when compared with Pakistan's literacy rate which
is 26.2% (35.1% for males, 16% for females), one of the
also been helpful for his social organizations and numer-
ous development projects have been initiated. Their
lowest in the world (Government of Pakistan 1990: 107).
Long-term consequences are already recognizableinfluence
as a on the economic structure will be illustrated.
higher standard of education guarantees better job


This road underlines the political and strategic to satisfy the household needs is reflected by the expan-
of Pakistan in the Northern regions and has led to sion of bazaars and transport enterprises of the
extension of the infrastructure. Thus, the villages of the
Hunza Valley have become accessible by the Karakoram In the course of the extension of the road network,
Highway and linkroads: 97% of all settlements can be programs of the government and also inter-
reached by motorized transport (Figure 14). Compared nationally sponsored ones came into being. Government
to other areas in the Indian subcontinent that is an institutions are responsible for the extension of the
extremely high percentage for mountainous regions and through the Northern Areas Public Works
it ensures better supply of goods. The improved accessi- and the Community Basic Services Pro-
bility of the settlements by jeep transport has resulted The responsibilities of the NAPWD were en-
the opening of shops and multipurpose cooperative
larged in the last two five-year plans. There are also
societies in the villages of Hunza. Before the arrival of development projects (FAO/UNDP: "In-
the firstjeep to reach Baltit in 1957, Gilgit Towntegrated
was theRural Support Programme") in cooperation with
most important marketplace for Hunzukuts to buy government
goods. institutions and NGOs (Non-Governmental
Only in Baltit were there a few shops on the Organizations)
jeep road organized as private companies like the
along the Dala (main channel, cf. Figure 5). InKhan
'Aga theRural Support Programme." Their activities
beginning they offered a limited number of goods are such
concentrated primarily on an increase of productivity
as cotton cloth, salt, sewing thread, tobacco, andinmatches,
agriculture, yet support for afforestation and employ-
due to the low purchasing power of the people of ment
programs is growing. They reflect attempts during
After 1981 the shops were moved to the newly built link
colonial times when production to supply the administra-
road from the Karakoram Highway to Karimabad. tion increased significantly. After independence these
in Karimabad and Aliabad, where in 1984 there were efforts have been continued. Nevertheless, the deficit of
more than 120 shops, bazaar rows are able to compete
locally produced grain has been increasing and has had
with Gilgit Town as a shopping center for goods of dailyto be offset by external supply. The endeavors of the
and periodic need. For farmers of the neighboring Nagerpresent development organizations are concentrated on
Subdivision, both villages are favored market places where
the agrarian sector and they aim at a transformation from
they can exchange agricultural products (lucerne, cattle,
subsistence farming to a market oriented economy. The
chicken, dried fruit) and other goods (birch bark for target of self-sufficiency with regionally produced basic
packing butter, wooden items, wood for the construction foods has never been achieved since the release of the
'Abdullah-Report" for the Northern Areas (Abdullah
of houses) for consumer goods and luxuries. In the civil
supply depots of Karimabad, Aliabad, Gulmit, and Sost, 1972) which recommended the selection of more profit-
flour, sugar, and salt are stored and sold at prices able crops than cereals. The expected profit from thes
subsidized by the government. Today even in remote alternate crops should be utilized to purchase wheat flour
villages of Hunza there are shops that partly have their
from down country where costs of cereal production are
much lower than in the Northern Areas.
origin in joint ventures of clan groups. Thus profit and
loss are shared by the potential buyers. Since the 1970s In addition to the extension of cultivated land, the
the government has supported "Multipurpose Cooper- development agencies therefore support programs to
ative Societies" and in 1984 there were 21 in Hunza and increase the productivity of the area through more inputs
such as mechanization, use of high yielding varieties,
18 in Nager. These are eligible for low interest credit and
loan schemes. A high correlation can be proved between pesticides, and chemical fertilizer as well as the planting
the extension ofjeep roads and the establishment of such of cash crops. Accumulated profits can be utilized to buy
cooperatives. The increasing purchasing power of the
basic foodstuffs produced in the Punjab, according to
population has been as important as the possibility these
to programs. This strategy assumes that there is
deliver goods by jeep in these developments. The increas-
surplus grain production in the Punjab and a production
ing dependency on the buying of supplementary goods
niche for more valuable goods in the mountains result-

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FIGURE 14. The

at Ganesh. The metalled road cuts
through the village lands and facili-
tates accessibility by motorized

ing in enhanced highland-lowland economic interaction.

reflect the effect of development projects. After the lo
Accordingly, seed potatoes, vegetable seeds, fruit,
was deposed there occurred a power vacuum which w
dried fruit are marketable products and for these suitable
only partly filled by the Pakistani administration and wh
production zones have been chosen. Thus, the seed an ideal base for self-help institutions based o
potato production has been concentrated on cooperative
Ghujal societies. The establishment of "Village Orga
while agrarian consumer goods and dried fruit are zations"
mainly (VOs) in all the settlements reinforced the trad
produced as profitable cash crops in the lower parts
tionalofrole of village communities concerned with comm
the valley. Trials with vegetable seeds are still nal
in the
undertakings. In the meantime the villagers expand
experimental stage. their activities from agricultural enterprises to marketi
It is remarkable that the efforts of developmentof their own products. Communal savings make it easie
cies concentrate on agriculture without taking into ac- credit for new community investments whic
to receive
count the employment structure, which has changed tenddueto increase the productivity and in which sin
households would never be successful. The village-bas
to migration and education. The increasing importance
savings and credit program eases access to monetar
of tourism in Hunza and its consequences for the employ-
resources of the settlement for any kind of enterpr
ment sector are also neglected in the integrated programs
(cf. Kreutzmann, 1993). although most of the financial flow originates from th
transfer of money earned in the lowlands.
Organizational patterns on the village level remarkably


Various sources of the present income composition organizations

(cf. support the shift to market productio
Figure 9) have been discussed in order to identify agrarian the
goods by extending expertise, credit, and faci
processes that have caused socioeconomic transforma- ties to the interested farmers. This results in a growin
tions in Hunza. The external influence on the internal dependency of the Northern Areas on the granarie
structure goes further than the regional and national the lowlands to secure the supply of basic foodstuffs.
level of Pakistan. The economy of rural high mountain Not only the Karakoram Highway, as a physical p
regions of the Karakoram can also be interpreted in
nomenon, but more importantly the subsidized exchan
terms of the global monetary system. The diversification
processes which result from it, have enhanced the poli
ical and economic integration of the mountain regi
of sources of income coincides with, and is interdepen-
dently related to, the decreasing importance of sub-
into Pakistan. Thus the dependency of a region whi
sistence farming. Its rank is challenged by cashused to be nearly self-sufficient has been reinforc
production and non-agrarian occupations. Development
Previously there was only limited local economic growt

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At present, remittances of migrants largely compensate goods and mobility have been increased to such an exten
for the subsistence needs of the household and allow that all villages except one can be reached by motor
investments in trades and crafts. The resident vehicles and this facilitates the mobility of people and a
of Hunza continues the practice of a mixedeasy flow of commodities. Rural development in hig
mountains cannot be analyzed without taking the supra
agriculture that has to be adjusted to changed production
conditions in respect to inputs, mechanization, andinfluences into consideration: exchange re
tions not
availability of workforce. The target is to maximize the only gain importance when a modern infr
utilization of natural resources in relation to the socioeco- structure and lines of communication are developed
nomic environment with increased production within
in the
the case of the Karakoram Highway, but also hithert
permanent settlements. secluded mountain areas are transformed by socioec
More than any other region of Northern Pakistan,
nomic developments which often originate from earlier
Hunza has profited from improved accessibility times.
by the
Karakoram Highway. Market production of agricultural


The research project on which this paper islike based was all the Hunzukuts who supported my work.
to thank
mainly sponsored by the German Research This Council
study is dedicated to the memory of the late Ghulam
(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) which supported Muhhammad Beg, Gilgit, the late Ayub Khan, Dorkhan,
twelve months of fieldwork in Hunza in 1984/85 and and the late Rahmat Ali, Karimabad. I am grateful for
archive studies in the India Office Library and Records,
the valuable support of Detlef Engel, Free University of
the School of Oriental and African Studies, and the Royal
Berlin, for the cartography and Sabine Felmy, Berlin, for
Geographical Society, London in 1986 and 1988. I would


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