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(UNIT 4)



At the end of the module, you should be able to:
discuss the life and struggles of Jose Rizal in the context of
19th century Philippines;
explain the core ideas, perspectives and insights in Rizal’s
various literary pieces such as Noli Me Tangere, El
Filibusterismo, Philippines A Century Hence, and The
Indolence of the Filipino People;
analyze the circumstances in which the novels of Rizal were
organize Rizal’s ideas into purposeful and socially relevant
themes and practices in the contemporary era;
demonstrate exceptional critical reading skills of the primary
and secondary sources on Philippine history and social issues
of the 19th century;
appraise the values learned from the works of Jose Rizal;
apply the theories and principles of social transformation
anchored on rationality and Christian-based values system for
the holistic community transformation;
communicate essential knowledge on the development of
liberal education in the country and advancement of nationalist
sentiments among the Filipino heroes;
inspire the other members of the country to display socially-
acclaimed attitudes and values system;
THE LIFE AND WORKS communicate the importance and the perceived paradoxes of
Rizal’s ideas in lieu to the 19th century Philippine Revolution;
OF JOSE RIZAL work cooperatively and collaboratively with others to produce
a community of ideas and well-rounded professionals; and
demonstrate positive values such as empathy, nationalism,
patriotism, and heroism for the betterment of the country.

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Dear Students,

GRIZAL is a contextualized course offered in the university according to the Republic Act 1425 and the
2017 Memorandum on General Education Subjects of the Commission of Higher Education. This course
delves into the salient developments, struggles, contributions, and perspectives of Jose Rizal in the context of
the 19th century Philippines. By reading and understanding the literary masterpieces of Rizal, the course
engages the learners to perform discourse and situational analyses about the social history of the Filipino
nation under the colonial regime. Concomitantly, this course also offers acumens based on selected primary
sources which are contributory to the Philippine nation-building as well as socially relevant conjectures of
contemporary writers which are vital for the detection and correction of social problems. Moreover, the
course provides areas of reflection where the students could perform critical thinking by relating the
conditions of the past and the present-day Philippines.
As corresponded in each program offered in the university, GRIZAL develops the interpersonal sagacity
among students by honing them to become socially relevant citizens and excellent professionals of the
contemporary Philippine society. GRizal as offered by the Department of Political and Social Science in the
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts aims the students to appreciate the virtues of patriotism,
nationalism, synergism, and heroism for the social progress.



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Contents for UNIT 4

A. Rizal in Europe

1. First Travels of Rizal : Continuing education abroad (timeline of his travels abroad)
2. Second Travels of Rizal : The Propaganda Movement

B. The Propaganda Movement (Reform Movement)

Core Reading: Thomas, M. (2006) Isabelo de los Reyes and the Philippine Contemporaries of La

C. The Noli Me Tangere

This module features Jose Rizal’s sojourn in Europe, The Propaganda Movement and Noli Me
Tangere, and that, it introduces you to some important turning points in Rizal’s life. Rizal’s experience of
Europe was as transformative as it was radical. He was not the same person again after that. The idea to go to
Europe originated with Rizal—a thought formed by his books and critical observations of Philippine
condition. As circumstance would later unfold, the plan revealed that Rizal would do the following: (a) To
observe the nations in Europe. How they were governed, what laws they had, which governments were better
than others; (b) How international commerce worked; (c) What reform movements there were in Europe—
how much freedom they were allowed; (d) In Spain, who were those men of standing who supported
Philippine reforms—these were the people he must seek. And when he learned enough, and acquired a strong
strategic position to do so, he should return and do something for his country. (Coates, 1992: 59). The Noli
Me Tangere written and published in Berlin, Germany before he turned 27 years old, is a first of its kind
written by a Filipino nationalist, patriot and reformer. A novel that created a nation of the Filipinos, and these,
most profound wisdom of the Noli Me Tangere brought to light his educational ideas; it also revealed the
much-needed reforms in the justice system, in the bureaucracy, in the church and in the military to name a
few. It unveiled the path to revolution against Spain, and unmasked the weaknesses of the Filipinos—their
superstitions, their vices and their indolence. And to learn that these conditions remain with us today, as it
was more than a hundred years ago, a reason that Rizal and his works remain relevant at present.
This module likewise features the important role of the propagandist in the call for reforms in the
Philippines, the article authored by Megan C. Thomas,(2006). Isabelo de los Reyes and the Philippine
Contemporaries of La Solidaridad, is a breakthrough of recognizing a local propagandist that had heavily
contributed to the movement, Isabelo de los Reyes and his newspaper work embraced, a great propaganda
work in the press of Manila, and the La Solidaridad using both venues inclined to use bilingualism (Castillan
and Tagalog), promoting awareness of political rights of the Filipino people and laws to which their rulers
were subject.


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The following are the Topic Learning Outcomes for this particular Unit:

1. To appreciate the underlying involvement of Isabelo de los Reyes and the Philippine Contemporaries in La
Solidaridad by Megan C. Thomas.

2. To contextualize in the contemporary society the political ideologies of Jose Rizal encompassed in the
Noli me tangere.

3. To heighten students’ interest in education thru Rizal’s experiences and revisit ideals in education in his
Noli me tangere.

For this part of the module, the following will be required to be appropriately responded for
pre-assessment purposes, but your scores will not be counted towards the final grade :

1. In 2-3 statements, how do you enjoy your fundamental right of expression as a student?

Write/ type your answer here

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2. In 2-3 statements, how do you participate and the means you express these rights?

Write/ type your answer here


3. What is your take about the Vloggers at FB, in the exercise of their freedom of expression?
Limit statements to 7 only.

Write/ type your answer here


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For this part of the module, the following main references will be required to be read:

1. Thomas, M.(2006). Isabelo de los Reyes and the Philippine Contemporaries of La Solidaridad.
Philippine Studies 54, no.3: 381-411

2. Abordo et al, 2018. Engaging Jose Rizal. Nieme Publication. Chapter 10. NOLI ME
TANGERE. Summary and Reflecting the Philippine Society

3. Rizal, J. (1996). Noli me tangere. Trans. Ma Soledad Lacson-Locsin, Makati: Bookmark, .

(Read dedication and Chaps 1-64)

Note: E-copies of the readings are found in the memory stick.

For this part of the module, you will be required to watch the interactive video/power point
presentation on Rizal’s travels in Europe, his involvement to the propaganda movement, and his first novel,
the Noli me tangere commentating the Philippine society of Rizal’s times.

Note: The presentation topics are found in the memory stick

-Module 4/ Unit 4

For this part of the module, the following will be required to be answered for self-assessment
purposes, but your scores will not be counted towards the final grade:

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1. What are some critical trending discussions that are apparent in the Philippine press in the 19 th
century? Enumerate 5 trending discussions.

Write/ type your answer here

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________

3. Enumerate 4 themes drawn in the Noli me tangere according to Dr. Jose Rizal.

Write/ type your answer here

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

For this part of the module, the following will be required to accomplish the task and score will be
counted towards the final grade:

Activity 1

Compare the bases of the government censorship in the Press in the 19 th century versus the
contemporary government’s reason for censorship. Give only two .

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Rubric for Activity 1:

a. Critical in the lens of application of information …… .. 20

b. Clear organization and explanation of ideas ………… 15

Total maximum points …………………………………… 30 points

!9th Century (past) Contemporary ( present)

Activity 2

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Develop into an essay with given topic, in 100-150 words, with a complete title, introduction, body and

Topic: What are the new innovations and challenges confronting Philippine education today?
Rubric for Activity 2:

a. Clarity of the essay ……………………….........................15

b. Relevance to the present reality……………………….. 15

Total maximum points…………………………………….. 30 points

Write your answer here

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V. References

1. Thomas, M.(2006). Isabelo de los Reyes and the Philippine Contemporaries of La Solidaridad.
Philippine Studies 54, no.3: 381-411
2. Rizal, J. (1996). Noli me tangere. Trans. Ma Soledad Lacson-Locsin, Makati: Bookmark, (Read
dedication and Chaps 1-64)
3. Distor M, Balbin A, Pinas G, Torres I, Abordo, CJ. (2018). Engaging Jose Rizal, Nieme
Publishing House Co. LTD.

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