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Duration: 5 days

What will you learn?

 Learn the core principles of Spring, Dependency Injection (DI), and Inversion of Control
 Understand the Spring container and API
 Integrate Spring with persistence tiers based on JDBC, Hibernate, and JPA
 Implement transactions in Spring Applications
 Build web application interfaces with Spring MVC
 Use Spring as a back-end for Ajax applications
 Create Spring MVC-based RESTful web services


 All attendees must have at least one year of full-time Java and JSP development
experience. Prior experience with servlets and JSP is recommended but not required.

Who should attend?

 Java Developers

Course Contents:


1. Introduction
2. Spring Introduction
• Shortcomings of Java EE and the Need for Loose Coupling
• Managing Beans, The Spring Container, Inversion of Control
• The Factory Pattern
• Configuration Metadata - XML, @Component, Auto-Detecting Beans
• Dependencies and Dependency Injection (DI) with the BeanFactory
• Setter Injection
3. Dependency Injection
• Using the Application Context
• Constructor Injection
• PropertyEditors
• Factory Methods
• Crucial Namespaces ‘p’ and ’c’
• Configuring Collections
• Bean Definition Inheritance and Collection Merging
• Expression Languages, SpEL

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4. The Spring Container and API
• The Spring Managed Bean Lifecycle
• Key interfaces, Annotations and BeanPostprocessors
• Event Handling and Listeners
• Message Sources and Internationalization
• Autowiring Dependencies
5. Other Metadata Configurations
• Annotation Configuration @Autowired, @Required, @Resource
• @Component, Component Scans. Component Filters
• @Value and @Qualifier
• Life Cycle Annotations
• Java Configuration, @Configuration, XML free configuration (Optional)
• The AnnotationConfigApplicationContext
6. Spring 4 Specifics
• Groovy Bean Definition DSL
• Generic Qualifiers for Bean Injection
• Using CGLib Proxy classes with the objenesis library
• Using @Conditional and @Lazy
• Java 8 feature support
7. Spring and Persistence
• Spring and JDBC
o JdbcTemplate/JdbcDaoSupport
• Spring and Hibernate
o HibernateTemplate/HibernateDaoSupport
• Spring and JPA
o JpaTemplate/ JpaDaoSupport
o Direct access to JPA via @PersistenceUnit and @PersistenceContext
o CRUD methods
8. Spring AOP
• PointCuts, JoinPoints, Aspects, Adices
• Before, After, AfterReturning, AfterThrowing, Around
• Annotation Configuration
• XML Configuration
9. Transaction Management
• Transaction Propagation
• Declarative Transaction Management: @Transactional
• Annotation Configuration, Rollback Rules, Isolation
• Advisors
• XML Configuration
10. Develop Web Applications using the Spring Framework - Spring MVC
• The WebApplicationContext and the ContextLoaderListener
• Model View Controller
• Front Controller Pattern
• DispatcherServlet Configuration
• Controllers, RequestMapping
• Working with Forms
• Getting at the Request, @RequestParam, @RequestHeader, @CookieValue

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• ModelAndView
• Using the POST Redirect GET pattern with FlashAttributes
11. Advanced techniques
• Spring form tags and Model Binding, @ModelAttribute
• Chain multiple View Resolvers
• Handler Interceptors
• Data Validation JSR303
12. Spring Controllers and Ajax
• JavaScript(JQuery) access to Controllers (brief selector overview)
• URITemplates
• Using @ResponseBody
• JSON and XML data exchange
13. Spring Messaging
14. Spring Cache
15. Unit and Integration Testing
• Spring and Unit Testing
• Spring TestContext Framework
• TestContext
• Tests
• TestContext Framework Annotations
• Transaction Management
• Unit Test Framework Annotations and API
• Meta Annotations

16. WS Security
• Securing JAX-RS
• Authentication
• Authorization
• Authentication and Authorization in JAX-RS
17. RESTful Web Services
• Core REST concepts
• REST support in Spring 4.x
• Use Spring MVC to create RESTful Web services
• REST specific Annotations in Spring
• URITemplates, @PathVariable, @RequestParam
• JSON and XML data exchange
• Client access with HttpClient or RestTemplate
18. Spring Boot
19. Introduction
• The Spring Framework

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• Spring Boot
20. Development Environment
• Development Environment Intro
• Installing Java on Windows
• Installing Spring CLI on Windows
• Installing IntelliJ on Windows
• Spring Initializr
• Build Tools Overview
• Maven Build
• Gradle Build
• Build Tools
• Starter POMs
• Creating Executable JARs
• Spring DevTools and Live Reload
21. Spring Boot Fundamentals
• Spring Boot Fundamentals Introduction
• Spring Beans and Dependency Injection
• Spring Beans and Dependency Injection Demo
• Spring Beans and Dependency Injection
• Application Properties and YAML Configuration
• Configuration Properties
• Profiles
• Auto Configuration
• Configuration
• Spring Core Fundamentals Exercise
22. Developing Web Applications
• Developing Web Applications Intro
• Spring MVC Intro
• Web Application Demo
• Developing Web Applications
• Static Content
• Bower
• Template Engines
• Error Handling
• Exception Handling
23. Data Access with Spring Boot
• Data Access Introduction

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• Creating an Application using H2's in-memory database
• Creating Entities and Repositories
• Loading Data
• Refactor
• Refactor Blog Part 2
• Production Database
• Spring Data JDBC

24. Security
• Security Introduction
• Spring Security Intro
• Spring Security - Custom Configuration Part 1
• Spring Security - Custom Configuration Part 2
• Spring Security Basics
• Spring Security Custom Login Form
• Spring Security and JPA
25. Building REST APIs
• REST API Intro
• HTTP Request Methods (Verbs)
• HTTP Status Codes
• Content Negotiation
• HTTP Clients
• Building A REST API
• REST Components
• Error Handling
• REST Template

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