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PARTS CATALOG FOR MODELS 6BRU18/6BRU23/6BDRU15 6BSU20/6BSU25 With Serial Number 20011 and Higher M/N 00715-00060-00 Revised 11/5/01 ‘copia ® 2000 y Tytania Equipment Onto oot Mato Sele US. In _Atvdes reseed. No prion ot nt manual may ereprcnd mechan rey oy ye Mum nates chess sccone vert orrense or rcoeang went he wien parson oe puter Toys notin Equpert ieee formation ns mara ene ance of he puaton TREE Promavon nee ane wou aloe baa pment srt pra ony Toyota ean /68U23/680RU5/60SU20/685U25 Table of Contents SECTION 1 General Information To Our Cutomer 13 How To Use Parts Caaiag i an moors Non Kaun v4 How To Use Parts Ctatog Pant Numba le Kou 15 Major Aseres 19 Rocommengea Spare Ports Li 19 are Ps oa SECTION 2. Finish and Accessorie: Major Anomaly Locate 22 Frame and Componees 25 (res Gund an Wind Sree isan 20 Foor Plate Asem 212 Fishing Desi 2M (Case Asem an SECTION 3 Steering and Controls Searing Asem. 33 Major ad Gon Box sem a8 SECTION 4. Drive and Brake Dene Unit Asem 42 Tranameaon Rese “a Die Whee Ase 46 Bravo Asem - Modes 658U23/680U 1358188 “0 Feast Asser ra Cases Brke Asser Mode 68 /60080 S38 ane eae Brake Rory (re ane SECTION 5. Electronic Components and Systems eerie! Wing sr Power Cable Acsr Conroe Eocrie Remy Cuan Proumity Sensor, fash Asiny A Mods, Fecenores hear Ugh and Fan Corse Asoriy ‘nary Swen ASSMDY. Dive Moor Pump Mots SECTION 6 Hydraulic Components Hyerause Asem 62 Vane, CenvetAsombiy 55 Fate Reser 8 Reach Cynder As (RU). 0 Rasen Cylinder Assent (888029). 512 Rasen Cyl Aes (68DRU1S) ei “Toys Model 6RU6/6RU23/6BDRUTS/SESU20/EB5U25 Tele ef Conon “i Cylinder sembly, Moses GBRUIB/68SUTE, “ie inde = 6BDRUIS, ie Ginger 668023. ‘Staging Cynder = Madi SSRU23/6b8U1S/688U28 3 Sage, ‘Singing Cylinder - Moos 6SRUT8/S8SU20- 3 Stage Cylinger Asem = Fro Ut = BRU2S/60RU75/80SU25 - 3 Sage. ‘Ginger Ase =Free i ~BERUIB/BESL20 - 2 Sige Hyaraute Pomp - 68808, GESUZ0 Monta Razors B88U18/6BRU23/6808U 1S Mand Assy SECTION 7 Mast Mes: Asem) - 68BU23/6808U15 Mas Asso» 6RUIB/6BSU2O. Rasch Asem -BEORUIS ‘Assomoy, Singh Reach - 6BRUZS Rosch Asem = BSRUT8. Soa Corioge Assembly 65SU20, Sracale Cariage Beserby -9SU25, Se Sit Ase = BESU20. Sao Sn Asma} -BESU2S. Side Sit Aner BEDRUTS Se St Asma} -GERUTS Sie St Asem 6ERU23 Se Sit Ase Fon Asem ‘oe Box har West, Lose fase. SECTION 8 Options/Kits Fre Exngusher Intaiaion {nd indecter GBRUTa/GBSUS {ad ndestor -6BRU23/680RU7 5/8025 Ln cru = 68825 /6BRUZ3/6D8U15 (Coa Sorage Pas. APPENDIX A Alphabetical Parts Index APPENDIX B_ Numerical Parts Index 21472000 ‘ 618 518 620 622 5.25 68 630 eae 6.36 73 78 13 740 a2 re 8 750 12 754 738 780 be a8 es ‘a0 SECTION 1 General Information jr seme Renae Spas 2172000 Tota Modal 68RU8/68RU79/6B0RU5/08SU20/68SU25 - ance information This Page ltentonaly Blank 212000 a Toyots Mods SERU18/88RU23/680RU15/68SU20/68SU25 - Gara formation Te Our Castro: To Our Customer Te Part Numbers in ths Pats Catalog were cortet the time your tuck was manufactured, Is our policy to constantly improve our products: therefore, par numbas may continue to change. When ‘xaering parts, very part aumbers through your Deniers Pars Catalog, which is kept upto date, Aso note that Iiustatons of assembles and components may nok necessary conform to the exact, Insaiation as they appear on your tuck. Supplemental information is provided whore ack of sear to ustravons could impae your ebty to rapid ently replacement part, Tips for Ordering Parts In adtion to Part Number and Description, nave avolable +The model number and seria number ofthe tuck + Pertinent specications such 9s mast height. Botery vokage, dive motor ype. ee + Ferunert name piste data + Appicabe nstataion or assembiy numbers + Accurate pan number Using This Catalog This Catatog contains navigation iso help you leat specie parts information + Use Section 1 to decide where to tat your search for information. The overt 'ocaior views define the technical configuration of the Catlog andi he gues in the Catalog to the engineering data bao. + Use the Table of Cortrts to locate assemblies ond subassemblies by name. + Use the Aphabeticat Index oy Part Name) an the Numeric Index (by Part Number) to weate ndivicuol pars. + Determine configuration aiorences with the "Used On” codes contained within the Pants List. Tho "Used On code ataches 2 part number toa wide range of design vorables suc as operating votage, Data sue, xeering type, mast eight and fentonsion speed, fork carriages, color and siz of tres, guide wee! spec, et. Toyots Mocs BRUT 6/60RU23/680RUI5/65SU20/55SU25 - Gane Iniormaton iow fo Use Pas Ginlog Fon Namba Not Known How To Use Parts Catalog - If Part Number is Not Known IF THE PART NUMBER IS NOT KNOWN, DO THIS \ 1. Determine in which Section the part Islocated ving heist. 2 Tun to the TABLE OF CONTENTS: Inthe oplcale Secon 3. Felon oe PAGE NUMBER telacted Rom te TABLE OF CONTENTS, cree senate CS 4. efor th consponding PART UST. Uso to FIGURE {BTTEM NO. fd the Port Number, Dsciton, ee ‘eyets Model 6RU1B/58RU23/6808U5/665U20/685425 . General iormtion Hw To Use Pars Caiiog “Fan Naber Known How To Use Parts Catalog - If Part Number Is Known. IF THE PART NUMBER IS KNOWN. DO THIS UG 1 Lofale he Port Number nthe NUMERICAL INDEX [APPENDIX By Note the Secon & page number) whore the pati decribed. | 2. Find he Secon &poge | sontoe nn rats treed ya Nomen ind Locate ePan umber Now fe port routes TeiRS \ be | SBgg) b 3. So) SR Be Fin te HGURE a eM NO. nthe excite iurotion| | fore piri! view the pat. 1s 2182000 Toyots Mac 6BRU0/SBRUZ/6BORUIS/60SU20/68SU25 - Gonera Iemation How fo Use Fors Casiog Pon Number Known 21r2000 1 Toyete Mode RU 0/68RU23/6808U1S/GESUZ0/6RSU25- Gano! Inormaton Major Asomos Major Assemblies Meat [ Secion 3 Sseorng ond Contos Section 2 Fn ae Beco Seaton yarauie Components rie and rake Toyota Mosel 6U18/6RU28/680RUIS/SSSU2O/6BSU2S - Gara ifrmation ‘Major Assemes Tis Page Intentional Blan ‘oyota Moots 6BRU18/68R23/80815/685U20/68SU25 - Genera Imation aconmened Spare Pos st Recommended Spare Parts List erpten fe oy ave Aaa Ts reer ‘Sores at o wont See atts 3 ron ‘mp as ane 1 peat] 19 22000 “Toys Modes 6RU18/68RU28/6EDRUS/6ESU20/68825- Genera Ixmation acommendea Spar Pons is espn ‘ey Sct ike Fama 8 Si i Fema Toyoxa Moses BURUTB/GBRUZ/SBDRUIS/ESSU20/68SU2 - General Inormation sme Hardware Parts List _ eal » = = See = ——— a fe eae motos: io sat 21412000 “Toys Models 658U18/88RU23/S80RUTS/ESSU2O/E8SU25 - General nermston aware Pars Ea eserptan pene cy one PrN ov SECTION 2 Finish and Accessories oe a ctr ‘Ont Gund od Wid Seen aio Foo fie ss reco Teyots Models 6RU1/6URUZ3/6BDRUIS/6USUZO/6ISOU - Finan and econo Fajr fesamiy leon Maior Assembly Locator TOYOTA Figure 2-1: Major Assembly Locator “Toyota Models 65RU18/6BRU25/680RUTS/68SU2O/E8S0U25 - Fisah and Accessories Taj Asery Locator FOUREZT | av | _raar Wumoer ‘ESCRFTION sE0 ON a Tei fons Conporors Be igre FT zo Tat [Gaara Ova aa Wing Sze oe ours ET leno Tet Ba ion as Fae 2 2°: Mayor Asamby Lecter ‘eyote Mace RU 8/68RU29/EB0RU15/EBSU2O/EESBU25 Finn and Mecesons Major Rasa Loestor Tis Page lntenonaty Blank Teyets Models RU 8/GRU2/GB0RU15/S8SU20/68S Frame and Components Figure 2-22: Frame and Components as 21000 Toyots Moses BRU TB/SERUZS/ESORUTS/ERSUZO/SESOUZS - Fien and Accents Frame ona Corsponens Frame and Componer Figure 2-20: Frame anc Components Teta Mosel RU 18/65RU2/68DRU15/50SU2OIGBSAL2 - Finis ana Reesor, Frame ang Comporars Fenn. | Orv | PART NUMER DESCRIPTION ‘USED ON me sea [aaron nana Sets : 7 Heise formas es et : [aan eS : | sae 7 a : ee eee eee SEF Ba fe ee 7 emer a ; a : [oes : ee z [smote ea ; a apace fr : aaa fee : baat Sr eeeaer faa SO ees Sf ee fe [rt afer See oe iat oenet CRUSE cea aoe TEE Tam ao TT “Toys Mots 6URUT8/SERUZS/S8ORUTS/EBSU2O/EESBU2S Fh ond Rcesones Frame ena Componans HGUREZ? | rw | ant Numoe DESCAITION Us oN DUNO. [1 eee aml me ses Ryn re 25 = et Corr Aer oF 5 Ta) Fc [4 me Rana Cora ey as gre 5737 [AOS TET TI es, igh ae OT FEL anne bs FS Cae a ee BETO onsan-t00Te 71 i ene Tey Geeay Conparmere 185185 tower Compormert, 2-21. Boney Comper I feommense Spore 2urz000 [St 22" Fame ana Components oat 2 of 2 j Overhead Guard and Wind Screen Installation Figure 2-30: Ovemnees Gustd and Wind Seren nsalation 212000 Toyota Mavs BRUTE /EBRU23/BBORUIS/68SU20/GBSBU2S - Fash anc ‘Grated Gusrd ana Wing Seren nsaion Overhead Guard and Wind Screen Installation Figure 2-30 Overneed Guard ana Wind Sern Instatation parece 230 Toyote Models Rt 18/60RU2/6BDRU1S/68SU20/68S025 - Finish ad Acessories ‘Overnoad Guard ana Wina Seren tlsion TREES aw | _paarnonaee eicnrion oon os ass ra acme a 3} an aT 1 ss oT n ae KES 7 iene ome 5 Tera oa Ore St Se ee a a Te essere Te eso ne ae ES Coe 1 [san 7-71 rane Winton Wan a ea 21 [ears ste ar ease tet —[ a Say ec = Mage SERIE se SUED Wan ST 1 Mg! S18 an OSU20 eno Sei Us 2:3 Oversas Guard ana Wine Seren rsaaion fe 7 Samo Frame Frame ony fongonam90071 Fare Fare Oa) 95 Toyots Modis 8 18/68RU23/5BORUTS/SESUZOISESBL - Fash ane Accessories Floor Plate Assembly Figure 2-4: Floor Plate Assembly “Toyta Models 638U18/658U23/680RU5/6BSU2O/G8SBU2S - Finn ana Accessories Floor Pate Aesemy 27 assto-on21 471 [ra a a a a 5 oos00- 0121671 Speng Rage S|] eos 7 [Ba Ripe Mg 7 Tf 00500-00656-7F [Sree af o0se0. 05122 7a Tis 2-4 Foor Pe Resp 3 : % Frnating Docs 5: Finshing Decals ‘oyta Moses RU 8/68RU23/GBORUS/SBSU20/GBSBUZS - Frsh ane Accossres Tring Deca FGETS | aw | parr nnaee escRPTON wie ow FF Paso ros ney War a SF sree bp Sse. Tose rea ee io | + ooser onas-71 [as OT x 2 | “1 oss ose 7 [as Wag TE | onssere Ya a a TES Bo sana: 71 be On oe Sr] sense 7b See EF Si} Pesssocstmner foesc ess EL Us 25: Fnshing Docs 212000 Toyota Models RU 1/S8RU22/GBDRUTS/SESU20/GBSBU25- in net Ascszrie Fishing Does This Page Interionaty Blank Fi and Accesories 2/6B80RU1S/65SUZO/60SBU25 “oytn Mosel RUT A/6BRU: ‘Caso sey Coster Assembly Figure 2-60: Casior Assombiy “Toya Mode’ 65RUT8/SERU23/S80RU S/SBSUZO/BBSBU25 -Firsh an Acescrles Caner Asem Coster Assembly aw OOBDRTETT Figuee 2-60: Caster Assembly Toyota Models RU 16/55RU23/GBORU S/GBSUOIGESAL «Fini and Aeceseris amor Aes 7 a z Tense OSS. area ra 5 Z| 00600.00673-71 Fang Ga 7 7 [00800-39076 Cone WR a 1 enseo.09672.71 [Fang Gos 3z “1 ons00.09674 75 wong. Toate z Tse] 00800.0510-77 fg. Wi r ee Te [ 1 ee60.0057-71_ [cap Win a7 ese604400577 ag ae a a | “10500-09677 Hering Taper 7 20 | “1 | 00890-09655-7 [tea Laci | onseo-onen2 [es Bz] onnoo ong se z a ST 3 [4 west naan 71S | oosoo.05867-71 [Se (Saecon RDO OTETT fh ac srw pie ae on na | ‘Ua 26: Caner Anant 212000 Toyota Modes 66R/18/68RU23/6B0/15/68SU20/68SBU25 - Finish ana Aacesories Coser heey is Page Intentionally Blase 20300 220 SECTION 3 Steering and Controls aM zyar2000 Teyots Modes SERU8/60RUZ3/6EDRUIS/68SU20/6HS025- String ane Conta “Tis Page ntersionaly Blank 212000 ae Toyota Mocs GBRU18/885U23/680RU5/58SU20/685BU25 - Seeing ang Contos ‘Searing Ab Steering Assembly Figure 3-10: Storing Assmoty 2 zvrz000 Teyots Mods SERU1B/EBRU29/E8DRU S/GASU2O/GASBL2S -Seerng and Contos Seong Asari, Steering Assembly Figure 3-1b: Steering Assomoty 212000 34 Toyote Modes 8A 18/50RU23/6SDRUTS/6ESU20/G8S8125 - Steering and Comols Seong Romo) FOREST] ar | _ Paki wunaen ‘DESCRIPTION se Ow [7 ors rT Same SP omibaarsn [oar 5] 0.0970.7 | hor toe a SEE x [tes 0036-7 Wer a Gow: oy Seige 2) = TT s.05200-7—| ec Carre ae a TT [1 [oso 0955:71 wack Sag 32] “2 nso 71] re Te] oosso-0520777 Te [1 050.0520837 | Spe a a 31 esocstee 71 em a 2 [2] was on95 |S 3 [2 [toss s0025 71x Fa a Us 3-1 Searing sorb aac T eROATET OF ‘oyota Models GRU/60RU23/6BD25/SBSUZO/SBSBU25- Seeing and Consol ‘ero anc Gear Bor Asambiy Motor and Gear Box Assembly Figure 3-2: Motor and Gear ox Assmbiy Toyots Models 6BRU1B/68RU23/680RU15/68SU20/60S0U25 - Seeing end Conta Motor and Ges Bor sary ORES? | a | rat numach DESCRIPTION so ON ce a z 1 oosto-086-71~ tran Ceatbr Ar = Teens. 0856-71— [cba Fes. ace x a = Ese. 7 cer Ba [1 s-00575— Tay Toso 48-7 roster [seen TO | 1 tosto.722.71~ |g, Co [2 oss oe5-71— [Co Tia 3:2: Motor anc Gow Bax Koay “Toys Model RUTA/GARUZ3/GRDRUTS/EBSL2O/EBSBU25- Seeing and Coots Motor and Gar Box say This Pago Intentonaty Blake SECTION 4 Drive and Brake “rane Atri a pe het Assy. “S Sate Asem Mogae StS s/c pH (Cau tate Aico Mose SUBD SBS, oe ‘ie Be amy (ne) ae 2472000 “oyna Moe 63RUT/68RU25/6BD8U15/68SU20/E858U25 Drive on rake Dive Un Aseriy Drive Unit Assembly “SOs ER Ue tne “No = Figure 4-1: Drive Unt Assembly “eyeta Models BR 18/68RU2/6BDRU15/6BSU20/085BU25 - Drie and Brake Son ay FeuRe S| | ary | paer NuMBER [DESCRIPTION USED ON Oe hr — | 2 a 2 ese fees eae te SF eee esto or an , Hsp ice cere uy aoe ee ee i a : t+ font eer ot Saar mt Samoan fees [eee ete oer fe St essen Seema a te Sane eer {rp eseaeen earns Sr [ese rfeat crems 2—t Seen {1 eeoemer fs : a beepers fe = | epee ee : Eee Eiceoenes Toyote Modes GBRUIB/EERU2S/580RU15/58SU20/SBSEL25- Dive ane Brake TTeramion Asay Transmission Assembly VARA Figure 4-2: Transmission Assembly 212000 “4 “Toyota Models 688U18/688U25/680RUT5/E8SU20/GBSEU2S - Drive and Brake “Tenamiaion Asey Feu Z? | ow | paar numase ESCRITION USED ON 7 7 SRT oe Daa 2-7 eos80.09727-1 ear fg ee a 1 00600-05771 Senin Wat Show z = | 00890-00720-71 Ret Gear Wer Sho a OR z 7 1] 00800-00775-71 Re Bl Gea Sho z | -00000:00726-71| Gor, Whee e [1 90s00-08750 71 or Ws © 30 | 7 ossoo-oa7a8-7 | R ae SEs. Born RE 32] 00800-09708, Sa i SE eose0.09707- LR Sa © ee RE 31 eoseo-05796 77 [ ng Kap Te [3 00886 .09742-71 [Sem Ro Te_—| 1 | 00560 03732-71 | Waka Cane Teco Se a a OE 2 00800-0070 eS ABE Fe A 3 Ze [7 00s00-00734.71 Se D Zi] onso0-09756-71 [Reng zoe Be Penman ara soe ° a REDE Br] 00890.00797-7 Rg ecg KOE a REED ae a 30] 7 eos0-0859-71 [waa St [ease a5 te Sz [0 |oosse03836-71 | Sew 31 onsan-a0085 FS 9 ies Bien 1 Resenene Spare Toyota Models 65RU1B/68RU23/6BDRUIS/6ESU20/E8S8U25 - Dive ana Boke Dre Whe! Assombiy Drive Wheel Assembly Fague 4-3: Deve Whee! Asser 272000 4 “oyta Modes RU 8/S8RU23/6B0RUT5/68SU20/G0S8U25 - Drive and rake Dine Whee! Asenbiy FEURETT anv | vant nunaee escuON wie on Toss ey ge 1 onesosonst [Tre bore [asso aogs-71—| es oy cod aoe 1 [oss s0080 [tee Fos Sp z SS oreo rt [e open aN € [oss 00127 yn — cae Sap SE BF) 3 | oosararoor Tree Ra % [oso an se Wr fsa te Co Sb anu’ wn DKS Ory ‘us 43; Drive Whee! Assery “ota Models GERUIB/6SRU3/680RU15/68SU20/6BSBU25- Dive ant Broke ‘race Aesemby- Moons GBRU23/650RU TESSBSU2S Brake Assembly - Models 6BRU23/6BDRU165/6BSU25 Figure 4-4: Brake Assombly- Models 68RU23/680RU165/68SU25 2ura000 48 Toyota Models RY 18/68823/650RU15/68SU20/6BSBU2S - rie ane Brake Brake Asorbiy- Mods GERUZS/EBDRUTESISOSU2S DOSGO-OATAT-T_ Sm E an | PART nunBee DEscRITION 5ED ON 7 [CBSO TT WaT Cr 3-2 eneo-os-71 ig a 2] 00s00.09674-71_[ Bering z 5-2 enseo-0979 71 sia a 7 onseo-on672-71~ [Fang Gro Sef oosscconoaT 71 cap ne 3-2 P oosso.onror-7 [eg To_—[ 2] 000 3850-71 rae ya Pee FET 4 estore Tz a0 09003-71—[Rae ee a (Us 44° Brake Assembly - Models GBRUZS/6BORUTES/GHSU25 4 22000 Pedal Assembly Figure 45: Pedal Assembly Toyota Modes: 68RUT8/688U23/6B0RU15/58SU20/555BU25 - Drive and Boke FIGURES Toy | paar wunaee DescRTON USED ON 7 ad 2-2 onse0:03886 71 [aor Tes z 1 eost0.00906-71_ [each ae S| 7 enseo-orann 7 [Sng z 84 00880.00012-71_ [eum a 6-3 eorea oars [seen a oore0.00017-71[soer T1506 04290°71 ea ae z 2] 00500 oF122-71 [eri 7 ansoocoaet 47s 2] 00506: 03688.77_ [Se FE as00.09775 71 aa 1 onsoo e937 May ceeaOaSESETT” TORY ee a Te] 1 00580-05700. Sch re a 7 [>| cas569600:91" Sew 16 [1 | 00500-49507 | cane Saad a Sora 1 Poneogrter-r [esti Tie 5 Ped Asemiy [Sena Ra om bar bac New nats Pr ep RG [nee whch oonge" sed OP) Toyota Mods BRU TB/6RU2/68DRU1S/69SUZO/6USOU2S - Deve and Brake ‘Goser Beane Asembiy- Mole 65RUZ3/6BD8U 157505025 Caster Brake Assembly - Models 6BRU23/6BDRU15/6BSU25 Figue 4-6: Coser Brake Assembly - Models GBRU23/6BDRUTS/6BSU25 202000 en “yore Mosel Rt 18/68RU23/6BDRU1S/68SU20/6BS8U25 Drive ane Broke “Caso oko Assombiy- Modes GHRUZS/SBORUIS/SBSUZS ay | ram wunace USED ON 7 aoe as Coa Rane ae a 2 | oosso-onaan 71S = | oos00-00000-77 [esr (us 46: Caster Brake Assembiy Models GBRUZ3/6RDRUIS/ENSURS 24r2000 “Toyta Mocs 6RUA/GRRU23/GBORU15/GESU20/68S0U25 - Drv ana Brake sre Brana Aarts (Owe) Electric Brake Assembly (Drive) (ro ray [iso ee Flgue 4-7: Bcc Brake Assembly (Drive) 2va2000 au Toyota Models 6RU1/68RU23/6BDRU15/68520/68SBU25 - Drie and rake ‘ear Brake Asem (Dre) FIGURE ®7 | ary | PARTNUMBER DESCRIPTION ‘USED ON, SE osama a es ce eT $ 1 osransert_ aa er Toyote Models 632U18/688U25/G8DRUTS/SESU2O/EBSBUZS - Driven Bake ‘eae Brake Asebiy (Ore) This Page Inerionaty Blank 2y4r2000 6 SECTION 5 Electronic Components and Systems (ore Gs Rn Sa Posty Soa sy St (aren on Coes nay SH8 ‘try ten a ee Ron se st 21000 3768R23/680RL15/68S120/E850U25 -Elcronke Components and Syms Electrical Installation Toyota Models BRU 18/55RU2/680RU15/688U20/6850125 - Eton Components and Systems Electrical Installation Figure 5-1o: Electric! lsttiation sa 21000 Figure 5-1e: Becca rstalaon Teyota Medel BRU 14/68RU23/6B0RUI5/6USU20/6058U25 - Lacon Component and Sper ‘eect aaaon FGUREST | aw | Patt Numbek DESCRITON USED ON 7 | aos ones Corr Here sonay es ise ST t [0060050572571 Sear Deco [1 [09680:0150071 Be, Ser Neg Boose. 71 S| 1 o0se0.05177 7 Cont Drecon Ray Wa SaemaICaT Sage WORE 7 a a T_[ 1] 00506 05176:71— car Ren tos Nat “ie | “1000000577571 Cont ase: (al d eps on es Pe] TS_—[ 1] 06500 30045-71[ermare Ne Show [00880050557 Far atin 8 Ve) 350 1 o2s00.05051-71 ran Man 8 vo 800 17 -09500.0075577 Far Gey D6 Va 500 3 1as00.00091- [RGA 38 [7006000985071 Sem BO [| ense0-52°71 Ses POP F006 66.0527571 a in BE 1 eos 05220-71|re, apy We za | 2 | “00566 5165-71 [Se BLT ons 688 FR VAT 0890-10055 71 Fer 6a Be 00800-05215. Soe 271 onsoo-05216 71 | Ha Pe BLT onsen. 0521 7-7 Sah toe eb 1] 01500-05276 71 | hey St Ne Show NSD EROS TF) |} 60500.05276 7 ek Cone S| 7 09500-05226-7 | cin uh Bai ny Dison STOP]. 7 es0.5200-71 | ket Cone = Sp] | costo 30651-71—[ Oome [| 0066 9656-71 eae Cone 3571] 00560 0006-71 ae Spe 361 | 00586-40007-71 |S So S| | 06566 39689:71 | Cad ert Kasor a 3 [71 oor 9500:71 | Cerwater Sr VH [00800-39507 Corwote, Seu 5 Vo is 51. Geaveal Ilion (ara REET aval ot OOS80 4000-71 (OP) ‘eyota Modal R118/GBRUIZ3/680RUTS/EBSU20/60S8U25- econ Components and Syms iecwca Wing ana Power Coble Aoserbly Electrical Wiring and Power Cable Assembly figure 9-2: Elocrca! Wiring and Power Cable Assembly “Toys Modets SRU18/68R23/6BDRU5/GBSUZO/GBSBU2S- conic Components sn Spars eect Wig and Powe Gable Asmbly FIGURES | ary | rane ‘escRIPTON x RUNES? | ai NuMaee Use0 0% Tesoro oa = 1 ooweo 036-71 ease 7 1 one5231-71 [eae = 1 onee5 0000-71 eae ee a ir OR x | 00680:05176-71 etry Comer o [+ ca Corot esi aay as gare ST {st 5-2; Beavis Wing and Powe” Cae Asonbly “ota Models 68RU1/68RU28/6EDRUTS/EBSUZOVEBSBU2S - cron error, Brie sey Controller, Electric Assembly Figure 5-3: Contote, Flere Assemtiy Toyota Models SRLI1B/6BRUZ3/6BDRUI5/68SU20/68S825 Electronic Components and Spasms ‘Csr Erie Asay GUE? | ary | _ Part Nowaee ‘ESCHPTION seo oN a a Ce ae [080 40001-71 Cons S00 < TF 5oos00:08125 | Centar 550 he Ko. aaa 7 Bee 57 eosso.one1e 71 [re Co | F005 30506-71— Coacr ee Fre 47 r 1 00s00-01505-71 [eraser Ses Fue 54) z 72} 00500.09627 71 Save oe 9] 1} ooss0.0t26e-71— | Si Ooo. 087 76-7 si [1 00s 0370027 Ta SE] 70590-04017 Feo 2EG 050. 4648-71 [fe Powe 385% OOD OUTETT OF] ‘20 1] 00800:05266.71 [rr om 45 EOP Fe] 2 00800-05164-71 | Sem 37 [ 1 oso. o3867 74 [ Det 250 Ra Ta] 00800:09866:7 [rs 500 Ar BEE I] 008590. 05200°7— [Bes 425 hr Ror Te | “7 oas00 007277 Ry. Se za__[ 2 oe80-0050-7 [Soe | os00.09795-71 | See [2 o0s00.05100.7- [vio BaF [00803608 Tle | —# | eoseo-10083:71 Bee, Conran 25 | ooson0506-7 Whe 25 [1 oosso-05725-71 [re Bonnar 21} Foos00.05926-71 Se a1 | ooseo-o5007-71 [rt Wie Conor, Basie Aer ‘yore Mocos 69RU8/6ERUZ5/5E0RU15/SESU20/68S8125 Elon Component nd Stam Cortcce Contactor =] Foals Figure §:4: Contactor ‘eyots Model AU /6RU23/68DRUI5/68SU20/6ESBU25 - Eadie Component and Spe Con GRE [av | mrnoner] oescerTON wan Tae roses asa see ere ee 3 Heanor 1 ores Se ei at 4: Contaor “Toyota Masel HU 18/6RRUI23/SBDRUIS/EBSU2O/SASBL2S -Ecrone Components and Systems ‘roumay Sersor Bases Faso A Modes Proximity Sensor, Reach Assembly - All Models Figure 5-5: Proumty Sensor Reach Assombly - All Models 24/2000 siz Toys Models 6U18/68RUZ3/6BDRUIS/68SU20/6058U25 Electron Components and Sper: ronity Sensor Reach Assery— All Moses FEU | av | _ Paar unaer DESCRIPTION Us ON ee 5 [1 os-0005671 [son Us 5-5: Punt Sonar ach Assen Aa Mass F To aOT Tae Cae OFT 212000 ‘oyna Modets 698 18/60RU23/680RU1S/S0SUZ0/E8SBU25 - conic Components and Stes Jecesones Aor Accessories Assembly wanton ara tire_| | Wong Sart Grou Figure 5-6: Accessories Assembly 2412000 su ‘oyota Moses 6RU1/68RU25/SEDRUIS/SESU2O/SES0U25 Enconks Components and Spt ‘ecesorie eseriy "RGORESS | cv | _ rant NUMBER DescHPTION seo on 7 7 a Sasa Ra, Ores Gara ge 7) = i Ta Goes sry Orsisd Gud Gs Fae 77 < cos 7 Ter erste Resray Onsad Gord Gas Pre 77 a Ze | ase. ARED a ee 2 52 enseo-os058:77 [tame ray Treo) ae | aeao-05207 FT| gs Sede Wed We Sa Be Z| 00890-05058:71 [Lap en rete) CF | o0ea0-05202-71 | — tage Sted Ge Vo a Shr er SFP oosso.os 60-71] Conia Tras SS] 2 00600.05127 7 Tar RCEF 301 00e00-00416 71s Orr a2 | -oos00-00766-7 [Re 32 [1 ons00-0005 1-71 [Ugh aa ig 3] 00800. 00052-71 [i ea Fs [00500-01055 71g: ber ob 00500. 01056-71[g ed Srbe | es90.05255-71 [Fg ST a 1__[ 2 c0se0-00005.71 [Soom = Vira an Fan Pa ‘2a Ug at Far i eng ges 5 ok Ug ana Fon. Worn ia B= 26/36 vip fon Wine Wong Lote £5 Ze Wo oe Seon Wont Ue Tis 56 Accesories samy sas ar2000 “Toyota Macs RV1A/RU22/SBDRUTS/SESU20/6BSBU25 - Elearone Components ad Spams Tis ana Fan Consoie sey Lights and Fon Console Assembly Figure 5-7: Ughis and Fan Console Assamiy 21472000 16 Toyota Moses 6884 1B/G8RU23/600RU1S/GBSU2O/SESEL25 - lecronis Components and Spens Tiger and Far Console Asay FOURST | aw | parr Numben DESCRIPTION ‘seo on 7 7 eons Tae 21 tst0 1000071 Conc, Goad Gane 5] 00680-10016 Corsi: Ores Gun WA Cae Senseo one 71 Se 17 eneso-toore-7_[ a Sie B08 5057-77 a 1 7 3 ones0.09877-71| Sire Fr “&_—] 2 00500:03000-71 Loe, War Baa ae [a oe80.09814 71 We ae a x | coseo-03973-71 [ar 6 Yo Bab 6050-58871 (DP) z ee a a ee UST: Lighs a Fan Console Asa sn zyar2000 \U1S/68RU23/680RU15/68SU20/E8S8125 - leone Componees ana Sytem ch Aasby Ausiliory Switch Assembly Figure 5-8: Auxiliary Sten Assomiy ‘oyts Models 61B/66RU23/6BDRUS/SESU20/88S8425 - Etcronie Components and Siem ‘Rar Sich Pas an Pog Dury Se AT NUMER DeSeRPTON USED ON z 3 eosso-onaa7 7 Sh Opa x 1 eoseo-or226 7 Sih Wa a 4 | 00600:00220-7 | Sek Li Wan oe st 5-8: Avatar Swen Aesobiy 519 21200 1 Sys ' é i g i i Drive Motor Figure 5-9: Dave Motor “yous Models RU 16/6552U23/680RU15/69SU20/6858025 - Lacon Componsnts and Spee Orne Ha Fer” | ary | PARTNUMBER (DESCRIPTION. ‘USED ON SSS cass ves 71 [nae Bas Sa Page ES a ST emanate x Sf enero oe a PP s-oeaTe rag t Ef enssooere raar ee = To [Fosse rf esau Se SF 00S ag a a aS EST TTA Te [Fs 71[rstoe aw es Teresa soon 71 frog Rasa z | osre08¢71_ [ra Raat = a feta ae Ba a a i = Stee FE Betnet Sa TSS Oo Waar Toyota Model at 18/65RU23/690RU1S/G8SU20/6BS0U25- Ernie Component and Sprs Pune or FEES] any | mar wunaee escnrion ro TBO TEE TT [Wotoe Purp (6aRTTE ana GESTZO, x 1 [eos oe5-71| wae Ra aR eS t eos 55-71] wa: Rar RU? RTS we EST — | —e + Potessse [aaa z Tp ores frees Te 1 [-oaaronsoe [esos e 3p onsen es-71— fans e Toop abso a | wsoome-71 [esr a c ST] oer wr z ee = = Mar ep CHRO are GOST I Cd 37 Meter: ne e898 na 685020 (9 Cahir am U2. GRITS a S3SU28 (6 ve Uist 510: Ramp Moto [Bh Seca wih Tan See ORBOAONTOTT [fore Sender Une isso ueor-7 [rnp Setar Cae 000 0806-71 (OF) Teyots Mace RUTA/68RU22/6GORU1S/68SU20/6ASBU25 -Eaaronie Components sn Sates amp Wor This Page tntonaty Bian SECTION 6 Hydraulic Components rou Asa 62 re Comer Ri. &6 Fi Assy sa aon yi oy a0 Senn yr Asay 6B) a fech Cys Aan (BDRU1S, ou ‘i Gpnaer Aer, Noses 6 BBSUI8. Sa ‘in Ghar 0'8 18 ‘i Gynaer 023. 20 ‘Stgng Geter" Moss GERU2S/SBRUS/GESU25 Sige, oe ‘Song Cnn - Modes GERUTS/ESSUZO 3 Sige. 2 incr han Fo i GBR 23/CORUIS/EDOUIS 3 Sage 2 (andrea Fras SSRUTB/ESU20 3 Sage 530 tres Rep: 6oRT. 685020 32 ‘Monte acm = en oem 23 DRS eae Mose Aer 635 o 21er000 Componenes ee GOR 8/GBRUZS/GRORUTS/EESUZOVERSURS- pda Hydraulic Assembly Figure 6-1: Hyeroute Assembly “oyra Mod's GBRU8/SRU23/6BDRUIS/60SU20/685U25 - Horaue Components 1 Moca 668018 and 68SU20 6 Ven CC Moan 02) 6808S wr BSUS Fo teonended Sore Ug 6-1. Hyroune Asso See af) (gH SAE FA TSE] DUSOATETT AM (PT 6 Hyarauie Asenbiy REOREET | ary | paRr Unni ‘escRITION sso oN 7 i = an = z ones 256-71] ee Figs 510). c 3 5 | ons00.0182-71 [rnp un Sex Figs 614100580 THTET Pres Parel —C z a © Soret 87171 [eoseo-0n726 7 [Ser o T—177[ensto-05025- 71 [rg Ke 1 [esseeo3860-77—Postng aR 37 ease 3787-71] Sa erse0-9787-71— | Ser i Te [eos 95T27 71 Wear Rar Se [400866 90187-71_ ese Sa Te [3 | tos 0026-71 Sri ee 351 o0e00 0077171 hap 9 Brae OS 361060 05070.71 [ring Gearon [1 os00.0902671 | Ware Cora ee Fs CT Bo ase6-06:71 Hae, [2 aet6-0787-71 ca an RT Br] eso 08165-71—[ee 2¢ [1 esse 7p 25 [ 2 onseo-001 7071 [ apr BO Bape Tense on r-71 Ro emi 28 | ooseo anor 71 [Aaa Bae [1 | 00s00-080067— Fn, Goes Dear [1 [onsen 53-71 Ree sar Si [1 [00s00-0120827 [et 32 tose 000-71 re Aer eT BT KEE 1] 00560-0055°71 [Far nk es Pre 3) ce erste st6e71 rae SE] ene 75-74] Fs E se [2 [cose 0065.71 [Sew 37 [2 | ereeo-000-77 Wa TE Mo TT a 6BSU20 Vo Toyota Mec RU 18/68RU23/68DRUI5/6ESU20/605U25 - Hyerawe Component Fyre Assay TREE | aw | _rarrnunaee OxScRMTON upon + Posse artes 71- Teena e aa] sonra seer = Ses tno € [1 obs wag = Se — [7 ssoarieo— freer € 1 ss 7 ape Ba € fz — ir Htesan anor ees hy = emer Cosas, cena Tee 21472000 yarauneASsombly et 2 of2) Toyota Mod's BRU 18/68RU23/SBDRUIS/S8SU20/605U25 - Hyoraue Components you say ‘This Page ntensonaty Blank es ar2000 ‘eyota Mocel RU1/60RU23/6B0RU5/68SU20/688U25 - Hyarauie Components ‘ane, Cont Aesry Valve, Control Assembly Figue 6-2: Vawe, Control Assembly 2142000 6s ‘eyes Models 6ORUI/60RU2/6B0RUI5/68SU20/688U25- Herne Components Voie, Corr Aer PUREE? | ory | paar wumsen ‘escuPTON USED ON ee HS ERO IOS T RT eS ns it Te Seat Gosmo 3956571 He be tease Sor eis Sen Sa Ta SBD SOSEETI | Re SHR HT SS ‘Oe nS Sa Asse or Sau Soa Ua 62; Vane, Con vary Toyota Mace RUIA/EARU2/ERORUIS/GASU20/6ASU2S - Hydra Filter Assembly Figure 6-3: Fier Assombly ‘yeta Moc GRU8/6ORUZ3/GBORUIS/GASUO/6BSUS - Hyraste Components Finer Asemby REDRESS | aw | raat NUMaER eScRTION ‘USED ON 7 | o0880.09602.71 [Sr 32 03792-71| sew 59 00r76 71 [a 7 [a5 200-71 |e Ae x Tost: 01366-7Fiase = S| [ressto.ona74-71[osteg z a xm FT anean oaareteG 7 320055009877 71 Ges a m a1] 0055040057-71— [a F A Faw Rey BRUTE ns oS i Far ast RUE UTS art 6OSU25) = Remand Sere TRS: Fir Arar 60 212000 “Toyota Models GER A/68RU22/68DRU1S/6BSU20/688025 - Hyéraue Component Resch Gyndar sey GERUTBY Reach Cylinder Assembly (6BRU18) Figure 6-4: Reach Cylinder Assembly (6BRU8) 212000 e10 “Toya Moses 6RUB/5BRU3/SBDRUI5/58SU20/605U25 (aes a Paps Bot Ones] Hyeraute Components Teach Cyne sorb (HRUTE) RGOREE? | rv | PARTNUMBER DESCHTION seo oN z [00690-39696 xinde: Rach Aan ot Na z 2 [09690-03006 71_| Pr Ge a a Fz_| 1 onsen [Re Cpr a] oos00.09996-77— [Rae 35 [1 00800.07068-77| Seer Zo] 1 oosoo-a058-71 [te ORR RR ae Ft] 1800 0060-71 eC ek Hand [1 oosoo-t005071[ eg z [1] 09673 7 Pig, ae —]9560:04980-71 RSs Soma z serena Sore Uist 6 Rech Gyinaar Asari (BRUTE) [Tae od or nas RESTS PN DROOTOSTT Tw laser nan els one titan atari nt ls on neat oo. Tha gr nobel cle on eso 212000 “Toya Models GERUT6/G8RU23/680RUS/EBSU2O/EBSU25- Hydaule Components och Cynder cern (RUZ) Reach Cylinder Assembly (68RU23) Figure 6-5: Reach Cylinder Assembiy (68RU23) ‘oyete Modal 6BRU/60RU25/SBDRUI5/68SU20/6BSU25 - Hydnst Componers each Gye sey (BRU23) FEUEES | an | raat unaee ‘ESCRON ston [7s anes 7p z Ce A 26 [ons oer7e 71 ca 25 |e. 7e-7 |e Ra TY os00:062:71 fe Sa z 65: Ronen Cynder Assy (SERLZD) 202000 “Toya Model RUT 2/68RU23/68ORUS/GBSU2O/EBSURS - Hyéraule Components each Cyne Assy GEDRUTE) Reach Cylinder Assembly (6BDRU15) Figure 6-6: Reach Cylinder Assembly (B80RUI5) 2472000 ou Toyota Moots GBRUTB/EBRU23/680RU15/69SU20/69SU2S - Hysraue Component Reach Cynder semi (6BDRUTS) GUREES | ary | _ rant Unie DESCRIPTION Use ON z | 00s0-09665-71_| Pe a = T]00800-0500071 | Cyn Rs Rach a Re x | 00890°0505071 Cynara Hash Rah Hare o = 7] 00600-05051-71 | Cyne Ras Rech at Fs 7m 1 oone0-099- 71 Cyne ee Reh a r = | 00H89.0090-71 | ube. Gna La To = | o0eo0.0003-71 une. Cine Raf Rae 7] oosb0.03766-7-| Rae 31 ons 099-71 Se z ee a 2a | onsen Cn Br “7 | oos00.0501477 Sen Sa z homer = Reema Spe UR 66 Roach Gyno Asembiy(SBDRUIS) ors 212000 Toyota Modes BRUT 8/G8RU23/68DRUIS/GASU2OGASL2S - Hyertc Components Tie Cyinaer Assy Modal BBRUTBTEESUTS Tilt Cylinder Assembly, Models 6BRU18/6BSU18 Figure 6-7: Tit Cylinder Assombly, Modes 68RUIB/68SU18 212000 e18 Toyota Models RU 4/6RU2/6BDRUTS/GASU2O/SESUS - Hyrawte Components “Ti Gye Asanti, Moses SBRUTS/SBSUTS FGURET uN” | ar | Peet Nowace DESCRIPTION ‘USE ON 96580:20080 7 ino co BOTTA 00s 05805 7 We Co z Toe -0055-71 | Reming Cyr z TY 00s00:08006:71 z ae To] 1 ones 0067-71 90590-40066 TL So! Cora ee 7107 z Temata ae Tis6-7: Tie Gyinder Asem, Mosse 6BRUTB/EBSU TS or 21ar000 Toyota Modes BRU 18/88RU23/SBDRU15/68SU20/6BSU2S - Hyernte Compares Tk Cyngor = GBDRUTS Tilt Cylinder - 6BDRUIS Figo 6:8: Tit Cylinder - 6BDRUTS ‘eyets Mods BRU 18/65RU23/590RU5/G9SL2OIGASL2S - Hyeraue Commoners BRUTE ART NUMBER ‘EscRITON USED ON TBST Tae Ta WT SORTTST 9890. 08825- 7 Baton 9590.09667-71_[ Pe a 05e0-05026-71_[ yer arn 0590-09656-71_ Berg 0560.05027-7 [a 9590-04460-71_ Fare E80-09655.77 | 0800:00002.7| Baring 0580-5000-71 Ra Caer 9800-09600. Ra seo. 71 Sa USGS TH Gyinger- BBORUTE Teyots Mace RU 10/55RU23/68ORU15/685U20/608U25 - Hyerauie Componers Te yin 6BRUES Tilt Cylinder - 6BRU23 Figure 6-9: Ti Cyinger-65RU23 21472000 620 Toyete Mods RU 18/58RU23/6BDRUIS/68SU20/68SU25 - Hyéraue Components Tn Gyinor6BRUZI HEU S| amv | raat Nuwoce ‘escRITON USED ON z 2] oosse-0n825 Far = 5 2 e0se0.00716-71 [Fe z I] 00560-05024-7—| Cyn iT Ra Fa | 0s80-05055-7 | ne Asari Tit Hoe 7 | a0so0-00056-71 [Bas = a a 1] 00800-05017 a Cyr La o_—[ 1] 0s. 0662-71 [ost 7 25 | cos 03880-71—fre 2 [1 oosoo.oreee 71 [oe +7 eossc-ora88 Fe Sar Tia Sia = Tara Sore (Us 68" Ti Cynder 6BRUES sr2000 “Toys Mode’ 6RUTA/68RU23/680RU15/68SU20/69SU25 - Hyorale Components ‘Soging Cyinaer-Maoaes GBRUZS/EDRUTTO5SU25 3 Sage Staging Cylinder - Models 6BRU23/6DRU15/6BSU25 - 3 Stage BGHT HAND Figure 6-10: Staging Cinder - Mocls GBRU232/6DRU15/689U25 - 3 Stage 212000 2 Toyota Moos GBRUTB/68RU23/6S0RU15/60SU20/6ASL2S - Hydraulic Components ‘aging Gyinger Mod BRUZ/EORUTSVGESURS 2 Sage FODEETOT ary | parr wunaer eicHITON upon ose SORT | Cpa RT Was Hig OSTEO 0690-04004 71 oye Ara Fat Mie Rig 1072407 0800-00677 | eye sre Rt gh 172587 00800-04006 Cyne Asay Rat Me Haigh 117270 19800-05230. ey sary Tt Ws Hg 1372007 00900-05232 71_ oye Asal Pat Ma Haigh T7390) 100800-0520¢.71 | Chae Asa TR es Height 157360) 00900:0596-71_ Oye Asano Pat De Hag T0760 0s60-05050:71 | Cyne Ase Pt es Heh 172402) 9950.01081-7 Aas 2 Po Daa Fig 0210) 500. 01085-71 | ana Ai 2 For as eight 107/207 00590-04085-T|_| ner Ase 2 For Bl aa TTA2S8) 00560-04007-71 | Cyn Aas 2 Fo Oa an 170/270 0590. 01005.71| Cher ery 2 Yo Oa ag T7200 9690-05257-71 | Cyr as 7 For Bla gh 147330 0980-0521.71 | Crise Arey 2 foe Dl gh T7380) 10800-0525-71_| Cyne Asay 2 Pot Dl ght 167380 009000524771 Crs Avra 2 Pt Dn Hag 172402) 0880-99074 71_| Seren GOSDD.OSOS-T_(OF) 0580:03760: 79 Wats San z OoE00.0067-71 | Fran Cy 1 Ta Wa a BRTETOT [oso s0008-7—| xg. Cya- 1 Moa Fgh 707240 9500:40070-71 [Hwang Cyr 1 Mea Regt T7270) 00590:40071-T_| Revi. Cynder Mas gh 13/500) .G059040072-T | Reus Gnas 1 at est Heh 13/330) 0580-40075 ew. Cyne 1 or Mas Hah T8730) 0690-40074 71 | Rowing: Grae et Ma igh 177380, 0380-40075. own. Caneel ig 17274021 (0590-04707 Husa. Cen 2 Fo os Hig 35/20) (00590-40076 7 | Rouge 2 Fon es igh TOT 100890-4077-71_ Hewona yin For Bla Fig T4258 00800-0078-71 | Howsng- Cis for Ba Wein 1972707 500-10070-71_| Mewsng Cyn 2 Fon Wl Pg 131/300) 0590:40080-T1_| ext. Cynder 2 or Maat Fgh 14/300) 0590-40087 eg. Gyn 7 Rs igh 157360) 590:40002.71| eos. Cynder 2 as Wag T7350. 90580-40085. ous. Gnas, 2 Pat et eight 172102) 0s00-00955-71 [Pinger 0890-00975 Sang DOH00.0965-71 Rg, Sa 1 [09560000371 Ros Wa Fa OST [1 00590-40050-7 | easing. Cyne oa gh T7258 1st 610: Sging Gyaner «Medes GRUZS/GDRUTSTERSUZS 3 Sage Bros 1 of) 52s 2/2000 ‘yrs Modets 698U18/60RU23/880RUTS/SSSU2O/S8SU25 Hyraule Components Srging Cynder Moses 6RUZ3/60RUTSTEBSUZS -3 Sage ACTRESS (GUEST) aw | parr nunsen DESCRTION USED ON ‘SosseONTORT era Wage TOOT 500:61705-71_| Ra Oa Pg 1738 5.011067 Re Ms Meg 17972707 ‘9050: 01007-71| Ra Ma Peg 130 oso. 01100 71 Res Mie Hage 70007 0500. 01770-71 [Ros Mas Haag 167960) ‘S901 TT Rad Ms Peg 1722 {Uist 6-10: Singing Cinder - Maccs GERUZR/SDRUIEVEESURE - 8 Suge hen 2 of Toyota Moos GBRU18/68RU23/680RU15/65S20/688U25 - yale Components ‘aging Cynder“ Models 6BRUZA/GDRUTS/BESU2S - 9 Stage ‘is Page Intentionaly Blank ‘oyote Models GBRUIG/SRUZ/6BDRUI5/69SU20/68SU25 -Hyerute Components Singing Gyindor = Models 5RUTO/S55U20 3 Sage Staging Cylinder - Models 6BRU18/6BSU20 - 3 Stage Figure 6-11: Staging Cylinder - Mocls GBRUTA/GBSU2O- 3 Stage Teyote Modes BRU 18/688U25/5608U15/00SU20/08SU25- Hydra Components Singing Ginga Mocs OORUTG/SESUBO- 3 Sage FOREETY GORE] amv | _raxt Nuwser ESCRTION ‘Use ON BD 555-71 Caer sey 1 Po ea Hig TIER] 10900 0643.71 | Cyr as For Blan Hg 95770. OH 0544-71 | Cyr Ai 1 For Olt Heagh 107740) 000 10545.71 | Cyne Arb 1 For Blas Hag TTOZTO 09390:09643-71_| Gyre Aer 2 For Blo High 87152) 09360:05290:71 | Cyne as 2 Fou Bl Hig 957270 9880:05040-71_ over Aer 2 Fo Olt High T0770) 0956005201-71 | Cyr ary 2 For De igh T1972 7O EBD 8061-71 Srew 9580:01700 7 Wass Sing 0590400857 even Wate 1 Wan Hag TTS. 90590-40066: Hong Welw Rot Mat igh 5/2707 5:40087-7| Hang Wales Rt as igh 1077120) 3590-10088 71 | Heng Welt 1a Mt gi 157270 0390-10085. | Fousing Wout 2 at to ng 63792) 70300-40000 71 | Reusing Ween 2 ea gh 957217 10800:4000.71 | owas Waren Tet Mat gh 107/120 00500-40002 71 owing Ween 2 Ma ag 78/270 0500.09075-71 | So oos00.10005.71 [62 109890-10551-71_| Rc, Sng Or STTOETE 09800-19552-71[ Ro. Sogn Cyn 08/2107 9580-10555-71 | a, Sagi Cp 107724000 0500-05957-T Ro Sina Gnas 110 TOTOZ SBDOSETE-TI Bang NSS — [ea Ro x ss [Viper 3 GORDO Te Sal a Sed z ‘us 6-11. Saging Cynder Model GORUIWIEESUZO- 8 Sage ‘oyta Mal RLUIA/68RU23/EBORUS/EBSLZO/ERSUDS - Hyaute Components ‘GjunserAsemiy- Free Lit BRLS/6DRUTSTBSURS - 3 Sage Cylinder Assembly - Free Lift - 68RU23/6DRU15/68SU25 - 3 Stage Figure 6-12: Cylinder Assembly - Free Lit - 6BRU23/SDRUTS/6ESU2S - 3 Stage rzec0 28 Teyete Modes BRU 16/68RU2/6B0RUI5/6SU2O/GUSU2S -Hycraue Componen ‘Gynder Resembiy Tres Un GORUPS/GDRUTSTEBSURS -® Sage FOUREET av | axe Nunnte oescnmow ‘uD ow a TET RRR as TAT [ose on | ej ss Dae Mage | oosaron Te-7|yea ey O g 2) 1 [seo ot. [Gin ry Bs age 17) [see on: ey Os age 17) Tose on 24 1 | Gina ry a ge 170) | osssonee-7 | ps ney Os Page 1570) 1] eesenores 7 [Gina sey Os hog Te “| essa To71| Cpe Asam Ws ag TO) Tf osnoonan [wees See z Poser anoer fare S| sa 00 7a a STAT [os 0058 7 | ye Hy Ma ag TT [senso 7 [eye ay Mae ag TS [ose 00s 7 | yas rong Ma ag TT [oso fea Re was ag TH 1 [os s00 1 eps ing wa ag Tn 7 [ost 400-1 [yas sn Was ag TS 1 [ess aTor rena uss Wes fg 17 0 | wosssnr07 71] eae Heat Bas age TET TET [rosso ne Ra eT z [anspor rae 3} anes onang Ft Pa TOV ose ros 7a Rao Ta 1} anssoonoee faa Pas HTT GF ssoasrer Te} ss01S Tf Sa Tania (Gk 6-12 Cynder Any - ros Ut GHRUZS/EORUTSTORSURS 9 age Toyota Mosel 6RU8/60RU23/SBDRUIS/68SU20/688U25 - Hyeraue Components ‘Gyncer Aesamy Free 6BRUTBTGESUZO -3 Sage Cylinder Assembly - Free Lift - 6BRU18/6BSU20 - 3 Stage ov ahove Figure 6-13: Cylinder Assembly - roe Lit - 6BRUTB/68SU20 - 3 Stage Toyots Mods GBRUTB/GERU23/680RU1S/SBSUZO/BSSURS - Hyeraue Components ‘Cyngor semi -Free Un BBRUTTSESU2O= 9 Sage FOURS] aw | par numaen ‘bescHPTON USED ON [00600-30506 Cpe ery STO = | 00860-3407-71 | Cyne Aer 77 [1 aos60o8061-71|rew Tons 0905-71 ein nar TET 1] 00860 -0706-71 | Pann i 7270 1 [ost 0707-71 Reng iar TOTES 1] 00590:40708-7 | Faing Cin 117270 1 00600-00557 | Parga 54 00s90-09875.71_| Sg z 300880 006073, Cre BOE woe 0065-73, Cyr 95710 1 [00890-09067 Re. Gps 1077240 TO eoee0.00967-74 Ros Cpe ETO en a ee E st 613: Cynder Anamby Free LR GHRUTE/GESU20 9 Sage Toyota Mao: 6ERI18/688429/68ORUS/GBSU2Q/68SU25 - Hyerauie Components Fyre Purp BRUTE, 6BSUZ0 Hydraulic Pump - 68RU18, 68SU20 Figure 6-14 Hyaraubc Pump » 6BRUTS, 68SU20 212000 ex Toots Maes BRU B/65RUZS/6BDRUTS/SESUO/EBSS - Hyerase Components Hyeraute Par BRUT, 695020 FGUEET] aw | arr nowaer DESCRION USED On | om s65-7 [Rane Ra * 1] 00800.0015:71 [Pomp ae E a NP TE 2 [7 [ans ena 71 [este tt Sto z BE ReneS USE Hyrauie Purp BBRUTE, 655020 RTT Pa ay Tyee) SEV on 2172000 Toyota Models 6R109/588U25/S6DRU5/655U20/68SU25 -Hyaroue Components Mantis fesomiy 60801 6/60RU73/650RU1S Manifold Assembly - 6BRU18/6BRU23/6BDRU15, Figure 6-15: Moros Assombly - 6ERUTS/68RU23/6EDRUTS Toyota Mods GERUT8/68RU2/6SDRUIS/68SU2O/60SU2S - Hycraulc Components ‘Manor esorbiy BRD 8/SBRUEI/GBDRUTS FGURETS| ary | _vaarwuvaer oxscumow wie on ETRE = apse. 571 wana Aaca t woeer eet hana Aso a ange. 71 [Manon Aaa z TOSSTTOOT ane WT RE T= 615 Mo Rey - GORI TOEBRUSZERDRLS ex yrec00 “oyta Modes 65RU18/68RU23/6EDRUIS/SBSUZO/EBSU2S Hyersse Components Horta Aesemy 9 ‘Manifold Assembly Figure 6-16: Manto Assay ‘eyota Mocs GERUIB/GERU22/SBDRUIS/GRSU20/6BSU25 - Heraue Components Manifog sey ant NuwBER DESCRIPTION USED ON Teen TT TT | a a x Ss 3 2120800051807 Ware Fara z = Tse -10708-71 [va iy Sooo RE 5 1 anssocsire-rt [eat z = Tn Gry Maan Soe UR 6-16: Monto Asembiy oa 21472000 Toyota Models ERY 1/GERU23/6HORU1S/68S20/688U25- Hyarauc Components Maniac Aeseby Tris Page Intentionally Blank SECTION 7 Mast Ma avy SU2E80815 Ma ier UVES Dae Sng enn 6833 Bowen sory ERT ‘Srna Garage Ane“ S020 ‘Stade Cartage Aue 8SU2S ‘Seat Aven 665U20, Sei Ase S6SU25 ‘Sa Rata SBORUTS Sean Avena 668078 Sse vey 662025 Sean er Toe Bn ey Vet toed Aer ‘eyots Made 6RU1/688U25/SBDRUIS/6BSUZ0/6BSUS - Most. {is Page Intentionally Bion zar2000 1 Teyote Moses SERUT8/EBRU23/680RU15/0 Mw Reserby = 6RSUZ/GBDRUTS ‘Mast Assembly - 6RBU23/6BDRU15 Toyota Moss SBRUTR/ESRUZS/68DRUIS/E8SU2OISESL25 - Most as: seri -BROUZS/EBDRUTS| Mast Assembly - 6RBU23/6BDRU15 Figure 7-1b: Mast Assomby - 6RBUZ3/6BDRUIS 2112000 4 ‘yota Mode BRU0/65823/680RU1S/G8SU20/685U25 - Mast Mas Asm - BREUZS/6BDRUTS TEE [ev | ern oescRrTION ust ON 1 rss aoris7r- [rane anor e 1 [cosans01 7-71 a Wa s 3 [ons 07-71 espe Fre Waser z 1 oossootos 71 espe ee We os 1 esssoarore[ espe fre Waa t [oss rors 17 | aesne tre Wieor * | exssomrorer[wanepe foe Wat & [osteo 7 [eesspe War— rape ne Wer T [es 6-1 [int sons sn FET x [ones 71 |e en ras = Ts 71-7 se ras 2 [esas :71 [ep ry st 7 7 sn 120.71 Gn Ase Fst [ens 1217 gees Fe * [0-2-7 res e 1 osaroras-71 | Gana ray Fs a 5 oreo aero [yee A as 7 [ose 10007 [se Sse ws = [oosse.o5671_| Sr 3 oss6056 71ers z 5 oss01. 71 1 eos | sie Coane 2 [ooss.09-71| sre ons. 77|aoa i z 3 [-exssons-r1 |e eed Some TT Ma Ry“ ROUEREBORTTS oa re “Toyota Models 69RU18/68RU23/680RU S/SBSUZO/EBSU2S Mast ‘Mast Asem -6RBUZS/EBDRUTS FGORETT | ary | pant wumpen ‘esctmiON ‘seo on 1am = bea foe hp fsbreatst eae Hiss fame eee i S| Hanae fs ree : [Peas {ei an rT a | Sasson {eas Sain z | weananss [ose : | warner [ear ae : waar fo so zg | toner [ear sco i sane fos 5 [eka ier nae 5 fess fee mor : : Pssst : ‘fesse {ome meter ' Hissar faa ' +f essen foae ma fase em aa € +t essere : —fsesnerfear a ae ; 1} wosbet 7 emer Sor + eee ae eo 2 [Sees ecatianey S| tonnes fet Bp 1 pace Sf eames S| Peon hierar ae [1 sans a Sarna Eee Eee a Reconmenced Sore Tis 71, Most Asem - GRBURS/EBDRUTS (Shea 2 ot 4) 1% Toyote Models €8RU16/68R25/5008U15/69SU20/685U25 - Most. ‘Ms Asombiy = 6SBU23/680RUTS FEUEZT | aw | rarrnuwaee DESCRION seo on Sb aoonme a S| pemmoete fox mmr = + wearers a tr [aeons ras Ha or Poon 7 far tasters st + Scouse? ar eases or +H esoant far raxiarey + sisocar? fas rasa cr —Psocst?t fier rassey cH Foca rary u [seas fos ras Pessoa areas ot +H sbeae ros asi st +f weer ose tr of essocte far suey : + erst a i Hisesct st ftes ms wt tessa feos aes 4 = sone for i a + eooas7t fas Hr ur Tasos far tess of [soars fas Ma a iP iseocsot farts te + eon fas Hasan 1 ws rs oe [aoc [nar rasa a 1 Fssountst erty B ar esine fran Hsp Heat ‘ Tom frost 2 wasnt 5 sonora : + asf ' Hea ror 5 ——F Peseta z E Rue fe ER Ektaetpe TT Ra ay TE Fr ” se Toyote Models 652U1B/65RU29/6BDRU1S/SESUZO/68SU25 - Mast Mas Assery-BRBUZS/6BDRUTS AGUREZ' | av | eax Numaen DESCRIPTION USE ON a 7 TF 00500:05165:71 [ran Ge a a es a a Fe a 1 [1 | oos00.00196-7 [acer 52 oases Rae = 57] 4 [08000967171 Caer S|] tose 03800-71[F OC 3 [1 | 00600-00095.7 | Bas Finn See z tis} “30000-00726. ere Vie Tas Pry SER) TPT a A x 1 | o0e00-00071-7 [tcp Weare: Gue 3 1 00880.0007271 epi Ware Oe € [00880-00073 epi rvs: Oe 3 a = | 00860.6075- 71 eescpe Wess One F | 00889.0076-71| scope Were Or © aos: 0077-71 sop Waser: Ga % G= 158/300 Ro ieraso isarea Icormnande Spare Tis 7; Most Asser -6RBURS/BBORUTS hea 4 ot A) Mast Assembly - 6BRU18/6BSU20 ‘eyoia Mace 6RU/65RU25/580RU15/68SU20/508U25 - Mast Mas Assomey-6BRU6/668U20 ‘Mast Assembly - 6BRU18/6BSU20 Soe oie Figure 7-20: Mast Assomoly - 68RU18/68SU20 “Toytn Models GORUIA/68RU22/SBDRUIS/GBSU2O/GHSURS «Most Tas Assay -CBRUTE/STSUED FORETT ROUT? | an | PAerNuMace DesCHITON Us ON 7 ooo 6-7 Fae Nn Wea x 3 onst6a3606-77~ rs Mar Wai 7 Se Eo © 7 00960.09087-71 | rns Man War 5 [899891671 eeepc Ween er c [00860010771 tsp Warne 5 [7 10890.0985-71 | Gin Sg Asano Ua and Ss rw ETT | 1 00s00-06299°71 yar Sey nar ek Hand = 1] oos00-08240-71_| Cyne Sage sono at and c 1] ease 05209-71 [Gyn Sagi hea at Red B 5] oso 6886-71 pine Ss Arig Hand Ses Fpww TOR 7] -oosto 9500-71 [ Cha Sag nD Rg Hand = 1 eose0-19544-7|Criner spn ery Beton € 7] 0050:3955-71_| Cs Sag Any and ° a ry | 00s00-9546- 71 oye Flt Aer @ | 00800:39507-7 cyan, Fel Ae c | onee0 1997-71 oyinge: Fei Aso o co [2 os0-0960-71 hn. coer 10 37] 00506 06147-71[Bearg z ae 1 [ 1 os00.9676:71 |S Wa [so [Gee 3] “2 08:05:77 3a [A os. 7-77— |S Wiser Te 110500. 0068-71_| So Shane ra | 00800:0031-71—| Stat hens (Coroson Fins ie a A 2306566035057 [eC 25 [1] eosso0075275 | Gaon ag Sa x Seren ‘ovrscarso cern Sore {tT-2: Most Asem GBRUTG/GBSUZO Shea 7 a 212000 Toyete Modes BRUT A/ESRU2/SBDRUTS/SESU2O/EESU2S - Mast is Riseniy-BBRUTATEBSURO GURET? | rv [part NUMER DESCRIPTION Us ON 1] -00880.00755.71_[ Own hs Sg ci To] ebse0-09756-71[ Cr Ree Sap o ZI] 0o800:05751 7 a Rah tin * 1 [-ooe80-1012-71_[ Ce Ren ec © | ooso0-09027 FS [1 an800.00726-7 [Spr | 00590. 05055-71_| ow Ret, Sang € 1] e0s6005009:77 [Hose Rem Seah c SE] 7 0080.00 72-7 Rs as [oso 35 [ones 20-71_ [Fem a z 3 [ 1 oose0-03661-71— [ci || o0s00. FT g1-71 [oe ae a @0__| a onsoo-0n8 16-71 [erg Na Gade z a3 00800-09665-71 [en er [a one00.0997 TTS [1 [00000-05077 rok Sea |“ O0800.00976-7 [Sra Sane (Conon RT 5] 00800.00767-7 | Wa [1 | -00800-00057-71 [a Fue 55120500001 25.7 | Sr Ware Tf e0s80- 26488 71 se Asi E | e690-39557-71 [He Ae Te e 1 Recommends Sere {ia 72: Mon Asso OBRUTB7GBSU20 Sheet 2 of) “Toyts Models 6881 8/60RU23/680RU5/68SU20/685U25 - Mast Tas Pssonbiy- G5RUTG/SESURD FOUREZ? | aw | Patt Nunaex DescurTON Usf0 oN | eae 606 Fi Raa c [008003955871 [Nese esrb a . ee OT 6 || 0s 6-7 econ Wainer Ga z a a 7] 00500 6058-71] Recap Weer Ou” c 7 oosso- 0136-71” eta Wann Or UR T-2: Most Aseriiy = GERUTB/EBSUZO row 3 ot 5) Toyota Models 6RU18/68RU23/68ORU15/6BSU2OIGESL2S - Mast Hos Aasenoy-6BRUTATEBSUZO Ts Page Intertonaly Blank ‘eyota Moves GRU 8/GBRU23/GEDRUTS/SESUZO/GRSU2S - Mas Tesch sey -65DRUTS Reach Assembly - 6BDRU15 Figure 7-3a: Roach Aasembiy -6BDRUIS| 15 212000 Toyota Models GERUIB/68RU22/6EDRU15/69SU20/655025 - Mas ‘even Asam BEDRUTS Reach Assembly - 6BDRUI5 ) ws << Figure 7-30: Raaen Assembly - BBDRUTS ‘eyote Model 6RUA/G8RU23/GHORUTS/SBSU20/SESU25- Mast awah Asam -BEDRUIS Reach Assembly - 6BDRUIS Figure 7-3: Reach Assembly -6BDRUIS ‘oyia Models RUT 8/GRU2A/GAORUIS/SBSU2O/GBSUZS - Mos. ewan Rserbiy GBDRUTS Reach Assembly - 6BDRUIS Figure 7-30: Reach Assombly - BB0RUTS a9 212000 ‘oyete Modes BRU IB/SRU/EBORUIS/ESSU2O/EESU2S - Mas each Assembiy- BBORITS Reach Assembly - 6BDRU15 Figure 7-34: Reach Assombiy - 6BORUTS “Toyota Models 8841 /65RU2/680RU15/50SU20/605U25 - Mast. Reach sory = GBDRUTE FOUR? | aw | pan NumaeR DESCRIPTION seo on ae 4 2 an800.0668-7 [Bahn ea Sess oe fe “6 [3 }00800.03656-71 [Fr a 1 [00880.0046-77 | rane Fo 30] 7100880 39668-7— [Fe Fa [2 [ast 0726-71 | Sn OT 2 ense0.051aT-F [ar 05 TE as86 0007-71 er ane SC Te] 1 00580050771 Na See | 00s00-09654-7 | Waser T_— [1 [00800-65086 7 ng EROS a] onneo sen | wets Core 005m D508 A] 20 [1 tosto9- 7 [tases Cap Dosen Hoge DP] Bi] oon00.00602.7— |g ae a2 osto-05002-71[ teng amy 2] 2 [oso 05070-7"—[Ra 3 [3 [ot -05071-71 [Bong Fees on 1 [Ss aa | 2005000502671 | ee soy To as Fa BT [1 eoseo. 05116 71S [1 oos00-05086-71— [Fn Waa St [ 1 onsen-00677-7— Sem [00800-08006 Wain [00880-00096 [pm Wa = 35 [1 [00600-00057 [ne Wi = en a S71 [00500 05007 | Se a Sho ao [ T0050. G1G08-71— Frere: TEs 7S: Reach Aasombiy = GBDRUTS (Set oF) Toyota Moss GBRUT8/E8RU23/680RU15/6BSU2OISESU2S - Mast ooenAssombiy-BBDRUTS RGURETS | ary | _ Pant NUMBER DESCRITON USED ON ae] OR E-7T | Saw ta [ toto 000071 ar a1 toss. oter7-71_ | 33000 09600-71|Sen T 3 ost0-40177-71_[ Sr W025 a 00800.05128-7 Bre z | 7 ooseo-n008t [soe [CP ooseo ones 7 can a CO 3 | 1 onsoo-osos74 [Ber Fe a BEL onsen once [coma im [ee SI_—| 1] 0500. 61300-7 Line AE [a on 67_| 2 oosw0-00261-7 Rap “FO | 3 oso 05005 7 Se a e—| 1s 050011 Fs a 7a | “1800-05002 Hons ha ae [1] 00600-36828. [ Hoe See USTs: Resch Aisoniy- GBORUTS Shee 2 or 3) Teyots Modes RUO/RU2A/GHORUIS/GBSU20/SESU25- Most Teach sen -6BORUTS FGUEZS | av | rast numaee DescRPmion fe [1 | 0880.050767 | Fe Raa BE |e | onso0-007. 77 Rese ar 3 210500. 05067-71_ es Ay a [1 one80 00057 Neo Sa z 1 orseo 004-71 Mono Win Sa a S|. [Pa 3 —| “2 s00-09820-71 Bering a | 00900.05078-7_| Fr 1 oso 5020-71 | cya nay Ta Fre 657 = 1] 05600500071 Cyne Ase a oe] 1 os 05051-71 | cys Ry es Pare FST © T0000. 05052-71[ CindrReeiy a jo [1 caso eeo-71 ese tod, eis OSDOOHBET TOF] Tor[ 4 “ease 9527-71 Soae os [1 | onseo-os004 71 Sree fe Recomended Sore TUS T-3: Resch Asser” GBDRUTS Shee FoF Toyota Made 68RU1B/65RU2/6BDRU1S/SESU2O/58SU25- Mast sen Asey-6BORUTS Tis Page Interitonaty Blank 2142000 724 Toyota Models RU1A/G8RU22/GAORU1S/68SU20/6BSU25 - Mant ‘sserbiy Single Reach - BERL ‘Assembly, Single Reach - 6BRU23 Figure 7-4e: Assembly. Single Rach - 6BRUZS “Toys Models 6RU8/SSRUZ3/SBDRUTS/SBSUZO/BBSU25 Most Fsembiy Sg we Assembly, Single Reach - 68RU23 Figure 7-4a; Assembly, Single Rach - 6BRUZS 21472000 728 Toyota Models 6RU8/6BRUZS/6B0RUIS/6BSU2O/E8SU25 - Mont ‘Assembly, Single Resch -BBRUZS REORT? | ary | paar wumaen DescRPTON S60 ON ROOTES 09960:09029-71| Cyne Reno TH ip Rend es ere SST 10956003010-71 [oyna eer Tle 158040730-71 [Fame re ng60 09000-71[ Pr Waa 00068671 Sowe 0690-01476. Sa 0500-05100. er 0600-00603. Pa 100800.0006471 | Brag z pHe0-008-71 [em Ono aT SRD STAT 71 Beng, z as8o 065-71 [ Br z n860.0007-71 Tar 5904015771 Sh 0590.00470-71_[ Na 0600-10617 Gna gh Hand oa gaa BS) 0690-00992. | Cpe ery Lt Hed 00500-00064. | Sr 590-09976 71 | Cap aa 20580-05120 75 [Bong z 500.0969. Sr Waa 880-19656.71 [Fr ae neo0.00076.71 [Seem 59004468 Fn, Ou Tia 7-4: Ani, Sige Roach -6HRUZS Grow 1 oF) Toyots Modes RU 1/65RU/SEDRUIS/SBSU2O/SESU2S - Mas ‘sry Sai Reach - SSRIS REORETTT earw | pant nunaen DESCHIFTION Use ON TENS = a0690.40797.77 | Bat Foe a 0 SSE MS ST a 1006003002171 Werden Sea a 680-0090-71 | Comer a 860-00065-71—| Cnr sa ATH Se ne80.0078-71| Cas Bae 8D 1073-77 39880079677 | Wear 9s0040738-71 | Clary os800136-71_ [ect Sang o5s0THETT| Wat Sey 0580:01766-71_[Fng GOSSOOTAE TT [Fe na 9690:40145.71_ [Hos aos00146-71 [See TOSA0-101ST-T1 ne Fe 9690-10152.71 ae Aaa 0590:00200-71_[ Rasp T680-06406-71 [Hows A Ta 74: Aesembiy Sing Reach - GBRU2S (hee 2 oF 3 ar2000 130 ‘eyots Models BRU 8/68RU22/GAORUIS/E8SU20/605U25 - Mas. ‘Asse, Sng Reach CBRUZS Tonwo. | TY | PART NUMBER [DESCRIPTION USED ON ee ot + emer ees ott eae feat a weer SbF osmede ie ee team fe oem fee rer AS hecormentes Sears Tit 7-4: Asem Sng Reach = GBRUZS Show 3 or ma 22000 ‘oyota Moses 6RU8/6BRU23/GBDRUS/SESU20/6BSU2S - Mas ‘som. Snge Reach -6BRUZS Tis Pago Intentional Blane Seyoin Moco BRU B/RU2/680 Reach Assembly - 6BRU18 a Veo 7D ese Figure 7-50: Reach Assembly - 68RUI8 “ayia Mocs 69RU1/69RUZ/SBDRUIS/GBSU20/EB8025- Mas even Aor = 6ORUIE Reach Assembly - 6BRU18. Figure 7-5b: Reach Assembly - BRUTE ‘yota Models 688U18/60RU23/680RUS/ Reach Assembly - 6BRUI8 Figure 7-Sc: Reach Assembly - 68RUTS Toyota Modes GARU1B/68RU22/680RU15/68SU20/688U25 - Mas oem Assomey -BBRUTE Reach Assembly - 6BRUI8 romes acaay ©) Figure 7-5d Reach Assembly -6ERUTS 2238 Toyota Modes BRU16/68RU22/6HORU19/68SU20/6BSU2S - Mam Reoan Ase 6ERUTE FOUEZS | aw | paar nunaee ESCRPTION sD ON z ‘oseO D186. [re RM = ‘SED ONETI |S E 9680 0136-71 Co 7 nse0 01673 71 [ring re = nss0 UAT Tew re 1 ‘590-9025-71_| Wan z Tf os00 39024.71 mar a 1 one69.5086-71 [cae T]os00.60058-71 [Se I] 0080.01.71 rar Asay Fear T[oosto-o9662-71_ |, Sng 3 ooseo. 0013-71 re 7 3 00600-05197.71_ [ang z ze 0600°09002.71_[ Waster 5 ca 0880.58 40.71 Wee Pa Ey e00-00096-71[ Na 2 100500203032. 71 [Boom Raa z = 0E80.00079 7 [Soe ae ossc-on8s6 F| Se ES oss. ONSE FS TOT 7 0590:00650-71 [Sh Wasa cm 00500.00077-71_[Seree 0580.09776-71_[ Coma Oise US T-5: Resch Asari SBRUTE Sheet ot 2 Teyots Mace SRU1/SURU23/SBDRUIS/SESU20/685U28- Mast each sory BRUTE EOETS | ary | tant Nuwoen DESCRFTION sE0 ON [1 087-7 ase Fa SET oosno.0207-71 Pg Wee z [1 osto-800-71— tae cag [7] 09500:05105-7 Reve Rey as A [a nebo 16-71 ae Hs Re Show a Ste osm Rg 22] o0s00 013-71 [ure Rn 5 | obo 06-71 [Ra ery Gaara 09 [To] onsp-os2-7 ag Bp [ “7 oos00 0086-71 [Reser ae a [1] oos0005107-71_[ Hose Rey — 55 [10510871 Rae A a a et [ 1 | oosmo.0075-71 [ys Rony to Ba gre BT ET es [1] oosno.neze 7 [eye say Gee ie 8137 {at 7-5) Rear Assembly -BERUTS Shea 2 ot 2) Toyota Mocs GBRUT6/65RU23/6890RU15/GUSU20/68SU25- Mat Fach sey -6BRUT This Page Intrionaly Blank 139 22000 “yets Models 6RU/S5RU2/SBDRUTS/SESU2O/SESU2S - Mas ‘Srease CoringeAoserby 85020 Straddle Carriage Assembly - 6BSU20 Figura 7-6: Stade Carriage Assembly - 8SU20 212000 Toyota Models 6 1/6RU23/680RUI5/6BSU20/685U25 Mast Stade Cringe Asser» 6320 TEUET? | ay | Pax Numoer DESCRPHION ‘sD ON Zones acer Gs Te so a805-7 Rie Ee rer rte a] ess0 05197 -|a z BOI 0s 15571 Fo ar cr ae SC z TS | 1] e500 71 | Mani sani Tara TST 3 osso-t0 2:71 | Man Aen TO |“ ass «0866 7 ne se 17} 10500076171 |Weserise eso a re 35 ——| | 165-1 a a a 2 [ 4] 005907016571_[ See BTA 0050-05150 28 {10590016771 Te Recess Us TS: Svea Caviage Asomsiy = 655020 21872000 19 /68RU23/00RU5/59SUZO/SESU2S - Max mbt 6BSU25 Straddle Carriage Assembly - 6BSU25 Figue 7-7: Suadate Carnage Assembly - 68SU25 Teyota Models GRU /GRU22/68ORUTS/GBSU20/6BSU25 - Mas ‘Sree Cvriags Assen BBSU25 FGUREZ7 | aw | paki NuMaee ‘eSCHPTON Us ON Fae TT 2 essosi3e-71_ [ah a2 809-71 Rr Ce 6 [2 ensto-00071 [Pe Tae |e wost0 10192 7 a CS 30 [ae ooss0097e- 71 i SE [Foose 0175-71 oo Tz 06060771 ek a Wein Te [4 wos a8809-71|Sm War oe z G7 [1] 0s0.46112:71 ards Ta On| a a Bt 0ns80 401771 Hse as [1 | 00566 0780-71_| we Ase Ba] oose6 0969-71 A Fo Bee [oreo 0183-71 rn, Si 23 _| 2 onso00764-71_[ rae a} 1 oneao.onr69.71 pape ae a ae Fe oe Se [300560 09015-77 |S 36 | 106565 0188:71 | Cle War Sow 3010356 02916:71_| Sew ae a is 77. Seeds Caraga Asanty -BOSU2S nas 2172000 ‘eyota Modes GERU1/G8RU23/6B0RUS/GESU2O/6RSU25 - Mat Ses Assomby SU20 Sideshift Assembly - 6BSU20 Figure 7-8: Sesh Assemty 6BSU20 Teyota Mace BRUT 6/688U23/680RU15/68820/688U25 - Mas ‘Sees Assembly - 635020 OEE] av | _varrnonaee ‘escernon sD on Hse tema = Heron tessa = a eemranecn pea 3— fama fee Co om Sn Ua 7-8" Sani Aseria 6BSU2O ras 21412000 Toyota Mod's 6RUA/68RU28/68DRUTS/EBSLUZOVGBSU2S - Mast Seen Assembly - 60SU25 Sideshift Assembly - 6BSU25 Figure 7-9: Sicesnit Assembly - 68SU25 “Toyts Modets 69RU8/66RU29/E80RU1S/G8SUZO/G8SU2S - Mast ‘aes Posey BSUS FRUED? | aw | _parTnnaen aceon fo Sa a 17 ossnaser 7 Sseaiar z Zr sor: ay a [FF oor onase taser [1 oosseonen [ra ee SP ones TO oosa on re |S Oa Uae: Saini Aner ‘yore Models GRU 1/GRUZA/GEDRUT/GBSU20/6BSU2S - Mas “Ses Assy - GBORUTS Sideshift Assembly - 68DRU15 Figure 7-10: Sidesin Assembly - BBORUTS ar2000 18 “Toya Model 63RU10/6URU23/6B0RU5/68SUZ0/G8SU2S - Mast ‘Seon Assoroy-BSDRUTE FEET OT ary [paar wunaen oescurON veo on Tera Tea ES FRRSTIOT osarsose71| ser = ss0.018T_[ aap 9890:08760-71_| Fring ‘GEGD-1OTOE | Powe Rey anseo-39a26 71 oss Rb ‘6001070071 Powe Rey anse0-10206.71 [Gar Op (500.0506777 | Rowe Rey {st 7-10" Soest Asembi-BEDRUTS 249 2/2000 Toys Mosel 6RU8/6BRU2S/6BDRU1S/S8S20/58825- Mast. Sse Aoseriy- BRUTE Sideshift Assembly - 6BRU18 Figure 7-17; Sidoshit Assombly - 6BRUTE Toys Modet 6RU18/68823/680V15/598U20/085U25 - Mast Sean Desay = GERUTE FUR ary | rant Nomien ‘DESCRIPTION USED ON 7 [asa ROSS TI] Sea ie Fae F707 x [006800509671 Seer o E7086 39090:71 | Ronee a 37 eeee-s091-71[Reneas so a 2 | o0s00-4020271 [Fewer Ce OT 7 | 00500-40203-71 | Cap a ST a 5 [anea0-39974-71 | Maio See Fue BET x Te [1—|[eore6 09055-73— ame 32] 2 10. 08062.71—[ Cove Fae va] 00880.0806-7 Sr r Tee alana 8m Senn CL ai Saou TET Sass Reem BRUTE 2/2000 ‘youn Moc SRU1/68RU23/6B08U15/68SU20/685U25 - Mast. Sram Aeserbiy- 658023 Sideshift Assembly - 68RU23 Figure 7-12: Sides Assembly - 6BRU23 212000 382 Toyota Models S5RUT6/658U25/6608U15/655U20/06SU25 - Mast ces Resi GBRUZS FIGURE] ary | _ pant NUMBER ‘escRPTION seD oN 7 7 wose0-s0ss | seen a Fa 7707 x [096900509671 Ser @ z 2 eose0-04264 71 paope z ae 7 2 [e600 3908-71 | Hose Ray = 2 | o0#80-40200-71_| Ciera Open 7 1 anseo-a05-75 | Nose SER z fe = ent Sen ‘a Sh ‘Un 72: Sasa Aamby GBRUES 2ir2e00 “Toye Models 688U18/S8RU23/680RUTS/SBSUZO/EBSU25 - Mast ‘Soman Aserbiy Sideshift Assembly 1a a Figure 7-13: Sidstt Assembly 21412000 156 Toyota Models BRUT /6RUZ3/6S0RU1S/SESUZO/S8SU25 - Mant See Any FEUET ST any [paar wowace DescrPTON ‘on eas ose Ta ae TOT x Tf eosaseson-71 ee sae 7-10) n [ene econ fsa as are e 4 ise [Fane Soi ef esac ane [+ osa 0-71 S| aoe: 71st So be Se sneer Sa [eso are foe Tet seep Fe 1s sts oa 7 ssf 7 1 santo freer t oe sso 5 33 —| $e sro Sr oso ast four La fos ea Ya t fos e771 a 1] ssosere71_[ par n 1 eos tse fomer é Fn So Hees se fier = Ta 7: Seah Rey Toyota Modes GBRUTB/ESRUZS/6BORI15/55SUZOISISU2S - Mast Fest race Fork Assembly Figure 7-14 Fork Assembly 21412000 758 “Toya Mod's GR 8/68RU29/6BDRUS/SBSUZO/GRSUZS - Mas. Fork Assy PGR" | am | mtr wowsen DescAPTION se0 ON [Fas ra 2 ons 0602-71 3 7 [oos863950:71_[rak Rae a 2 0st3650-71 Fors [ost s0556: 71 Fen veh 5 2 9586 3850:71 Fo AO [een 7-71 Ae z Tahaan ove Ua TA Fone arab ast 2142000 “Toyta Moses 65R18/6ERU23/S0AU15/59SI20/608U25 - Mast The ox semi Toe Box Assembly Un oupt BSUZSTSBRUZB/EDRUTS Cold Storage Parts ‘eyeta Mace RUIA/S8RU73/080RUS/GBSU20/G8SU25 - Opiona/is Coa Borage Pars Cold Storage Ports Figura 8-5: Cold Storage Parts “Toya Mods RUIA/SARUZ3/EBDRUIS/SBSU20/685U25 - Optonss Cora Sorage Fars Cold Storage Parts Figura 8-5e: Cola Storage Pants ‘yt Models BRU 18/08RUZ8/GBDRUS/SESU2O/G8SU25 -Option/Ks Cais Sorage Pars FRIES? | ov [arr mace DESCRIPTION Usk ON Tes RST [ene 5} Hossrasrrent_f esis se Heensan fee SF assessor fies SP asensee fee [seb pe se eerie Fe] 7 ora so rf os so 3 ose fise Ta 39 [ 7 3500671 wea Ter 5 Session a [aneseserrecrt ay Ss Tat 8-5: Cala Serage Pore “Toya Modes RU 8/6BRU23/GBORUS/SESUZO/ERSU2S - Opbon/kts Gora Sorage Pars Tis Page Intrtonaly Blank 212000 ou APPENDIX A Alphabetical Parts Index Deseinton or Ne. Seon Reet ie Sse heer Si aia cies cow ‘se sme Stree Ga fs 077) Stee Ga (sco ses 7 or Fmd Semi a 2112000 site ese = Sect ree Seoer ie ihe Sas Sesoh Ee reas peeen ct cs seer Sec sue! eee ERI pr seein i ES Seer Seen Es see Seen ER ee Sean a Ea oe earn i eee See ES ora Sai ER see See Bs eae seeen ie ER Toys Mace 68R18/6BRU23/S80RU S/BBSUZO/SBSU2S - Alphabetical Pars dee Suna Fa (Sn Ram Fe ‘on fury Fa om fer Sor Soencarey am Aaaroy Seg Som Acre ng ‘on tae eth {fen ro ara Coote ery iets Gad a Pooe Desetion Conley, Oo Saws Sort een (rt tae ano (cova mame eee (cn Soe "eo eg 9 Eprom ney ot Spec ery oe cha) Spray. hori Creer er Pot rep 20 jms mt 22000 “Toyota Models 68RU18/68RU23/680RU1S/085U20/685U26 . Apnabeteal Pr Indoe serciien aa een, jon ty, sian Donor 203 pce my Ra ‘tig 72 pee amy Pn Docc 9/80 Ejeet antegre /80 Een my fom. 1827. (Ghecy atant,Sroe ge Trea rear ce 2700 avi 1020 Mortage tao jen Ray, Pos Mattage ra jen ety, 3 Po Nome 9/210 Epc Roe Pon pear Ret 2a ortape aurea Speer em 2Pot aware 9/50 Spree Roo #8 Soca roy Sou Ny i Deseion Seer ny Sas BS Soe ace ‘fi et ent mos ae Ses seer foos ines gira ee cet ities eas SSSt soho cts ects ck = So Se Satin lange 2, pn aig fete 20, Sra Pan hy ons Fn hes arse Fan hay err Fn tact owe Toyota Modes BRU 18/68RU23/6SDRU1S/68SU20/6ESU25 - Aphadtica Parts Index esaipon peepee Sis Sais ce eer ke eee Peceatons ciao ee aa ie once =" Fg Raat As otf ona 3 Fox may 2 feu fe #6 Fonte St fon tau 6 Fane acy area ee 2172000 I rtm te mee rita SS en Se Seo Se oa er ieee ee SES Bee asian ene tment eet SS aera meter eer teeny iter uments Reta oc eeeee 2 ie ae Se eed eae See et a ieee eer tt feet eee tee es eee Soe ete meme iieeeeritt SS eee ere ee eet Se ie So enaenad feciate cemeren aes fee Sd omen te mae seers ea eee ee foe oe Za SS cecen ‘Gm Fe 00500-04175. 63 Hove fomne. 05g0-05087-71 7-08 feed eee 8 ie te —— Seeeri, varet ieee eeeetes: ie corer a ao fate ne cnet fesoo snes 613 Hone soy. fe 2a foe haar fheweoano7 S11 Nose may. (espana T1.- £8 tert Beia cheno gta fmesoarste © tes asonoy ‘hes zea 7 aren 11.39 howe oy ‘ten ees. 212000 As Tyre Moet 68RU8/68RU25/600R15/505U20/085U25- Annabel Pats Idx eseinton Fonte, ge _Desipon 1S Mrs Ase Sosmosrn tan Eanoe. 1 seeteard Seimoatea 47 Saag aos ton lar Acree fesse 7) 77 Monty sia ‘om te Ace spooeaan 29 Pang Sah tome hee Gispooeatn 27 Rosny Cynon on rs An sean 17 Naam Gt fet re Ara issuer 27 Moni sea vec tare ar fissooeee 77 Huang Gna on ee ve Ro Giessen 17 Montage Me tre Gissoouon 79 Roan Emon tho tom hr ea (isso oeastn 33 Mag Sa ‘om es area (isso easan 73 aeg Ep fom tame aoa (igs 4253.71 3:2 Mongo) Moc tre eres fassooumna | 79 —fwnny Se e. Mem me neers) (meme! 32 tows Circe Nao tom are Giessen 39 Hong Canm 2rt om awe oe os 1287727 ange oi ame oe fs caw M7) foun nes he ‘on a toseo 20-71 77 jonni tow re fesse 77 Reng gna 200 ‘ra oa fesspacsaen 7? Secunia 2 Searoetenes feseostese 7 738 Quan tage 00 tetrnesacnet foseo suse 7138 Nang ya 2 Pe SSaos heey fesoo een 2st Renny Egan ‘eeu Ay os90-30851-71 7-51 Mn igh 38/9, ‘Stes Asean. fosoosoiss7 fat fausng; wes tones acon. foseo-s6igo 7 14t n apetoraaa feces ea teeeree eines Seca 5 eee = eens movement eee tees mec tte ora osopsnean-7) 629 he i een ene eee eee release Sto ee Sete eee Senses! eases conus Seca BE SSN nee Biba foe 2 teat eeeere sco feces ead ove Teyots Mocs 68RU18/68RU29/680RUS/E8SU20/E8SU25- Apabtal Parts Indoe no aren Reeea ae a ist ee ee Ses ne besetnen ‘eras tn Saco ‘oma Sacon Sorat Svea ana Mer, Doe 2, tc Se 80 i acai ie vance Ee eesroton EEEEEEEEREEEEEEEEE oyxa Modes BRU /65RU3/SBDRUTS/S8SU20/68SU25 - Apter! Pars Index roar a oa eto i ot nd mae See: eee Toyota Models GERUTA/68RU23/6H0R1S/68SU20/68SU2S - Alphabat Pat aden ‘tee o02 71 618 amphi 3 OS uar2000 m0 “Toyts Models 68RU6/688U25/680RUS/CRSU2OVEBSU2S Alphabat Parts Ince a smote _tap_tesrtn rena tines Sea Ree Seen Stee eee Se eee 2 ieee Rage Beane Siiee aeeen i Ee ered eee maaan th Ee goer a Sei eae Ee goer See RRR EE ieee 2 cSaee een Ee iieer Se Re ES aia a= See Beane Bee Sea ES eae Bee eeoanen ba seenn a oe een 7 CETTE rare at TUE a root omer W § i ROPree Prey PEE TEEET TEE Se esc See BES Toyota Model 6RUA/6HR23/6B0RU15/65S20/605U25 - AIpabetcal Pars ger San Posey Toyete Models 6RUB/6SRU23/6BDRUIS/SESU2OISESL2S -Apnabetce! Pas nox a soit eset rom SS Sea ee a Seem ee ie piste tape ra: Sa pespooie ey St eee Sd eee een fcc se eee eee geo Ee, hee Be a Beet Bond Ee are a8 SS eee ee eee eae eae Ege ue ES 2208 = oe BS Sark = eet Ege eae oe Ree ee Eg Eee a Bm Toyota Mod's BRU 18/65RU23/S808U5/50SU20/088U25 - Apatite nor Deseipon Porte, Pepe engin or te Teyote Mads BRUIA/62RU73/SBORUS/GESLZO/EESL2S -Atabatical Prt dee Tis Page In 2412000 ns Teyota Mocs GBRU8/68RU28/6EDRUS/GESU20/6BSU25- Numero Parts Index APPENDIX B Numerical Parts Index Pattie Comte oe _ fatto. Guameen Soyo feearaame 7 (Regease 1 "eee Sap Bios oar.r ‘SSeeanere Haat Reto “eyete Models 6RU16/55RU23/680RU1S/SBSUZO/ERSU2S - Nui arts Index oe no bn (esac gar Sa $3 totso-sae 7 sy Bau ee = ae i 0 68.71" Spoc oe eee sagt oes ae Soa sae 2142000 82 fo Cpa A270 SoC Sea an Toyots Modes BU 18/68RU23/080RUS/6BSUZO/SBSU2S - Numer Pars Ine oo So ne osoo.a¢09- 7. yon Amey. 2 Re Egan es Ste ge more i Sonn eee Pe ea eee ‘Sasso.otots.71 ‘09880. 04086.71 Ee Amey Por eee eee en Saisie Bee ee Seah oom Seer en fees.oso Saoatens nee name Bad ES ERS on 24/2000 Toyots Models 6RUB/68RU2/680RU15/68SU2O/68SU25 - Numa Pans Ino a tigen tory mo Sec eer" eRe Hoe oe a cater ie gaan Seetias Aesep eager ee pees eapae meee need a neat eee Sees eee mire Pee Se 1B Sect tate gen Seat hae *S siesta eee i heaps ann eat | Be a Rega eee ie SSS errata ———bst | ee fat Sepa te ceceetiee eset meer i Sesh teres = 3 Scucea aaa - Seen eee eae a Le ae or se rae re eee ee 3 oop eS $8 Sais ear epee ear heres ta See oe Behe fe ae my eed es Seagate a Sa ee eect a nora eee a Se oe a ee ea ee ie See ee ue ee Sees eae = “Toyota Mode’ 688U18/S8RU23/680RUTS/ERSUZOV0BSU2S - Numer Pats dex Deon re Sorgen ‘its Ftiing i, vn Rem Ese euchaceg a iy Si a oe ‘eyots Model 2U18/55RU25/6808U15/6ESUZO/SESU2S Numan! art nox rete me SSN nn I 5 ogee hammers eo = Eh BRSRo Beers a = SRB EERE o ao 2 ee ESS er 2 ee ee oe 2 ae Teyote Mocs BRU 18/65RU2/6BDRU1S/68SU20/SB825 - Numeral Pats Index Pane. Oompon ge _fortNo, bento toa Siem aen 7 gore 7a Sanat fawg. 13 Saeeoaeaer- 0 Sentin Si Ssmcosttg hae = 13) ies erty 7) Stes fe i FS sanagtia tft Rap sate Tas Shes fa. 3 87 22000 Teyets Model RU O/58RU2/6BDRUIS/6SSU2O/688U25- Numi Par ex oe a ee ged Bieter armenia ne oo ee 412000 Downton ie eesti cite ie a ‘nc fay an 3 nS nse fot 8 SeSeee changadansaadasecERaNAABARAaRSSSS: ‘Toya Modes 6BRU6/68RU23/680RU15/68SU20/685U25 «Numerical Pats Idee feo beer ge _ rane. ‘tee 2888:71 "Chae Acy 1 Giese ceme-1 ‘pases Senemgemri, fi aa Hae Sees os 1 Sh ay ai.) es meron Fa ler Se he ore Ron noater hg foe ste Fa Cot a aerate a iia Sn hr er ane Most og 8/21, sara hor Meee Bane (ior Hage is Mong Einar eae Se ‘Sin i ah igh on ae ‘ iz “Toya Model 6RU18/68RU25/680RU7S/E8SUZO/EESU25 - Numerical Pr nox fate coma ieee iecrs ioe me sare ee cs Reenter Meera oe 8 an eo, SeeT He Seeman eres ens SEEN ia seaman — Meet 2 Baan 4 os ieee =o asics Me Ea en eit 8 2) eee 38 eee ly 38 sethectiaton 2 i sass ee % i SSE oe ee : Schein tn ui sien i seasiien Benita ca a See eel ee a (be Hagpe 18/270) 529 on a atom, os i seen et See eine oo if Se =38 Senses ones eee eee oer =13 Seteri—eacteeiee——-e een = Toyota Mocs SERU18/65RU23/680RU1S/68SU20/68SU2S - Numerical Parts Index i ovrpton Sear ee Bone Sn : Seve 8 fae & : au Eee gd ea 2172000 “Toyo Macals GERU18/GERU23/G80RU5/68SU20/GBSU2S - Numerical Pans Index “This Page intentionally Blank 2472000 wre

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