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1. A Roman Catholic couple with three children has come to the family planning clinic for
consultation asking about the best birth control method that is sanctioned by the Roman
Catholic Church. The nurse recommended the calendar method. If the client’s menstrual
period in March started on the 15th day, lasting for 3-5days, the menstrual period in April
started on the 16th day, again lasting for 4days and the menstrual period in May started 18th,
again lasting for 3-5days. The nurse would instruct the client that her ‘fertile period’ would be
A: 14-21

2. Karyll Ganda is a 35 year old G4P4 who comes to the clinic for a subdermal contraceptive
implant (Levonorgestrel). Which of the following statements to the nurse reflects understanding
of this method?
A: “I can become fertile immediately upon removal of my implants.”

3. In a family planning clinic, patients ask the nurse about post coital contraception. Accurate
information from the nurse would include which of the following statements?
A: A birth control pill containing Norgestrel and Ethinyl estradiol is the most common
current treatment

4. Daniel Milby visits a birth control clinic. He decides that he’s going to use condoms for
contraception. When counseling him about the use of the condom, it is important for the nurse
to teach Daniel that:
A: The condom should be placed when the penis is erect.

5. A couple comes to the health clinic interested in using a diaphragm or a cervical cap. The
couple asks the nurse “What is the difference between the two methods?” The nurse’s correct
response is:
A: “The cap may be inserted hours before intercourse and left in place longer than the
diaphragm; use of additional spermicide with repeated intercourse is optional.”
6. Meganda is a 37 year old gravida 3 para 2 with a history of smoking and hypertension. She
asks the community health nurse about contraception after the birth of her third baby. “Which
method of contraception is best for me, the pill or an Intrauterine device (IUD)? The nurse’s best
response is:
A: The IUD is a better choice for you than the pill; hormonal contraception places women
older than age 35 with your history at greater risk for complications.

7. After having a vasectomy, Cedric Navarro asks the nurse if he’ll become sterile immediately.
The nurse’s best response is:
A: “It may take three months and as many as 30 to 40 ejaculations to remove all the live

8. A 25 yr old G3 P3 (3003) patient tells you that she and her husband of 8 years is considering
a tubal ligation before discharge from the hospital. Which of the following statements by her
indicates understanding of the procedure?
A: “Hopefully, I’ll never have to worry about getting pregnant again.”

9. Luis and Mariel are married couples with three children. The couple consulted a family planning
clinic. As the nurse manning the clinic you counselled the couple regarding family planning.
Luis had sperm analysis. You told him that his sperm count is normal. A normal sperm count
ranges from:
A: 20 to 100milliom/ml

10. During which of the following phases of the menstrual cycle is it ideal for implantation of
fertilized egg to occur?
A: Secretory

11.SITUATION: Luis and Mariel are married couples with three children. The couple consulted a
family planning clinic. As the nurse manning the clinic you counselled the couple regarding family
Luis asks the nurse about vasectomy. He understands that this is a minor operation and asks if
he’ll become sterile immediately. The nurse’s best response is:
A: It may take several weeks and as many as 30 to 40 ejaculation to remove all the live
12. SITUATION: Luis and Mariel are married couples with three children. The couple consulted a
family planning clinic. As the nurse manning the clinic you counselled the couple regarding family
Mariel on the other hand plans to use the rhythm method for contraception. She has a regular
menstrual cycle of 28 days each month. What days during her menstrual cycle would be her fertile
A: Days 10 - 17

13. SITUATION: Luis and Mariel are married couples with three children. The couple consulted a
family planning clinic. As the nurse manning the clinic you counselled the couple regarding family
As the nurse manning the clinic, you advised Mariel about tubal ligation after the birth of her third
child. Which of the following statements by Mariel indicates understanding of the procedure?
A: Hopefully, I’ll never have to worry about getting pregnant again

14. In counseling about contraceptive methods, the nurse informs the couple that the least
effective method is the:
A: Spermicidal cream or jelly

15. SITUATION: Luis and Mariel are married couples with three children. The couple consulted a
family planning clinic. As the nurse manning the clinic you counselled the couple regarding family
Luis and Mariel asks what is the most common problem that may occur with an intrauterine device
(IUD)? The nurse’s best response is?
A: Expulsion of device

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