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 voice

 Active voice
 Passive voice
 Sentence Structures
 Passive of imperative sentences
 Forms of passive verbs
 General Rule According To Tense
 Examples
 Activity
 Review
Voice is the quality of a verb which indicates
whether the subject acts or is being acted upon.

 Active voice
 Passive voice
The voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject
of the verb is performing the action or causing the
happening denoted by the verb.

 The boy hit the ball.

 Active voice adds clarity and places responsibility

where it belongs

 Active voice can make our writing more vivid

The voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of
the verb is the recipient (not the source) of the action
denoted by the verb.

 The ball was hit. (Or, "The ball was hit by the boy")

 If the action is more important then the agent.

 If the agent is not known.

 To connect ideas in different clauses or sentences more

Subject ( Doer ) + Verb + Object

Cat eat fish.

The active object becomes the passive

subject + auxiliary verb (be) + main verb (past participle)

Fish is eaten by cat.

subject + modal verb + auxiliary verb (be) + main verb (past participle)

Fish must be eaten by cat.

Active Voice Passive Voice
• Should take • Should be taken
• Can take • Can be taken
• Could take • Could be taken
• May take • May be taken
• Might take • Might be taken
• Must take • Must be taken
• Ought to take • Ought to be taken
let + subject +be (not) +past participle

Active : Shut the door.

Passive : Let the door be shut.

Active : Kindly help him.

Passive : You are requested to help him.
The passive voice requires a "double verb"
I. linking verb
 am
 is
 are
 was
 were
 be
 being
 been

II. The main verb in the form of past participle

 Often passive voice sentences will contain a preposition
"by" .

Active Voice Passive Voice

• I • By me
• We • By us
• You • By you
NOUNS • He • By him
• She • By her
• It • By it
• They • By them
• Sham • By sham
Tense Active Voice Passive Voice
Simple • Take • Is taken
Present • Takes • Are taken
• Am taking
Present • Is being taken
• Is taking
Continuous • Are being taken
• Are taking

• Has been taken

Present • Has taken
• Have been
Perfect • Have taken
Tense Active Voice Passive Voice
Simple • Was taken
• Took
Past • Were taken

• Was being taken

Past • Was taking
• Were being
Continuous • Were taking

• Had taken • Had been taken
Tense Active Voice Passive Voice
Simple • Will take • Will be taken
(will/shall) • Shall take • Shall be taken
• Am going to take a • Cake is going to be taken
cake by me
Simple • She is going to take • Two cakes are going to
Future two cakes be taken by her
(going to be) • They are going to • Cake is going to be taken
take a cake by them

Future • Will have • Will have been

Perfect taken taken
Change the sentences below to the passive
 My uncle looks after me.  I am looked after by my uncle.

 Someone must have  The necklace must have

stolen the necklace. been stolen by you.

 Inform the police.  Let the police be informed.

 The boys are running a race.  A race is being run by the

is the quality of a verb which indicates whether the subject acts
or is being acted upon.

the voice used to indicate that the grammatical

subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the
happening denoted by the verb.

The voice used to indicate that the

grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient (not the
source) of the action denoted by the verb.
Subject ( Doer ) + Verb + Object

subject + auxiliary verb (be) + main verb (past participle)

let + subject +be (not) +past participle

 Simple Present
 Present Continuous
 Present Perfect
 Simple past
 Past Continuous
 Past Perfect
 Simple Future
 Future perfect
 (Towson university)

 ( a forum)


 Essential English Grammar (book)


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