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The theme of the play Michael

The play “Michael” is one act play with four main characters. The setting is in a peasant
hut in countryside. At the beginning of the play, we are introduced to a poor shoemaker family.
The shoemaker named Simon and his wife Matryona has only Child, Annisuka. The family is so
poor that they have to make money for the whole year to get a sheepskin coat for the winter.

One day, Simon goes to town to buy the warm cloth. On the way he saw a naked man
lying in the snow by the road side. Simon feels compassion for the naked man and decides to
bring him to his home. At first his wife is angry with Simon for bringing a stranger instead of
warm cloth. Later she also feels pity on the stranger who mentioned his name as Michael. Then,
both the husband and wife show sympathy for the stranger and give him food and drink. In fact,
Michael, the angel from the heaven was sent to the earth to learn three things about human. After
meeting Simon family, Michael knows that love sticks around human heart as a hidden figure.

A year later, a noble man come to Simon’s house and ask to make a pair of shoe that last
for a year. The noble man also threats that if the leather was spoiled, Simon’s family would be in
danger. Then, Michael saw an angle of death near the noble man and soon he die of falling from
the carriage. At that time, he learns that human being will never know about what they really

When a woman came to their house, Michael reveals the reason why he came to the
earth. Michael mentions that he was being punished for failing to carry out his duty of taking the
soul of a woman. He felt sorry for her because she had small children and they might not live
without parents. But now, he knows that the children did not die as another woman felt love and
compassion for them .Then, Michael learns that what human being live by is love and caring for
one another.

The most theme of the play is emerged more vividly when Michael is ready to return to
heaven and tells Simon and Matryona what he has learned from his experience as a mortal.
Throughout the play, love, caring and compassion are revealed as the important things for human
to live peacefully in society.


Michael is a perfect figure of good hearted and kind beings. He gives us the idea of being
considerate while someone is in trouble. He also gives the message that it does not need a long of
things for a man to live in life.
Paper 2

Theme the main idea or message of a literary work

Rhythm the pattern of sound created by the arrangement of stressed and

unstressed syllables

Simile a figure of speech using like or as to compare seemingly unlike


Tone a reflection of a writer’s or speaker’s attitude

Elegy a mournful, melancholy or plaintive poem

Alliteration the repletion of sounds, most often consonant sounds

Balled a song or poem that tells a story

Mood the feeling or atmosphere that an author creates in a literary work

Sestet a six line stanza

Quatrain a unit of four lines

Paper 1

The importance of sustaining the reader’s



First person narration tension and suspense

Element of drama

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