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Pi ea Kea yw 0D) Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing ere ten Ronettes Copyright © 2011 by The Amsrisan Society for Nondestructive Testing. “Exclusive of those papers thatare a work of the federal government and.not subject to copyright. ‘The American Sosity for Nosdastrctive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) ie not responsible fer the authenticity or accursey of information horsin, Published opinions and atatemenis do not nsc:ssarly reflect the opinion of ASNT. Products or services that are adverised or mentioned do ot cary the endorsement or Tecommendation of ASNT. No part of thie publication may be reproduced or tranemstted in sny form, by means electronic or mechanical inclading phocovopying, seearding or otherwise, without the expreseed prior witon permission of Tue American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. IRRSP, NDT Handbook, The MDT Technician and www asntorg are trademarks of Tie Ameican Society for Nondesinictive Testing, Inc. ACCP, ASNT, Level I! Suuy Guide, Moterials Evaluation, Nondesiructive Testing Hladbook, Research in Nondesrructive Bvaluatirs and RNDE are registered traderratés of The American Society fer Nondsstrustive Teting, Ine ‘st printing 08/11, rae, if avaiable for this priting, my be obtained from ASNT's web ste, www asatorg ISBN13: 978-1-97117-217.8 Printed in the United Scates of America, Published by: The Ameticen Society for Nondestructive Testing, In. 1711 Aningate Lane Columbus, OFF 43228.0518 sowwamtors Edited by: Cynthia M, Leeman, Educational Materials Supervisor ‘Tim Jones, Senior Manager of Publicetione ASNT Mission Statement: ASNT exists to crate a safer world by promoting the profession apd tecknolegies of nondesimetive testing ji. Recommanded Praction SNT:TC-1A (2011) { aTatooo FOREWORD ‘This Recommended Practice establishes the geacral framework for a qualification and cesification program. In addition, the document provides recommended educational, expesience and training requirements forthe diferent test methods Supplementary docnments include question and answer lists, which may be used in compocing exeminations for aondesmstvs testing personnel. ‘This recommended practice is not intended ta be used as a strict specificttion. Itis recognized, however, that contracts require progrems, which mect the inteat of this document, For such contracts, purchaser and supplier must agree upon acceptability of an employer's program. ‘The verb “should” has been wsed throughout this document to emphasize the recommendation presented herein, [Lis the employer's responsibilty to adress specific needs end to modily these guidelines as approgriate in a writen practice, In the employer's waitten practice, the verb “shall” is 1o be used in place of “should” to emphasize the employer's needs ‘The 2011 Edition of SIVI-TC-1A is annotated so that seers of the 2006 edition can quickly aad eesily locate new aad updated material. The vertical lines in the margins of this document indicate that information in the text has been modified in some way. Inquires related to this recommended practice should be directed to the chair ofthe SVI-TC-JA Interpretation Pavel atthe fplloving adcress: ‘Ths American Society for Nondestructive Testing Y7L1 Artingate Lane PO Box 28518 Columbus, Ohio 43228-0518 Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2011) if REVIEW COMMITTEE Publication and review of this Recommended Practice was under the direction of the SN7-TC-1A Review Committee which is a committee of the Methods Division, The Methois Division reports to the Technical é& Education Council of tho American Society for Nondestructive Testing. Review Committee Members: Michael Ruddy, Chair Robert Cameron, Vice Chair Chettie Lougo, Staff Secretary Mike Aligaier Walter Matulewicz Alfred Broz Michael McDaniel i Gene Chomma Ray Morasse James B. Cox Ricky Morgan David Culbertson William Norton, Jr Claude Davis Metihew Patience Nat Faransso Bill Plumstead, Ir. Karl Fogleman Bill Plumstead. Sr. Darrell Haris Mark Pompe Gary Heath Bob Potter Keith R. Holt Thom Schafer Daniel Irons Kirit Smart Morteza Jafari © Marvin Trimm Jim Kelly Ray Tsukimara Ron Kruzie Roland Valdcs Joseph Mackin Dave Vigne Technical & Education Council: Kevin Smith, Chair Doran Kishoni, View Chair/Seeretary Wy Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2011), CONTENTS Foreword iii Review Committee iv Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestrnetive Testing 1 Seopa 1 Definitions 1 Nondestructive Testing Metiods 4 Levels of Qualification 2 ‘Wiritten Practice 2 Education, Training, and Experience Requirements for Initiel Qualification 3 ‘Training Programs 3 Examinations 3 Cestificatioa 7 ‘Technical Performance Evaluation 1 Interrupted Service 1 Recertification 1 Termination 1 Reinstatement 7 ‘Table 63.1 A; Recommended Initial Training and Experience Levels 8 Table 6.3.1 B: Initial Training and Experience Levels for NDT Level {L Limited Certifications 9 ‘Table 8.3.4; Minimum Number of Exemination Questions 0 Appendix u Example Questions — NDT Level [and Level I us Acoustic Emission Testing Method u Blectromagnetic Testing Method Bw Alternating Current Field Measurement Technique n Eiddy Current 13 Remote Field Testing iB Ground Penetrating Radar Testing Metied 14 Guided Wave Testing Method 15 Leak Testing Method 16 Bubble Leak Testing Method 16 Halogen Diode Detector Leak Testing Method wt Mass Spectrometer Leak Testing Method 18 Pressure Change Measurement Leak Testing Method 18 Liguid Fenetrant Testing Method 19 Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing Method 20 Magnetic Particle Testing Method. 23 Neuxon Radiograptic Testing Method 2 Radiological Testing Method 23 Radiographic Testing 23 Computed Radiography Testing Method 24 Computed Tomography Testing Method 24 Digital Radiography Testing Method 25 ‘ThermalInfrared Testing Method 26 Ultrasonic Testing Method 21 Phased Array 28 Time of Flight Diffraction 28 Vibration Analysis Testing Method 23 Visual Testing Method 30 Answers to Example Questions 32 SVE-TC-1A Interpretation Request Form. 34 Recommended Practice SNT-TG-1A (2011) v vi Recommended Practios SNT:TC-1A (2037) Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A Personnel Qualification and Certification in 1.0 Scope 20 qt 12 14 Nondestructive Testing Itis recognized thatthe effectiveness of nondestructive testing (NDT) applications depends upon the capabili- ties of the personnel who are responsi for, and perform, NDT. This Recommended Practice has been pre- pated establish guidelines for the qualification aii certification of NDT personnel whose epecific jobs require appropriate knowledge of the ‘echaical principles underlying the nondestructive tests they perform, wit css, monitor, or evaluate, This document provides guidelines for the establishment of a qualification and certification program. ‘These guidelines have been developed by The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc, to aid employers in recognizing the essential faciors to be considered in qualifying personnel engaged in eny of the NDI metheds listed in Section 3. It is recognized that these guidelines may aot be appropriate for certain eanploysre’ circumstances and/or appli cations. In developing a written practice as requized in Sestion 5, the employer should review the deteiled res ‘omumertdations presented herein and motify them, 28 necessary, to meet jarticular needs. Such modification ray alter bat shall not eliminate basic provisions of the program sach 2s training, experience, testing and recer- tification. Supporting technical rationele for modification of detailed xecomwnstulations should be provided in an Aanex to the written practice Definitions ‘Tens included in this document are defined as follows: 21 24d 22 243 2.14 215 2.1.6 217 218 219 21.10 211 2412 2143 aan Certification: writer: testimony of qualification. Certifying Authority: the person or persons properly designated in the waitten practice to sign certifi cations on behalf of the employer. Coriifying Agency: the employer of the porsoanel being certified. ‘Closed Book Examination: an examiration etaministered without access to reference material except for materials supplied with or inthe examination (See 8.7) ‘Comparable: being at an equivslent or similar level of NDT responaiaility and difficulty as determined by the employer’s NDT Level II Documented: the condition of being in written form. Employer: the corporate, private, or public entity, which employs personnel for wages, salary, fees, oF otter considerations Experience: work activities accomplished in a specific NDT method under the direction of qualified supervision incliding the performance of the NDT method and related activities but not including time spent in organized training programs Grading Unit: A Qualification Specimen can be divided into sections called grading units, whica do Tict have to be equal length or be equally spaced. Grading units are wnflawed or flawed and the percent. age of flawed/unflawed grading anits required should be approved by the NDT Level IIL Limited Certification: nondestructive test methods may be further subdivided into limited disciplines ortechniques to meet specific employer's needs; these are NDT Level I certficetions, but to @ limited scope. Nondestrnetive Testing: 2 process that involves the inspection, testing, or evaluation of masczisls, vempenents and assemblies for maiesials” discontinuities, properties and machine problems without fur- ther impairing or destroying the part's sexviceability. Throughout this document the term NDT applies equslly to the NDT inspection methods used for material inspection, flaw detection ar predictive main- tenance (PdM) applications. Outside Agency: a compeny or inciviual who provides NDT Level Ill services and whose qualifica- tions to provide these services heve been reviewed by the employer engaging the company or individ. add. Qualification: demonstrated stil, demonstiated knowledge, dosumented training, and documented experience required for personnel to properly perform the duties of a specific job, Recommended Practice: a set of guidelines to assist the employer in developing uniforon provedures for the qualification and certificaicn of NDT yecsonnel to satisfy the employer's specific requirements, ‘Technique: A category within an NDT method; for example, ultrasonic thickness testing. Recommended Prectice SNT-TC-1A (2011) 1 2.1.16 ‘Training: an orgnized program developed to impart the knowledge and skills necesstry for qualification 21.17 Written Practice: a-writen procedure developed by the employer that details the requirements for qualification and certification oftheir employees, 3.0 Nondestructive Testing Methods 31 Qualification and certification of NDT personnel in accordance with tis Recommended Prectice is applicable to each of the following method: Acoustic Bmission Testing, Hectromagnetic Testing Ground Penetrating Recsr Guided Wave Testing Laser Testing Metiods Loak Testing, Liquid Penetrane Testing Magnetic Flux Lealag> “Magnotic Particle Testing Neutron Radiographic Testing Radiological Testing ‘Thermalinirared Testing Ultrasonic Testing Vibration Analysis Viswal Testing 4.0 Levels of Qualification 41 42 43 “There are three basic levels of qualification. The employer rray subdivide these levels for situatiors where additional levels are deemed necessary for specific skills and reszorsibilitcs, ‘While in te process of bring intially wained, quelified, and certified, an individual should be considered a tuaines. A trainee should work with « certified individual. The tainee should not independently conduc, inter- pret, evaluate, or report the rents of any NDT test. ‘The three basic levels of qualification are as follows: 43.1 NDT Level 1. AnNDT Level! individual should be qualified to properly perform specific calibrations, specific NDT, and specificevaliations for acceptance or rejection detecrinations accerting to written instructions and to seeped sults. Tae NDT Level I should seccive the necessary instrection and supe. vision from 2 certified NDI Level I or IT individual. 432 NDT Level Il. An NDI Level If individual should be qualified to set up and calibrate equioment and to interpret and evalnaie results with respect to applicable codes, standart, and specifications. The NDT Level I should be thooxgily familiar with the scope aid limitations of the methods for whish quali- fied and should exerobe assigned responsibility for on-the-job training and guicance of trainees and NDT Level Ipersomel. The NDT Level II should be able to organize and report the results of NDT. tests. 433 NDT Level I. An NDTIzvel I individual should be cepable of developing, qualifying, and approv- ing procedures, etablisking ind approving techriques, intespreting codes, stancards, specifications, and procedures: and designating the particular NIYT methods, techniques, and procedures to be used, The NDT Level II shouldbe responsible for the NDI opsrations for which qualified and assigned anil should be capable of interpreting and evaluating results in terms of existing codes, standard, and speci- fications. The NDT Level IM should have sufficient practical background in epplisable materials, febri- sation, and product technology to esteblish techniques and to assist in establishing ocogtance eriteria When tone are otherwise aveileble. The NDT Level I{stould have general familisity with other appropriate NDT methots,as demonstrated by aa ASNT Level IIl Basic examination or other means. ‘The NDT Level IL, in the methods in which cartfiee, should be capable of training and examining NDT Level ane [1 personne! Jor cattification in those methods, 5.0 Written Practice 51 52 “The employer shall estsbiish «written practice for the contrel ané administration of NDT parsounel training, ‘examination, and centfication, “The employer's written practive should describe the responsibility of each level of certification for determining the acceptability of materials or components in accordance with the applicable codes, standurés, specifications, ‘and procedures, 2. Recommencled Practice SNT-TC-18 (2011) t cz) 80 53 Theemployer’s written practice should describe the training, exretience, and examination requirements for each level of cecification by method and technique. as applicable. 54 The employer's written practice should identify the test techniques within each test method applicable to its scope of operatiors. 55 The employer’s written practice shall be reviewed and approved by the employers NDT Level IT 5% The employer's written practice stall be maintained on fle. Education, Training, and Experience Requirements for Initial Qualification 6.1 Candidates for certification in NDT should have sufficient education, training, and experience to ensase quilifi- cation in those NDT methods in which they are being considered for certification. Documottation of pricr cer ‘ification may be used by an employer as evidence of qualification for comparable levels of certification, 62 Documented wining and/or experience gained in positions and activities comparable to those of Levels I, T, andlor II prior o establishavnt of the employer's writen practice may be considered in satisfying the cxiteria of Section 6.3. . 63 To be considered for certification, a cancidate shosld satisty one of the following criteria for the applicable NDT level: 631 NDT Levels ant Table G3.1 A lists the recommended training and experience ours to be considered by the employer in establishing written practices for initial qualification of NDT Level T and Level Il individuals. ‘Table 63.1 B lists intial training and experience hours which may be considered by the employer for specific limited applications as defined in the employer's writen practice, Limited certifications stoulé apply to individuals who do not mee: the fll training and experience of Table 63.1 A. Limited certifications issned in any method should be approved by the NDT Level IIT and documented in the esstifcation records. 632 NDT Level IT 63.2.1 Have graduated from a minimum four-year college or university curriculum with a degre® in engineering cr science, plus one additional year of experience beyond the NDT Level If requirernenis in NDT in an assignment at Ieast comparable tp that of en NDT Level IL in the appliceble NDT methods), of 6322 Have compleied with passing grades at least two years of engineering or science study at a uni- versity, college, or tachnical achool, plus two eeditional years of experience beyond the NDT Level If requitemenis in NDT in an assignment at east comparable to that of NDT Level Il in thw applicable NDT method(s), or: 63.2.5 Have four years experience beyond the NDT Level IIzequirements in NDT in an essigamentat | legst compereble to chat of an NDT Level IT in the applicable NDT metiod(s). ‘The above NDT Level ITT requirements may be partially eplaced by experience as acertified NDT — | Lavel [Tor by tscigaments a! Jeast comparable to NDT L2vel Ti as defined in the employer’s writen practice. ‘Training Programs 7.1 Personnel being considered for intial eextifiestion should complete sufficient organized training. The organized training may include instructor Jed training, self-study, virtual insir.cto led training, computer based taining or web based training. Computer based training and web based training should track hours and content of train- ing with student examinations n secordance with 7.2. The sufficiently organized training shall be such as 19 ensure the student is thoroughly familiar with the principles and practices ofthe specified NDT method releted to the level of certification desired and applicable to the processes to be used and the products to be tested. Al training programs should be epproved by the responsible NDT Lavel If 7.2. ‘The training program should ixclide sufficient examinations to ensure understanding of the necessary information. 7.3. Recommended training course cutlines and references for NDT Levels I, I, and IM personel, which may te used as technical sourcs material, are contained in ANSHASNT CP-105 - Topical Outlines for Quaiifcation of Nondestructive Testing Personnel. 74. ‘Tne employer who parchascs outside taining services is responsible for assuring that such services mect the requirements ofthe employer's written practice. Examinations 8.1 Administration ené Greding 8.1.1 An NDT Level Ill should be responsible for the administration and grading of examinations specified | in Section 8.3 through 88 for NDT Level I, I, or other Level I personnel, The administration and Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2011) 3 82 83 84 a3 ‘grading of examinations may be delegated to a qualified representative ofthe NDT Level Ill and so recorded. A qualified represeatative of the employer may perform the actual advrinistration and grading of NDT Level Ill examinations specified in 8.8. B.L1.1 To be designated as « qualificd representative of the NDT Level IIL for the administation and gyading of NDT Level | and Level II personnel qualification extminations, the designee should have documented, appropriate instruction by the responsible NDT Level IT in the proper administiation and grading of qualification cxaminztions prior io conducting and grad- ing independent qualification examinations for NDT persounel. Adctiorally, the Prictical extim should be administered by a person certified in the applicable NDT method as NDT Level I or IL 812 ForNDT Level I and Il personnel, « composite grade should be determined by simple averaging of the results of the general, specific, and prectical examinations described telov. For NDT Level I person- nel the composite grate shoud be detemnned by simple averaging ofthe rele ofthe basic, method, and specific examinations desesived below, 8.13. Examinations administered by the employer for qualification should result in a passing composite grade of at least 80 percent, with no individual examination having a passing grade Tess than 70 percent 8.14 When an examination is administered and graded for the employerby an ouiside agency and the out- side agency issves grades of pass or feil only, on a certified report, then the employer may accept the pass grade as 80 percent for that particular examination. B15 The employer who purchases outside services is responsible for ensusing that the examination services ect the requirements of the employer's waitten prectice. 6 In t0 case should an examinetion be administered by one’s self or by a subordinate. ‘Vision Examinations 82.1 Near-Vision Acaity. The examination should ensure natural or conected near-distance ectity in atleast ‘one eye such that the applicant's capable of reading a minimum of Jaeger Number 2 ox equivalent type anc size letter at the distance designated on the chart but not less than 12 inches (30.5 cm) on a star- dard Jaeger test chast. The abilily to perceive an Ortho-Rater minimum of 8 or similar test patter is also acceptabic. Tais should be administered annually, 822 Color Contvast Differentiation. The examination should demonstrate the capibility of distingvisting and differentiating contrast among colors or shades of gray used in the method as determined by the exaployer. This should be conducted upon initiel cortfication and at five-year intervals thereafter. 823 _ Vision examinations expire on the lestday of the month of expiration, General (Written — for NDT Levels Land ID 83.1 The general examinstions should adress the basic principles of the applicable method. 83.2 In preparing the examinations, the NDT Level Ill should select o: écvise appropriate questions cover {ng the applicable method to the degree required by the employer's writen practice. 833 See the Appendix for example questions. 834 The minimam mumter of questions that should be given is shown in Table 83.4. Specific (Waitten — for NDT Levels Tand Tf) 84,1 The specific examination sioulé address the equioment, operating procedures. and NDT techniques that the individual may encounter during specific assignments to the éegree required by the employer's swritton practice. 842 The specific exemination should also cover the specifications or codes and acceptance criteria used in, the employer's NDT prosedures. 843 The minimam mmer of questions that should be given is shown in Table 83.4. Practical (for NDT Level [ and 1) 85.1 The candidate should demcastrate familiarity with and bility to operate the necessary NDT equipment, record, and analyze the resultant information to the degsee required, 85.2 At kast one flawed specimen o: component should be tested and the results of the NDT analyzed by the candidate 853 The description of the specimen, the NDT procedire, including check points, and the results of the examinetion should be docamested. 854 NDT Level I Practical Ecaminetion. Proficiency should be demonstrated in performing the applicable NDT on one or more specimens or machine problems approved ty the NDT Level IIT and in evaluating the results to the degree of responsibility as described in the empioyer's written practice, At oast ten (20) different checkpoinss requiring an understanding of test Variables and the exployer’s procedural requirements should be included in this practical examination. Ihe candidate shoula detect ell disconti- nuities and conditions specified by the NDT Level IT 4 Recommended Practice SNT-TO-1A @0t1) { ' Note: While itis nosmal to score the prectical on a percentile basis, practical examinations should con- tain check points that failure to successfully complete will result in failure of the examination, 855 NDT Level Il Practical Examination. Proficieacy should be demonstrated in selecting and performing the applicable NDT technique within the method and interpreting and evaluating the results on one or ‘more specimens ar machine problems approved by the NDT Level IIl. At leat ten (10) different check- points requiring an understanding of NDT vasiables and the employer’s procedural sequirements should be included in this practical examination. The candidate should detect all discontinuities and conditions specified by the NDI Level TI Note: While itis rommal to ecore the prectical on « percentile basis, practical examinations should con- tain check points that fafure to successfully complete will result in falute of the examination. 86 Sample questions for general examinations are presented in the separate question bockdets that can be obtained from ASNT Headquarters. These questions are intenrled as examples only and shovld not be used verbatim for qualification examinétions. The following is @ list of the booilets ‘Test Method ‘Question Booklets ‘Acoustic Emission Testing c Electromagnetic Testing E 1. Alterating Current Field Measurement EA 2. Eddy Current EE 3. Remote Field Testing ER Ground Penetrating Racar opr Guided Wave Testing cows Laser Testing 1. Profilometry Lp 2. Holography/Shearography Lit Leak Testing 1. Bubble Test 1B 2. Pressure Change Measurement EP 3, Halogen Dicde Leak Test HH 4, Mass Spectrometer Test HM Liquid Penetrant Testing D ‘Magnetic Fiux Leakage Testing MEF Magnetic Particle Testing, B ‘Neutron Radiogrephic ‘Testing F Radiological Radiographic Testing 1. Radiographic Testing A 2. Computed Radicgraphy Testing AAt 3. Computed Tomography Testing ABE 4, Digital Radiograghy Testing act ‘Thormal/infrared Testing i Ultrasonic Testing c Vibration Analysis, Ke Visual Testing 1 * Jn course of preparation 8.7 Additional Written, Specitic and Practical Examination Criteria 871 NDYLevel I, I, end Ill Weitten Examinations 8.7.11 AM NDT Level |, Il,and If written examinations should be closed-book except that nevessary data, such a8 graphs, tebles, specifications, provedures, codes, etc., may be provided with or in the examination. Questions utilizing such reference materials should require an understanding of tho informetion rethar than merely locating the appropriate answer. All questions used for NDT Level I and Level Il examinations should be approved by the responsible NDT Level I. Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2011) 5 812 8.93 814 Avvalid endorsement on an ACCP Level I certificate fulfils the corresponding examination criteria described in paragraphs 8:3 and 8.5 for each appliceble NDT method. 8713 Avalid ASNT NDI Level TI certificate may be accepted by the employer's written practice as fullilling the General examination criteria deserved in paragraph 8.3 for each applicable method. NDI Level I and II Specific Examinations 872.1 The employer may delete the specific examination ifthe candidate has a valid ACCP or ASNT NDT Level Il cerificete in the method/industrial sector and if documented experience exists to permit such, Practival Examinations 873.1 Successful completion of en ACCP Level II general hands-on practical examination may be considered as fulfilling the requirements of paragraph 8.5. 873.2 For the Film Interpretation Limited Certification, the Practical Exemination should consist of soview and grading of at least 20 images. 8.73.3 Phased Array and Time of Flight Diffraction Practical Examination. Flawed samples used for practical examinations should be representative of the componeats and/or configurations that the candidates would be testing under this endorsement and approved by the NDT Level UL ‘Tne NDI Level Mis responsible to ensure that if the ACCP and ASNT NDT Level II specific and ppractiea] examinations are used by the employer, #s stated in 87.2 and 873.1, the requirements of 4.1, 8.4.2 and 8.5.5 are satisfied. 8.8 NDTPIM Level I Examinations 8.8.1 882 883 884 885 Basic Examinations 88.1.1 NDT Basic Pxamination (required only once when more than ore method examination is takes). The minimum number of questions that shoukt be givea is as fellows: 8.8.11 Fifteen (15) questions relating to understanding the SVFTC-1A document 88.112 ‘Twenty (20) questions relating to applicable materials, fabrication, and product tech- nology. Twenty (20) questions that ae similar to published NDT Level II questions for other appropriate NDT methods. : 88.12 PéM Basic Examination (required only once when more then one method examination is taken). "The minimum number of questions that should be given is as follows: Fifteen (15) questions relating to understanding the SNF-TC-1A document, ‘Twenty (20) questions relating to applicable machinery tezhnclogy. 8.8.123 Thirty (30) questions thet ere similar to published NDT Level If questions for other appropriate PAM methods. ‘Method Examination (for each metnod) 88.2.1 Thirty GO) questions relating to fundamentals and principles that are similar to published ASNT NDT Level IN questions for each method, and 88.2.2 Fifteen (15) questions relating to application and establishment of techniques and procedures that are similar to the published ASNT NDT Level Ill questons for each method, and 88.23 Twenty (20) questions relating (0 capability for interpreting codes, standards, and specifications relating to the method. Spesific Exemination (for each method). 83.3.1 Twenty (20) questions relating to specifications, equipment, teslniques, and procedures appli- cable to the employer's preduci(s) and methods employed and te the administration of the employer's writen practice. 8.8.52 The employer may delete the specific examination if the candidate has a valid ASNT NDT Level IIT or ACCP Professioxal Level II certificate in the metiod and if documented evidence of experience exists, including the preperation of NDT procedires to codes, standards, or spec- sfromtions and the evaluation of test results, ‘Avalid endorsement on an ASNT NDT TL»vel TT certificate fulfills the examination eviteria described in 88.1 and 88.2 for cach applicable NDT method. Avvalid endorsement of an ACCF Professional Level Il certificate flfls the examination criteria ‘described in 8.8.1 and 88.2 for each appliceble NDT method 89° Resxunination ‘Those failing 10 attala the required grades should wait atleast thirty (30) days or receive suitable additional ‘raining as cetermined by the NDT Level II before reexamination. 6 Rocommendad Prastice SNT-TO-14 (2011) 1 9.0 Certification D4 Certification f all NDT Levels of NDT perscnnel is the responsibility of the employer, | 9.2. Cenification of NDI personnel should be based on demonstration of satisfactory qualification in accordance With Sections 6, 7, and 8, as described in the employer's written practice 93. Atthe option of the emalayer, an outside agency may be engeged to provide NDT Level UE services. In such instances, te responsibility of certification of the employees should be retained by the employer. | 94 Perscnnel certification records should be maietsined on file by the employer forthe duration specified in the employers writen practice and should include the following: 941 Nusme of certified individual. 9.42 Level of certification end NDT method. 9.43. éucational background and experience of certified individuals. 9.44 Statement incicating satisfactory completion of uaising in accordance with the employer's waltten practice, 945 Result cf the vision examinations prescribed in 8.2 for the eurent cestification period. 946 Current examinstion expy(ies) or evidence of suesessfil completion of examinations. 947 Other suitable evidence of satisfactory qualifications when such qualifications are used in lieu of the specific examination prescribed in §.832 or as prescribed in the employer's written practice. 948 Composite grade(s) or suitable evidence of grades. 9.49. Signstare of the NDT Level II that verified qualifications of candidate for certification | 9.4.10 Dites of certification end/or recertification and the dates of assignments to NDT. 94.11 Certification expiration date. 9411 Signature of employer's certifying authority. 10.0 Technical Performance Lvaluation 10.1 NDT personne! may be reexamined any time at the discretion of the employer and have their certificates extended or evoked. 102 Periotically,as defined in the employer's written praotice, NDT Level I and II personnel should be reevaluated by the ND Level IT administering a practical examination. The practical examination should follow the for- ntat and guidelines described in section 8 5. MO Interrupted Service 111 ‘The employer’s written practice should inclads males covering the types and duration of interrupted service tat requires reexamination and recertification. 112. The written practice should specify the requirements for reexamination and/or tecertfication fe the interrupted service. 12.0 Recertification 124 Alllevels of NDT personnel shall be revectified periodically in accordance with one of the following criteria: 12.1.1 Evidenve of continuing satisfactory technical performance. 12.1.2 Reexamination in those portions of the examination: in Section 8 deemed necessary by the employer's NDT Level I. 122. Tue rccmmenied maximum recertification intervals are 5 years for all certification levels, Certifications expire 01 the lest day af the month of expiration, 13.0 Termination 13.1 The employer's canificetion shall be decmed revolted when employment is terminated, 132 AWNDT Level, Level IL, or Level II whose certification has been terminated may be certified tthe former | NDT evel by a new employer based on examinttion, as described in Section 8, provided all of the folowing conditions are met to the new employer’ satisfaction: ‘The employee has proof of prior certification. 2 Ths employee was working in the capacity to which certified within six (6) months of termination, 13.2.3. The employee is being recertified within six (6) months of terminstion. 13.24 Priorto being examined for cectfication, employees not meeting the above requirements should receive ‘ditional titining as deemed appropriate by the NDT Level II 14.0 Reinstatement 14.1 An NDT Lew, Level I, or Level III whose certification has been terminated may be reinstated to the former | NDT level, vithout a now examination, provided all of the following conditions are met: Jé.d.1 The employer hes maintained the persomel cerificetion records required in section 9.4. 14.1.2. The employee's certification did not expire during termination. 1413 Ths employee is being reinstated within six (6) months of termination. Recommended Practices SNTTC-1A (2011) 7 Table 6.3.4 Tamination n Training Ta NDT Level] Technique Hours Temas LE z |_ a 2 I iam F—* x = Retramexte Baty Gre 2 : = L Nena 2 ‘Ground Peaetrating, I 3 ae i a a ude Wave £ = o : Profilomety. = = Laser Methods z # i i a 3 3 a = Shearogaphy a0. GO. 1200 1 past nang 2 3 é | 3 = = a i = in = Leak Testo T libpa tas 2 105. 20 i ? = oe f * 3 = 1 vasiépaoncer | —* 20 = t a - a it sioner anes | a a 0 Mepaicraae | [—L z a a ; = = ca Near Ratrphy | —E B ia 300 : ; $ a “at = —| 1 = 3 a Bi Compited 0 210 200. © Rodiogmpty 40 20, Ea, bia x es 3 sc ra | sembly ‘o ee ims 1 Digital 40 EG 400 cy Radiography 40 60 3200, Remifatant | [-—# a Tor r ‘4 210) 00, 3 = nt esas | 0 5 8 ‘Plased Amy 20 160, ie. — = a i Vibration Analysts t 7 16 2400 y 7 ci 0 Yous a t = ae Notes: 10 For NDT Level I ceriricaton tbe experience should const of tine at NDT Level I or equvatea Ifa yersonisbeing qualified directly wo NDE [eve wahnotine at NDT LeveL the expeience (bod Metiol and Taal NDT) shold cost ofthe sum ofthe hous for NDT Level 1 and ‘Love and tetreining should consis ofthe sum ofthe tours for NDT Level and Level. 8 Recommended Prectice SNT-TC-1A (2011) 20 a n 2 50 0 fl » a0 For NUT Level ericatin, the experience should consist of thesum of the hous for NDT Level [md Lev! T plas the nsional time in 63.2 as applicable. The formal taining should const ofthe NDT Level Lard Level ning, ples any addtional formal vaining a defined in the enpoyers writen macice sted rainig Sours may be adjusted a¢deeenbe in the employes witen practise depending onthe candidte' acts eduenoe level, eg, gram sr schoct, college graduate in engineering, et “Traising souldbe outlined inthe employers writes prastio. Magma Putte uaining hours may be cuted wards Magoetic Flux Leakage | trsning hous a defined in employer's writen practice, Han individual is cocedy cea in an EY echnique nda llcourse format was used to mest he inal qualifications in that technique the sinimam ireniag hours quniy in abuther BT edhnighé te ame NUT Leve ay be reduced upto 40 percent if so defined in che exployer’s ‘wten practice. [fan individual i cerifed in an ET technlane, the iriure expeiea to quality fer woke: ET tecknigue atthe same level cf ths nex level may be reduced by upto 30 perce if so deizedinthe enployer’s writen pracice. ‘While uplling tal NDT experience requirement, experience may te gained in more than one (1) method. however, the minim houes rust be etioreach method. ‘anindivital i eurery cenit ina Radiglorical technique and fillccore format was weed 19 mest eine qalficatins in dat tchnigue, {he minimam ational waning bus to qualify im anche ecb th sere level shoal be 24 hours of whic leat L€ hours shoe be ‘equipment familasizaion) The taining one shanldtae ardeinedin the employers wsitenpapcce. fm individual is cxfied ina tec, the minmam adional expedence required to qualify for arotieredhsiaue a be same level should he 24 hours ax dela i the expoyer's rt tes prac. “Tine of Pighe Difkaction end Phacod Aray requires completion of Level {and I Ulsasonl Testing wang and enpestence a prerequisites, Table 6.3.1 B: Initial Training and Experience Levels for NDT Level II Limited Certifications Examination | Limited | ‘Technician’s Formal | py renee in Method Method Certification Starting Point Training (Hours) [ Fi Fon Radgrpber i Radiographic | _ Interpretation « ae | Fils : | tat on RI Level 1 4 ze _| Digital Thickness Measurement Untasoni (womerié output Trainee 8 © a only) Asean Tuickoest Trainee 2 vs | — Requies pnctical review of 1000 radiographs, Recommended Pracics SNT-TC-1A (2011) 9 Table 8.3.4: Minimum Number of Examination Questions Method General Specific Level! | Level | Levell | Level Acoustic Emission Testing 0 40 20 20 Flectromagnotic Testing ‘Alternating Current Field Measurement o | # 20 20 ‘Eddy Current «| 4 20 20 ‘Remote Field Testing x 20 20 Ground Penetrating Radar 30 | 40 20 20 Guided Wave Co 20 20 “Leak Testing: ‘Bubble Test 70 | 15, 5 Absolute Pressure Leak Test (Pressure Change) 2 | w 15 15 “Halogen Diode Leak Test 20 20 15 15 Mass Spectrometer Leak Test 20 20 20 40 Magnetic Fiux Leakege 20 2 0 is “Magnetic Particle Testin 20 0 20 20 ‘Neutron Radiography Testing 40 a 20 20, Peneivant Testing 40 a 20 20 Radiological Testing: Radiography Testing 40 # 20 20 Radiographic Film Interpelation — “a Bh Non-Radiographer Radiographic Film Interpretation - x 6 Radiographer (Certified RTNDT Level 1) ‘Computed Radiography Testing 40 0 20 20 Computed Tomography Testing 0 40 20 20 Digital Radiography Testing 40 © 20 20 ‘Thermal/infared Testing 0 40 20 20 Uhrasonic Testing: 40 0 20 20 ‘Time of Flight Diffraction 30, Phased Arrey 30 Digital Thickness Measurement (cumerie tpt onl) * x ‘A-scan Thickness Measurement 20 Lu Vibration Anelysia 40 0 20 60 Visual Testing 0 0 20 26 10 Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2011) APPENDIX Example Questions Level | and Level II The purpose of this appendix isto provide a guideline for the preparation of the General, Level I and Level Il writen examinations. Extensive examples of sepresentative questions for degree of difficulty, type, etc., are provided in seperate question booklets, which can be obtained from ASNT Headquarters. Thes> questions aro intended as examples only and should net be used verbatim for qualification examinations, | Note: All questions and ansvexs shoul be referenced to a recognized source Acoustic Emission Testing Method twat [1 Aauaiave dessin tte ssid sgn! el oted by mpi snug eons ein evens od don puto bmn cnn gate © ttn aon & Stoo sate [ 2. Attenuation of a wave is best befined by which statement? fa decreae in eqveney ith nae tved 7 b. adecrease in amplitude with distance traveled { ©. a docease a wave sped ith toe ead Ga changeincoeton as afinein of tine [ 3, The number of times the scoustic emission signal exceeds @ preset threshold during any selected portion of a test is called the: a. acoustic emission response ir acoustic emission count t ¢. acoustie emission count nite 4. acoustic emission energy F devel 1 When detecting impulsive acoustic emission signals on large objects, the peak of the signals normally deczeases with [> |_ineresing distance from te euce. This aloration, dependent on distance, ist be explained by. i ‘. atsorpton Le, the ease pub gracnlly conver ito nett. b. dispersion: ie. the pulse gradually spreads oct in time bacause the different waves involved travel with ffeent veloctba { ©. the geometric factors: 4¢. the energy in the pulse is distibuted into ever-larger volumes dail of the above [> 2. Which of the following factors will tend to produce low-amplitude acoustic emission response during a tensile test? | 8. low temperature +b. high strain rate plate formation { 4. crack propagation t ( rena cn SHEER) 1 3. The Kaiser effect is: valid only when teoting composites a physical law of nature that is never violated not applicable when an ams recording is being made the absence of detectable acoustic emission until proviously applied stress levela azo exceeded Electromagnetic Testing Method Alternating Current Field Measurement Technique Level 1. What is the medium between an ACFM probe and # metal surface when operating in aic? a. an olectric currerst b. air ©. magnetic fieki 4. none of the above 2. For which of the following inspecticn requirements could you not normally use ACEM for defect detection? 1. fatigue cracks in welded jeints of high strength steel b. subsurface cracks in welded joints of mild steel ‘c. inspection for cracks in a weld of high strength steel under paint coating 4. surface fatigue in mild steel welds 3. A fatigne erack perpendicular to the induced current will canse the induced current to: disperse from the centeal area of the crack and concentrate aroand the ends isperse from the ends of the crack aod concentrate in the central area stop flowing in the part increase in velocity Level IL 1. During an ACEM weld inspection, the messurement of crack depth requires the following information: a. the frequency of the inspection b. the length of the crack . the depth of penetration of the AC field 4d. allof the above 2. Whet effect would you expect if the coils in an ACM probe were smaller and closer together? no effect jinproved detection of smaller defects improved sizing on larger defects improved signal to noise ration 3, The Bx magnetic field can best be described as: ‘parallel to the plate surface and perpendicular to the current flow perpendicular to te weld ‘parallel to the plate surface and parallel to the current flow perpendicular to the plate susface and parallel to the current flow 12 Recommended Practice SNT-TG-1A (2011) | [ Eddy Current Level I 1. The impedance of an eddy current tert coil will inerease if th (esi fiequency increases b. inductive reactance of the coil decrenses ‘e. inductance of the coil decreases . resistance of the coil decreases 2. Which of the following test frequencies would produce eddy currents with the largest depth of penetration? a 100He b. 10 KHz . r © IMB | a 1oMts ~ 3. To generate measurable eddy current in « test specimen, the specimen must be: a aconductor b. an insulator © either a conductor or an insulator da ferromagnetic material Level 1. 1, The fil factor when a 1.26 om (0.5 in.) diameter bar is inserted in @ 2.54 em (1 in) dismeter coil is: 05 (50 percent) 0.75 (75 pescent) 10 (100 percent) 025 @5 percent) aege 2. Ifthe characteristic frequency (f) of a material is 125 He, the test frequency required to give an if ratio of 10 woul be: 125 He 105 He 1.25 He 12.5 KH, aooe J) 3. -Ferag-tadest slaainum and dsm als ctaages in hanes ae icoae by changes in: L rcntty pom Caner rrapetetiton aoe t Remote Field Testing Level E | 1. The dominant electromagnetic energy dstivution process in RFT is said to be: t reflected impedance through-trensmission piszoelectric energy conversion ‘magnetic motive force pose | Fecionel Pac STEAM 18 2. Ina properly designed RFT probe, the detector coil is positioned in the: direct field zone transition zone remote field zone Jjanction between remote field zone and transition zone 3. “The zone next to the “near 2one” is called the: 2. transition zone b. nonmal zone c. near field extensioa zone 6. remote field zone Level IT 1, Inthe remote field zone with distance the magnetic field distibation decays: 2. linearly ‘b.exponentially ¢. logarithmically é. anthen increaset vith distance 2. ‘The exciter and the receiver coilicoils in a remote field probe ave separated by a distance greaterthan__ the tobe diameter. a. twice b. three times 6. the sime 6. none of the above 3. Frequencies selected for RFT inspection are: a. higher than used in Eddy Current b, lower than used in Eddy Current ©. carefully selected and must never be changed daring an inspection €. none of the above Ground Penetrating Radar Testing Method Level L 1. The most common form of GPR measurement i a. using a single transceiver device similar to equipment used in shear wave UT b. by deploying a tansmitter and a receiver in fixed geometry over the surface microwave propagation through a constant time vector 6. inspection forlancinines 2. What are the key wave field propesties for GPR? a. time, distance and velocity b. reflection, fraction and direction of travel velocity, attenuation and BM impedance d. antenna size, shape and angle of incidence 3. Flostromagnotic waves seperate into two independent components. What exe they? 2. (ransverse electric feld and transverse magnetic field resolution zone snd refraction zone ¢. high impedance ard low impedance 4. focused energy and sttenvation 14 Recommended Practice SNT-TO-1A (2011) ame oo Level 1, ‘Therratio ofthe largest reesivable signal and the minional detestable signal is called the: system detection factor. peak perfomance ratio, dynamic range maximum depth of detection. eeee 2. What is gating? 2. Amethal ofeapanding the depth of penetration by viewing only a portion of the total sigral bb. The ability to control the shape of the transmitted signal ©. Amethod of reducing the signal bandwidts, 4, ‘Timing the uarsmait and receiver signals to avoid detimental effects from strong signals 3. Why is dowowing important! Itaets as a biomonitor. Tthelps to produce a stable image of nnstebie soils Itallows positive and negative color filling to be used in the recorded trace. Itis generally used to improve section resolution and create more spatial realistics. peop Guided Wave Testing Method Level I 1. The velocity of guided waves depends on: a, the meterial properties b, the boundary conditions of the component or part c. the dimensions of the component or part Gd. all of the above 2. Which of the following is « gropagating guided wave made in pipe: bulk compression wave bulk shear wave torsion wave all of the above pose 3. Guided wave testing of long lengths of pipe: {s used to measure remaining wall thickness can determine the change in pipe wall eross section is used to measure the exact length of any wall loss can deternin: the exact geometry of any corrosion pegs Level IE How are guided wave testing results typically calibrated: 1a. using 2 target reflector (fat bottomed hole) machined in o calibration pipo of the same diameter and thickness b. calibrationismt required for GWT using anascumed amplitude and known reflectors sush as welds d. the resalls are always calibrated using flange reflections 2. The dispersion curves for guided waves in steel pipes ar> MOST influcaced! a. changes tothe boundery conditions . changes to the metesel properties of steel ©. temperature changes 4d. high pressure gas produets Recommended Practice SNT-TC4A(20"1) 15 3. Which ofthe following is a guided wave? Level L 2. sayleigh waves b. flexural waves ©. torsional waves d. allof the above Leak Testing Method Bubble Leak Testing Method 1, Before performing a vacuum box leak test, which of the following should be chedced for required calibration? a. leak-detector solution ». evacuation device or equipment ©. lighting equipment 4. pressure (or vacuum) gage 2, Which factor can most affect the sensitivity attainable by a:pressure bubble leak tast? operator alertness apd technique size and shape of the test specimen ¢. time of day testing is performed 4. umber of test fechnicians 3. The letters “psia” mean: Level I pressure referred to National Institute of Standards and Technology's sbsohte pressure pascals per square inch absolute pressure standard in abselate writs b 4. pounds per square inch absolute 1. Which of the following directly determines the size of the bubble formation when testing using the bubble test method? 2. method of pplication of bubble solution b, ambient temperature and barometric pressure ©. amount of leakage from a defect or leak 4. size of the test specimen 2. Whea a vacuum gage is marked with a range of 0-30 with the notation “vacuum” on the face, the units of ‘measurement are: ‘a. Inches of mercury , pounds per square inch ce. centimeters of vacuum d, feet of water 3. The type of leaks thet are most likely to go undetected during a bubble Ioak toa: are: a, very small leaks and very large leaks bb. leaks occurring at welded joints ©. corner configuration joints d. all of the above 18 Recommended Practice SNT-TO-14 (2011) cs: Halogen Diode Detector Leak Testing Method Level L 1 Good operating practice dictates that the period of time to allow for warm-up of the halogen diode detector prior 10 calibratingis a. 30 minwes b. 15 mines &. Thour d._as recommended by the manufacturer While adjusting areservointype vaviable-halogen standuré leak, the operator accidentally vents the gas from the only standard leak availabie. Which of the following actions would quickly zesolye the problem? 1a. Replace the standard leak . Replace the cylinder in the standard leak, cc. Recharge the standard leak. 4. Send the standard leak to the manufecturer for xeckasging. ‘While pecforning a halogen-liod detector test, the leak Getector becomes difficult to zero, and the pointer on the leak rate meter repeatedly swings up scale. The most likely cause of the problem could be the use of too high a sensi- tivity range, 2 shorted element, an excessive heater veltage or poor airflow sensing element that is too new high halogen background a fauly ledkctate meter aaoe Level IT 1 ‘Most leaks detected during a halogen sniffer test could have Deea detected and usually can be verified by: a bubble leak test a0 ultrasonic examination a visu examination a presiure change test pegs ‘The presence of small traces of halogen vapors in the halogen diode detector: a. increases the emission of negative ions , decreases the emission of positive ions ©. increases the emission of positive ions d, decreases the emission of negative ions A halogen standard jeak of certain size produces ¢ known signal om a halogen leak detector. ‘To receive this same imensity signal on the instroment during the test of an object containing «2 percest by volume halogen-sirmixture, the size ofthe Teak in the cbjsct cavsing the signal Would theoretically have to be at least times larger than the standard Jeac, a 20 30 4 b. ce a 10 Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A(2011) 17 Mass Spectrometer Leak Testing Method Level I ‘The sensitivity of a mass spectrometer leak detection system is the mass flow sate of tracer gas: a. that gives a maximum measurable signal that gives 2 minimum measurable signal cal Slandard temperature and pressure @ inakak 2. The diffusion pump and mechanical fore pump in a mass spectrometer leak detection system: use the same type of oil b. we different types of oil © operaeusing the same mowr 4. use the same principle of operation e 3. The helium msss speetrometer detector-probe Pressure-test technique is: a quantitative test b. a qualititive test 2 Semiautomatic test 4. noneof the above Level 1. A torris defined as 147 poin b. I mmof He ©. 1/760 of a standard atmosphere & 760 mm of Hg 2, When conducting helium mass spectrometer test of 2 vacuum vessel in the pressure range of 10+ to 10% mm He, which type gage could be used to measure the pressure? 4, alphatron gage b. thermionic ionization gage © pirani gage 4. thermocouple gage Helium standard leaks in the range of 106 to 10+ atm. cois are known in general terms as: &. reservoir standard leaks b. capillary standard leaks 6. peamation standard leaks 4d. adjustable standard leaks Pressure Change Measurement Leak Testing Method Level 1 1. Appressure of 660 psig. in terms of absolute pressnse at sea level and standard temperature, would be approximately: a, 960 psia b. 307 psa «S13 psa 4. 360 psia 18 Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2011) n ai ae ‘When conducting a long-duration pressure change test, itis necessary to measure absolute pressue or gage pressure plus barometric pressare because the barometric pressure will: 2. always fall b.alwags cise © remain constant 6 wn w vary ‘Which one of the following is the conect relationship for converting temperatuze in degiees Rankin CR) w empert- ture in degrees Kelvin (KJ? a K=G/)°R b. K=G/)°R+273 ce K=4604R ak 3°R Level IE ‘When asystem’s internal dry bulb’s internal temperature and, in turn, total pressure, increase daring a pressure change lealage-rate test, the water vapor pressure in the system under test would normally incresse semain the exe cecreise sscillite pore Fora pneumatically pressurized constant-volume system at an internal temperature of 27 °C, whst approximate per- centage change in the system absolute pressure can be expested fer « system internal temperature change of | °C? a. 3perceat b. G percent © O3percent & 10 percent One set of intemal dry bulb temperature data for a pressure change leakage rate testis: T+ yt TB © 187°F (C+D) = 32°F Cot Tyn = 72.58°F e+ Ty + To¥3 = 73.01 °F Foreach of tnese four azctions of this system, the respective weighting futors are 0.27, 0.18, 0.22,and0.33. The rean absolute dry bulb temperature of system air for ths test data point is: a 3253'R b MSS c 53248°R a 53248 K Liquid Penetrant Testing Method Level I ‘Which of the following is generally the more acceptable method for cleaning parts prior to penetrant testing? a. sand blesting b. wire brushing cc. grinding vapor degreasing Recommended Practice SNTTO-AA (2011) 19 2, ‘The term used to define the tendency of certain liquids to penetrate into small openings such es cracks or fissures is: a. saturation b. capillary action ©. blotting d. wetting agent 3. Which of the following is the most commonly used method for removing non-water-weshable visible dye penetrant from the surface of a test specimen? lipping in a solvent spraying hand wiping blowing aor Level II 1. When eondteting a penetrant test, spherical incications on the sucface of a part could be indicative of: a. faligne cracks b. porosity ©. weld laps 4. hot tears 2. _A-commonly used method of checking oa the overall ecformence of a penetrant material system is by: a. detcimining the viscosity of the penetrant . measuring the wettability of the peretrant ©. comparing two sections of artificially cracked specimens 4. all ofthe above 3. Which of the following is 2 discontinuity tha! might be found in a forging? a. shrinkage crack b. lap ce. hot tear 4d. lamination Magnetic Fux Leakage Testing Method Level I 1, Flux Teskage inspection can normally be applied to: a, ferromagnetic and nonmagnetic material . nonmagnetic mazerials only ¢. ferromagnetic materiais only 4. nenconductors only 2. The ratio BIH is equivalent to a material's: a. field strength b. celuctance c. permeability d. telative permeability 3. Fax lnaage techniques ctnnomalybe we detest: surface discontinnities only subsurface discontinuities only discontinuities at gay location surféce and near-surface discontinuities 20. Recommended Practice SNT-TG-14 (2011) { i | { Level IL 1, The highest sensitivity of a Hall effests senior is ebtained when the direction of the magnetic fil in relagion to the { largest surface of the Hall probe is 2. panel b, et amangle of 45 degrees © at anangle of 30 or 60 degrees 4. perpendicular p+ Whatpartcularsype of defects not indicated by flux lekage techniques? a overlap. & slag incusion with erack c. surface contamination n €. Tonginadinal cetan . ub ‘Flux leekage is created at a discontinuity becanse of the change in: Pp fs. reaiatvity L b. inductance ©. pemeabi 4. capacitance Magnetic Particle Testing Method Level I 7 1 ‘Which type of current has a “skin effect?” [ organs es c. half-wave rectified : ees 2, The best type of magnetic field to use to inspect a tubular product for surface defects along its length is =: Tongitadinal ficld circular fila swinging field yoke magnetization poe Ua wna of the following is most often used for dry magnetic particle inspection? fall-cycle direct current | . half-wave aiternating current © ‘ a high-voltage, low-amperage cortent , ject control ©. sweep-telay control 4d. sweep-length contr Level IT 1. Ifa contact angle-beam transcucer produces a shear wave in wel (VS = 0.323 cm/s), the engle produced by the same transducer in an aluminum specimen (¥S=0.310 cm/s) vould be: a, less than 45 degrees, b. greaterthan 45 degrees c. Sdegees 4. more information is required ecommended Practice SNT-TC-1A @011) 27 A discontimity is located having an orientation such that its long axis is parallel to the sound beam. The indication from such a discontinuity will be: 8, large in proportion to the length ofthe discontinuity . small in proportion tothe length of the discontiauity o. repreventative ofthe length ofthe discontinuity 4. such that complete loss of back-teflecion will sult An ultrasonic Longitudinal wave travels in aluminum with « velocity of 635000 cm/s and has a frequency of 1 MHz, ‘The wavelength of this ultrasonic wave is: 635 ft b, 3.10in. ce, 635mm 4. 300004 Phased Array Lovel I [Hlentify the factors that would produce the largest beam steering angles: ‘a. large elements, small pitch, high-frequency testing low-velocity materials bb, small elements, small pitch, high-frequency testing low-velocity materials , large clement small pitch, low-frequency testing high-velocity materials 4. small elements, small pitch, low trequency testing high-velocity matecals ‘Which of the following best fits this description “the ultrasonic capabilities of resolving two adjacent defects along the acoustical axis through a small ultrasonic path’: 2. Isteral reschution b, axial resolution fc. resolution d._ sensitivity ‘What happens to the beam spread at higher beam angles when using # swept angle scan ftom 45 t0 70 degrees? 12. the beam spread decreases the beam spread incxeases . the beam spread does not change 4. youcannos change beam spread with angle Time of Flight Diffraction Level It 1 2, ‘Time of flight diffraction uses ultcasonic waves that are diffracted from the tips of ‘cracks only. ‘cracks as well 2s reflected from the back surface only. cracks as well as transmitted along the scanning surfece only. cracks as Well as transmitted along the scanning surface and reflected from the back surface. aces Calculate the PCS to focus ata 13 mm depth using a pair of 70-degree probes. a 413mm b $4.6 mm. ce 824mm d 88mm 28 Recommended Prectoe SNT-TG-1A (2011) geo ge ee os 3, Calealste the depth of defect given the following informetion: Level I ‘Tx probe delay: 7.8 us (Pulse-echo measured) ax probe delay: 62 no (Pulse echo meneured) {| PCS 54.6 mm | Bettorn Tip Signal 30 js Material Velocity 5960 mis Longitudinal 32301m/s Transverse 3010 mls Suriace 4 298mm >. 372mm ce 617 mm 4 692mm Vibration Analysis Testing Method 1. The vibration smplitud is zeally a response that is: 2. Ie magnetic is stuched to an accelerometer, 4, inversely proportional to the dynamic resistance in the systema b. proportional to the amount of displacement in the signal, 6. nol selated at al to the dynamic forces in the system 4. meatingless unless it has been initially taken in acceleration units wil: 2, lower the frequency range capability of the accelerator b. increase the fiequency range capability of the accslerator ©. sot allow the accelerometer (o read in acceleration units anymore 4. increase the amplitude range of the accelerometer 3. Theenterorstore key on a programmable FFT-Aralyzer/Data collector should be pressed: Level It & as soonas the accelerator is attached to the mounting surface b. sftera pause of 30 seconds from the time the accelerometer is mounted c. after the readings have settled down (usually 3 seconds or longer) 4. immediately when a display appears on the soreen (to save time) 1. ALLissajous orbit that has a long elliptical (cigar shape) appearance is an indication of: 4. unbalance b. misaligament ec. moil whirl 4 amuboreat 2. The pampose of a Bode or Polar (Nyguist) Plot is to verify the presence of: sn eccentricity a defective bearing a resonance a bont shaft Recommended Practice SNTIG-1A (2011) 23 3. The two most commen problems that will produce'a higher amplitude at 2x RFM thaa at Lx RPM ina vibration spectrum are: 2. an scsestsc pulley and mechanical looseness Clype A) . offietmisilignment and mechanical Looseness (Type B) { c. ashaft bent between its bearings and wom gear teeth t 4. an anbalanced shaft and mechanical loooeneer (Type C) Visual Testing Method Level L | 1, Which of the following is true? a. Alldiscontimuities are defects. b. Deiects that affost the product's usefulness are called discontinuitios. c. Discontinuities that affect the product’s usefulness are called defects. 4. Alldiscortimuities are unacceptable. | 2, The dimension indicated on the sketch of a micrometer ist a. 3.25 mm (0.128 in) | b. 5.97 mm (0.235 in) B © 3.20 mm (0.126 in) 4. 8.35 mm (0328 in) fi 3. Asa visual examiner, you shall have your eyes checked at least a. every Smorths r b. every Gmonths I & evay year 4. every 3yeans n 1 Level IL L 1. Handheld magnitiers should fall into which of the following ranges? f a Detode i b. Sxtol0x 3 c. 10x to 20x , 4. 20x to 3x f 2, Visaal examiners who pesform visual exams using borescopes and iberscopes must be: 2. colrblini 2. Bb bo mwotfarvinreproments (San 20720) | c. competent in their use 4. ambidectrous 3. Ananow field of view produces: L a. higher megnification and a greater dopth of field higher megnification and a shorter depth of field | c. lest magnification and a greater depth of field l 4. les magnificetion and a shorter depih of fcld. 80 Rocommenod Practoe SNT-TC-1A (2011) Resommended Practice SNT-TC-1A (2011) 31 Answers to Example Questions Acoustic Emission Testing Method ‘Mass Spectrometer Computed ‘Tomography Testing i Level I Level I Level T Level IE Method Ld ca Lb Le Level Level I ab ae 2s 2 Lea Lb n ab aa 28 3 e Ze 2a I 3b 3.6 “Alternating Current Field Pressure Change Measurement Digital Radiography ‘Testing | ‘Mezsurement Technique Level I Level ‘Method Level I Level It Lob loa 4 Level I Level US a oe oO i 2 ob z D a aa Re 2d ha ae 3b 3b guid Penctrant Testing Method n Bady Carcent Levelt Level ThermalInfrared Testing | Lea? Level La Lb Level Lowel II loa Ld 2 0d 26 1 ae i 2 ae Re 3b 2 2 | w4 ae a 3. Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing P Remote Field Testing Methatt Uiteasonie Testing Method { Level T ‘Level IL Level I Level IL Level ‘Level i La Le La Le La ne 2a Ze ze 2b 2b Roa 3b 3d 3c ae 3 { GuideWave Testing Method Magnetic Particle Testing Method Phased Array r Level I Level It Level T Level IF U ae t, 18 Loa ld 2 4 28 2b 2B »b n 3b 3 4 a8 3b i Ground Penetrating RadarTesting Neutron Radiographie' Testing Time of Fgh - Meth “Level (only) Lev 1 Level I Manes td | Levelt Level te le Teel pen ae Bs za 2b Ze 3. ¢ | 3d Boe Vibration Analysis Method a ea Levelt Level IT Beles ie Ment La 1b | Radiographie Testing Be de u Level I Level Of 3 ec 3 Ob ie led f de 20 [ 3b 3c ‘inal Testing Method Halogen Diode Detector Level I Level Level I Level IT ‘Computed Radiography Testing le Lb a La Method a 2 0 Bo 2 Level I Level IT 3. 3b Be 3b 1d Le | Ze 2 L ab 2b 82 Recommended Practice SNT-TC-tA (2011] Lo SS 26 te a a eS SS a Se cai ce Flecommented Practice SNT-TC-1A (2011) $3 SNT-TC-1A Interpretation Request Form Bach inquiry should aldress a specific section or para- graph of SNP-TC-1A. If submiiting multiple inquiries, sub- mit a separate form foreach inquisy. In the top section of the fonn, provide complete contact information so that you can be reached should clarification be required. List the SNT:TC-1A edition (year) being refer- ‘enced ane the specific paragraph or section in question. In the Inquiry block, state the question in the clearest terms possible and in a manner thet will permit a Yes ar No answer if possible. In the Background block, provide any additional infor mation that will explain the need for the clarification or the SNT-TC-1A INQUIRY REQUEST FORM imeatofa peragmpi or section, Attach addiional pages if necessary. ‘The Proposed Response block is for ASNT use only All inguixies should be sent to: Chair, SNE-TC-1A Interpretation Panel «lo Senior Manager, Technical Services 1711 arlingete Lane P.0.Box 28518 (Columbus, OH 43228-0518 jhout@asnicerg Submits: SNT-TC-tAltorpotation Panel Chir do Senior Marager, ASNT Technical Services {711 ating Lane PO Bex 28518 Columbus, OH 42228-0518 houGonrtorg Name Phone: Eset Aaeeose oy State Te: County SNT-TO-A Eaton: Assicited Paragaph(s): Toga Background (Rad ary adetienal iomalicn Rat wil Carly Bo Winton red SS) PROPOSED FESPORSE (ASNT Use Oni 94 Recommended Praciice SNT-TC-1A (2011) ISBN-13: 978-1-57117-217-4 i etek Corea Cae Nondestructive Testing, Inc.

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