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Saurabh Kumar Verma

Dept. of English and Foreign Languages

Roll no.180436
Saurabh Kumar Verma
Dept. of Journalism& Mass Comm. at Central University of Haryana,Mahendergarh

Really when it comes to movies of different culture, community and ideologies, it fascinates
me a lot. As cinema is the mother of modern world where movies reflect the first hand
impression of society and its system. Joker a mare funny clown to us but can we regard him
as the masterpiece of misery and happiness both?
We need perspective to understand the concept of the movie ‘Joker’ which director Todd
Phillips wonderfully portrayed on the master screen of world before the audience to judge
and spectacle how a clown is turned into savage persona and how a savage persona can be
changed into a happy man of responsibilities. Movie released in 2019, from the America’s
most celebrated movie-house DC Comics.
Well, the movie earned a lot of buzz nowadays and critically acclaimed as one of the best
portrayed and grossing movies of the DC universe. ‘Joker’ movie falls under the genre of
Psychological thriller and narrates the origin story of one of the most loved and appreciated
characters of the DC movies. The movie concerns of inspiring real-world violence and it
became 7th most earned or grossing movie of the 2019 till now. The movie sets Joaquin
Phoenix who played as Joker as protagonist who lives with her mother in a low class
apartment. He has a neurological condition of laughing unnaturally anytime and this adds
more touch to the film. The best part of the movie starts when he turns to recognize his
personality and wishes to establish his presence as crude and missionary whose only wish is
to see the city Gotham burning to its extent. The movie ends with the most fascinating scene
when joker is freed from the police custody by anonymous people and he starts dancing
before the public. This is not the end of the story since the movie Joker itself is a prequel of
the Batman series.
Despite very low budget, Joker leaves an impression of his character on audience. A well
written, perfectly portrayed and played by the actor Joaquin Phoenix, as one can regard the
movie as masterpiece of the DC Universe.

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