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Last First Title Hire Date City State Salary Bonus

Miller Elaine Manufacturing Employee 1/11/2001 Buffalo NY 32000 0

Lopez Jennifer Controller 1/10/2004 Syracuse NY 42000 0

Rubin Thomas Manufacturing Employee 1/9/2001 Buffalo NY 82000 0

Smith Peter Manufacturing Employee 1/4/2006 Buffalo NY 48000 1000

Coulter Tony Manufacturing Employee 7/3/2001 Buffalo NY 90000 0
Gupta Rajiv Accountant 1/10/2005 Toledo OH 52000 5000

Williams-MBelinda Group Manager 1/11/1995 Buffalo NY 96000 0

NiedzwieckEdward Accountant 1/11/1995 Buffalo NY 88000 0

Wang Kenny Manufacturing Supervisor 1/9/2008 Buffalo NY 78000 5000

Adams Frank Manufacturing Supervisor 1/9/2007 Buffalo NY 56000 0

NiedzwieckStephanie Group Manager 1/11/1999 Buffalo NY 150000 10000

Mallory Petee Accountant 1/1/2005 Buffalo NY 52000 3000

Messer Hillary Accountant 2/1/2006 Buffalo NY 54000 3000

Fleming James Group Manager 1/11/1999 Erie PA 100000 20000

Fisher Charles Manufacturing Employee 1/11/2001 Cleveland OH 88000 0

Johnson Barbara Manufacturing Employee 1/10/2001 Cleveland OH 66000 0

Miller Jennifer Manufacturing Employee 1/10/2003 Erie PA 72000 0
Rubin Thomas Manufacturing Employee 1/9/2001 Cleveland OH 82000 0
Smith William Manufacturing Employee 1/4/2006 Cleveland OH 58000 500
Czarny Tony Manufacturing Employee 7/3/2001 Erie PA 80000 0
Williams-AValerie Group Manager 1/11/2005 Erie PA 96000 0
NiedzwieckArnold Accountant 1/11/1995 Erie PA 88000 0
Wang Christine Process Analyst 1/1/2004 Pittsburgh PA 94000 1000
Martinez Pedro Manufacturing Employee 1/9/2006 Erie PA 48000 500
Adams Jessica Manufacturing Employee 1/10/2007 Akron OH 46000 0
NiedzwieckMeredith Group Manager 1/11/1999 Akron OH 120000 0
Rokovky Vladimir Manufacturing Employee 1/1/2007 Pittsburgh PA 172000 2000
Mallory Jan Accountant 1/10/2005 Gary IN 52000 0
Messer Amy Group Manager 1/1/2003 Gary IN 84000 0
Herbert Arnold Accountant 1/11/1995 Pittsburgh PA 88000 0
Martinez Karine Manufacturing Employee 1/9/2002 Pittsburgh PA 48000 500
Banister Jessica Manufacturing Employee 1/10/2007 Akron OH 46000 0
Rodes Meredith Group Manager 1/11/1999 Pittsburgh PA 120000 0
Evans Jan Accountant 1/10/2005 Gary IN 52000 5000
Adamson James Group Manager 1/11/1989 Buffalo NY 120000 5000
Helm Michael Operations Manager 1/1/2007 Pittsburgh PA 140000 30000
Brown Charles Manufacturing Employee 1/11/2000 Buffalo NY 88000 500
Johnson Diane Manufacturing Employee 1/10/2001 Buffalo NY 96000 1000
Horak Amy Group Manager 1/1/2004 Pittsburgh PA 84000 1000
Horak Christine CAD Drafter 1/1/2004 Pittsburgh PA 64000 10000
Gupta Amlan Group Manager 1/10/2004 Toledo OH 152000 15000
Banister Gwen Manufacturing Employee 1/10/1999 Toledo OH 46000 0
Adams Gwen Manufacturing Employee 1/10/1989 Toledo OH 86000 1000
Johnson Karina Manufacturing Employee 1/8/2006 Akron OH 78000 0
Park Karina Manufacturing Employee 1/9/2001 Akron OH 98000 0
Reynolds Frank Sales Engineer 1/10/2001 YoungstowOH 51000 1000
Lee Sue Group Manager 1/9/1994 Akron OH 198000 0
Miller Betty Manufacturing Employee 1/10/2008 Pittsburgh PA 72000 0
Kozol Jennifer Manufacturing Employee 1/10/2001 Rochester NY 72000 0
Adams Timothy Manufacturing Employee 1/10/2007 Akron OH 36000 500
Wood Jennifer Sales Engineer 1/10/2001 Rochester NY 72000 0
Lee Ladan Group Manager 1/9/1999 Akron OH 138000 0
Lee William Sales Manager 1/3/2004 Akron OH 168000 0
Johnson Diane Manufacturing Employee 1/11/2001 Niagara FalNY 46000 1000
Lopez Diane Manufacturing Employee 1/10/2001 Niagara FalNY 46000 1000
Svenson Andres Manufacturing Employee 1/10/2007 Niagara FalNY 35000 1000
Miller Joseph Senior Manager 1/1/2003 Buffalo NY 232000 50000
Helm Joseph Senior Manager 1/1/2005 Pittsburgh PA 140000 30000
Gupta Rajiv Technician 1/10/2004 Akron OH 75000 10000
Horinko Edward Manufacturing Employee 1/10/2004 Toledo OH 55000 10000
Feng Christine Mechanical Drafter 1/1/2004 Erie PA 44000 1000
Finnegan Joanna Industrial Engineer 1/10/2006 Rochester NY 82000 0
Wood Joseph Electrical Engineer 1/10/2002 Rochester NY 72000 0
Reynolds Desiree Group Manager 1/5/2000 YoungstowOH 92000 1000
Day Jay Senior Manager 1/5/1999 YoungstowOH 192000 15000
S. NO. Questions Answers
1 How many employees in Pennsylvania (PA)
receive salary of $ 65000 or more? 13
How many employees in Ohio (OH) and
2 Newyork (NY) receive salary of $ 65000 or
more? 28
3 The company is present in how many states? 4
4 How many employees receive a salary of
$45000 or more? 60
5 How many employees did not receive bonus? 32
6 What is the average salary for all employees? 86000
7 The average salary of employees hired on or
after 11/1/2001 is: 79400
8 How many employees are listed as "CAD
Drafter"? 1
How many employees are listed as Managers
9 (Group Managers , Senior Managers,
Operations Managers and Sales Managers)? 18
10 The average salary for all the managers is: 615230.76923
11 What is the average salary for all employees in
Toledo, OH? 78200
12 How many employees are listed as
"Manufacturing Employee"? 28
13 The average salary for all the Manufacturing
Employees in Cleveland, OH is 73500
14 The average salary for all the Engineers is 215500
15 How many employees receive a bonus of
$1000 or higher? 28
16 How many employees in Indiana (IN) received a
bonus of $1000 or higher? 1
1 How many employees in Pennsylvania (PA) receive salary of $ 65000
or more?
2 How many employees in Ohio (OH) and Newyork (NY) receive salary
of $ 65000 or more?
3 The company is present in how many states?
4 How many employees receive a salary of $45000 or more?
5 How many employees did not receive bonus?
6 What is the average salary for all employees?
7 The average salary of employees hired on or after 11/1/2001 is:
8 How many employees are listed as "CAD Drafter"?
9 How many employees are listed as Managers (Group Managers ,
Senior Managers, Operations Managers and Sales Managers)?
10 The average salary for all the managers is:
11 What is the average salary for all employees in Toledo, OH?
12 How many employees are listed as "Manufacturing Employee"?
13 The average salary for all the Manufacturing Employees in
Cleveland, OH is
14 The average salary for all the Engineers is
15 How many employees receive a bonus of $1000 or higher?
16 How many employees in Indiana (IN) received a bonus of $1000 or

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