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Emission studies on photonic crystals fabricated using dyed polystyrene

Rajesh V. Nair, R. Vijaya, Keiji Kuroda, and Kazuaki Sakoda

Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 102, 123106 (2007); doi: 10.1063/1.2825636

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Emission studies on photonic crystals fabricated using dyed

polystyrene colloids
Rajesh V. Nair and R. Vijayaa兲
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076, India
Keiji Kuroda
Quantum Dot Research Center, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan
Kazuaki Sakoda
Quantum Dot Research Center, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan
and Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
共Received 22 September 2007; accepted 24 October 2007; published online 21 December 2007兲
Three dimensionally ordered photonic crystals are fabricated with rhodamine B dyed polystyrene
colloidal spheres using the inward growing self-assembling method in less than 3 h. This avoids the
difficulties due to infiltration of active materials into passive photonic crystals. The superior optical
quality of the photonic crystals fabricated using this method results in high reflectance values even
at large angles of incidence. The study of emission characteristics on these functionalized photonic
crystals shows a clear trend dependent on the angle of emission, wavelength, and the angle-resolved
transmittance. The dip observed in the emission spectrum clearly matches the photonic stop band
position at different angles of observation. The emission spectrum measured at different angles was
found to follow a simple functional form related to the intrinsic emission of the dye and the stop
band effect due to the photonic crystal environment. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
关DOI: 10.1063/1.2825636兴

I. INTRODUCTION for inverse photonic crystal made of TiO2 infiltrated with

organic dye.11,12 The directional dependence of spontaneous
Photonic crystals are artificial structures with a periodic emission has been analyzed quantitatively for a gravity sedi-
variation of refractive index and are useful for controlling, mented polystyrene 共PS兲 photonic crystal doped with an or-
manipulating, and localizing the propagation of light.1–3 In ganic dye and for quantum dot infiltrated titania inverse pho-
order to explore the utility of photonic crystals for applica- tonic crystals.13 In that work, the so-called “escape function”
tions in low-threshold laser design, specially functionalized was proposed, and this function was found to follow the
photonic crystals with active media are required. The active non-Lambertian distribution for the photonic crystals and the
media used for emission studies with photonic crystals Lambertian distribution function for a random media. Direc-
should have a narrow emission linewidth, large quantum ef- tional fluorescence spectra of the laser dye in opal and in-
ficiency for emission, and be easy to infiltrate into the pho- verse opal have been analyzed in Ref. 14 in the first and
tonic crystals without disturbing the ordering in the initial second order photonic stop band, and an enhancement of
photonic crystal template. Important light sources that have emission in the blue side of the spectrum for a given direc-
been used for emission studies are lanthanides or rare-earth tion of emission was reported. In all these earlier works,
atoms, organic dyes, and quantum dots. All these active me- photonic crystals are fabricated using the gravity sedimenta-
dia can be infiltrated into the photonic crystals using differ- tion method followed by the infiltration of the active species
ent techniques.4–6 The emission spectra of lanthanides have 共dyes兲 using chemical routes. During the infiltration of these
characteristic sets of sharp peaks.7 Since the linewidth of materials, the initial photonic crystal template may get dis-
their emission spectrum is small, the effect of the photonic turbed by the solvent used or result in incomplete infiltration,
stop band will be felt more strongly, but the quantum effi- thus decreasing the efficiency of controlled emission. There-
ciency of lanthanides is very low. In contrast, organic dyes fore, it will be better if these active species are attached to
have broad emission spectra.8 They also have high quantum the building blocks using chemical methods before the fab-
efficiency and are strongly dependent on chemical interac- rication of photonic crystals thus avoiding spatial diffusion
tions and environment. The main drawback of dyes as emis- during emission studies.10 Then, using these modified build-
sion probes in photonic crystals is the process of pho- ing blocks of submicron spheres, high-quality three dimen-
tobleaching, which limits their usage with time. sionally ordered 共functionalized兲 photonic crystals can be
The inhibition of spontaneous emission from an organic fabricated, and the effect of the photonic stop band on the
dye infiltrated in a photonic crystal was studied in Refs. 9 emission of active species can be probed. In Ref. 7, the dye
and 10. Modified spontaneous emission has been observed is homogeneously distributed in a layer inside the sphere,
and the photonic crystals are fabricated using these spheres
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: by the gravitational sedimentation method. Photolumines- cence modification has also been observed recently for a

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123106-2 Nair et al. J. Appl. Phys. 102, 123106 共2007兲

FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 共a兲 SEM image

for a photonic crystal made using PS-
RhB colloidal spheres of diameter 302
nm 共scale bar is 2 ␮m兲. 共b兲 AFM im-
age of the photonic crystal shows the
共111兲 plane of the fcc lattice 共scan area
1 ␮m ⫻ 1 ␮m兲. 共c兲 CLSM image of
the photonic crystal shows the size of
the domains 共scale bar is 20 ␮m兲.

photonic crystal fabricated using these fluorescent blocks used were rhodamine-B dyed PS 共PS-RhB兲 spheres
microspheres.15 It may be noted that gravitational with a mean diameter of 302 nm with a polydispersity index
self-assembly16 suffers from the disadvantage of a large of 0.17. First, a substrate 共glass兲 with a dimension of
number of unwanted and uncontrolled defects in the fabri- 2.5 cm⫻ 2.5 cm was treated with chromic acid overnight,
cated crystals and requires more time for the growth of crys- washed with deionized water and ethanol, and dried in an
tals. oven. The colloidal solution of known concentration and vol-
We have used dyed PS spheres 共Micro Particles, Ger- ume is dropped on the substrate and spread uniformly using
many兲 as the building blocks for the fabrication of photonic a 1 ml syringe pipette and left to dry in the ambient atmo-
crystals. The dye selected was rhodamine-B, which has a sphere. After 1 min, depending on the sphere diameter, beau-
broad emission spectrum in the visible region. The dye is tiful colors start appearing, and these colors move toward the
homogeneously distributed throughout the interior of the center of the film as growth takes place. The crystallization is
sphere with a concentration of approximately 0.09 wt. %. completed within 3 h for these samples. All the prepared
Since the dye is entrapped inside the sphere, its photostabil- samples are heated at 75 ° C 共below the glass transition tem-
ity can be greatly modified as compared with dyes infiltrated perature of polymers兲 for 2 h after the growth to remove any
through solution chemistry,17 and hence this limitation is solvent used in the fabrication from the pores and also to
overcome. This is very important for designing lasers using enhance the mechanical stability of the samples. The success
the photonic band gap concept. The quality of the fabricated of this method depends highly on the concentration, the vol-
photonic crystal is ascertained through standard structural ume of the solution used 共0.05–0.1 ml兲, the temperature, and
and optical characterizations. The dyed photonic crystal any type of air flow in the fabrication room. The air flow can
sample is excited with a frequency-doubled Nd: YAG laser, force the crystallization toward a particular direction instead
and the emission characteristics due to the photonic crystal of toward the center of the substrate. Under optimized con-
environment are measured at different angles. The focus of ditions, a uniform film forms on the entire substrate with a
this paper is mainly on the use of dye-polymer colloids as the central void of millimeter size.
building blocks avoiding the infiltration process for the ac-
tive species, adopting a recently reported method of photonic III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
crystal fabrication resulting in samples of superior optical
quality, clear observance of selective suppression in the A. Structural characterization
angle-resolved emission, and the analysis of the experimen- The structural characterization of the photonic crystals is
tal results through a model related to the angle-dependent carried out using a scanning electron microscope 共SEM兲 and
transmittance leading to a simple functional form for the an atomic force microscope 共AFM兲. The domain sizes are
emission. mapped using a confocal laser scanning microscope
共CLSM兲. The samples analyzed in a SEM are coated with a
thin layer of gold to avoid any charging effect during the
experiment, and AFM images are taken in tapping mode. The
One of the most celebrated methods of fabrication of microscope images are taken in the reflection mode. Figure 1
three dimensionally ordered photonic crystals in the visible shows the SEM, AFM, and CLSM images of the photonic
region is the self-assembling route using colloidal suspen- crystals fabricated using the PS-RhB spheres having a mean
sions of submicron size spheres made of organic or inorganic diameter of 302 nm. The hexagonal ordering in Figs. 1共a兲
materials. A modified form of gravitational self-assembly, and 1共b兲 confirms the 共111兲 plane of the face-centered-cubic
which is based on the capillary force to organize the colloids, 共fcc兲 lattice parallel to the substrate.20 It has been observed
gives samples of very high optical quality but requires more previously that the absolute value of the zeta potential of
time and is limited by the diameter of the spheres.18 In con- dyed colloidal suspension decreases as compared to a non-
trast to the common self-assembly methods for the fabrica- dyed colloidal suspension, and this will affect the stability of
tion of photonic crystals, we have used the recently reported the colloids.21 In spite of this aspect, the present method
inward growing self-assembling method19 for fabricating the produces photonic crystals with good structural quality. The
photonic crystals using dyed PS spheres, which has yielded microscope image 关Fig. 1共c兲兴 shows the domains separated
high-quality photonic crystals in less than 3 h. The building by grain boundaries, and the uniform color for every domain

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123106-3 Nair et al. J. Appl. Phys. 102, 123106 共2007兲

shown using a vertical line. The absorption and fluorescence

spectra of the dyed colloidal suspension give the excitation
and the expected peak emission wavelength of the dyed col-
loids required for the laser-induced emission studies on the
photonic crystals prepared from them 共to be discussed in the
next section兲.
The reflection/transmission measurements are routinely
used for probing the photonic stop band characteristics of
photonic crystals. A Perkin-Elmer Lambda 950 spectropho-
tometer with a halogen lamp as the source, having beam
dimensions of 12.5 mm⫻ 5 mm for unpolarized light, is
used for measuring the photonic stop band. Figure 3共a兲
shows the transmittance measured from the 共111兲 plane of a
bare PS photonic crystal 共dashed-dotted line兲 and a PS-RhB
photonic crystal as well as the reflectance spectra of a PS-
FIG. 2. Absorption spectra for PS-RhB colloidal suspension 共line 1兲 and for RhB photonic crystal 共black line兲. It is clear that the high
bare PS 共nondyed兲 colloidal suspension 共line 2兲. The peak shown using an
arrow indicates the absorption due to the dye, which is absent for the bare
reflection wavelength region is accompanied by a well-
colloidal suspension. The fluorescence spectrum for the PS-RhB colloidal resolved minimum in transmission for PS-RhB photonic
suspension 共line 3, dashed-dotted line兲 shows the emission peak at 580 nm crystal. The reflection peak is slightly shifted to the shorter
共marked with a vertical line兲 when excited at 532 nm. wavelength region as compared with the transmission mini-
mum in the PS-RhB photonic crystal. This is because the
is an indication that each of the domains has the same orien- reflection spectrum is measured at 8°, while the transmission
tation. The SEM, AFM, and CLSM images confirm that good spectrum is measured at normal incidence. The reflection
quality photonic crystals can be prepared from dyed PS spectrum for a nondyed PS photonic crystal also shows re-
spheres using this method. flectance values as high as 50%, and the photonic stop band
position is centered at 611 nm 共not shown here兲. The dip in
B. Optical characterization transmission spectrum at 560 nm, shown using a downward
The absorption and fluorescence spectrum for the dyed arrow in Fig. 3共a兲, is due to the absorption of RhB dye as
colloidal suspension was measured using an absorption spec- expected from the absorption measurement on the colloidal
trophotometer and a spectroflurometer. The results are shown suspension. This dip is absent in the transmission spectrum
in Fig. 2. The absorption spectrum for the PS-RhB colloidal of the nondyed PS photonic crystal. The photonic stop band
suspension is shown as line 1. A small peak appears around is centered at 609 nm with a peak reflectance of 60% for the
560 nm 共shown using a downward arrow on line 1兲 for the PS-RhB photonic crystal with a gap size 共⌬␭ / ␭兲 of 8%. The
PS-RhB colloidal suspension corresponding to the absorp- thickness of the photonic crystal, and hence the number of
tion of the dye, and it is absent in the case of a bare PS layers, can be estimated22 from the Fabry-Pérot oscillations
colloidal suspension whose absorption spectrum is shown as on either side of the stop band as 4.84 ␮m 共the number of
line 2. In both of these cases, the absorption increases toward layers is 20兲 for the PS-RhB photonic crystal.
the ultraviolet region due to the absorption of PS. Line 3 The photonic band structure calculation for the PS pho-
shows the fluorescence spectrum for PS-RhB colloidal sus- tonic crystal23 shows that the first order photonic stop band
pension at an excitation wavelength of 532 nm 共dashed- should center at 0.6 a / ␭, where a is the fcc lattice constant,
dotted line兲. The emission wavelength is centered at 580 nm and ␭ is the free space wavelength. From our measurements,

FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 共a兲 The reflection 共black line兲 and transmission 共blue line兲 spectra for a photonic crystal fabricated using PS-RhB colloids having a
diameter of 302 nm show the photonic stop band at 609 nm. The dashed-dotted line is the transmission spectrum for the photonic crystal made from nondyed
PS spheres having a sphere diameter of 280 nm. 共b兲 Photonic stop band at angles of incidence of 8° 共at the extreme right兲, 15°, 30°, 35°, 45°, and 60° 共at the
extreme left兲 for PS-RhB photonic crystal. The photonic stop band shifts steadily toward shorter wavelengths with an increase in the angle of incidence, as
shown by the arrow.

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123106-4 Nair et al. J. Appl. Phys. 102, 123106 共2007兲

length should be outside of the photonic stop band, while the

emission wavelength should be within the stop band. Hence
the excitation wavelength is chosen to be 532 nm, which is
outside the stop band of the photonic crystal, in order to
penetrate well into the crystal and interact with the dye. By
varying the angle of incidence, as shown earlier in Fig. 3共b兲,
it has been possible to shift the photonic stop band wave-
length across the peak emission wavelength of 580 nm for
this dye. Figure 4 illustrates our experimental setup for the
study of the emission characteristics of the functionalized
FIG. 4. Schematic of the experimental arrangement used in the emission photonic crystals. The second harmonic 共532 nm兲 of a quasi-
continuous-wave Nd: YAG laser 共SOLAR TII: LF2210兲 was
the first order stop band position is obtained at 0.65 a / ␭ in used for excitation. The pulse duration and repetition rate of
the nondyed PS photonic crystal, and at 0.7 a / ␭ for the dyed the laser were approximately 30 ns and 4 kHz, respectively.
PS photonic crystal. This implies a slight shift to the high- The laser beam with a diameter of 4 mm at the exit mirror
frequency region for the dyed PS when compared with the and a power of 5 mW was focused on the sample with a lens
bare PS, due to the change in the dielectric constant of the of focal length 400 mm, so as to result in a spot size of
polymer after the dye is incorporated in it. 50 ␮m. The emission from the dyed photonic crystal was
We have done the angle-resolved reflection spectroscopy collected at several angles 共at a distance of 100 mm from the
using unpolarized light to map the photonic stop band at sample surface兲 and detected by a spectrometer 共Ocean Op-
different angles of incidence. This study will enable us to tics, USB4000兲. This angle-resolved emission has been re-
ensure that the stop band position overlaps with the emission corded by moving the detector at different angles 共␪兲 with
profile of the dye in the experiment described in the next respect to the direction of the incident excitation beam. The
section. The results of angle-resolved reflectance measure- sample position and the excitation beam direction 关normal to
ments are shown in Fig. 3共b兲. With an increase in the angle the 共111兲 plane兴 were kept fixed. The advantage of this setup
of incidence 共␪兲, the photonic stop band shifts toward the is that the same position of the sample is probed throughout
shorter wavelength region as governed by the modified the measurements with the probed sample volume being a
Bragg’s law.6 The angle-resolved reflection spectra recorded constant. This enables a direct comparison between the emis-
at different angles from 8° to 45° show that the full width at sion spectra measured at different angles of the detector po-
half maximum and the peak reflectance remain constant. sition.
This is a direct indication of the superior quality of the pho- In Fig. 5共a兲, the emission spectra obtained at five differ-
tonic crystals fabricated using this self-assembling method. ent angles 共␪ = 4°, 15°, 30°, 45°, and 60°兲 of the detector are
At an angle of incidence of 60° 关shown in Fig. 3共b兲, extreme shown by solid lines. The effect of the dark current of the
left兴 the peak reflectance reduces, and the shape of the spec- detector has been subtracted. We can see that the emission
trum changes drastically. This is due to multiple Bragg dif- profile changes when the detection angle is varied. Reflec-
fractions involving many crystal planes at higher angles of tance data R␪共␭兲 measured at ␪ = 8°, 15°, 30°, and 45° in the
incidence.24 It may be seen that, in the case of 60° incidence, same sample are also plotted by dotted lines 共here, the re-
a photonic stop band is not present in the emission wave- flectance at 8° is plotted with the emission at 4°兲. It should
length range of 550–650 nm of the RhB dye. be noted that the positions of the reflectance peaks coincide
with those of the dips in the emission, indicating that the
C. Emission studies with functionalized photonic emission spectra are affected by the presence of the band
gap. At an angle of incidence of 4° and 15°, the dip in emis-
For the clear features of the photonic crystal environ- sion spectrum is at the red end of the spectrum where the
ment to emerge in the emission studies, the excitation wave- photonic stop band is present for those incident angles. At

FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Experimen-

tally measured emission intensity
共solid line兲 and percentage of reflec-
tion 共dotted line兲 as a function of
wavelength, at incident angles of 4°,
15°, 30°, 45°, and 60°. 共b兲 Detection
angle dependence of emission ob-
tained from the model.

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the incident angle of 30°, the dip in emission shifts toward angles with respect to the direction of excitation. The emis-
the blue side of the spectrum where the photonic stop band is sion profile could be analyzed from the measured angle de-
present, while the emission spectrum has recovered in the red pendence of the reflectance of these samples and was found
part. This clearly shows that the dip observed is due to the to follow a simple functional form, which is a product of the
photonic band gap effect, and the light emitted from the pho- intrinsic emission with the angle-resolved transmittance.
tonic crystals has a directional nature.
In order to explain the detection angle dependence of the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
emission, we apply two assumptions: 共a兲 The emission at 60° RVN and RV thank the Department of Science and Tech-
shows an intrinsic profile without being affected by the pho- nology and the University Grants Commission, Government
tonic band gap because the band gap moves to a wavelength of India, for financial support and are grateful for the use of
range much lower than the emission wavelength and 共b兲 the characterization facilities at the MEMS Department and
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Fig. 5共b兲, the function F␪共␭兲 given by IIT Bombay. RVN and RV also thank Professor S. S. Major
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