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1923504 Abhimanyu
1923684 Saumik Deb
1923527 Ekshika DR

Despite good revenue, Aneta was struggling from lack of rapport

physicians and customers. Also, from poor reputation. Main cause for
such issues was due to its culture.
The culture encouraged the employees to be tolerant of risk and
mediocrity averse as well as to value the outsiders.
The mindset they created was that employees would be cared for it if
they showed up to work and dint cause any trouble.
This causes the employees to focus only on what is told and not to do
any thing more than that, it hence creates a very conservative
company culture.
A cultural clash takes place when Aneta merged with the US
healthcare, it is so because the organizational culture of both the
companies were opposites. US healthcare moved on with more
aggressive ways as opposed to Aneta’s passive approach.
When a new CEO joined Aneta, he came about with a different
approach in order to bring a change in the employee engagement and
organizational behaviour.
The new CEO decides to take the time to understand the employee’s
perspectives on the execution of changes.
After taking this holistic approach, the actual problem was identified.
He then introduced a new way to improve the company’s happenings,
not only by cutting costs. He declared that they would peruse “the
new Aneta” which aimed to build the company’s brand name in a
positive aspect.
While redesigning Antea’s culture, it was ensured that the strengths
were preserved while bringing about small changes that would make a
huge impact and help in rebranding of the company.
They tried to improve the employees’ pride in the company, to make
them feel proud about being a part of the company.
After making necessary changes Aneta’s employees felt energized
and enthusiastic.
This in turn has helped improve the financial performance of the

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