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Table I
Installed Capacity 11.2 Generator Efficiency
(MW) 96%
Design Discharge 4.4 Turbine Efficiency
(m3/s) 90.00%
Min Release (m3/s) 0.158 Transformer Efficiency
Gross Head (m) 319 Combined Efficiency 85.54%
Outage + Losses + Self Consumption (%) 5%

Irrigation Requirement m3/s

0 for Baisakh & Kartik
Table II
Month No. of Discharge for Net Head (m) Average Monthly Maximum Monthly Generation Outage
Power Power Monthly Power before Outage &
Generation Losses Total Contract
Days* River Discharge (m /sec)
(m /sec)
(KW) (KW) (MWh) Including Losses
(MWh) (MWh)
31 4.8 4.40 299.82 11065 11065 8,232,360 411,618 7,820,742
31 7.1 4.40 299.82 11065 11065 8,232,360 411,618 7,820,742
32 15.79 4.40 299.82 11065 11065 8,497,920 424,896 8,073,024
31 22.02 4.40 299.82 11065 11065 8,232,360 411,618 7,820,742
31 18.47 4.40 299.82 11065 11065 8,232,360 411,618 7,820,742
31 9.25 4.40 299.82 11065 11065 8,232,360 411,618 7,820,742
30 3.1 2.88 303.80 7347 11065 5,289,961 264,498 5,025,463
29 2.12 1.96 305.57 5031 7347 3,501,525 175,076 3,326,449
30 1.76 1.60 306.05 4114 5031 2,962,277 148,114 2,814,163
29 1.58 1.42 306.25 3654 4114 2,543,450 127,172 2,416,277
30 1.68 1.53 306.14 3931 5589 2,829,973 141,499 2,688,474
30 2.34 2.18 305.24 5589 11065 4,024,083 201,204 3,822,879
365 70,810,989 3,540,549 67,270,439

gf]6 M* o; 6]andf lbOPsf] eGbf km/s lbg ;+Vof k/]sf dlxgfx?df o; 6]ansf] cfwf/df lg:sg] k|lt lbgsf] sG6«ofS6 OghL{n] dlxgfsf] jf:tljs lbg ;
+VofnfO{ u'0ff u/L ;f] dlxgfsf] sG6«ofS6 OghL{ lgwf{/0f ul/g]5 .
;+VofnfO{ u'0ff u/L ;f] dlxgfsf] sG6«ofS6 OghL{ lgwf{/0f ul/g]5 .

Table III

;'Vvf ofdsf] s"n OghL{ 11,741,794

aiff{ ofdsf] s"n OghL{ 55,528,646
hDdf (MWh) 67,270,439
Hydro-Consult Engineering
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project (TKHP)

Headloss calculation

Weir axis 3009.5 masl

NWL at forebay 3008.89 masl Invert lvl at start 2990.60 Invert lvl at end 2989
Turbine center level 2620 masl Tunnel slope 0.00 1133.1
Gross Head 388.89 m
Length of headrace pipe 405 m frictional factor 0.011
Dia of headrace pipe 1.35 m
area of headrace pipe 1.4 sq.m
Length of headrace tunnel 1813 m manning's
coefficient for
unlined tunnel
Dia of headrace tunnel 2 m 0.025 40
Cross scetional area of tunnel 3.6 sq.m
Wetted perimeter 7.1 m
Hydraulic Radius 0.500 m
Length of Penstock Pipe 1 533 m length Pipe 2 235 Bend coeff.
Dia of Penstock Pipe 1 1.25 m Diameter pipe 2 1.10 0.299 1.092
Area of penstock pipe 1 1.2 sq.m Area pipe 2 0.95
Design Discharge 4.2 cumecs
Headloss due Headloss due to Headloss due to Bend Loss Entrance &
Flow velocity in Flow velocity in Flow velocity in Flow velocity in Loss in Branch ,valve & Total
Month River Discharge Adopted discharge to friction in friction in friction in Penstock in headrace fine trashrack Net head
Headrace pipe Headrace Tunnel Penstock pipe 1 Penstock pipe 2 penstock other losses headloss
Headrace pipe Headrace Tunnel pipe pipe loss
cumnecs cumecs m/s m m/s m m/s m/s m m m m m m
Baishakh 2.96 2.76 1.93 0.63 0.77 1.71 2.25 2.91 2.23 0.06 0.37 0.09 1.01 6.10 382.79
Jestha 4.15 4.01 2.80 1.32 1.12 3.61 3.27 4.22 4.70 0.12 0.78 0.20 1.01 11.74 377.15
Ashadh 5.35 4.20 2.93 1.45 1.18 3.95 3.42 4.42 5.14 0.13 0.86 0.22 1.01 12.76 375.88
Shrawan 7.27 4.20 2.93 1.45 1.18 3.95 3.42 4.42 5.14 0.13 0.86 0.22 1.01 12.76 375.88
Bhadra 8.54 4.20 2.93 1.45 1.18 3.95 3.42 4.42 5.14 0.13 0.86 0.22 1.01 12.76 375.88
Ashwin 6.26 4.20 2.93 1.45 1.18 3.95 3.42 4.42 5.14 0.13 0.86 0.22 1.01 12.76 375.88
Kartik 3.40 3.20 2.24 0.84 0.90 2.30 2.61 3.37 2.99 0.08 0.50 0.13 1.01 7.85 381.04
Mangsir 1.66 1.52 1.06 0.19 0.43 0.52 1.24 1.60 0.68 0.02 0.11 0.03 1.01 2.56 386.33
Paush 1.44 1.30 0.91 0.14 0.36 0.38 1.06 1.37 0.50 0.01 0.08 0.02 1.01 2.14 386.75
Magh 1.37 1.23 0.86 0.12 0.35 0.34 1.00 1.30 0.44 0.01 0.07 0.02 1.01 2.02 386.87
Fagun 1.50 1.36 0.95 0.15 0.38 0.42 1.11 1.43 0.54 0.01 0.09 0.02 1.01 2.25 386.64
Chaitra 2.00 1.86 1.30 0.28 0.52 0.78 1.52 1.96 1.01 0.03 0.17 0.04 1.01 3.32 385.57
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project (TKHP)

Energy calculation (0 to 5 years)

Installed 13.60 Generator

Capacity Efficiency
Design 4.2 Turbine
Discharge Efficiency
Min Release 0.14 Transformer
(m3/s) Efficiency

Gross Head 388.89 Combined
(m) Efficiency
Outage + Self Consumption (%) 5%

for Baisakh &
0 m3/s Kartik

Monthly Monthly
Discharge for Average Average Line loss PH Power Energy
River Generation Outage + Self Generation Net Energy
Month No. of Days Power Net Head Monthly Monthly to Kobang available at received at
Discharge before Outage consumption after Outage for Revenue
Generation Power Power after G SS Kobang SS Kobang SS
& Losses & Losses

(m3/sec) (m3/sec) (m) (KW) (MWh) (KW) (KW) (kWh) kW kW MWh MWh

Baisakh 31 2.96 2.76 382.79 9108 6,708,765 451 8566 6,373,327 126.00 8440.30 6279.58 5779.10
Jestha 31 4.15 4.01 377.15 13034 9,600,238 645 12258 9,120,226 257.00 12001.37 8929.02 8217.38
Ashadh 32 5.35 4.20 375.88 13595 10,336,702 673 12786 9,819,867 279.00 12507.28 9605.59 8840.03
Shrawan 31 7.27 4.20 375.88 13595 10,013,680 673 12786 9,512,996 279.00 12507.28 9305.42 8563.78
Bhadra 31 8.54 4.20 375.88 13595 10,013,680 673 12786 9,512,996 279.00 12507.28 9305.42 8563.78
Ashwin 31 6.26 4.20 375.88 13595 10,013,680 673 12786 9,512,996 279.00 12507.28 9305.42 8563.78
Kartik 30 3.40 3.20 381.04 10510 7,491,862 520 9885 7,117,269 167.00 9718.10 6997.03 6439.37
Mangsir 29 1.66 1.52 386.33 5067 3,491,371 251 4766 3,316,802 39.00 4726.52 3289.66 3027.47
Paush 30 1.44 1.30 386.75 4340 3,093,350 215 4082 2,938,683 28.46 4053.04 2918.19 2685.61
Magh 29 1.37 1.23 386.87 4108 2,830,461 203 3863 2,688,938 25.49 3837.93 2671.20 2458.30
Fagun 30 1.50 1.36 386.64 4538 3,234,900 225 4268 3,073,155 31.11 4237.16 3050.76 2807.61
Chaitra 30 2.00 1.86 385.57 6186 4,409,296 306 5818 4,188,831 57.82 5760.00 4147.20 3816.67
Total 365 81,237,985 77,176,086 75,804.49 69,762.87
Net Dry Season Energy 11,768
Net WetSeason Energy 57,995
Total Energy (MWh) 69,763
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project (TKHP)

Energy calculation ( 6 to 10 years)

Installed Capacity 13.60 Generator Efficiency

Design Discharge 4.2 Turbine Efficiency
Min Release (m3/s) 0.14 Transformer Efficiency
Gross Head (m) 388.89 Combined Efficiency 86.91%
Outage + Self Consumption (%) 5%

for Baisakh &
0 m3/s Kartik

Monthly Monthly
Discharge for Average Average Line loss PH Power Energy
Generation Outage + Self Generation Net Energy
Month No. of Days River Discharge Power Net Head Monthly Monthly to Kobang available at received at
before Outage & consumption after Outage for Revenue
Generation Power Power after G SS Kobang SS Kobang SS
Losses & Losses

(m3/sec) (m3/sec) (m) (KW) (MWh) (KW) (KW) (kWh) kW kW MWh MWh

Baisakh 31 2.96 2.76 382.79 9108 6,708,765 451 8566 6,373,327 168.00 8398.30 6248.33 5812.20
Jestha 31 4.15 4.01 377.15 13034 9,600,238 645 12258 9,120,226 168.00 12090.37 8995.23 8367.37
Ashadh 32 5.35 4.20 375.88 13595 10,336,702 673 12786 9,819,867 168.00 12618.28 9690.84 9014.42
Shrawan 31 7.27 4.20 375.88 13595 10,013,680 673 12786 9,512,996 168.00 12618.28 9388.00 8732.72
Bhadra 31 8.54 4.20 375.88 13595 10,013,680 673 12786 9,512,996 168.00 12618.28 9388.00 8732.72
Ashwin 31 6.26 4.20 375.88 13595 10,013,680 673 12786 9,512,996 168.00 12618.28 9388.00 8732.72
Kartik 30 3.40 3.20 381.04 10510 7,491,862 520 9885 7,117,269 77.13 9807.97 7061.74 6568.83
Mangsir 29 1.66 1.52 386.33 5067 3,491,371 251 4766 3,316,802 34.72 4730.80 3292.64 3062.81
Paush 30 1.44 1.30 386.75 4340 3,093,350 215 4082 2,938,683 23.21 4058.29 2921.97 2718.02
Magh 29 1.37 1.23 386.87 4108 2,830,461 203 3863 2,688,938 18.32 3845.10 2676.19 2489.39
Fagun 30 1.50 1.36 386.64 4538 3,234,900 225 4268 3,073,155 21.20 4247.07 3057.89 2844.45
Chaitra 30 2.00 1.86 385.57 6186 4,409,296 306 5818 4,188,831 42.83 5774.99 4157.99 3867.77
Total 365 81,237,985 77,176,086 76,266.84 70,943.41
Net Dry Season Energy 11,920
Net WetSeason Energy 59,024
Total (MWh) 70,943
Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project (TKHP)

Energy calculation (After 10 years)

Installed Capacity 13.60 Generator Efficiency

Design Discharge 4.2 Turbine Efficiency
Min Release (m3/s) 0.14 Transformer Efficiency
Gross Head (m) 388.89 Combined Efficiency 86.91%
Outage + Self Consumption (%) 5%

for Baisakh &
0 m3/s Kartik

Monthly Monthly
Discharge for Average Average Line loss PH Power Energy
Generation Outage + Self Generation Net Energy
Month No. of Days River Discharge Power Net Head Monthly Monthly to Kobang available at received at
before Outage & consumption after Outage for Revenue
Generation Power Power after G SS Kobang SS Kobang SS
Losses & Losses

(m3/sec) (m3/sec) (m) (KW) (MWh) (KW) (KW) (kWh) kW kW MWh MWh

Baisakh 31 2.96 2.76 382.79 9108 6,708,765 451 8566 6,373,327 168.00 8398.30 6248.33 5879.06
Jestha 31 4.15 4.01 377.15 13034 9,600,238 645 12258 9,120,226 168.00 12090.37 8995.23 8463.62
Ashadh 32 5.35 4.20 375.88 13595 10,336,702 673 12786 9,819,867 168.00 12618.28 9690.84 9118.11
Shrawan 31 7.27 4.20 375.88 13595 10,013,680 673 12786 9,512,996 168.00 12618.28 9388.00 8833.17
Bhadra 31 8.54 4.20 375.88 13595 10,013,680 673 12786 9,512,996 168.00 12618.28 9388.00 8833.17
Ashwin 31 6.26 4.20 375.88 13595 10,013,680 673 12786 9,512,996 168.00 12618.28 9388.00 8833.17
Kartik 30 3.40 3.20 381.04 10510 7,491,862 520 9885 7,117,269 77.13 9807.97 7061.74 6644.39
Mangsir 29 1.66 1.52 386.33 5067 3,491,371 251 4766 3,316,802 34.72 4730.80 3292.64 3098.04
Paush 30 1.44 1.30 386.75 4340 3,093,350 215 4082 2,938,683 23.21 4058.29 2921.97 2749.28
Magh 29 1.37 1.23 386.87 4108 2,830,461 203 3863 2,688,938 18.32 3845.10 2676.19 2518.02
Fagun 30 1.50 1.36 386.64 4538 3,234,900 225 4268 3,073,155 21.20 4247.07 3057.89 2877.17
Chaitra 30 2.00 1.86 385.57 6186 4,409,296 306 5818 4,188,831 42.83 5774.99 4157.99 3912.26
Total 365 81,237,985 77,176,086 76,266.84 71,759.47
Net Dry Season Energy 12,057
Net WetSeason Energy 59,703
Total (MWh) 71,759
Bend loss in headrace pipe
(Refer:Hydraulic Design,Dagfinn Lysne, pg 98)

Horizontal Vertical Angle for
Bend Bend
Bend Detail bend bend reduction
coefficient coefficient coefficient
angle angle factor

SOP-0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.000

SOP-1 32.58 0.00 32.58 0.52 0.10 0.052
SOP-2 39.87 1.24 39.89 0.65 0.10 0.065
SOP-3 14.86 2.91 15.14 0.20 0.10 0.020
SOP-4 0.00 -4.76 4.76 0.10 0.10 0.010
SOP-5 15.68 0.00 15.68 0.30 0.10 0.030
SOP-6 16.50 0.00 16.50 0.32 0.10 0.032
SOP-7 69.25 0.00 69.25 0.90 0.10 0.090
Total bend losses 0.299

Bend loss in penstock pipe

Horizontal Vertical Angle for
Bend Bend loss
Bend Detail bend bend reduction
coefficient coefficient coefficient
angle angle factor

CAB01 60.75 0.00 60.75 0.84 0.10 0.084

CAB02 18.39 34.30 38.38 0.65 0.10 0.065
VAB03 0.00 -15.33 15.33 0.30 0.10 0.030
VAB04 0.00 -12.89 12.89 0.25 0.10 0.025
VAB05 0.00 32.46 32.46 0.52 0.10 0.052
VAB06 0.00 -4.06 4.06 0.10 0.10 0.010
VAB07 0.00 -8.01 8.01 0.18 0.10 0.018
CAB08 36.06 12.28 37.82 0.63 0.10 0.063
VAB09 0.00 11.80 11.80 0.22 0.10 0.022
VAB10 0.00 -9.16 9.16 0.20 0.10 0.020
VAB11 0.00 -23.00 23.00 0.42 0.10 0.042
VAB12 0.00 -12.09 12.09 0.25 0.10 0.025
CAB13 14.97 8.23 17.04 0.32 0.10 0.032
VAB14 30.00 -16.52 33.87 0.58 0.10 0.058
Total bend losses 0.546
Angle for Angle for
Redution Redution
Factor Factor Composite Reduction
Horizontal for Horz Vertical for Vert Reduction coefficient/fa
Bend Detail bend angle Bend bend angle Bend angle(θ) ctor
NTNU vol 8,
SOP 2 39.87 140.13 1.24 178.76 39.89 0.65 pp 98
SOP 3 14.86 165.14 2.91 177.09 15.14 0.20

Angle for Angle for

Redution Redution
Factor Factor Composite Reduction
Horizontal for Horz Vertical for Vert Reduction coefficient/fa
Bend Detail bend angle Bend bend angle Bend angle(θ) ctor
NTNU vol 8,
CAB02 18.39 161.61 34.30 145.70 38.38 0.65 pp 98
CAB08 36.06 143.94 12.28 167.72 37.82 0.63
CAB13 14.97 165.03 8.23 171.77 17.04 0.32
VAB14 30.00 150.00 -16.52 196.52 33.87 0.58
Job: Thapa Khola Hydroelectric Project (TKSHP) Job No:
Subject: System headloss Calculated By:
Date: 9/27/2020 Checked By:
Branching and Valve Losses
Design discharge, Q 4 m3/s
Length of branching (0.85 m dia ) 13.20 m
Length of branching (1.0 m dia) 5 m

Diameter D2 0.85 m
Diameter D1 1.2 m
Diameter D2 0.85 m
Diameter D3 0.7 m
Contraction coefficient for D1 and D2 0.209  D 

Velocity in D2 3.525 K br  0.421  2 

 D1 
Branch contarction loss between D1 and D2 0.132
Diameter D3 0.700
Contraction coefficient for D2 and D3 0.135
Velocity in D3 5.197
Branch contarction loss between D2 and D3 0.186

Friction coeff 0.011

Φ = 1.90 m
Velocity at 0.85m dia pipe 3.526
Friction loss in 0.85 dai pipe(D2) 0.108 D1
Friction loss in 0.65 dai pipe(D3) 0.108
Bend angle at unit I 30.000
Bend angle at unit 2 30.000
Φ = 0.85 m
Assumed Rb/D 3.000
Bend loss coeff for 90 bend
Reduction coeff for 30o 0.500 ˚Ө= 30 D2
Modified Reduction coeff for 37.5o 0.050
Bend loss for 30o bend angle 0.032
Reduction coeff for 30o 0.500 ˚Ө= 150
Modified Reduction coeff for 37.5o 0.050
Bend loss for 30o bend angle 0.032
Valve loss coeff (Butterfly Valve) 0.300 Φ=.0.7 Φ=0.7
Valve loss (Butterfly valves) 0.413 m m
Total loss in branch and valve 1.011

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