Western Political Thought

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WESTERN POLITICAL THOUGHT : Features and Relevance .qRdicat faeaet : fasreare wg “ordre | DR. SHAKEEL HUSAIN HEAD DEPT Of POLITICAL SCIENCE GOVT VYT PG AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE DURG . CHHATISGARH y _ . | ACCREDITED AS A+ By NAAC FEATURES OF WESTERN POLITICAL THOUGHT qrearer tareticay Rrectet a fastrang | - at SEARCH OF AN IDEAL POLITICAL SYSTEM — 31ett tat. camer #1 © 2-PHILOSOPHICAL VIEW OF IDEAL SYSTEM OR METAPHISICAL AND RELATION onetere a ue THINKING BOUT STATE AND INDIVIDUAL: RELATION aaa: aT Wt a o/s vou NATURE prepinphlveinal * 4 STATE AS MORAL INSTITUTION - Ut dicee Ven / POLITICAL THEORY AND CONCEPTS. warhftrs fraud o sree = 5- IMPORTANCE OF POLITICAL LIFE — wrareftfers afferat 1 Ra | = 6: POLITICAL INSTUTIONALISATION AND COMPARISION. Tateftfeas yeaa | c POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY , = POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY — tateftfcras aetet = Political philosophy is a comprehensive thought process about any certain idea or ideal political system , based on human nature and metaphysical and epistemologocal analysis of any certain idea or subSstilude of the system . FaHTe, HUTA sreRh TST AT Ba seater et =\ political philosophy includes political thought . Every political philosophy ‘litical thought but every political thought is not a political philosophy POLITICAL TOUGHT Uarelfaer PRrectet = Political thought is a thinking process about certain ideas regarding State, state- individial relation, political change, political activity, | political process, or political behaviour. tt is very nearer to political philosophy But every political thought can not be called political philosophy -!t may observation! Ike Mechiavelll, may empirical and sotentific, like Charls Merrium and Harold Laswell . porter Prec Tet, Tee va cated Foresite were, Torte ‘arferfertey, POLITICAL THEORY warhticn Ratied _Term THEORY is derived from Greek term THEORIA , which means a stage of certain thought . Thus political theory Is a systematic explaination of any political idea , political term, related to political activity, process, change, institutionalisation, political behaviour, based on a long thought process or political thought . tt has two types 1- Traditional political theory 2- modern political theory, which is based on empirical research and related to a certain political problem. RELEVANCE - wraferear = MAJOR, CONTENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE COMES FROM POLITICAL THOUGHT . CLASSICS OF POLITICAL PHILOSOPHERS FROM SOCRATES, PLATO TO MARX AND THINKERS OF 20™ CENTURY FROM AMERICA AND EUROPE LIKE BERLIN , RAWLS, HAYEK, HANNAH AREDNT, OAKSHOT, SARTRE, LEO STRAUSS, LASKI AND POLITICAL ACTIVIST LIKE LENIN, MAO, CHE GUERA , GANDHI AND EMPIRICAL SCIENTIST LIKE DAVID EASTON, ALMOND AND THEIR CONTEMPORARIES ARE THE MAJOR CONTRIBUTERS TO THE CONTENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE . KEY CONCEPTS OF POLITICAL SCIENCE LIKE STATE, SOVEREINTY, LIBERTY, ALITY, JUSTICE, RIGHT, PLURALISM, ete COMES FROM POLITICAL THOUGHT AND ILOSOPHY. abet a arreet athe 20a rat Rtas ata tree, eet, MEME, Seat ates, feral Fare, Serr arora frente atferer, serait, tapers war ariel eer ettrwat cht afte wares, site gad sree eorardta , gah Frere sity Retreat ‘covets Paratter fy areca fara eet B ASSIGNMENT - 71¢ 4 = Write a short note on political philosophy in 100 words with example. = Write a short note on the difference between political philosophy and political thought with example in 100 words . ‘= ‘What is political theory write in 100 words . = Make a distinction between modern and traditional political theory . = confine aut ot we atereaor Reqoft ferfere 100 erect At © corinne atte ah vorifan Rewer A mtererer atae Fares 100 seat 1 A laa atte amyfers crattfers fraured # star fare Frqured Fark 7 100 ereah a fora |

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