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Lecture 2


Given data as per the problem as follows:

Trail function, v(x) = c0 + c1x + c2x2 + c3x3
Flexural Rigidity (EI) = 1000 N-m2
Length of the beam, (L) = 1 m
Force applied at center of the beam, (P) = 1000 N
Spring constant or stiffness, (k) = 1000 N/m

The boundary conditions are at x = 0, v = 0, and x = 0, = 0

Apply this boundary condition in the above displacement equation, we will get
0 = c0 + c1 (0) + c2(0)2 + c3(0)3

c0¿ 0


= c1+ 2c2x+ 3c3x2 => 0= c1+ 2c2 (0)+ 3c3 (0)2

c1¿ 0

Therefore v(x) = c2x2 + c3x3

As we know that,
Rayleigh Ritz method, π = U - W
π= potential energy, U = strain energy & W = work done

U= W = P v(x)


Here, v(x) = c2x2+c3x3

= 2c2x + 3c3 x2

= 2c2+ 6c3 x
Substitute in the strain energy U,

Ubeam= = = 500

= 500

Similarly, the strain energy for spring at x = 1 m is given by

Uspring = k [v(x)]2 =  1000 (c2x2 + c3x3)2

= 500

The total strain energy, U = Ubeam + Uspring

U = 500 

= 500 

Work done,

Wbeam at x = 0.5 m = P v(x)

= – 1000  (c2x2 + c3x3)

= – 1000  (c2 (0.5)2 + c3 (0.5)3) = – 250 c2– 125 c3

As there is no load is applied on the spring, the potential of applied load on the spring is zero.

Wspring = 0

The total work done by the applied load is,

W = Wbeam+ Wspring = – 250 c2– 125 c3

We know that, minimum potential energy is equal to zero,

Therefore = 0
Substitute all the values here we will get,
π = + 250 c2+ 125 c3

Here, = 0& = 0 because 2 unknowns are present in displacement equation

= 0=> 5000 c2 + 7000 c3= – 250

= 0=> 7000 c2 + 13000 c3= – 125

After solving the above equations we will get
c2= – 0.1484
c3= 0.0703
The displacement function, v(x) =– 0.1484x +0.0703x3

Force in the spring at x = 1m
F = k  v(x) = 1000  (– 0.1484 (1)2 + 0.0703 (1)3)
F= –78.1N

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