Fem L1

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Lecture 1


Given data as per the problem as follows:

Displacement function, v(x) = cx(x – 1)
Flexural Rigidity (EI) = 1000 N-m2
Length of the beam, (L) = 1 m
Force applied at centre of the beam, (P) = 1000 N


The boundary conditions are, v (0) = 0, and v (1) = 0.

i.e. at x = 0, the approximate solution, v = 0
and at x = 1, the approximate solution, v = 0
Therefore the approximate solution satisfies the displacement boundary conditions.


As we know that,
Rayleigh Ritz method, π = U - W
π= potential energy, U = strain energy & W= work done

W = P v(x)
Here, v(x) = cx(x – 1) = cx2– cx
= 2cx – c
= 2c
After substitute in the strain energy U,
U = = 4c2
U = 2000c2

Work done,
W = P v(x)
= – 1000 [cx(x – 1)] at x = 0.5 m
= – 1000 [0.5 c (0.5 – 1)] = 250 c

We know that, minimum potential energy is equal to zero,

Therefore = 0

Substitute all the values here we will get,

π = U – W = 2000c2 – 250 c
= 0= 4000 c – 250
4000 c = 250
c= 0.0625
The displacement function, v(x) = 0.0625x(x – 1)

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