HolidayAssignment Class V

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HOLIDAY HOMEWORK ( 12th June, 2020)

CLASS -V (2020-21)


“Hope is seeing light inspite of being surrounded by darkness”.
This Holiday Assignment is based on the lessons that we have already
learned and PPT are already uploaded for your reference.
General instructions:
❖ Revise the lessons learned in Social Studies (Refer PPT uploaded)

Complete the given work on A4 size sheets (white/coloured) or

A4 size Chart paper (any colour) or
Make scrapbook or booklet.
❖ Label your holiday homework by writing your name, class-section, and
❖ Handwritten work will be appreciated instead of printouts.


During lockdown you must have noticed that your parents are involved in lot many
activities of daily household chores.
➢ Make a list of various household tasks during lockdown period that your
parents did.
➢ How are those tasks/ work divided among your family members?
➢ What is your contribution in it ? ( like helping your parents in doing small
help/ taking care of your small things).
➢ Note down/list the ways you are helping every family member in daily
household chores?
Resources are rare, yet very important.
During Covid-19 lockdown you must have noticed that only essential items are
brought by your family. List down the goods which are luxurious and were bought
by you and your family before lockdown but not during lockdown.
➢ Divide items into 2 categories: Necessities and Luxuries
➢ Make an analysis why it is important to spend money sensibly on the
Be a child Conservationist !!

Follow the three Rs to protect the environment.

1. Make use of old newspapers, magazines,greeting cards,empty tins,bottles
and envelope to make intresting things. Below are some ideas for you to make
any one out the three.
➢ Cover an old cardboard box with colourful paper or fabric and make an
attractive ‘Storage box’ for keeping your story books, newspapers,
stationery, toys, etc.
➢ Old envelopes and greeting cards to make ‘bookmarks’.
➢ Fold old newspapers on both sides and paste with fevicol. Fold inside
from the mouth of the bag. Punch holes and thread a colourful string to
hold your bag.
“What did you make and how was it useful for you”

2. Suggest any three ways by which old things in the house can be used again
and again by you or someone else. Example; giving your old school books to
a needy child saves paper.
Imaginative Skills!!

1. Imagine that you are going for a desert caravan with your family searching for
an oasis. Suddenly, one of you spots an oasis.
How you feel about it?
What would be the reactions of the people in your family?
What will you do when you reach the oasis?

Imagine you have gone on a holiday to a desert. While you are out in the desert,
and sand storm blows up.
Describe what the sand storm was like,
What you felt, and
How you managed to get back safely to the family.

2. Imagine that each one of us wastes about 10% of our water consumption in our
day to day use. If this wastage of water is stopped, what will be the advantages to
the society and the Country ? Wrte three or four lines on your findings.

Think of a catchy slogan to make a attractive poster. ( choose any one)

Save paper and save trees OR Save and conserve water

Do a project on any one form of the Pollution.

You can choose from Land, Water, Air or Noise Pollution. You can
also work on Deforestation.
Explain: What it is, how it is affecting the environment and what
each of us can do to prevent it.
Map Activity

Cut the pieces from the outline world map and paste it in the chart
paper or paper plate to show Continents and Oceans.You can use
some other ideas as well.
You can also draw and do colouring.

Here are some ideas for you.


Project-Model Making!!

Make a miniature model of a volcano


This video is for reference only. You can make a volcano with your own
ideas as well.

Happy Holidays !

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