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Pre-service Teacher name: Date:

Lauren Brine 30/05/19

Year level/ age range & number of students: Highlight planning process:
Reception and Year 1, 26 students Planned collaboratively with Supervising Teacher
Estimated duration of activity: Planned collaboratively with peer
Planned independently based on ST lessons
20 mins Planned Independently
Deconstruction of Supervising Teacher’s lesson
Learning area: (E.g. English, Mathematics, Science, Health & Physical Education, Humanities & Social Sciences, The Arts, Technologies and


Specific Topic: (including Australian Curriculum content descriptor)

- Sort, describe and name familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects in the
environment (ACMMG009)

Learning intentions: (Descriptions of what learners should understand and be able to do by the end of a learning period, the
‘what and why’ of the learning task: ‘We are learning to …. (learning intention ‘what) so that we can …… (learning intention

The students will learn to recognise a range of two dimensional and three dimensional shapes in their
everyday environments.

Success criteria for students: (clear and specific measures of how students have met the learning intentions, i.e. how they
are going with the task, this can include both learning content and strategies; ‘I know that I can do this when I have ……)

I know that the students have an understanding of this learning intention when they can effectively discuss
and identify some of the shapes that they can see around the classroom (such as the whiteboard, clock etc.)

Preparation/ organisation/ resources:

(What range of resources will I need for the students to engage in the activity? Where will I access the resources from?)

‘No-Bot : The Robot with no bottom’ by Sue Hendra, Missing Poster, ‘I found Bernard’s bottom’ worksheet
(Year 1’s), ‘What Shapes can you find on Bernard?’ Worksheet (Receptions), ‘Build your own robot’
Worksheet (Receptions and Year 1’s)

Differentiation: (Are there any students that I need to personalise the activity for)

The teacher will observe the activity positioning themselves near students who may need extra support in
focusing on the task or behavioural situations.
The teacher will utilise the SSO’s to work with Ama and Oscar to support them in their task

Supervising Teacher feedback:

Lesson running schedule: Time frames
What will I do? What will the students do? (Approximate time frames
What range of teaching strategies will I use? will need to be flexible
What skills and strategies will be used by students? and tweak these in
How will I support inclusion of all students? response to context)
Transition: (physical shift/ mind shift: how will I transition students from previous activity to this 2-3 minutes
activity in an orderly and time efficient manner? How will I gain and focus their attention?)

The teacher will have the students sit on the mat and ask the students to name some 2D
and 3D shapes that they can think of.

Introduction: (hook/ tuning in: how will I gain the interest of the students in the topic?) 3 minutes

The teacher will read ‘No-Bot : The Robot with no bottom’ to the students.

Utilising the front cover of the book the teacher will ask the students to point out some
shapes they can see on Bernard.

Pre-service Teacher facilitated mini-lesson: (explicit teaching & modelling of topic content, 7 minutes
strategies and learning focus, explanation of learning intentions) Adapt to less time for
younger children)
The teacher will point to the ‘Missing’ poster up on the board and ask the students to
name some of the shapes that they can see on Bernard’s bottom and have them discuss
some items that they can think of that are the same shape.
The teacher will introduce the worksheet to the Year 1’s and explain to the students how
they have to make their own Bernard Bottom using shapes around them.

The Receptions will discuss the shapes on Bernard a bit more writing the names of the
shapes on the board to aid them in writing down the names of the shapes that they found.

- Sit near Oscar to help keep him on task
- Aid students in spelling words by utilising phonics to have the students sound out
words they are unsure of

Student focussed work period: (Students collaborative or independent student work period; 10-15 minutes
how will students engage with the topic, how will I check all students understand the activity, how
will I use proximity to determine their understanding and give specific feedback relating to success

The students will search around the classroom for shapes that they could use to make
their own Bernard bottom. Having active discussion with each other to find some other
items that they could use that other students found.

Once the students have completed their respective tasks the teacher will give them the
‘Build your own robot’ worksheet where the students will have to use every shape that
they know in their drawing.

Conclusion WWW reflection: (How will I transition students to the close of the activity? How 5 minutes
will I determine if they fulfilled the success criteria and learning intentions? How will I include
student voice and my feedback on what worked well ‘WWW’ in relation to learning and the
learning strategies they used?)

The teacher will close the activity by having the students paste their worksheets into their
books before bringing them back to the mat to discuss the activity and how they found
searching for shapes in their environment.

After the discussion the teacher will play a video on shapes in real life:

Did the lesson go as planned? Did I organise and manage the activity well?
Did I use effective communication? Did I provide clear directions?
Did the students achieve the specific learning intentions? Were there any students that I needed to differentiate the activity for?
How would I improve in my next planned activity?

This lesson went much better than I expected. Both the Year 1’s and receptions were able to actively find and identify
shapes in the classroom and were able to create Bernard’s bottom by using these. With support from the Relief
teacher in that day I was able to have the activity set up before the students returned from Recess with the book,
worksheets and Missing poster on the board. Having the MISSING poster on the board when the students came in
turned out to be a good choice as the students saw the poster and became interested as to the reason why it was on
the board. Furthermore, the ‘No-Bot : The Robot with no bottom’ was a great choice as the students were interested
in the story and found it quite hilarious and the students were also able to find clear shapes on Bernard (the robot).

Next time I might incorporate a more simple activity for Ama who quickly became disinterested in the activity and
began to do her own thing, distracting the other students and making them want to finish sooner so that they could
do other activities of their choice.

Pre-service teacher sign: Date:

Supervising Teacher sign: Date:

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