A Very Warm Good Morning To The Teachers and My Dear Friends

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A very warm good morning to the teachers and my dear friends.

I wish to
share with you on “Ways to keep fit”

Firstly, we need a good habit especially healthy eating habits. We can start
healthy eating based on food pyramid. According to food pyramid, we
need to eat the most of vegetables and fruits. They contain 含有 a lot of
fibers 纤维. They are good on digesting.

Secondly, we should 应该 exercise regularly. Exercises keep us fit and

burn the body fats. It is the speediest way to weight down. Like me, I like
swimming. It makes me have a good shape of my body.

Lastly, don’t forget to relax. Stressful always gains our weight. According
to survey 调查,most of the people release 释放 their stress by eating
especially sweeten food. It is the easiest way to gain weight. So, relax
yourself and keep the obesity away from you.

I hope you learned something new. Thank you.

The phenomena 现象 of global warming 全球暖化 is

becoming more seriously. Global warming, also known as
也被称为 climate change 气候变化, is caused by
pollution 是由污染造成的.
The earth is our home. As the residents of the earth, we
should attach great importance 重视 to this phenomenon.
I would like to suggest 建议 a few ways to help curb
pollution 帮助遏制污染.
First 首先, everyone should work together to clean up
the rubbish in the river. The government 政府 should
impose a hefty fine 强加罚款 on those who throw rubbish
into the river.
Another way to reduce 减少 the pollution is to stop open
burning 露天焚烧. The related department 有关当局 should
put up posters 张贴海报 to warn 警告 about 关于 the
dangers of open burning 露天焚烧的危险.
Next, everyone should practice recycling 实践回收. The
related department should put recycling bins in public areas.
Finally 最后,I suggest that some groups organize bazaars
市场 that sell second-hand items. This is a good way for
everyone to get rid of unwanted items. 摆脱不需要的物

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