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0 Design of Substructure
1.1 Design of Abutment
Section of Abutment
0.25 0.4 1.5 254.50 Deck Level

1.5 A6 A7 0.5 3.0
A3 0.7
A5 0.5 251.00 Cap Level
3.0 A2 1.0

3.5 0.2 249.50 HFL

3.50 246.70 LBL

Y 0.97 A1 0.13 243.77 MSL
0.50 4.53
x A4
A 243.57 SBL
1.20 0.70
1.80 A8
T 241.77 FBL
Assume footing base level at 241.77 m and depth of footing as 1.8 m. SBL = Stem Bottom Level
FBL = Footing Bottom Level
MSL = Maximum Scour Level
Material Properties Abt. Stem Cap, back wall
Concrete grade (fck) 20 25 N/mm²
Steel grade (fe) 500 500 N/mm²
Allowable stress of steel in tension and shear Sst = 240 240 N/mm²
Allowable stress of steel in direct compression Ssc = 205 205 N/mm²
Allowable compressive stress in concrete in flexure Scbc = 6.67 8.33 N/mm²
Allowable comp. stress in concrete in direct compression Scc = 5 6.25 N/mm²
Modular ratio (m) m= 10 10
Neutral axis factor k= 0.217 0.258
j= 0.928 0.914
The resisting moment coefficient R= 0.672 0.982
IRC:21-2000, 303.2.1, Table 9,10
High Flood Level 249.50 m
Maximum scour level for abutment 243.77 m
Total depth of longitudinal girder including slab 3.00 m
Clear free board 2.00 m
Level of deck surface 254.50 m
Thickness of abutment cap 1.00 m
Abutment stem bottom level/ top level of footing (SBL) 243.57 m
Thickness of footing 1.80 m
Footing bottom level (FBL) ( 2m Below Max Scour Depth) 241.77 m
Thickness of bearing+ pedestal 0.50 m
Hence the total height of abutment H= 10.93 m
As per IRC : 6-2000, 217.1 for equivalent live load surcharge Hs= 1.2 m

Equivalent height of abutment H eq= 12.13 m

Length of abutment L= 11.00 m
Span Length 40 m S40

1 of 17 Abt_stem Rui Bridge_Final_ Print

Approach slab Dimensions
Thickness of Approach slab 0.3 m
Length of approach slab 3.50 m
Width of approach slab 11 m
Ballast Wall
Width of Ballast wall 0.4 m
Length of Ballast wall 11 m
Wing Wall
Thickness of wing wall 0.4 m
Soil Data & Seismic Data
Unit weight of backfill soil  18 kN/m³
Unit weight of concrete w_conc 24 kN/m³
Horizontal seismic coefficient aH 0.15
Vertical seismic coefficient an 0.075
Angle between the wall and earth  0
Angle of internal friction of soil  32
Angle of friction between soil and wall  21
Analysis and Design of Abutment Stem
Area and C.G Calculation with respect to bottom of stem point A

Symbol Area (m2) CG-X CG-Y Volume,m3 Weight (KN)

A1 7.72 1.10 3.21 84.88 2037.02
A2 1.90 0.95 6.93 20.90 501.60
A3 1.40 0.20 9.18 15.40 369.60
A4 2.25 1.93 2.14 24.76 594.13
A5 5.25 -1.17 8.43 4.20 100.80
A6 5.25 -1.75 10.18 4.20 100.80
A7 0.13 -0.13 10.38 1.38 33.00
Total 23.89 155.71 3736.96
C.G from A 0.97 4.53
Distance of C.G from superstructure load point = 0.13
Forces on the Abutment
Total Dead Load from superstructure 4280.0 KN
Total Critical Live load including impact 1269.3 KN
Earth Pressure force (Including live load surcharge) [IRC:6-2000, 217.1]
Total Static earth pressure = 0.5*  * H² * tan²(45° - /2)*L = 3633.95 KN
Which act at a distance from abutment base (0.42*H) 4.59 m
Due to live load surcharge =  * Hs*H * tan²(45° - /2)*L = 797.94 KN
Which act at a distance from abutment base (0.5*H) 5.46 m
Total earth pressure= 4431.89 KN
Total moment= 21042.78 KNm
Effect of buyoncy [IRC:6-2000, 216.4 (a)]
Area of stem at top = 13.2 m²
Depth of submerged part of abutment = 5.93 m
Area of stem at base = 20.9 m²
Area of stem at HFL = 13.80 m²
Volume of submerged part of abutment = 102.88 m³
Net upward force due to buyoncy = -1028.82 kN
Breaking Force:[ IRC:6-2000, 214.2]
Braking force = 20% of the weight of the design vehicle (Class 70R)
And this force acts along the bridge at 1.2m above the road level 12.13 m from base
Total weight of the IRC Class 70R vehicle = 1000 kN
Therefore braking force = 200 kN

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Frictional force due to resistance of bearings
Type of Bearings: PoT
CG of 70R load from the support having max. reaction 5.12 m
The bridge is subjected to breaking load at high above bearing level) 4.7 m
Breaking Load ( Fh) 200 kN
Reaction at support having max. reaction (A) 872.0 kN
Reaction at other support (B) 128.0 kN
Addition force due to support due to braking load + 23.50 kN
Total reaction at support A 848.50 kN
Total reaction at support B 151.50 kN
Dead load reaction at the end suppor B, (free end) 4280.00 kN
µ for pot and ptfe bearings, steel bearings (0.03 or 0.05 whicheve governs) 0.03
Horizontal force due to friction (Ff), µ(Rg+Rb) 132.95 kN
At fixed bearing
Horizontal force, greater of the following: (Non-Seismic) (Seismic)
Full LL No LL
Fh-Ff 67.06 kN 1351.06 1151.06
or 1/2Fh+Ff 232.945 kN 874.945 774.945
So, Horizontal force at the fixed bearing in abutment 232.95 kN 1351.06 1151.06
(i) No Seismic Case:
Force on fixed bearings 232.95 kN
Force on free bearings 132.95 kN

(ii) Seismic Case: Longitudinal

Seismic force in longitudinal direction due to Dead Load 1284 kN
Braking force 200 kN
Total longitudinal force, Fh 1484 kN
Force on fixed bearings 1351.06 kN
Force on free bearings 132.95 kN

Seismic Forces on Abutment :

Seismic Forces Due to backfill and approach slab are also considered.
Horizontal seismic forces:
Superstructure: 642.00 kN
Abutment: 560.54 kN
Backfill soil: 664.78 kN
This forces will act at 0.5 H 5.46 m
Vertical seismic forces:
Superstructure: 321.00 kN
Abutment: 280.27 kN
Loads and Moment Calculation
The transverce forces and moments are not calculated since it will not be critical due to high moment of inertia.
Taking moment about CG of structure

Load Coefficient Vertical Horizontal Lever Horizontal Vertical Moment

IRC:078-2000 force (kN) arm, (m) force (kN) Lever arm,(m) (kN.m)

Combination I Dry case, Non-seismic

Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 0.13 537.10
Live load 1 1269.30 0.13 159.29
Abutment 1 3736.96 0.00 0.00
Soil mass 1 4431.89 21042.78
Tractive/Braking force 1 0.00
Longitudinal forces 1 232.95 7.93 1847.25
Total 9286.26 4664.84 23586.42

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Combination II Dry case, Seismic
Non seismic forces
Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 0.13 537.10
Live load 1 1269.30 0.13 159.29
Abutment 1 3736.96 0.00 0.00
Soil mass 1 4431.89 21042.78
Longitudinal forces 1 1351.06 7.93 10713.87
Additional seismic forces
Superstructure 1 321.00 0.13 0.00 7.93 40.28
Abutment 1 280.27 0.00 560.54 4.53 2536.48
Soil mass 1 664.78 5.46 3633.05
Total 9887.53 7008.28 38662.84
Combination III Flooded case, Non-seismic
Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 0.13 537.10
Live load 1 1269.30 0.13 159.29
Abutment 1 3736.96 0.00 0.00
Soil mass 1 4431.89 21042.78
Longitudinal forces 1 232.95 7.93 1847.25
Buyoncy 1 -1028.82
Total 8257.44 4664.84 23586.42
Combination IV Flooded case, Seismic
Non seismic forces
Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 0.13 537.10
Live load 1 1269.30 0.13 159.29
Abutment 1 3736.96 0.00 0.00
Soil mass 1 4431.89 21042.78
Longitudinal forces 1 1351.06 7.93 10713.87
Buyoncy 1 -1028.82
Additional seismic forces
Superstructure 1 321.00 0.13 0.00 7.93 40.28
Abutment 1 280.27 0.00 560.54 4.53 2536.48
Soil mass 1 664.78 5.46 3633.05
Total 8858.71 7008.28 38662.84
Maximum Loads 9887.53 7008.28 38662.84

Based on above comparision the abutment will be designed for the critical values of non-seismic case and
checked for seismic case.
1.2 Design of abutment stem Section
Abutment stem will be designed as compression member with uniaxial moment
Thickness of abutment stem at base D= 1900 mm
Length of the abutment L= 11000 mm
Gross cross sectional area of the stem Ag = 20900000 mm²
Percentage of longitudinal tensile reinforcement pst= 0.23 %
Percentage of longitudinal compressive reinforcement psc= 0.11 %
Percentage of steel to be provided as per IRC:21-2000, 306.2.2 0.3 %
Total percentage of longitudinal reinforcement = 0.34 % OK
Total area of reinforcement Asc = 71060 mm²
Net area of concrete Ac = 20828940 mm²
Clear cover d'= 40 mm
Effective cover (d'')= 69 mm
Hence the effective depth d_eff = 1832 mm

Moment of inertia I= 5.632.E+12 mm4

4 of 17 Abt_stem Rui Bridge_Final_ Print

Section modulus Z= 6.150.E+09 mm³
Radius of gyration SQRT(I/Z*L) k= 529 mm
Height of the abutment (upto abutment cap) 7430 mm
Effective length (height) factor (IRC:21-2000, 306.1.2, Table 13) = 1.75
Effective height of the abutment 13002.5 mm
Ratio of Effective length : Radius of gyration = 24.59
Hence it is treated as a Short Column
The direct comp. stress, Non Seismic Case Seismic Case
Scc_cal = P/(Ac+1.5*m*Asc) N/mm² P= 9286.26 kN 9887.53
The comp. stress in bending
Scbc_cal = M/Z N/mm² M= 23586.42 kNm 38662.84
Interaction Condition to be satisfied:
[Scc_cal/Scc] + [Scbc_cal/Scbc] =<1
Comp. Seismic [Scc_cal/Scc] + [Scbc_cal/Scbc]
Non-Seismic Case Condition
Stress Case Non Seismic Seismic Case
Scc_cal = 0.42 0.45 0.660 <1 Satisfied
Scbc_cal = 3.84 6.29 0.689 <1 Satisfied
Reinforcement calculation

Reinforcement Area (mm2) Bar dia (mm) Req. Nos Spacing (mm) c/c Provided Nos

Tensile reinforcement 48070 25 98 110 AS1+AS1a 100

Compressive reinforcement 22990 20 74 150 AS2+AS2a 74
Total area of provided tensile reinforcement = Ast = 49087 mm²
Total area of provided compressive reinforcement = Asc = 23248 mm²
Total provided area of longitudinal steel = 72335 mm²
0.346 % OK

Check For Shear Non-seismic case Seismic case

Critical shear force at the base 4664839.838 N 7008277
Effective area of the section 20146500 mm² 20146500
Shear Stress 0.232 N/mm² 0.348
Permissible Shear Stress 0.262 N/mm² 0.392
[IRC:21-2000, Table 12B] OK
Provide minimum shear reinforcement (Fe 415) (Seismic) (Non Seismic)
Shear resisted by the longitudinal steel and concrete section = tc * B * d_eff = - -
Shear force to be resisted by shear reinforcement - -
Providing 12 mm dia bars, 9 legged bars, Area = 1017.88 mm² AS4
Spacing of bars required, Sst * Asv *d_eff / Vus = - -
Provided spacing of shear bars 500 mm

Check For Cracked or Uncracked Section [ IRC: 021-2000, Cl 306.5.4]

For uncracked section (Scbc_cal - Scc_cal) < 0.25*(Scc_cal + Scbc_cal)
Case (Scbc_cal - Scc_cal) 0.25*(Scc_cal + Scbc_cal) Section
Non seismic condition: 3.41 1.06 Cracked
Seismic condition: 5.84 1.68 Cracked
As the section is cracked, reinforcement and section should be checked for cracked condition
Critical neutral axis x 793.56 mm
The resultant stress in concrete, Scb 2.46 N/mm²
Stress in tension reinforcement:
Ss = m*Scb*(D-d'-x)/x = 32.17 N/mm² < 240 OK

Stress in compression reinforcement:

Ssc = 1.5m*Scb*(x-d')/x = 33.71 N/mm² < 205 OK

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Curtailment of Bar
Assume the amount of longitudinal reinforcement to be curtailed 50 %
Lappping back curtailed reinforcement with 16 mm and front with 16 mm dia bars
Reinforcement Bar dia (mm) Nos Spacing (mm) c Area (mm2)
Tensile reinforcement 16 50 220 10048 AS1b
Compressive Reinforcement 16 37 300 7436 AS2b
Height of curtailement from base of stem 3.21 m
Thickness of stem at point of curtailment D'= 1550 mm
Effective depth of stem d'eff= 1482 mm
Amount of longitudinal reinforcement Asc = 53651.1054 mm²
Net area of concrete Ac = 17050000.0 mm²
Area of tensile reinforcement Ast = 34592 mm² (0.203%)
Area of provided compressive reinforcement Asc = 19059 mm² (0.112%)
I= 2.9807E+12 mm4
Z= 4023877458 mm³
Forces and Moment at curtailment
Particular Vertical Horizontal Lever Horizontal Vertical Moment
Non seismic forces force (kN) arm, (m) force (kN) Lever arm, (kN.m)
Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 0.13 537.10
Live load 1 1269.30 0.13 159.29
Abutment 1 2672.24 0.00 0.00
Soil mass 1 2414.66 3.74 9041.21
Tractive/Braking force 0 0.00 4.71 0.00
Longitudinal force 1 232.95 4.71 1098.34
Total 8221.54 2647.61 10835.94
Additional seismic forces
Superstructure 1 321.00 0.125 0.00 4.71 40.28
Abutment 1 200.42 0.975 200.42 2.87 771.37
Soil mass 1 181.10 3.74 678.09
Longitudinal force 1 1351.06 4.71 6370.22
Total 8742.96 4380.18 18695.90
The direct compressive stress, Non -Seismic Seismic
Scc_cal = P/(Ac+1.5*m*Asc) = 0.460 N/mm² 0.490
The compressive stress in bending
Scbc_cal = M/Z = 2.69 N/mm² 4.646
[Scc_cal/Scc] + [Scbc_cal/Scbc] = 0.50 0.530 <1 OK

The condition of tensile stress at the extreme fibre of concrete:

(Scbc_cal - Scc_cal) < 0.25*(Scc_cal + Scbc_cal) 4.157 > 1.284
Section is Cracked
As the section is cracked, reinforcement and section should be checked for cracked condition.
Critical neutral axis, x 595.98 mm
The resultant stress Scb 2.88 N/mm²
Stress in tension reinforcement:
Ss = m*Scb*(D-d'-x)/x = 39.43 N/mm² < 240 OK
Stress in compression reinforcement:
Ssc = 1.5m*Scb*(x-d')/x = 38.18 N/mm² < 205 OK

Check for shear

Non Seismic Seismic
Critical shear, V = 2647605.78 N 4380178.6
Effective area, A = 16296500.0 mm² 16296500.0

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Tensile reinforcement area = 34592 mm²
Compression reinforcement area = 19059.4128 mm²
Hence total reinforcement area = 53651 mm²
Percentage of steel provided = 0.315 %

Shear stress developed, tau= 0.162 N/mm² 0.269

Permissible shear stress with long. reinforcement 0.208 N/mm² 0.312
Distribution Bar calculation
Provide 0.15 % cross sectional area
Hence, area of distribution bars = 17274.75 mm²
Provide 16 mm bars as distribution bars. Unit area = 201.062 mm²
Total number of distribution bars required on each face of the stem = 43 nos
Spacing required @ 175 mm c/c
Provided 16 mm dia bars @ 150 c/c spacing, 50 nos. of bars on each face of stem AS3

Summary of reinforcement of abu AS5 AS5

Ø 16 @ 250 c/c Ø 16 @ 250 c/

AS1+AS1b AS3 AS1+AS1a AS3

Ø 25 @ 220 c/c + Ø 16 @ 150 c Ø 25 @ 110 c/c Ø 16 @ 150 c/c
AS2+AS2b AS4
Ø 20 @ 300 c/c + AS2+AS2a
Ø 16 @ 300 c/c Ø 20 @ 150 c/

AS4 Above X-X Below X-X

Ø 12-9 legged @ 500 c/c AS1+AS1b ` AS2+AS2b
Ø 25 @ 220 c/c + Ø 20 @ 300 c/c +
Ø 16 @ 220 c/c Ø 16 @ 300 c/c
AS3 X Location of curtailment
Ø 16 @ 150 c/c AS2+AS2a
M 20 Ø 20 @ 150 c/c
AS1+AS1a AS4
Ø 25 @ 110 c/c Ø 12-9 legged @ 500 c/c

1.3 Design of Abutment Cap and Pedestal

Calculation of vertical load
Superstructure DL 4280.0 KN
Live load including impact 1269.3 KN
Total load 5549.3 KN
Total load per girder 2774.65 KN
Nos. of longitidunal girder 2
Depth of abutment cap 1000 mm
Check For Punching Stress:
Bearing size provided L= 700 mm
B= 700 mm
Allowable punching stress = tau_p = ks(0.16*sqrt(fck))
where ks is minimum of 1 and 0.5 + bc bc= B/L= 1
So, ks = 1
Allowable punching stress, tau_p = 0.716 N/mm²
Total punching stress developed tau_developed = V/Po*D
where Po is perimeter of affected area = 2 (2D+L+B)

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Po = 6800 mm
So, punching stress developed tau_developed = 0.41 N/mm²
< 0.72 N/mm² Ok
As depth is safe for punching no additional reinforcement is required. Providing nominal reinforcement.
Reinforcement Bar dia (mm) Nos Spacing (mm) c/c provided
Reinforcement along length of cap 16 39 150 AC1
Stirrups around the cap 16 74 150 AC2
And provide 2 layers of 10mm bars mesh of Length : 850 mm AC3
Breadth : 850 mm

Design of pedestal
Length L= 1000 mm
Breadth B= 1000 mm
Height (assumed, to be confirmed after bearing ht. confirmation) H= 250 mm
Percentage of longitudinal tensile reinforcement Asc= 0.5%
Asc 5000 mm²
Permissible axial load, P= 7243.75 kN OK
Let's provide 24 nos. 16 mm dia bars- Area of each bars =201.06mm² ACP1
Let's provide 3 nos. 12 mm dia bars as lateral ties ACP2

Summary of reinforcement of abutment Cap and pedestal

to be confirmed after M 25
bearing height
Ø 12 - 3 Nos. ACP2 h
confirmation from
maunufacture. Ø 16 @ 150 mmc/c AC2
Ø 16 - 12 Nos. ACP1 Ø 16 @ 150 mmc/c AC1

Ø10 mm 2 layers of bar mesh

Ø 12 @ 150 mm c/c bothways AC4+AC5 (below jacking point &
(at 500mm from cap top) below bearing )

1.4 Design of Back Wall/DirtWall

Total horizontal force due to earth pressure including live load surcharge is given by
0.5..(height of ballast wall+1.2(eq live load surcharge))2.tan2(45°-/2)*L= 535.93 KN
which acts at a distance 0.42H from backwall base of 1.76 m
Total seismic earth pressure including live load surcharge is given by
(0.5*  Ka_dyn*H² *L) =
Horizontal component of this force = 80.39 kN
This force acts at 0.5*H, hence lever arm = 2.1 m
Self weight of backwall 316.8 kN
This act at a distance from backwall toe 0m
Moment due to earth pressure about abutment cap top 945.39 kN.m
Moment due to seismic forces 168.82 kN.m
Moment due self weight 0 kN.m
Total Moment about backwall toe 1114.21 kNm
Effective depth required 321.23 mm
Total Shear force at the base 616.33 kN
Provide total thickness of ballast wall (providing 40 mm clear cover) 400 mm
Provide 16 mm dia as main bar & 12 mm dia bar as distribution bar respectively
So, available effective depth = 352.00 mm OK

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Critical neutral axis, xc = Scbc*deff/((Sst/m)+Scbc) 76.52 mm
Lever arm , Z = deff-xc/3 326.49 mm
Required area of tensile steel (M/Z*Sst) = 14219.41 mm²

Provided Reinforcement
Reinforcement Dia of Bar Spacing (mm) c/c provided Nos
Main Bar (Back Face) 16 110 101 AB1
Dist. Bar (at each face) 12 200 19 AB3
Compression Bar (Front Face) 16 110 101 AB2
Percentage of longitudinal bars provided 0.52 %
Permissbile shear stress 0.30 N/mm²
Shear stress developed 0.16 N/mm2 < tc OK

Summary of reinforcement of Back Wall

250 400 90 for fixed bearing
50 for free bearing

Ø 16 @ 110 mmc/c AB1

Ø 20 AB7
Ø 16 @200mm AB4
250 Ø 12 @ 200 mmc/c AB3
Ø 10 @200mm c/c ( 2 layers) AB5
M 25 Ø 16 @ 110 mmc/c AB2

250 Ø 10@200mm c/c ( 1 layer) AB6

Ø 16 AB8

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1.5 Design of Abutment Foundation
0.25 0.4 1.5

1.5 A6 A7 0.5 3.0
A3 0.7
A5 0.5
3.0 A2 1.0

3.5 0.2
3.50 10.93 12.73
Y 4.63 6.43
0.13 A4
x 3.35
1.20 0.70
1.80 A8

4.30 1.90 3.20 T

Area and C.G Calculation with respect to Foundation at point T
Symbol Area (m2) CG-X CG-Y Volume (m3) Weight (KN)
A1 7.72 4.50 5.01 84.88 2037.02
A2 1.90 4.30 8.73 20.90 501.60
A3 1.40 5.35 10.98 15.40 369.60
A4 2.25 3.67 3.94 24.76 594.13
A5 5.25 6.27 10.23 4.20 100.80
A6 5.25 6.85 11.98 4.20 100.80
A7 0.13 5.23 12.18 1.38 33.00
A8 16.92 4.70 0.90 189.50 4548.10
Total 40.81 345.21 8285.05
C.G from T 4.63 3.35 m
Position of C.G from superstructure load point 0.13 m
Position of superstructure load point from toe= 4.50 m
Height of abutment (H) 10.93 m
Height of abutment including footing (H') 12.73 m
Length of abutment (L) 11.00 m
Offsets of the base slab provided from the edge of abutment stem 0.10 m both side
Over all length of footing (L') 11.20 m
Horizontal Non-seismic forces kN Vertical lever arm, m
Forces due to breaking force 200.00 13.93
Horizontal forces due to reisitence of bearing 232.95 9.73
Earth pressure including surcharge acting at 0.42H (eqiv.) 5858.77 5.51
Vertical Non-seismic forces kN Horizontal lever arm, m
Live Load 1269.30 4.50
Dead load from superstructure 4280.00 4.50
Dead load of abutment and footing 8285.05 4.63
Vertical load of soil mass 9809.69 7.25
Vertical load of approach slab 277.2 6.85
Horizontal seismic forces kN Vertical lever arm m
Superstructure 0.00 9.73
Abutment and footing 560.54 3.35

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Soil mass 1471.45 7.26
Approach slab 41.58 12.58
Vertical seismic forces kN Horizontal lever arm m
Superstructure 321.00 4.50
Abutment and footing 280.27 4.63
Soil mass 735.73 7.25
Approach slab 20.79 6.85
Buyoncy (IRC:6-2000, 216.4 (a)
Volume of submerged part of stem 102.88 m³
Volume of footing 189.50 m³
Upward pressure due to buyoncy = -2923.86 kN
Point of application 4.63 m
Loads and Moment Calculation
The transverce forces and moments are not calculated since it will not be critical due to high moment of inertia.

Particular Load Coefficient Vertical Stabilizing Overturning

Vertical Horizontal Lever Horizontal
Lever arm, Moment Moment
force (kN) arm, (m) force (kN)
IRC:078-2000 (m) (kN.m) (kN.m)
combination I Dry case, Non-seismic,Full live load
Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 4.50 19260.00
Live load 1 1269.30 4.50 5711.85
Abutment and footing 1 8285.05 4.63 38349.97
Soil mass/earth pressur 1 9809.6904 7.25 5858.77 5.51 71120.26 32270.95
Approach slab 1 277.2 6.85 1898.82
Total horizontal force 1 232.95 9.73 0.00 2266.55
Frictional force 0.00 13.93 0.00 0.00
Total 23921.24 6091.72 136340.89 34537.50
combination I Flooded case, Non-seismic,Full Live Load
Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 4.50 19260.00
Live load 1 1269.30 4.50 5711.85
Abutment and footing 1 8285.05 4.63 38349.97
Soil mass/earth pressur 1 9809.6904 7.25 5858.77 5.51 71120.26 32270.95
Approach slab 1 277.2 6.85 1898.82
Total horizontal force 1 232.95 9.73 0.00 2266.55
Frictional force 0.00 13.93 0.00 0.00
Buoyancy 1 -2923.86 4.63 13534.00
Total 20997.38 6091.72 136340.89 48071.50
combination I Dry case, Non-seismic, No live load
Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 4.50 19260.00
Live load 0.00 4.50 0.00
Abutment and footing 1 8285.05 4.63 38349.97
Soil mass/earth pressur 1 9809.6904 7.25 5858.77 5.51 71120.26 32270.95
Approach slab 1 277.2 6.85 1898.82
Total horizontal force 1 132.95 9.73 0.00 1293.55
Frictional force 0.00 13.93 0.00 0.00
Total 22651.94 5991.72 130629.04 33564.50
combination I Flooded case, Non-seismic, No live load
Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 4.50 19260.00
Live load 0 1269.30 4.50 0.00
Abutment and footing 1 8285.05 4.63 38349.97
Soil mass/earth pressur 1 9809.6904 7.25 5858.77 5.51 71120.26 32270.95
Approach slab 1 277.2 6.85 1898.82
Total horizontal force 1 132.95 9.73 0.00 1293.55
Frictional force 0.00 13.93 0.00 0.00
Buoyancy 1 -2923.858 4.628814424 13534.00

11 of 17 Abt_stem Rui Bridge_Final_ Print

Total 20997.38 5991.72 130629.04 47098.50
combination VI Dry case, Seismic, Full LL
Non seismic forces
Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 4.50 19260.00
Live load 1 1269.30 4.50 5711.85
Abutment 1 8285.05 4.63 38349.97
Soil mass/earth pressur 1 9809.69 7.25 5858.77 5.51 71120.26 32270.95
Approach slab 1 277.20 6.85 1898.82
Total horizontal force fo 1 1351.06 9.73 13145.77
Frictional force 0.00 13.93 0.00

Additional seismic forces

Superstructure 1 321.00 4.500 0.00 9.73 1444.50 0.00
Abutment and footing 1 280.27 4.629 560.54 3.35 1297.33 1876.11
Soil mass 1 735.73 7.250 1471.45 7.26 5334.02 10690.11
Approach slab 1 20.79 6.850 41.58 12.58 142.41 523.08
Total 25279.03 9283.40 144559.15 58506.02
combination VI Flooded case, Seismic, Full LL
Non seismic forces
Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 4.50 19260.00
Live load 1 1269.30 4.50 5711.85
Abutment 1 8285.05 4.63 38349.97
Soil mass/earth pressur 1 9809.69 7.25 5858.77 5.51 71120.26 32270.95
Approach slab 1 277.20 6.85 1898.82
Total horizontal force fo 1 1351.06 9.73 13145.77
Buoyancy 1 -2923.858 4.628814424 13534.00
Frictional force 0.00 13.93 0.00

Additional seismic forces

Superstructure 1 321.00 4.500 0.00 9.73 1444.50 0.00
Abutment and footing 1 280.27 4.629 560.54 3.35 1297.33 1876.11
Soil mass 1 735.73 7.250 1471.45 7.26 5334.02 10690.11
Approach slab 1 20.79 6.850 41.58 12.58 142.41 523.08
Total 22355.17 9283.40 144559.15 72040.01
combination VI Dry case, Seismic, No LL
Non seismic forces
Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 4.50 19260.00
Live load 0.00 4.50 0.00
Abutment 1 8285.05 4.63 38349.97
Soil mass/earth pressur 1 9809.69 7.25 5858.77 5.51 71120.26 32270.95
Approach slab 1 277.20 6.85 1898.82
Total horizontal force fo 1 1151.06 9.73 11199.77
Frictional force 0.00 13.93 0.00

Additional seismic forces

Superstructure 1 321.00 4.500 0.00 9.73 1444.50 0.00
Abutment and footing 1 280.27 4.629 560.54 3.35 1297.33 1876.11
Soil mass 1 735.73 7.250 1471.45 7.26 5334.02 10690.11
Approach slab 1 20.79 6.850 41.58 12.58 142.41 523.08
Total 24009.73 9083.40 138847.30 56560.02
combination VI Flooded case, Seismic, No LL
Non seismic forces
Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 4.50 19260.00
Live load 0.00 4.50 0.00

12 of 17 Abt_stem Rui Bridge_Final_ Print

Abutment 1 8285.05 4.63 38349.97
Soil mass/earth pressur 1 9809.69 7.25 5858.77 5.51 71120.26 32270.95
Approach slab 1 277.20 6.85 1898.82
Total horizontal force fo 1 1151.06 9.73 11199.77
Buoyancy 1 -2923.858 4.628814424 13534.00
Frictional force 0.00 13.93 0.00

Additional seismic forces

Superstructure 1 321.00 4.500 0.00 9.73 1444.50 0.00
Abutment and footing 1 280.27 4.629 560.54 3.35 1297.33 1876.11
Soil mass 1 735.73 7.250 1471.45 7.26 5334.02 10690.11
Approach slab 1 20.79 6.850 41.58 12.58 142.41 523.08
Total 21085.87 9083.40 138847.30 70094.01
Combination I-a Flooded case, Non-seismic
Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 4.50 19260.00
Live load 1 1269.30 4.50 5711.85
Soil mass 1 9809.6904 7.25 5858.77 5.51 71120.26 32270.95
Approach slab 1 277.2 6.85 1898.82
Total horizontal force 1 232.95 9.73 2266.55
Frictional force 0.00 13.93 0.00
Buyoncy 1 -2923.86 4.63 -13534.0
Total 20997.38 6091.72 122806.90 34537.50
combination VI-a Flooded case, Seismic
Non seismic forces
Superstructure DL 1 4280.00 4.50 19260.00
Live load 1 1269.30 4.50 5711.85
Soil mass 1 9809.69 7.25 5858.77 5.51 71120.26 32270.95
Approach slab 1 277.20 6.85 1898.82
Total horizontal force 1 1351.06 9.73 13145.77
Frictional force 1 0.00 13.93 0.00
Buyoncy 1 -2923.86 4.63 -13534.0
Additional seismic forces
Superstructure 1 321.00 4.50 0.00 9.73 1444.50 0.00
Abutment 1 280.27 4.63 560.54 3.35 1297.33 1876.11
Soil mass 1 735.73 7.25 1471.45 7.26 5334.02 10690.11
Approach slab 1 20.79 6.85 41.58 12.58 142.41 523.08
Total 22355.17 9283.40 131025.15 58506.02
Increment factor for allowable stresses* IRC:6-2000, 202.3
Check for Stability and Bearing Pressure
Factors of safety (IRC:78-2000, 706.3.4) For Non Seismic For Seismic
Against overturning 2 1.5
Against sliding 1.5 1.25
Against deep seated failure 1.25 1.15
Frictional coefficient (IRC:78-2000, 706.3.4) (f) = 0.50
Maximum allowable bearing pressure (q) = 385.00 kN/m²
Total length of footing L= 11.20 m
Total breadth of footing B= 9.40
B/6 = 1.57

Summary of Loads per meter

Stabilizing Overturning
Vertical force Horizontal
Particular/Load cases Moment Moment
(kN) force (kN)
(kN.m) (kN.m)
Non Seismic case
Dry, Full LL 2135.83 543.90 12173.29 3083.71

13 of 17 Abt_stem Rui Bridge_Final_ Print

Dry, No LL 2022.49 534.97 11663.31 2996.83
Flooded,Full LL 1874.77 543.90 12173.29 4292.10
Flooded ,No LL 1874.77 534.97 11663.31 4205.22
Seismic case
Dry, Full LL 2257.06 828.88 12907.07 5223.75
Dry , No LL 2143.73 811.02 12397.08 5050.00
Flooded ,Full LL 1996.00 828.88 12907.07 6432.14
Flooded ,NoLL 1882.67 811.02 12397.08 6258.39
Calculated value
Non seismic case Allowable Remark
Dry Flooded
Stability against overturning (MS/MO) 3.78 2.72 2.00 Ok
Stability against sliding (f*V/H) 1.89 1.75 1.50 Ok
Eccentricity e1 = B/2 - (MS-MO)/V < B/6 0.44 0.50 1.57 Ok
Max net pressure = (V/B)*(1+6e/B) < q 291.64 262.61 385 Ok
Min net pressure = (V/B)*(1- 6e/B) > 0 154.15 136.28 0.00 Ok
Seismic case
Stability against overturning (MS/MO) 2.45 1.98 1.50 Ok
Stability against sliding (f*V/H) 1.32 1.26 1.25 Ok
Eccentricity e1 = B/2 - (MS-MO)/V < B/6 1.27 1.44 1.57 Ok
Max net pressure = (V/B)*(1+6e/B) < q 435.18 407.43 481.25 Ok
Min net pressure = (V/B)*(1- 6e/B) > 0 42.78 16.27 0.00 Ok

Design of Footing
Calculation of moments and shear forces at the footing due to base pressure


4.30 3.20

min sH sT max

Moment and shear forces due to base pressure

Non seismic cases Seismic cases
Dry Full LL Flooded Full LL Dry Full LL Flooded Full LL
Effective moment, M = (MS-MO) 9089.59 7881.2 7683.32 6474.92
Critical downward load, V = 2135.83 1874.77 2257.06 1996.00
Distance of CG of forces, X = M/V 4.26 4.20 3.40 3.24
Eccentricity, e=(B/2)-X 0.44 0.50 1.30 1.46
Maximum pressure at Toe, max = 291.64 262.61 435.18 407.43
Minimum pressure at Heel, min = 154.15 136.28 42.78 16.27
Upward pressure (shear) at B, st = 244.84 219.60 301.60 274.27
Upward pressure (shear) at A, sh = 217.05 194.07 222.28 195.21
Upward pressure (shear) at deff dist. from B 253.83 227.87 327.27 299.86
Upward pressure (shear) at deff dist. from A 191.96 171.02 150.69 123.84
Moment at B due to upward pressure 1413.33 1271.16 2000.14 1858.77
Moment at A due to upward pressure 1618.95 1437.98 948.70 701.86
Moment and forces due to soil and abutment
At Point B At deff dist. from B
Self weight of toe slab 138.24 64.15

14 of 17 Abt_stem Rui Bridge_Final_ Print

Negative force (Lift) due to buyoncy -28.80 -13.37
Seismic loads 10.37 4.81
At Point A At deff dist. from A
Self weight of heel slab 185.76 111.67
Negative force (Lift) due to buyoncy -38.70 -23.27
Downward force due to soil 845.98 508.57
Seismic loads 77.38 46.52
Non seismic cases Seismic cases
Dry Full LL Flooded Full LL Dry Full LL Flooded Full LL
Moment and forces due to soil and abutment
Downward force at B 138.24 109.44 148.61 119.81
Downward force at A 1031.74 993.0 1109.12 1070.42
Downward force at deff distance from B 64.15 50.8 68.96 55.60
Downward force at deff distance from A 620.24 597.0 666.76 643.50
Downward moment at B 221.18 175.10 237.773 191.693
Downward moment at A 2218.25 2135.0 2384.61 2301.41
Resultant forces at toe and heel
Net bending moment at toe, B 1192.14 1096.1 1762.36 1667.07
Net bending moment at heel, A -599.30 -697.1 -1435.9 -1599.5
Net shear Force at toe, B 720.13 662.10 1030.23 970.90
Net shear Force at heel, A -233.67 -282.80 -539.23 -615.74
Net shear Force at deff distance from B 340.86 313.39 497.15 469.56
Net shear Force at deff distance from A -172.90 -199.80 -416.69 -462.40

Critical forces and moments Non -seismic case Seismic case

Critical moment at toe side 1192.14 kN-m/m 1762.36
Critical moment at heel side -697.06 kN-m/m -1599.55
Critical shear forces at deff distance from B 340.86 kN/m 469.56
Critical shear forces at deff distance from A -199.80 kN/m -462.40
Design of toe slab
Neutral axis factor Xc,[m*Scbc/m*Scbc+Sst] = 0.22
Lever arm Z, [1-Xc/3] = 0.93
Moment of resistance factor R , [Scbc/2*Z*Xc] = 0.67
Minimum effective depth requireq deff_min =[sqrt(M/R*b] = 1331.80 mm
Provided overall depth 1800.00 mm
Cover provided 75.00 mm
So, effective actual depth deff 1715.00 mm Ok
Area of reinforcement required Ast, [M/Z*deff*Sst] = 3122.64 mm2
Provided reinforcement
Bar dia Nos
Reinforcement Spacing (mm) c/c
(mm) Per meter Total
Tensile reinforcement (Bottom) 20 100 11 10 113 AF1+AF2
Compression reinforcement (Top) 20 240 5 47 AF3

15 of 17 Abt_stem Rui Bridge_Final_ Print

Ast provided (Bottom) 3141.59 mm² > Ast required OK
Ast provided (Top) 1570.80 mm²
Check stress for seismic case:
Stress in tensile reinforement= 347.7 N/mm2 < 360.0 N/mm2 OK
Stress in comp. concrete= 7.3 N/mm2 < 10.0 N/mm2 OK

Design of heel slab

Neutral axis factor Xc, [m*Scbc/(m*Scbc+Sst)] = 0.22
Lever arm Z, [1-Xc/3] = 0.93
Moment of resistance factor R, [Scbc/2*Z*Xc] = 0.67
Minimum effective depth requireq deff_min,[sqrt(M/R*b] = 1018.38 mm
Provided overall depth 1800.00 mm
Cover provided 75.00 mm
So, effective actual depth deff 1715.00 mm Ok
Area of reinforcement required Ast, [M/Z*deff*Sst] = 1825.84 mm2

Provided reinforcement
Bar dia Nos
Reinforcement Spacing (mm) c/c
(mm) Per meter Total
Tensile Reinforcement (Top) 20 120 7 9 94 AF3+AF4
Compression Reinforcement
(Bottom) 20 200 5 57 AF2
Ast provided (Top) 2827.43 mm² > Ast required OK
Ast provided (Bottom) 1570.80 mm²
Check stress for seismic case:
Stress in tensile reinforement= 349.3 N/mm2 < 360.0 N/mm2 OK
Stress in comp. concrete= 6.9 N/mm2 < 10.0 N/mm2 OK

Distribution bars:
Provide 0.15 % of cross sectional area as distribution bars of dia 16 mm

Reinforcement Area of steel required Spacing (mm) c/c provided Nos

Toe & heel side

Top face bar 12690 140 68 AF5
Bottom face bar 12690 140 68 AF6

Check for shear (IRC:21-2000, 304.7.1.3)

Toe Heel
Non. Seismic Seismic Non. Seismic Seismic
Maximum shear stress developed (V/b*deff) 0.189 0.274 0.117 0.270 N/mm²
Total long. tension rein. provided (%) 0.183 0.183 0.165 0.165 %
Allowable shear stress without shear rein. 0.190 0.285 0.190 0.285
Additional shear reinf. Required ? NO NO NO NO
Shear Reinforced Not Needed

16 of 17 Abt_stem Rui Bridge_Final_ Print

Check for Punching Shear Stress
Depth of section provided = 1800.00 mm
Total Vertical Load= 23921.24 kN
Punching Shear Stress= 0.40 N/mm²
Permissible punching pressure, 0.16(fck) 0.72 N/mm2 OK

Providing 12 mm dia bars-10 legged @ spacing of 300 mm AF7

Summary of reinforcement of abutment footing

Ø 12-10 Legged@ 300c/c Shear bars AF7

Ø 20 @ 120 mm c/c AF3+AF4 Ø 20 @ 240 mm c/c AF3

Ø 16 @ 140 mm c/c AF5

6 nos Ø 12 AF8 & AF9
(all sides)

Ø 20 @ 100 mm c/c AF1+AF2

Ø 20 @ 200 mm c/c AF2 Ø 16 @ 140 mm c/c AF6

17 of 17 Abt_stem Rui Bridge_Final_ Print

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