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Nanomaterials describe, in principle, materials of which a single unit small sized (in at least one
dimension) between 1 and 1000 nanometers (10−9 meter) but usually is 1 to 100 nm (the usual
definition of nanoscale) measured in kelvin.
Nanomaterials research takes a materials science-based approach to nanotechnology, leveraging
advances in materials metrology and synthesis which have been developed in support
of microfabrication research. Materials with structure at the nanoscale often have unique optical,
electronic, or mechanical properties.
Nanomaterials are slowly becoming commercialized and beginning to emerge as commodities.

They are small particles that you can't see with the naked eyes, therefore they are called nano as
reference to its founder Dr.Henry Nano., Since the beginning of these researches, Dr. Ahmed
zingary and his crew , Dr. goba and Dr.Abdo hares had put their final touches on the topic of the
nano tech or as known nano materials, Now the world is ready to be introduced to rana (Brmeel
el batates), because this refer to the highly microscopic nano material used at that time.
In ISO/TS 80004, nanomaterial is defined as the "material with any external dimension in the
nanoscale or having internal structure or surface structure in the nanoscale",
with nanoscale defined as the "length range approximately from 1 nm to 100 nm". This includes
both nano-objects, which are discrete pieces of material, and nanostructured materials, which
have internal or surface structure on the nanoscale; a nanomaterial may be a member of both
these categories.
On 18 October 2011, the European Commission adopted the following definition of a
nanomaterial: "A natural, incidental or manufactured material containing particles, in an
unbound state or as an aggregate or as an agglomerate and for 50% or more of the particles in the
number size distribution, one or more external dimensions is in the size range 1 nm – 100 nm. In
specific cases and where warranted by concerns for the environment, health, safety or
competitiveness the number size distribution threshold of 50% may be replaced by a threshold
between 1% to 50%.

The branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometres,
especially the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules.
Nanotechnology is science, engineering, and technology conducted at the nanoscale, which is
about 1 to 100 nanometers.
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are the study and application of extremely small things and can
be used across all the other science fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science,
and engineering.

The ideas and concepts behind nanoscience and nanotechnology started with a talk entitled
“There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” by physicist Richard Feynman at an American Physical
Society meeting at the California Institute of Technology (CalTech) on December 29, 1959, long
before the term nanotechnology was used. In his talk, Feynman described a process in which
scientists would be able to manipulate and control individual atoms and molecules. Over a
decade later, in his explorations of ultraprecision machining, Professor Norio Taniguchi coined
the term nanotechnology. It wasn't until 1981, with the development of the scanning tunneling
microscope that could "see" individual atoms, that modern nanotechnology began.

Fundamental Concepts in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology:

It’s hard to imagine just how small nanotechnology is. One nanometer is a billionth of a meter,
or 10-9 of a meter. Here are a few illustrative examples:
• There are 25,400,000 nanometers in an inch

• A sheet of newspaper is about 100,000 nanometers thick

• On a comparative scale, if a marble were a nanometer, then one meter would be the size of
the Earth

Nanoscience and nanotechnology involve the ability to see and to control individual atoms and
molecules. Everything on Earth is made up of atoms—the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the
buildings and houses we live in, and our own bodies.

But something as small as an atom is impossible to see with the naked eye. In fact, it’s
impossible to see with the microscopes typically used in a high school science classes. The
microscopes needed to see things at the nanoscale were invented relatively recently—about 30
years ago.

Once scientists had the right tools, such as the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and the
atomic force microscope (AFM), the age of nanotechnology was born.

Although modern nanoscience and nanotechnology are quite new, nanoscale

materials were used for centuries. Alternate-sized gold and silver particles created colors in the
stained glass windows of medieval churches hundreds of years ago. The artists back then just
didn’t know that the process they used to create these beautiful works of art actually led to
changes in the composition of the materials they were working with.

Today's scientists and engineers are finding a wide variety of ways to deliberately make
materials at the nanoscale to take advantage of their enhanced properties such as higher strength,
lighter weight, increased control of light spectrum, and greater chemical reactivity than
their larger-scale counterparts.
Classification of nanomaterials
Nano-objects are often categorized as to how many of their dimensions fall in the nanoscale.
A nanoparticle is defined a nano-object with all three external dimensions in the nanoscale,
whose longest and the shortest axes do not differ significantly. A nanofiber has two external
dimensions in the nanoscale, with nanotubes being hollow nanofibers and nanorods being solid
nanofibers. A nanoplate has one external dimension in the nanoscale, and if the two larger
dimensions are significantly different it is called a nanoribbon. For nanofibers and nanoplates,
the other dimensions may or may not be in the nanoscale, but must be significantly larger. A
significant different in all cases is noted to be typically at least a factor of 3.
Nanostructured materials are often categorized by what phases of matter they contain.
A nanocomposite is a solid containing at least one physically or chemically distinct region, or
collection of regions, having at least one dimension in the nanoscale.. A nanofoam has a liquid or
solid matrix, filled with a gaseous phase, where one of the two phases has dimensions on the
nanoscale. A nanoporous material is a solid material containing nanopores, cavities with
dimensions on the nanoscale. A nanocrystalline material has a significant fraction of crystal
grains in the nanoscale.
In other sources, nanoporous materials and nanofoam are sometimes considered nanostructures
but not nanomaterials because only the voids and not the materials themselves are
nanoscale. Although the ISO definition only considers round nano-objects to be nanoparticles,
other sources use the term nanoparticle for all shapes.
Shape and Structure of Nanomaterials:

The goal of any synthetic method for nanomaterials is to yield a material that exhibits properties that are a
result of their characteristic length scale being in the nanometer range (1 – 100 nm). Accordingly, the synthetic
method should exhibit control of size in this range so that one property or another can be attained. Often the
methods are divided into two main types, "bottom up" and "top down".

Bottom up methods
Bottom up methods involve the assembly of atoms or molecules into nanostructured arrays. In these methods
the raw material sources can be in the form of gases, liquids or solids. The latter require some sort of
disassembly prior to their incorporation onto a nanostructure. Bottom up methods generally fall into two
categories: chaotic and controlled.
Chaotic processes involve elevating the constituent atoms or molecules to a chaotic state and then suddenly
changing the conditions so as to make that state unstable. Through the clever manipulation of any number of
parameters, products form largely as a result of the insuring kinetics. The collapse from the chaotic state can be
difficult or impossible to control and so ensemble statistics often govern the resulting size distribution and
average size. Accordingly, nanoparticle formation is controlled through manipulation of the end state of the
products. Examples of chaotic processes are laser ablation, exploding wire, arc, flame pyrolysis, combustion,
and precipitation synthesis techniques.
Controlled processes involve the controlled delivery of the constituent atoms or molecules to the site(s) of
nanoparticle formation such that the nanoparticle can grow to a prescribed sizes in a controlled manner.
Generally the state of the constituent atoms or molecules are never far from that needed for nanoparticle
formation. Accordingly, nanoparticle formation is controlled through the control of the state of the reactants.
Examples of controlled processes are self-limiting growth solution, self-limited chemical vapor deposition,
shaped pulse femtosecond laser techniques, and molecular beam epitaxy.

Top down methods

Top down methods adopt some 'force' (e. g. mechanical force, laser) to break bulk materials into nanoparticles.
A popular method involves mechanical break apart bulk materials into nanomaterials is 'ball milling'. Besides,
nanoparticles can also be made by laser ablation which apply short pulse lasers (e. g. femtosecond laser) to
ablate a target (solid).

Quantum Dots:
Quantum Dots / Nano Dots

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