Curriculum Vitae: Passport Details: Indian Passport

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DATE OF BIRTH : 12/09/1967



CONTACT : +971 568733652,

+91 9966343582,
Skype name: kaleembpa
WhatsApp: +971568733652 &
Passport details : Indian Passport
Pass port No. : Z 2 6 8 7 9 8 5, Place of Issue: Doha, Qatar
Date of issue & Valid up to : 10/08/2014 & 09/08/2024
CDC details : Governament of Belize-MT – 5 7 9 6 1
Date of issue & valid up to : 05/10/2017 & 04/10/2022


 NEBOSH. IGC. U.K. (with Distinction)

 IRCA OHSAS 18001:2007 Lead auditor
 Diploma in Occupational Safety & Health
 Diploma in Industrial Safety
 P.G. Dip. In Personnel Mgt. & Industrial Relations
 NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management (pursuing)
 M.A., Osmania University, Hyderabad.


 Undertake daily inspection tours to ensure implementation of, and compliance with, the standards
set out in the ADNOC HSE Manual and any additional project specific requirements.
 Prepares daily inspection reports, bringing to attention matters of concern with recommendations
for corrective action. Follows-up on implementation of recommendations following senior
colleague’s approval.
 Carries out site HSE induction programmes for all Company and sub-contractor personnel to ensure
awareness of HSE requirements and standards.
 Ensures approved emergency procedures are well established and that all individuals are aware of
their respective roles. Ensure emergency equipment is in place and maintained in optimum
operating condition.
 Conducts gas testing procedures prior to commencement of work in potentially dangerous areas.
 Participates as a team member in emergency drills to ensure that procedures are workable and
 Carries out investigations into the causes of HSE related incidents and prepares reports with
recommendations for remedial action.
 Ensures Safety equipment is kept in optimum operating condition through regular servicing and
maintenance schedules.
 Facilitates the conducting of radiography programmes by ensuring site safety in advance and during
 Attends site HSE meetings to discuss and resolve HSE issues.
 Ensures effective Hazard Identification Process (HIP) / Toolbox Talks (TBT) are held prior to
commencing work.
 Identifies training needs and communicates these to senior colleagues. Provides guidance and
advice to junior colleagues.


29 Nov-2018 till present. ADNOC Client HSE Rep. NASR.FFD. Abu Dhabi (offshore)

Position Offshore HSE Officer

(26 July 2015 – Oct 2018) NPCC. Abu Dhabi, UAE.

27 Jul. 18 to Oct 2018 ADNOC-NASR FFD.- Punch list-WHT-4,2,1 & 5 (offshore)

25 Jun. 18 to 04 Jul. 18 GASCO - Tie in Project (offshore), Abu dhabi

27 Mar 18 to June .20. 18 Zakhum Fields. - Installation of Boat landings (offshore)

02 Feb. 18 to 19 Feb. 18 Umm Al Dalakh Facilities - EPRS Project- EmergencyReplacement

of 6” Oil Pipeline, WHP04 - EPC (Barge PLB-648)

16 Aug 17 to 28 Jan. 18 SAUDI ARAMCO – LTA - CRPO FOR 9 JACKETS (Ship DLS-
4200) (offshore), Marjan fields, Dammam.

13 Feb. 17 to 15 Aug. 17 ADMA-OPCO Provision Of Epc Work For Zakum Oil Lines
Replacement Project – PHASE (Barge : SEP- 450) (offshore)

14 Feb. 17 to 12 May 17 GASCO - IGD-E (PHASE 1) Offshore Pipeline Project (offshore)

25 Dec. 16 to 13 Feb. 17 ADMA-OPCO Umm Lulu Full Field Development Project EPC Work
For Package 1 (MFY) (offshore)

03 Dec. 16 to 24 Dec. 16 Nasr Full Field Development Project- EPC Work-Package 1 &
ADMA-OPCO – Bu Haseer Field EPS Project (offshore)

01 Mar. 16 to 11 Nov. 16 ADMA-OPCO - EU12D – Additional Gas Supply to Onshore &

Flexibility Assurance at USSC (MFY) (offshore), Abu Dhabi

15 Sep.15 to 19 Jan.16 ADMA-OPCO Provision Of Epc Work For Zakum Oil Lines
Replacement Project – PHASE (Barge : SEP- 750) (offshore),
Abu dhabi
31 July 15 to 14 Sep.15 ADMA-OPCO Provision Of EPC Work For Zakum Oil Lines
Replacement Project – PHASE 1 (offshore), Abu Dhabi.

Position Safety Officer (offshore)

June 2010 to March 2015 DOPET (Doha Petroleum construction Co. Ltd

April-2014 to April 20 15 Project Construction Safety Officer on Offshore OXY,

QATAR Production Station 1, Qatar (offshore)

01 Aug.13 to 25 Nov.13 Creation of Additional slots for Manifolds, PS-3 QP, (offshore)

April 2011 to July 2013 Replacement of Instrument compressor (P) at PS1-3, QP. (offshore)

Oct 2010 to March 2011 ORYX-GTL, EPIC of Hydro generator facility, Qatar.

Jul 2010- Sep. 2010 QAFCO-5 Installation of Desalination plant. Qatar.

Position Safety Supervisor

Apr. 2009 - Mar 2010 Al Bader Intl. & Al Bader Construction, Abu dhabi.
Replacement of chemical injection pipes in Zakum (offshore)

Position Safety Officer

Aug. 2008 - Jan 2009 Profiles RH Constructions. LLC.

Riyadh K.S.A.

Position Safety officer (offshore)

Feb 1998 to Sep 2006 DOPET, (DohaPetroleum Const. Co.) Qatar.

Position Safety Leader

Apr 1987 to Jun. 1997 The Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL. A Govt.
Company), A.P. Projects 1.Goleti Open Cast Project,. 2.Khairagura
Open cast mine, &,Goleti 1&1A under Ground Mines.

Duties & Responsibilities:

 Responsible for Developing, planning and implementing the HSE policy

 Conducting safety trainings as per the job and experience
 Developing Safety training requirements for different age groups
 Conducting of regular tool box talks
 Conducting evacuation drills in case of emergency, & emergency procedures
 Safe lifting procedure and regular inspection of lifting equipment, slings, chains
 Excavation, barricading the area assess the strength of soil, support by shoring using
trench and testing for underground utilities before digging
 Following PTW (Permit to work) system
 Conducting Risk assessment involving Supervisors, and competent personnel
 Developing HSE plans and safe system of work before work starts
 Conducting site inspection,( regular and surprise), safety tours, Safety sampling
 Inspection of scaffolding and certifying, ensuring the work platforms and access
 Inspection of heavy equipment like JCB̉ s, loaders and forklifts
 Testing of underground utilities
 Visitors site safety procedures in construction site
 Sub contractors workers safety and training requirements
 Proper lighting and over all visibility during nights
 Site induction for new employees, explaining the consequences if not adhering to the safety
 Developing vehicular traffic routes and clear walk ways installing mirrors, procedures for
reversing of vehicles and one way traffic
 Cranes inspection , developing of Safe work load system by finding the exact load of
 Following Hot work permit procedures while welding, grinding & drilling
 Follow permit to work and LOTO (Lock out and Tag out) procedures
 Isolation of energy source and ventilating the area with local ventilators
 Handling of Hazardous chemical, Storage and Disposal procedures( COSHH )
 Conducting Job Safety Analysis
 Confinement safety, conducting gas testing and ventilating the work place by mechanical
 Responsible for drawing of traffic routes for heavy dumpers , Dozers
 Taking necessary steps to stop working and movement of people at the time of blasting of
Overburden and Coal in open cast mines
 Proper and safe blasting techniques.


 IELTS. ( 6.5 bands both in Spoken & Writing )

(International English Language testing system, conducted by Cambridge University &IDP.
 Basic First Aid & CPR (NPCC)
 Basic Scaffolding Safety & Training 2008 (Dubai) & 2010 (Abu Dhabi)
 Chemical Handling
 Basic Fire Fighting
 Accident Investigation,
 GASCO Permit to Work
 OXY Permit to Work (ISSOW)
 Basic Sea survival
 Supervising for Safety Training by OXY,Qatar
 Process Risk Management Level-2, by OXY, Qatar
 QP PTW level-1
 HSE Induction (NPCC)
 Confined Space Entry (NPCC)
 Heat Stress (NPCC)
 Work Permit (NPCC)
 Environmental Awareness (NPCC)
 ADMA Induction
 Risk Assessment
 Air pressure Testing (NPCC)
 Hazard identification process (HIP NPCC)
 HEMS awareness
 OPTIMA NO. 156705
 OFFSHORE SECURITY PASS, Expiry 15 January 2020
 H2S / B.A. (OPITO APPROVED), Expiry: 11 March 2020
 F.O.E.T. (TBOSIET) (OPITO APPROVED) Expiry: 09 March.

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