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Hydraulic unit of rotation into linear motion conversion – design, model,

construction and testing

Chapter · December 2015


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4 authors, including:

Olga Jarzyna Jan Awrejcewicz

Lodz University of Technology Lodz University of Technology


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Hydraulic unit of rotation into linear motion conversion – design,
model, construction and testing

Gabriel Szymkiewicz, Olga Szymanowska, Donat Lewandowski, Jan Awrejcewicz

Abstract: An attempt to develop a unit which can be employed to solve problems

connected with the manoeuvrability of prosthetic hands, surgical equipment and other
systems requiring high stiffness and precision combined with good recurrence of
movements in linear motion is made. The main goal is to reduce the cost of the device
and to make its design less complicated comparing to already existing ideas presented
by other researchers. Two conceptions of a unit used to convert rotary motion into
linear one are presented, including variants employing a fixed step motor or a rolling
guide. Sets of physical, mathematical and simulation models of the systems are
developed and presented. Working prototypes based on the conceptions are
manufactured and described. The research is supplemented with results of tests of the
prototypes regarding their precision and stiffness.

1. Introduction

Prosthetic technology aims to provide the patient who lost his hand with a replacement allowing
to restore manoeuvrability as close as possible to that of the lost hand. Therefore, the goal of modern
hand prostheses is to physically resemble a human palm. The attempts to mimic a natural palm have
been made for some time, with the examples of the Utah/MIT hand, the Salisbury hand or the Barrett
hand [6] which while properly imitating the motion of a human hand are also suitable for robotic
manipulators. A good example of approach combining both manoeuvrability and ergonomics is the
Fluidhand [7], a hydraulic hand, employing micropumps and flexible actuators. The greatest
disadvantage of this design is high overall cost and complicated design of the prosthesis. Another
interesting design is the Khefa hand [8]. The prosthesis uses segmented fingers connected by means
of rubber hinges to shape memory alloy (SMA) cables providing the necessary motion. Main
disadvantages of the design are the heat production and placement of the electrical system inside the
hand. The goal of this work is to provide a simpler and cheaper solution for driving prostheses of
upper limbs as well as for surgical equipment and for all applications requiring high stiffness and
precision combined with good recurrence of movements in linear motion. The idea of the project is to
employ a step engine connected to the driving actuator to create the flow of hydraulic oil through the
tube and thus to induce the motion of the executive actuator.

2. Overall idea

Figure 1. Conceptual drawings of the unit, a) – variant with fixed step motor, b) – variant with a
rolling guide. 1 – step engine, 2 – driving actuator, 3 – compensatory container,
4 – hydraulic tube, 5 – executive actuator, 6 – rolling guide, φ – rotation of the step
engines shaft, x, y – linear motions of the actuators.

Figure 1 depicts two considered conceptions of the unit. In the first variant the piston of the
driving actuator has an internal thread while the shaft of the step engine is threaded externally. The
rotation of the shaft causes the motion of the actuator’s piston and the combination of these two
elements forms a pump creating the flow of the hydraulic oil into the executive actuator. The spring in
the driving actuator ensures the withdrawal of the piston during backwards motion
The principle of operation of the second unit conception is similar. The cylinder of the driving
actuator is internally threaded. The shaft of the step engine screws into the cylinder during engine’s
rotation, creating the flow of the oil. In order to allow for free movement and reduce the drag, the step
engine is placed on a rolling guide. This conception has been chosen for further development due to
lesser complexity of the driving actuator.

3. Modelling

In order to predict the behaviour of the unit, two sets of physical, mathematical and simulation models
have been created.

Figure 2. The physical model of the unit. x, y – linear motion of actuators, p1, p2 – pressure of the
hydraulic oil inside the driving actuator and the executive actuator, V10, V20 – initial
volumes of the actuators, E – modulus of elasticity of the hydraulic oil, S2, m2 –area and
mass of the piston of the executive actuator, c2, α - viscous and Coulomb damping ratio
between the piston and the cylinder of the executive actuator, k –capacity of the hydraulic
tube, k2 –stiffness of the spring inside the actuator, F2 – external force.

Based on the physical model presented in Figure 2, three differential equations have been created
(1.1-1.3) where two of them concern the flow balance inside the system (the first one represents the
output from the driving actuator, the second one representing input to the executive actuator) and the
third equation describes the force balance in the executive actuator. These three equations form the
mathematical model of the unit.

ௌభ ࢜ାሺ௣భ ି௣మ ሻ௞
‫݌‬ሶଵ ൌ ೇ ೄ  (1.1)
ቀ బభ ି భ ௫ቁ
ಶ ಶ

ିௌమ ௬ሶ ାሺ௣భ ି௣మ ሻ௞

‫݌‬ሶଶ ൌ ೇ ೄ (1.2)
ቀ బమ ା మ ௬ቁ
ಶ ಶ

ௌమ ௣మ ାఈௌమ ௣మ ‫כ‬௦௜௚௡௬ሶ ି௖௬ሶ ି௞మ ௬ିிమ

‫ݕ‬ሷ ൌ (1.3)

The model can be transformed into a dimensionless form (2.1-2.3).

ௗ௉భ ௎ା௞భభ ሺ௉భ ି௉మ ሻ

ൌ (2.1)
ௗఛ ௗభభ ିௗభమ ௑

ௗ௉మ ି௞మభ ሺ௉భ ି௉మሻ
ൌ (2.2)
ௗఛ ିௗమభ ିௗమమ ௒

ௗమ௒ ௗ௒ ௗ௒
ൌ ݀ଷଵ ܲଶ ൅ ݀ଷଶ ܲଶ ή ‫݊݃݅ݏ‬ െ ݀ଷଷ െ ݇ଷଵ ܻ െ ݂ଷ (2.3)
ௗఛమ ௗఛ ௗఛ


௏బభ ௣‫כ‬ ௫‫ כ‬௣‫כ‬

݀ଵଵ ൌ ൌ ʹǤ͹ͲͶ͵ ή ͳͲିଵଵ ; ݀ଵଶ ൌ ൌ ͹ǤͳͶʹͻ ή ͳͲିଵ଴;
ா௧‫ כ‬ௌభ ௩‫כ‬ ா௧‫ כ‬௩‫כ‬

௣‫ כ‬௞ ௏బమ ௣‫כ‬
݇ଵଵ ൌ ൌ ͵Ǥͻ͵Ͳ͵ ή ͳͲି଼ ; ݀ଶଵ ൌ ൌ ʹǤ͹ͲͶ͵ ή ͳͲିଵଵ ;
ௌభ ௩‫כ‬ ாௌమ ௫‫כ‬

௣‫כ‬ ௣‫ כ‬௞௧‫כ‬
݀ଶଶ ൌ ൌ ͹ǤͳͶʹͻ ή ͳͲିଵ଴ ; ݇ଶଵ ൌ ൌ ͵Ǥͻ͵Ͳ͵ ή ͳͲି଼ ;
ா ௌమ ௫‫כ‬

ௌమ ௣‫ כ‬௧‫כ‬మ ఈௌమ ௣‫ כ‬௧‫כ‬మ ௖௧‫כ‬

݀ଷଵ ൌ ൌ ͲǤͲͲ͸͹; ݀ଷଶ ൌ ൌ ͲǤͲͲͲ͸͹; ݀ଷଷ ൌ ൌ ͵ͻͳͲ;
௠మ ௫‫כ‬ ௠మ ௫‫כ‬ ௠మ

௞మ ௧‫כ‬మ ிమ ௧‫כ‬మ
݇ଷଵ ൌ ൌ ͸ͷͲͲ; ݂ଷ ൌ ൌ ͵͵͵Ǥ͵͵͵͵;
௠మ ௠మ ௫‫כ‬

The speed of the piston of the driving actuator is the control value. It is assumed that the motion
resistances in this actuator are compensated by adequately powerful step engine.
The aforementioned mathematical model is used to create a simulation model in Matlab
Simulink environment with the simulation time τ = 1. Another values of parameters used in the
simulation are as follows: ‫ݔ‬ሶ = 0,01+0,005sin(1000t) [m/s]; S1 = S2 = 201 · 10-6 [m];
V01 = V02 = 7610 · 10-9 [m3]; m2 = 0,03 [kg],; c2 = 117,3 [N·s/m]; k2 = 195 [N/m];
௠ర ή௦
k = 7,9 · 10-12 ቂ ቃǡ F2 = 10 [N].

The results of the simulation are presented in Figures 3 – 7.

Figure 3. The positions of the pistons - of the drive actuator x ( ) and the executive
actuator y ( ) at the beginning of the simulation.

Figure 4. The positions of the pistons - of the drive actuator x ( ) and the executive actuator y ( )
at the end of the simulation.

As it can be observed on the above graph, at the end of the motion sequence, the difference
between the positions of two actuators’ pistons equals to about 0.03 mm, which thereby gives positive
predictions for the unit’s precision.

Figure 5. The velocities of the pistons - of the drive actuator ‫ݔ‬ሶ ( ) and the executive actuator ‫ݕ‬ሶ ( )
for the first ten milliseconds of the simulation.

The application of the external force F2 causes the velocity of the executive actuator to oscillate
briefly, however the unit returns to the previous state within less than 5 milliseconds.

Figure 6. Velocities of the pistons - of the drive actuator ‫ݔ‬ሶ ( ) and the executive actuator ‫ݕ‬ሶ ( ) for
the first 10 milliseconds of the simulation.

The phase shift between velocities of both actuators’ pistons is 1 millisecond.

Figure 7. The pressure of the hydraulic oil inside the drive actuator p1 ( ) and in the executive
actuator p2 ( ).

The application of the external force F2 causes the pressure inside the unit to increase by
0.3 MPa. This behaviour allows the unit to stabilize the velocity of executive actuator’s piston.

4. Working prototype.

After choosing the conception and creating a simulation model, a working prototype of the unit has
been designed and created.
In order to test the principle of operation of the unit, it has been solely necessary to create the
drive actuator and to connect it to a ready-made hydraulic executive actuator.

1. 2.

Figure 8. Schematic diagram of the drive actuator. 1 – threaded piston, 2 – cylinder.

Free space inside the cylinder of the actuator allows to test it in two configuration. The first one,
shown in Figure 8, is identical to the chosen conception. The sealing of the unit is supposed to be
provided by accurately tight thread on both the piston and the cylinder. In the second configuration,
additional elements are added in order to provide better sealing.

Figure 9. Schematic diagram of the drive actuator in second configuration. 1 – threaded piston,
2 – cylinder, 3 – intermediate piston, 4 – spring, 5 – seal, 6 – metal ball.

The motion of the threaded piston directed into the cylinder pushes the intermediate piston
equipped with a lip seal. The spring enforces the intermediate piston to withdraw the backwards
motion. The metal ball reduces the friction between two pistons.
Based on the above schematics, a prototype of the actuator has been manufactured.

Figure 10. Drive actuator connected to a step motor with a roller guide.

Material chosen for the cylinder was bronze, due to low friction ratio regarding steel pistons.

Figure 11. Hydraulic unit test station. 1 – drive actuator, 2 – step motor with rolling guide,
3 – executive actuator, 4 – step motor driver, 5 – displacement gauge, 6 – control panel,
7 – power source.

First tests of the basic configuration (Figure 8) have showed that achieving necessary tightness of
the threads is not possible with accessible technology. The result is an excessive leakage of the
hydraulic oil. Thus, the tests have been performed on the second configuration of the actuator
(Figure 9).

5. Unit precision test

Figure 12. Drive unit with scale disc (1) and displacement
1 gauge (2).

In order to observe the rotation of the drive actuator, a scale wheel has been installed on the
threaded piston. Observations of the movement of the executive actuator have been performed with
the use of a displacement gauge applied to the actuator’s piston. Considering the pitch on the threaded
piston equal to 1 mm, one rotation corresponds to 1 mm of linear motion. Due to difficulty of
observing the scale wheel with a naked eye, the test has been recorded with a camera and
subsequently replayed frame by frame. During the tests, the difference between positions of two
actuators has not exceeded 0.03 mm.

6. Stiffness test

To test the stiffness of the unit, an external force has been applied to the piston of executive actuator,
measured with the help of a dynamometer. The motion of the piston has been measured with the
displacement gauge. The initial force was equal to 10 N and the piston has responded by means of
moving by 0.01 mm. Then, the force has been increased up to 20 N and the piston again moved for
0.01 mm. The test allowed to calculate the stiffness of the whole unit (6.1).

ଵ ଵ଴ே ଶ଴ே ே ே
݆ൌ ቀ ൅ ቁ ൌ ͳͲͲͲͲͲͲ ቂ ቃ ൌ ͳ ቂ ቃ (6.1)
ଶ ଴ǡ଴ଵ௠௠ ଴ǡ଴ଶ௠௠ ௠ ఓ௠

7. Conclusion

The first tests of the described unit give good predictions regarding unit’s precision and stiffness.
With further development, the hydraulic unit of rotation into linear motion conversion can be a
good solution for driving artificial limbs and surgical equipment, allowing to place the drive actuator

outside the patient’s body and to use the hydraulic tubes to connect it to the executive actuator driving
elements placed inside.
Another possible application of the unit is in the industrial equipment requiring high level of
precision regardless of applied loads.
In further tests, it will be necessary to check the correctness of the units positioning after a series
of set motions with different loads applied.
In order to test the first configuration of the drive actuator, the unit must be recreated with much
tighter thread, both on the cylinder and the piston. In order to minimize the leakage, the fissure
between two threads should not exceed 5 μm.

8. References

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[8] El-Sheikh, M. A., Taher, M. F., Metwalli, S. M. New optimum humanoid hand design for
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Jan Awrejcewicz, Professor: Department of Automation, Biomechanics and Mechatronics, Lodz

University of Technology, 90-924 Łódź, Poland (
Donat Lewandowski, Professor: Department of Automation, Biomechanics and Mechatronics, Lodz
University of Technology, 90-924 Łódź, Poland (
Gabriel Szymkiewicz, M.Sc. (Ph.D. student): Department of Automation, Biomechanics and
Mechatronics, Lodz University of Technology, 90-924 Łódź, Poland
Olga Szymanowska, M.Sc.: Department of Automation, Biomechanics and Mechatronics, Lodz
University of Technology, 90-924 Łódź, Poland (


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