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Causes of Social Discrimination

Social Discrimination is a threat to society

Social discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of individuals and groups on the basis of
characteristics such as race, sex, age or sexual orientation.
There are many forms of Social discrimination, in addition to the more familiar forms such as race and
gender, based on ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability or handicap and sexual harassment.
The above qualification refers to a situation of direct Social discrimination, in which a person suffers
unfavorable treatment directly on the basis of a prohibited ground. Indirect Social discrimination refers to
a situation in which an apparently neutral provision or practice has discriminatory effects. In addition to
direct and indirect social discrimination, we can use the term institutional Social discrimination.
In terms of root cause, social discrimination does not appear to be a clear acceptance of any theory of
causation, but such social discrimination often causes a chain reaction of harm. For example, it should be
noted that there is also a link between social discrimination and social distancing, as it is often
psychologically easier to discriminate against people with whom one is not familiar.
While there is no general consensus on the “cause” of social discrimination, there is consensus that it
constitutes learned behavior. The internalization of discrimination begins with parents and then with
teachers, the main groups in shaping attitudes in children. The media and social institutions reinforce
discriminatory attitudes, giving them social legitimacy, since discrimination is learned. At best,
discrimination can be reduced. Society more frequently relies on education and legislation to combat
social discrimination; For reasons that are not yet clearly understood, intergroup contact alone is not
enough to reduce social discrimination. On the one hand, multicultural education, whether direct or
indirect, constitutes the backbone of educational efforts aimed at eliminating social discrimination. On the
other hand, a focus on civil rights, enlightened immigration policies and hiring quota mandates are the
cornerstone of legal approaches to mitigate the effects of social discrimination. The most overlooked area
in resolving social discrimination issues lies in the network of close relationships where true feelings of
love can be encouraged and strengthened.
The effects of social discrimination in society are reflected in social discrimination based on sex, gender,
religion and disability.
Gender discrimination means unequal treatment between men and women. It is a big problem in our
country. It begins at birth and continues throughout a woman's life. Social prejudices, customs and ills of
dowry systems are the causes of gender discrimination.
Religious discrimination involves treating people differently in their jobs because of their religion,
religious beliefs and practices, and / or their request for accommodation (a change in a rule or policy in
the workplace). their religious beliefs and practices.
Age discrimination, also known as age discrimination in the workplace, is a complex issue that can affect
many areas of government policy and can have many influences on individuals themselves. Age
discrimination can arise through employment and can affect young, old and young. This could affect
employment opportunities, promotion opportunities and growth. Age can also be a factor when employers
decide who should be selected for the layoff.
Social discrimination goes against the most fundamental values of a modern society. In fact, it is a threat
to democracy, which is based on the idea of a society in which hierarchies and arbitrary preferences based
on, for example, gender, ethnicity and wealth have been. eliminated in order to achieve equality.
Democracy recognizes the value and equal rights of all, so equality prohibits social discrimination, which
is also the cornerstone of human rights.
Social discrimination poses not only a threat to society, but also to the individual who is subjected to such
unfavorable treatment, as it is a direct denial of the equal worth of the victim. It is a violation of a person's
identity. The consequences of social discrimination coincide with the seriousness of the crime, a causal
link with alienation

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