Digital Business & Marketing SMT 2 PDF

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Student ID ________________

Semester / Year: Semester 2 2018

Faculty / Dept: Management and Marketing

Subject Code: MKTG90017

Subject Name: Digital Business and Marketing

Writing Time: 2 hrs

Reading Time: 15 minutes

Open Book Status: No

Number of Pages (including this page): 4

Authorised Materials: Foreign language translation and English dictionaries (non-electronic)

Instructions to Students:
This examination (100 marks in total) contributes 50% to the final subject mark.
This examination paper includes 1 section.

Section 1: Contains 22 short answer questions. You are required to answer ALL questions. This
section accounts for 100 marks.

Instructions to Invigilators:
Student may keep the paper: No
Student may annotate the paper during reading time: No
Paper to be held by Library: Yes

Extra Materials Required:


Section 1

Answer ALL of the following questions.

Question 1
What are membership cues in viral marketing? How are they used?
(4 marks)

Question 2
What is Cost per Acquisition (CPA)? How is it calculated?
(2 marks)

Question 3
What is A/B testing? What is it used for?
(2 marks)

Question 4
What are 2 cognitive states used to hook consumers into a BUMP movie?
Describe each one.

(4 marks)
Question 5
What is anchoring? Give an example.
(2 marks)

Question 6
What are 3 ways to earn Self Enhancement from sharing? Describe each one.
(6 marks)

Question 7
Affinity is different from emotion. Describe how.
(4 marks)

Question 8
What are the 2 sources of time-based affinity? Describe each one.
(4 marks)

Question 9
What are the steps for group based viral share? Describe each one.
(4 marks)
Question 10
‘Keywords sometimes reveal a consumer’s purchase intentions.’
Explain this statement using examples.
(6 marks)

Question 11
Name 3 useful email metrics. For each metric describe:
(a) What it means, and;
(b) How to calculate it.
(6 marks)

Question 12
Hypothesis testing is important when it comes to improving conversion rates. However,
good hypotheses must be able to be proved or disproved.
Write a hypothetical testable hypothesis.
(4 marks)
Question 13
When considering usability and user experience (UX), what is effectiveness and what is
efficiency? What metrics could you use to evaluate each one?

(6 marks)
Question 14
What are 3 types of arousal? Describe each one, including how you might invoke each
(6 marks)

Question 15
What is Todorov’s narrative framework? Explain each step.
(6 marks)

Question 16
In PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising, Google will assign a Quality Score to your campaign.
What factors impact this quality score, and how does the quality score impact your
(6 marks)

Question 17
Search engines classify search into three types. Describe what the three types are, and
how each might impact website content.
(6 marks)
Question 18
What are the elements of Edgerank, and how can Social Media managers write posts to
maximise Edgerank?
(6 marks)

Question 20
When conducting a formal analysis of competitor SERPs, what 4 elements should you look

(4 marks)
Question 21
A metric can apply to three different universes of customer.
(a) What are these universes?
(b) Which universe is preferred, and why?
(6 marks)

Question 22
Is apparel a search or experience good? Explain your answer.
(6 marks)


Library Course Work Collections

Management and Marketing

Digital Business and Marketing, 2018, Semester 2, MKTG90017


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