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-Phrasal verb:

 To get started (Para comenzar)

 Pin down / nail down (Determinar):
 Bring along/ Bring about (Acarrear /generar / tener como consecuencia):
 Go through (Sufrir/ Soportar / Pasar por)
 Along with/ Alongside with (Junto con)
 Come down to/ Come to (Se trata de/ en cuanto a)
 Point out (señalar)
 Come across (nos encontramos con)
 Sort out (resolver una situación)
 Carry out (llevar a cabo)
 Figure out (averiguar/ descifrar/ resolver)


 To bring focus to the fact (Señalar)

 Let us get straight to the point and tackle the heart of the matter (Vamos a ir
directos al grano y abordar el quid de la cuestión)
 Let us dive deeper into it and pin down (vamos a meternos de lleno en el tema
y determinar)
 Without a doubt whatsoever (sin lugar a duda)
 It entails (esto conlleva/ implica)
 Yet (sin embargo): En lugar de: “however”, “nonetheless”, “nevertheless”.
 Taking into account that (teniendo en cuenta que)
 Due to the fact that (debido a)
 On another note (por otro lado): En lugar de decir, “on the other side”.

To turn a blind eye to something (hacer la vista gorda):
Not all that glitters is gold (No todo lo que reluce es oro)
Facts speak for themselves (los hechos hablan por sí mismos)
There is a fine line (hay una fina línea)
To grab the bull by the horns

-Pasiva: To be supposed to (Se supone que)

-Inversión: Not only but also (No solo… pero también…)

-Expresión: Far-reaching effects (Grandes repercursiones)

-Condicional: Were I you I would not do it (Condicional invertido)

-To be supposed to/ to be meant to


-I cannot help but point out

-Not all that glitters is gold

-Come across

-At first glance

-It appears to be

-A fine line

-Draw the line

-It is fair to say/ highlight/ point out

-Pin down

-It is to say

-Far-reaching effects

-Let us dive deeper into it and (pin down/ nail down/analyze)

-You might wonder

-The way forward is…


-Come up with

-Come down to/ Come to

-To turn a blind eye to (something)

-Grab the bull by the horns

-Last but not least

-We cannot overlook the fact

-Bring along/ bring about/ come with

-The tip of the iceberg

-It is worth highlighting

-If I had been in your shoes…

-Broaden horizons

-Not only but also

-Let us get straight to the point and tackle the heart of the matter

-To drag (someone’s) feet on (something)

-Hit rock bottom

-Along with

-It turns out to be

-It is crystal clear

-We tend to…

-Hence: por lo tanto

-Facts speak for themselves

-Off the scale/ off the chart

-To be in someone’s shoes

-Take it up a notch

-Getting out of hand

-Go hand in hand together

-A win-win situation

-It is vital that

-On another note

-And so on/ and so forth…

-The order of the day

-Let me highlight the fact

-I would like to bring focus to the fact that

-I truly believe/think

-In my humble opinion

-As aforementioned

-To make a long story short

-Given that

-We cannot get away from the fact that

-Roughly speaking/ Pretty much/ Give or take

-By the way of illustration/ To name but a few/ Namely/ For instance

-For the sake of – En lugar de “to” (cuando indica propósito)

-A tipping point

-Bring something to an end

-In the short term/ In the long term

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