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Movie Film 1 1 /27/11 10:44 PM


y name is


Lee I got

to an international high school at South Korea in Seoul. This is my

mission statement. By not letting my potential get wasted, but to let

it give humor, thrill, and sadness to

the audiences through screen. To

obtain a job as a Movie Director,

using my creativity in portraying a memorable

story and leadership through challenging experience, creating a

movie that will be a big impact to the audiences.


When I go to college I would like to go to a university at the

west coast of America, places near California. First Job

What I would like to major in is filming or technology, Honestly I know how competitive this world is when it comes

because I think I am a pretty tech-savvy guy. I think that having a to employment. People would eat each other alive in order to

major to this area would help me be more creative and show my obtain a job position. What I wish is that I get to work in a film set,

potential. My minor would be in editing wise. And my reason for so that I can learn. It could be any job like cleaning the trash. It

choosing near california is probably because many of the big would help me to see how the film industry work, and watch

industry film is near there: like Hollywood. experienced film director make his movie. The only thing I'm

concerned about is not the money, but how much I can learn fro

this opportunity.
18 Highschool Degree
21 College degree in Writing
22 Job at news reporting company
Development in Jobs & Positions
24 News reporter
Film director is more independent because it doesn't really
26 Journalist
have a big family, as in per say big company as apple. If the
30 Qualities To ThriveMore important
company falls the workers that have been working there will lose
35 Write a book their job. However filming is different, it gives more option in way
out. To make a block buster type of movie it would cost a lot of
money,so starting off simple would be good. It will have to be
perfect in many ways, meaning as like the, camera angles. the
deep story line that everyone can agree to, and it has to be
Capstone of Career
• PassPassionate Now after making great films that won academy awards like:
• Persistence "The Legendary Buckaroo", " The Hawaii Surfers Nightmare", "
Two Love", or the documentary on " What is the Origin of Howzit" I
have to think either to retire, but I think film director should keep on
filming new movies to show to the audience , because they are the
one who brought me to this top place. Film director should also be
a role model to the other young directors, leaving them a Legacy.

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