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Discourse approach to analysing a research/review


RS5: Complete the tasks and submit them through VMA by March 30.


Provide information on the following aspects below:

Key argument: Natural disaster is not really natural
Key strategy (synthesis, comparison, classification, narration etc.): Analyzed the usage of the
expression ‘‘natural disaster’’ by
disaster studies researchers in 589 articles in six key academic
journals representative of disaster studies research
Research gap: I did not find a research gap
Research questions: Academic communication. To find out the use of "natural disaster" by
disaster studies researchers. Aims to stimulate debate within the disaster studies

2. DATA:
Sample: In the eighteenth century, Rousseau questioned the ‘‘naturalness’’
of the destruction caused in Lisbon by the 1755
earthquake and tsunami, and suggested that Lisbon’s high
population density contributed to the toll. A drought
In northeastern Nigeria, a typhoon
Philippines or Hurricane in New
Orleans, these disasters could have been caused by poor city planning.
Participants: Academics who looking for answers to “natural disasters”. Community and
society. Social media. Scholars.
Characteristics: Language. Natural hazards. Disasters. Academic

Qualitative: Search for academic literature. Explicitly or implicitly focus on human
vulnerability based on abstract and keywords. Research article.
Quantitative: Search for academic literature on Scopus, there were 27,256 documents that
matched the search and ScienceDirect were 29,216 documents that matched the search. The
sample was narrowed to 589 articles. Reports of meetings, briefing documents, editorials,
book reviews.

Goals achieved? Why yes? Why not?
Yes. In the Oxford English Dictionary, the term "natural disaster" was found to be: flood,
earthquake, hurricane. Although these elements may also be influenced by human activity.

Key argument: “Natural disaster” is widely used in academic literature. The authors think that
disasters are socially constructed. Many authors use the expression in the course of
critiquing. Preparedness is seen by many authors as the most critical phase for reducing
vulnerability. Disasters impact certain groups of the population more than others.
Evaluation: Some articles focus on the community, demonstrating examples of ‘‘living’’ with
natural hazards. Authors highlight the role that effective governance can play in reducing the
impact of a disaster if implemented appropriately, taking into account the context. Authors
emphasize the role of education and raising awareness in adjusting risk perceptions.
Perspective: Focus on advancing science to reduce human impact on "natural disasters".
When conveying a thought, instead of "natural disaster," try to narrow the meaning of the
word to a specific thought.


Give a short overview of a chosen article subsection and choose from three to five key concepts
used in the chosen part of the article. Provide definitions for these words or phrases and make
a sentence with each of them.


Review from results and discussion. In this subsection discussing about how term "natural disaster" is used
in articles. The results of the researched articles are

Flood - This is a phenomenon where rivers and lakes water level rise above normal and spill over into large
areas. The prolonged torrential downpour caused the river levels to rise sharply and flood the residential

Earthquake - It is a phenomenon where the tension between two bodies causes displacement. This
displacement deep underground causes earthquakes. Two tectonic plates shifted in the subduction zone and
caused an

Hurricane - It is a phenomenon when a mixture of air temperatures at different temperatures causes a spiral
wind flow which has a high destructive force. A Category 3 hurricane is approaching the eastern US coast,
warning of increased wind gusts




Make a list of 2/5 arguments and comment on how you understand them.

1. People also contributes to "natural disasters" - research in the article shows that urban

structures, large numbers of people in one area can contribute to "natural disasters".

2. An earthquake causes a lot of damage - article writes that 2015 Gorkha Earthquake wich

struck Nepal do over USD billions in damage.

3. Disaster is defined as human, material, economic and environmental losses and impacts -

human acts of omission and commission rather than an act of nature, and that disasters

are caused more by socioeconomic than natural factors.

4. __________________________________________________________________________


5. __________________________________________________________________________

Indicate whether you agree or disagree with TWO of the chosen arguments and
explain why.

An earthquake causes a lot of damage

I agree with this argument because earthquakes can cause serious material damage.

People also contributes to "natural disasters

I agree with this argument. The root cause of a person may not be one that causes "natural disasters", but can
influence them. Human activities can to strengthen "natural disaster"

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