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Anis, Miguel | Brioso, Jerry Anne | Griffiths, Joel | Orlido, Dennyse | Zordilla, Celina

6. a) 98 x .95 x .94 x .90 = .7876

b) The least reliable component amongst the 4 is the one with the .90 reliability. Therefore, it
would be best to create a backup for this component. The reliability now would increase to
.98 x .95 x .94 x [.90 + (.90 x .10)] = .8863
c) The weakest link amongst the 4 components is the one with the reliability of .90. Therefore,
if one places a backup for this component, the reliability would increase to:
.98 x .95 x .94 x [.90 + (.92 x .10)] = .8681

8. a) Reliability of Plan 1 (From Problem 7):

.99 x .96 x .93 = .883872
.883872 + [(1 - .883872) (.883872)] = .986514287

Reliability of Plan 1 (Assumption that the single switch is 98% reliable)

.99 x .96 x .93 = .883872
.883872 + [(1 - .883872) x .98 x .883872] = .984461441

Difference or Decrease in the reliability due to the 98% reliable switch:

.986514287 - .984461441 = 0.002052846 or 0.0021

b) Reliability of Plan 2 (From Proplem 7):

.9999 x .9984 x .9951 = .9934

Reliability of Plan 2 (Assumption from number 8)

(.99 + [(1 - .99) x .98 x .99])(.96 + [(1 - .96) x .98 x .96])(.93 + [(1 - .93) x .98 x .93]) = .9997
x .9976 x .9938 = .9911

Difference or Decrease in the reliability:

.9934 - .9911 = .0023

10. [x + (1 – x)x](x4)
= x5 + (1 –x)x5 = 2x5 – x6 = x5 (2 - x) = .98
x = .995 (Through trial and error)

12. Where e = 2.718281828

a.1) e-39/30 = .2725
a.2) e-48/30 = .2019
a.3) e-60/30 = .1353

b.1) 1 - e-33/30 = .6671

b.2) 1 - e-15/30 = .3935
b.3) 1 - e-6/30 = .1813

Solve for x in the following situations

c.1) (1 - .50) = e-x/30
x = 20.80 or 21 months
c.2) (1 - .85) = e-x/30
x = 56.91 or 97 months
c.3) (1 - .95) = e-x/30
x = 89.87 or 90 months
c.4) (1 - .95) = e-x/30
x = 138.15 or 138 months
Anis, Miguel | Brioso, Jerry Anne | Griffiths, Joel | Orlido, Dennyse | Zordilla, Celina

14. MTBF = 5,000 hours

A. T = 6,000
T/MTBF = 6,000 / 5,000 = 1.2
= 0.3012

B. T/MTBF= 1,000/5,000 = 0.2

= 1-0.8187 = 0.1813

C. P(100<= x <= 6,000) = 0.8187 - 0.3012 = 0.5175

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