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. Government of West Bengal DDepariment of Heath & Family Welfare : Health Senices Branch ‘swasthya Bhawan, Block GN 29 Sector, Salt Lake Cty, Kokata-700 081 Fie No: SWE Dated. Kolkata 25" June, 2020 From The Joint Seuetary, Health Servces Branch Department of Health & Fariy Wetfare ‘Govemment of West Bengal To. : 1. The Director of Healy Services, West Bengal, Swasthya Bhawan, Kolkata St 2. The Director of Medical Education, West Bengal, Swasthya Bhawan, Kolkata 91 Subject: Guidelines. for Bar Code System for Effective Management of Blo-medical Waste ‘The undersigned is directed to send herewith guidelines for Bar Code System for Effective Management of Bio-medical Waste prepared by Cental Poluion Control Boar, New Delhi wih a request to ite necessary acton to comply wih this guidelines ‘prepared by Cental Poluton Control Board, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Cimate Change, Parvesh Bhawan, East Ajun Nagar, New Deh-110032 at Healthcare faites, Quarantine CampstHome-care, Sample Collection Genres, Laboratories and CBWTFS into, “The guideines contain the folowing pins: Introduction ‘Need for Bar Code System Stakeholders responsible for implementation of the Bar Code System Bar Code Label Implementation of Bar Code Based Waste Management Systom ‘Specification ofthe Bar Code Scanner andlor App based mobie scanner Responsibiliy of the OccupieOperator of a CBWTE Flaw-chat of implomenting Bar coding system “Time frame for compliance tothe Guidelines 10. Acton in case of vilaton of bar code system 11, Deta maintenance and auiput formats 12, Additional Optional Featoes: This is extemely urgent Enclosed as sated Bake 206-22 JOINT SECRETARY, HS BRANCH Fle No: 121(2U5 - HEIOMSIW-05:2020.Par Dated Kolkata 25" Juno, 2020 Copy fovarded for infarmation and necessary action to: 1. The Chit Medical Officer of Health (Al Distt) persian “The Deputy Director Hospital Administration Branch, Swasthya Bhawan 4. Cel for Web Posting 5. Offce Copy 6, Guard File Seek 3g 0628 JOINT SECRETARY, H8 BRANCH Guidelines for Bar Code System for Effective Management of Bio-medical Waste cpeis Central Pollution Control Board ronment, Forest and Climate Change) Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar DELHI-110 032 website: www.cpeb.nicin (Ministry of Ev April 2018 sy Salen ugar Prchrer dhe SOO, 9 Gy a ae : CENTRAL POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD vanil.oe, oer, ase SPS. PARIHAR, « FOREWORD “The Bio Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 xe amended sipulat thal tthe ay af very Heath Care Facuty (HOF) to estableh a bar codo syste by 27 032019, to aocount 4 track the wasle buing sont out of the"promisos and dspased through. Common Blomesial Waste Treatment Facily (CBMIVTE) The barcode system ie roquicd to b> ‘esiaiched by Operator o! 8 Common Ble medial Waste Treatment Facil {CBTF) with ‘mandatory paricpation of HCFs. Afore-said fies also mandate CPCB to prepare tecinesl ‘pudesres lor unformty e esteblhing ystem of barcode trackng atres tne county ‘Te bar code system somes 2 an enpotant 00 or cequltry authorities especially for tracing of biomesia! waste tm source of ts generabon toe ulate cisposal The Eat ode system abo eps regulary agencies in goting istartareous data on bin-moceal \rosle management of particular HCF or CEMWTF. Barcode system would also help ‘onvolng the piferage of ecylable bio-medieal wos ‘These guidelines provide information on aspects eiaing fo Bor Cae system which incite Geneed spectieations ler the Hat code lab, Dar code Seances, mobla bar code seannat typeof data io be captured, geasaton of ba-cade abes, barcoding sofware ec. non the queance fr implementing bar cade system Ny coveagues Shit J.Chanére Babu, Scions, ‘0’ and Shri BVinod Baby, Soentst'= have pum excelent eft in preparation and palzaton of these gusdalnes under te fqudance of She A. Susi’ Member Societary. Inputs provided by Ministy ot Envrment, Fest and Climate Change (MotF 8 CC), Ninsty of Heshh & Femiy ‘Wotare (cH & FW), State Poliion Corto! Boards (SPCBs). Healy Care Facility ‘eprevenistves, Indian Medial Associaton (IMA) as well a CBWTF Associaton of sia Sd athe offeat who were involved ether decor indreay ar aco acknowledged ‘us expected thal these gubdeines wou facitate and provide guidance to HOF #8 well as Operators of CBWTF In establshing barcode systems well wih the stpulatedtmelnes Slate Poluion Control Boats fPaiutan Control Commitons and concemed departments of powemments are expected lo enue efecive wmplameniason ofthese guelnes for ‘noun environmentally soune mamagement of bio medial waste the county fay (sp-sioH PaRIHAR) Ap 2018 ‘ety ae RRA ste tb aa, ft so82 -FASNES! Bia, 0D-CNFOFFICECSMPLDC EAST ARJUN GAR, ELH 0 PHONE. 220, TH FAK NONE poate CONTENTS: Particulars [introduction — Need for the 8 system Stakebolders responsible for Implementation of the Bar Code System Bar Code Label z Implementation of Bar Code Based Waste Management 5 system ee ‘Specifications of the Bar code Scanner and/or App 6 based mobile scanner 7___[ Responsibility of the Occupier/Operator ofa CBWTF, se 8___| Flow-chart of implementing Bar coding system 10 | 9 | Time frame for compliance to the Guidelines [a 10 __| Actions in case of violation of bar code system ra 11_| Data maintenancé and output formats i 12 | Additional Optionat Features, 1 List of Figures Figure 1, Typical Bar Code or QR Code label 4 Figure.2 Dedicated App based Mobile barcode scanner 7 Figure 3. Dedicated bar code scanner used for 8 collection of waste from HCFs Figure 4. Responsible agencies for implementation of 8 the Bar Code System ¢ 5, Implementation of the Bar Code System 10 List of Annexures ‘Annexure-I: Name of the State/UT and the respective 12 Code ‘Annexurelk: Format for Daily Report of BMW 1B Management Guidelines for Bar Code System for Effective Management of Bio-medical Waste introduction Blo-medical W. te Management Rules, 2016 notified on 2803.2016 and as amended thereof under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, stipulates that itis the duty of every Health Care Facility (HCF) to establish @ bar code system fer hags or containers containing bio- medical waste (BMW) to be sext out ofthe premises or place for any purpose, by 27.03.2018, Aso, Rule 5 of the BMWM Rules, 2046 stipulates that i isthe duty of the every Operator of Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment Faelity (CBWTE) to establish bar code system for handling of bio-medical waste. ey a wall ‘These guidelines have been prepared to fa tate and provide guidance to both the Occupier as 1 Operator of CBWTF to establish bar code system and also to have uniformity in adoption of the bar code system throughout the country, thereby ensuring effective enforcement ofthe BMWM Rules, 2016, Need for Bar Code System Bar code system would help in accounting the quantity of biomedical waste being collected, ‘weated and disposed. Ths system would aso help the prescribed authorities in monitoring the implementation of BMWM Rules, 2016. The benefits of Bar code system are summarised below: 0 y ow (co) oa win ‘Tracking of blomedical waste from source of generation to intended destination for final treatment and disposal; Daily check on the Occupier, transporter (involved in transportation of bio-metical ‘waste within HCF as well as transportation of bio-medical waste from HCF to the (CHWTE premises) and Operator of a CBWTF; Preventing. pilferage of bio-medical waste at HCFs as well as during transportation of ‘waste from HCF tothe CBWTF; Keeping record of visits made by CBWTF to the member HCFs for collection of waste; Identification of source of generation of bio-medical waste in case waste i disposed of improperly; Creates real time online monitoring of waste generation, collection, transportation, treatment and disposal; and Quantification of bio-medical waste generated, colour coding-wise waste handed over to the CBWTE operator by the Occupier and waste collected daily by the Operator of a CCEWTF from the member HCFs for further treatment and disposal Stakeholders responsible for Implementation of the Bar Code System According to BMWM Rules, 2016 as amended, following stakeholders are responsible for implementation ofthe Bar Code system as detailed below: @) Prescribed authority: The State Pollution Control Board (SPCHA in respect of the State, Pollution Control Committee (PCC) i respect ofthe Union Tersitory (UT) and Director General, Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS) in respect af Armed Forces Heath Care Establishments fall under the Jussdicion ofthe Ministry of Defense are the prescribed authority for overall enforcement of the BMWM Rules, 2036 including implementation of Bar cade system, u © bow supply aith Care Pacitity: The person havi sand the pretnses generating bio-medical waste, which fhcludes a hsprteh, nursing home eine, dispensiry, veterinary insbution, animal Howse, pathological laboratory. bnood bank, health enre factity and clinical establishment, s responsible to msplemtent bar code labelling system. Operator of a Common Hio-medical Waste Treatment Facility (CBWTF): The person who owns of controls a Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment Facity (CBWTF) for the collection, reception, storage, trensport treetment and disposal or ‘any other form of handling of bio-medical wast is also responsibe for implementing a Bar coding system, Rules does not stipulate any responsibility tothe bar code vendor (that is a person ing and distributing bar coded bogs ar container with bar coded labels}. However, such vendors may provide bar code labels compatible with bar-code management system software and in accordance with these guidelines. Bar Code Label 1. Bar 0 o 2 Spe code labeling may be of twa types as given below Bar code or QR code label can be pre-printed directly on she designated colour coded bags /eontainers, which may be procured by HCF through the Operator of = CBWTF providing services to them or through any vendor, fulfiling the specifications stipulated under these guidelines: or Bar code oF QR code labels ean be pasted on the designated colour coded baes/ containers, which ean be procured by the HCF either through the Operator of a CCBWTF providing treatment services to the CF or through Vendor. In both cases, thickness of colour coded bag used for segregation and handling of bio-medical waste should be as per Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 as amended thereof Le. equal to er more than 50. “The charges for bat coded labels or pre-printed bar coded label or QR code label may be levied by the Operator of a CBWTF ora Vendor as per the prevailing rates to the Occupier of as per the agreement between the Occupier and Operator of CBWTE/Vendor, Vendors shall consult the CBWTF and the Software Provider so as to ensure compatiblity with software system being adopted by Operator of CBWTF. cifications of Bar-code or QR Code label- “The Bar code label for use on the colour coded bags or containers for handling bio-medical waste should have following specifications; a) Colour mark on the label: A colour mark or text is required on bar code label for ‘easy identification of the bar code (by the workers handling bio-medical waste) with tlesignated colour coded bag or container. The bar code should have a colour mark {in Yellow/Red/White/Blue) in the form of block of size at least 7 mm X 7 mm or Ter of fot sie 12 specying the colar ofthe BMW inthe bags or containers. The colour mark or Text shall be placed at the top left corner of the*bar code label. on Bo CO) om Bo [E ws F ») spat © primed on yellow colour block, $n case of B/W fab, colour mark can be specified in the form of ‘Fest’ specifying the colour of BMW waste as "YELLOW" /" RED" /” WHITE" /” BLUE" prinied on top left sige ofthe bar vue label [ato] ot [ox [wire] ox [ac] ox [YeuowO] Unique Number of the HCF and its specification: Unique sumber to each HCF shall be developed and provided by concerned SPCB/#CC/DGAFMS. Unique number can be produced based on following criteria (HCE): The same of the HCF shall be indicated by first five alphabets inthe name ofthe by the HCP. In case the name of HCPis less than § leters, the rest of spaces may be filled with *. (Eg, All India Institute of Medical Selences-ALLIN), Followed by; ji, Name of the Place where HCP is located: Name of the place where HEF is focated shall be indicated by 6 digit local Pincode provided by Postal epartment. Followed by: ll, Name ofthe State/UT : Name ofthe State/UT should be in the form of two digit alphabetical number (as given at Anmexure-1), Followed by: |v. Type of HGF: Type of HCF should be in the form of alphabetical number in capital but not more than two letter Le, frst two letters of a type of HCF/irst letter in two words of a HCF) as given below BH = Bedded Hospital cL Gtinic DI = Dispensary HO = Homeopathy MH =~ Mobile Hospital Sl = Siddha uN = Unani VH = Veterinary Hospital YO - Yoga AH = Animal House BB = Blood Bank, DH = Dental Hospital NH = Nursing Home, PL = Pathological Laboratory FA ~ Institutions /Schools/Companies ete. with First Aid faclties HC = Health Camp ‘and followed by: 'y. Numerical Number of the HCF: Numerical number of the health care facility shall not be more than five aumerical numbers to be assigned to the HCF in between ie, 00001 r0 99999. ‘vi Concerned SPCB/PCC shal upload a list of HCFs along with their unique number OCHCE at their website. Incase of long list, PCBs may provide search option on their website or retrieving unique code vis-ievis name of CF. ® Lahel sequence Numer: CW'TEs shuuld gse centea! sutbware Uo xenezate une label sequentiai number. The operator ef CBWTF should provide raage of sueh sequence numbers 20 label vendors to produce labels or produce labels by themselves. The records of lab sequence nvmbers ane to whom allotteé should be rmaintasned for verification of PCBs /PCts Eg, For handling of yeliow colour bio-medical waste bag by @ bedded hospital viz all Inia Institute of eda! Sciences (ALLAN) located at New Deth, Dethi State (DH) and having wnigue number (say 00578), in such a case, the bar vade or QR cost label shall bbe as given sn Figure 1 below | sea. 1o coon [} sea neonate: Eee esses | MINIIII balers Aun 090.1058, Figure 1. Typical Bar code or QR Code label Specifications for the bar cade label: In addition tothe specification of Bar codleas given at SINo, 4 (@), the bar code label should have following specifications as detailed below: i. The bar code label should be pasted only atthe centre or close to centre ofthe colour coded bag or container prescribed under the BMWM Rules, 2016 and further amendments made thereof. li, Size of har code label shoul be such that it should be able to accommodate esired information specified inthis section, Jil, ‘The bar code / QR code should be black in colour an its back ground should bbe white colour and it should be clearly legible onthe label. Iv. The bar code let should be tamper proof, water proof and its colour should not be faded in due course of at least for 48 hours ater is use 'v, The bar code label should be able to resist the prevailing atmospheric temperatures and should not fade its colour tll ts end of ie. ‘vi, Bar code labels should not have any traces of heavy metals or any othor objectionable chemical constituent. vi, All bar coded labels should be of good quality preferably avery chromo paper labei having specifications prescribed under these guidelines. vill The adhesive used for bar cade label showlé be predbure sensitive, tear Tesistance and should be of serie based adhesive and after use of labels on the colour coded bag (2) or container (s), the label should ot pal of an ts Sun er by norma abrasion dng handling. 3 seston gay sof in-mpacal Wot Implementation of Bar Code Based Waste Management System Implementation of the bar code system is the joint responsiblity of the Occupier as well as (Operator of a CBWTF as prescribed unde> the BMWM Rules, 2016 as amended thereof, Rar Code lised Waste Management sofware should be installed and operated by the CBWTF who is providing services of bio-medical waste treatment and disposal. Bach member HCP shall ‘obtain access to the Bar Code Based Waste Management System from the facility operator. Requirements of barcode based waste management system and the role of HCFS and the Operator of CBWTF are given below: (@)— Weahtneare Facilities; In case of Health Care Facilities (HCFs) having 30 oF more no. of beds shall have to procure their own digital weighing machine and bar code scanner (scanning. ‘equipment ar app based mobile scanner). The weighing machine and scanner unit shall have wired of wireless connection and the data pertaining to the welght of the scanned bags should get transferred automaticaly. Also the HCP is required to scan all the bar coded bags containing bio-medical waste. Upon scanning ofall the bags by the HCF, the data shall be transmitted to the data base of bar code waste management systom, however, the data gets lodged into the data base only after the operator ofthe facility accepts the waste on his console and generates waste acceptance receipt. The waste acceptance receipt shall be printed (t should be clearly legible and should not fade atleast fora period of five years) on the spot ‘and handed over to the HCF before departure of the transportation vehicle from the premises, Such receipt can also be generated digitally and sent by e-mail to atl ‘the concerned, Whereas, HCFs having < 30 no, of beds as wel a all other Occuplers as defined under the BMWM Rules, 2016, are not required to scan their bags containing bio- ‘medical waste. Same shall be done by the CBWTF operator on arrival at the premises. The CBWTF shall- always carry scanning and weighing machines Alongwith portable printer (connected with wired or wireless systems with, automatic transfer of data pertaining to weight of scanned bags). The Occupier ‘hall obtain receipt printed by facility operator prior to his departure from HCP premises (the receipt should be clearly legible and should not fade atleast for a period of five years). The data gets lodged into the data hase once the waste picker (CBWTF Operator) generates waste acceptance receipt. Obtain access Login and password for Bar Code Based Waste Management System software from the CBW?F Operator. Collet proof (counter signed by the CBWTF Operator) of waste collection at Waste acceptance receipt eamprise of date, tie, no of bags, total weight of colour coded bags contuners Generate reports from Bar Code Based Waste Management System and maintain records periodically and update in the website In case of non-availability of wireless weighing machine, the scanner system should have an option of manual entry of data pertaining t# welght of scanned ‘bags using conventional weighing machine. (©) Operator of cAWTFS ' he Dyenter of 9 CHWTE shia y ie Sysiets sufiqware. Fhe software shill suppoet mali ser logins for each HCP (Occupier), admin iogin and regulatory login for respective SPCB/PCC/DGAPMS, CPCB, MoEP & CC, Central/Siate Health Departments. Such logins should be provided to the regulatory authorities voluntarily without any charges The applbcation software should be loaded at any cloud server or servers fof SPCB/PCC a8 per the discretion of SPCRS/PCCs. li, The CBWTF Operater shall procure dedicated bar code scanners or develop suitable app for seanning with mobile phone and integration with central software sii tn case of hospitals 42, © 36 no. of beds and other HCFS as defined under the BMWA Rules, 2016 and further amendments made thereof, he Operator of @ CBWTF providing treatment services to such HCFs shall sean the bar coded ibags/eontalners containing bio-medical waste, Jv. ‘The CBWF Operator shall have to carry scanner along with printer and weighing machine in its transportation vehicle while tis used for collection of waste from tember HCFs in accordance with BMWM Rules, 2016 and further amendments tnade thereof and the CBWTP Operator shall maintain all the records as per BMWM Rules. 'y, Upon completion of scanning and weighing all bags/containers, the seanner system should generate print of a waste receipt automatically which shall be Signed ond handed over to the HCF immediately. The Operator shal also send the daily waste collection statement or monthly comprehensive statement bye mail periodically to the Occupier and such data to be maintained in the bar code waste management system, Vis Upon recelpt of the waste atthe facility, each bag stall have to be scanned by the CEWTF Operator prior t0 its treatment so as to ensure no pilferage during transportation bebveen CFs and CBWTF premises and updating of data inthe bar fade waste management system, For this purpose, the CBWTF operator may explore possibility of installation of automatically scanned verifies if feasible, vik. In case of falure to re-sean of waste at CEWTF for more than 24 hours after collection, an alertshould be sent ro SPCBs/PCCs. vi ‘The Operator of a CBWTF should have adequate hardware and all necessary provision for maintaining the bar code based waste management system. ix. The CBWTF Operator shall have to maintain all the records for a period of five ‘years as per BMWM Rules, 2016. ‘specifications of the Bar code Scanner and/or App based mobile scanner Dedicated Bar code Scanner and for Bar Code Scanner Based Mobile App should have the following provisions: ‘The bar code scanner shovld have the provision of data storage (in case of problem in server connectivity) for Its retrieval, as andl when required. Once,the server system is restored, stored data should be transferred immediately to the serv. ar code Seanner and /or Bar Code Scanner Based Mobile App. should preferably have ‘connectivity (wire oF wireless) withthe digital weighing machine, @ «a, and for Bar Code Scanner Mased M ould automatic faymatian (waieh include label information, date, ime and weight ofeach vo centrally located Bar Code Based Waste Management System software. There should not be any stope for manual intervention of the Occupier/Opersior ofa CBWTF with respect to the data transfer A the barcode seanner/app has any breakslovin due to problem in network or app ot seanner software in transferring the data tothe server, in such 2 case there should be a provision for updating the information through alternate means with prior intimation by the Operstor ofa CEWTF wo SPCB/PCC/DGAFMS. Upon scanning the arcade label, the software system should capture fixed barcode label data (sequence number of label, name of HCE, code of HCF, type of HCF, colour code of ‘waste and location) along with dynamic data pertaining to weight, date, time and GPS ‘coordinates ofeach bag/container scanned. There should preferably be wire or wireless based connectivity between bar code scanner and weighing machine, The Bar code waste management system should also Support manual data entry only in case of weight input, where digital weighing machines could not be provided by CBWTF operator or procured by the Occupier. Upon receipt of waste by the CBWTF operator, the system should generate print out of waste receipt at the designated waste collection point or shall send auto-generated receipt by e-mail to the concerned Health Care Facility {App based Mobile bar code scanner In this system, app based mobile bar code scanner automatically synchronizes with ‘Android phone and the user can capture bar code or QR code data and weight ‘automatically. There can also be a provision for mantal entry of weight data. App based tmobile bar code scanner is given in Figure 2. Also, the app based mobile bar code scanner should require fallowing hardware > 1.GB and above internal memory or minimus memory should be able to retrieve ‘the 2 t0 3 months data > 5+ MP camera > AGPS or GPS supported . > Internet 2G and GPRS —— > Bluetooth 2.0 Central Server i = Figure Dedicated App based Mobile barcode scanner, Dedicated bar code scanner In this system, the bag is kept on weighing scale and scanned by scanner device by the person collecting waste, Weight of bio-medical waste is automatically transferred from cveighing sede tu device along with ar code ne QR code infra ween af mapaal enlry of weight data. & dedicate gar code scanner is Ben Figure 3 Also, the barcode searner should require following hardware ++ 1 GB and abuve imernal memory or minimum memory should be abe to retrieve the 2to 3 months cata > 2Gand GPRS AGS ar GPS supported ‘ oe AE Figueed. Dedicates barcode scanner used for “net collection af waste from HCFs Gi) Digital Printer pedicaed bar code scanner can have a provision of in-built printer or it can Kave wired oy Dedicated br eva to printer, App based barcode stariner fused by fait operator should also have provision of printing ecelpt. iv) Weighing machine Weighing machine should beable wo weigh about 25 (max), wih 005 Keaccutacyand have provision for connectivity with bar-code seater. 7. Responsibility ofthe Occuprer/Operator of a CBWE esponsibility ofthe Occupier and Operator ofa CBWTF wit regard to the implementation of saree aysenn i given Figure 4as wel as deta are given in the subsequent paras ener laced aerate spcajeccoGa ms Figure 4 Responsibilities agencies for implementation ofthe Bar Code System, v wi) Responsibility of the Occupier w.rto the Bar Code System Procurement of the Bar Caded Labels or Pre-printed colour cade Bags and containers Iudliling the specification as gives under these guidelines from the vendor (s) or the ‘operator of CBWTF an charge basis is the sole responsibility of the occupier: Intlnate prescribed authority about the bar coded labels or pre-printed bar coded bags ‘ containers as and when procured. Ensure use of bar coded label or pre-printed bar coded and specified colour coded bag ‘oF container for segregation of waste at source ofits generation, [A ropresentative of HCF to ensure that all the bags and containers are scanned at waste collection point, He shall also collect waste collection receipt generated by waste picker (CBWTF Operator) In case of Health Care Facility (with less than 30 beds) oF clinics or laboratories, concerned HCF /Clini¢/Laboratory is not required to pre-scan the bags, the same shall bbe carvied out by waste picker after arrival at site, Im case of Health Care Facility (with more than 30 beds) itis the responsiblity ofthe ‘Oceupier to scan the bags containing bio-medical waste In any State/UT, where CBWTF is not accessible to the HCFS, in such a ease, the respective HCF is requited to scan the bar coded bags on their own prior to disposal at their captive facilities. in such ease, the bar code waste management system operated by SPCB/PCC / DGAFS shall receive the data, ‘while scanning the bar coded bags (more than 30 bed HCFS), it shall be ensured that the waste handlers shall have adequate PPEs (gloves, goggles, mask, aprons and safety shoes). Responsibility of the Operator of CBWTF wsr-to the Bar Code System ‘Supply of ar Coded Labels or Pre-printed colour coded Bags and containers fulfling the specification as given under these guidelines to the Occupier (s) or member HCEs of the facility. on charge basis, and on demand. However, the Occupier may also opt to procure directly from the vendors. Intimate preseribed authority (ke. SPCB/PCC) about the launch of bar coded based ‘waste management system. ‘To accept only the specified colour coded bags or containers labelled with indicated bar code system or pre-printed bar coded specified colour coded bag or container. ‘Scan all such bio-medical waste collected in the specified colour coded bags or container at the waste collection point only and generate waste acceptance receipt. Ensure that all the data should be stored and made avalable to all the users or member HCE, atleast for a period of five years. 1 ecess to the software system shosld be provided to the preerbed autboriy Le. SPCB/2CC, CPCB, MoE & CC, Central /Slate Health Departments) voluntary. ‘To ensure procurement of standby or spare hardware like Bar-code scanners and ‘weighing balance etc t0 ensure hassle free collection of bio-medical waste in case of 9 : at ee Fn ease of bedded Heath Care Facihy [with moze than 30 no. of Beds}, the hospital Tuthortes. are responsible for scanning of all the bar coved bags/contafsers untaiaing bio-medical waste +p ‘The Operator is requited to se-scan all the bags atthe facility to report the activity of Final yreatment or disposal While scanning the bar coded bags ( more than 30 bed HCFs). it shall be ensured that the representative ofthe CRWTF Operator (waste pickers) shall have adequate PPES ( loves. goggles, mask, aprons and safety shoes). (ii) Responsibility of the supplier or vendor of the Bar Code System: ‘the vendor can supply bar coded label or Pre-printed bar coded Bags and containers fulfiling the specineation a5 given in these guidelines, Such labels should be printed baly in consultation with CBWTF Operator who has installed bar code based waste management software, Hlow-chart of implementing Bar coding system For easy understanding of the bar coding system for its implementation, the pracedure to be adopted by the Occupier of Operator of a CBWTF is shoven in a flowchart given at Figure § below THWTE we roa bar coled Das fallection pot snd automate ems theserersnitowt manuel tert (WCF to scan al bogs for temporary tase of dat alban ver the wane (e CONTF wate cles plat | “Caw repenottv to prove waste aceptanceaeit te CF {ids eau trtnter of data fos) v “GaN sn a ar coded a eat ‘i alert sot parts scsi Pe ‘Record pean othe wants coletion and wate died et “ented permanent athe Waste Manaperent Sem igure 5. Implementation of the Bar Code System # 4 4, Tine Srame for compliance to the Guldelines Ay per BMWM Rules, 2016 as amended all viw Occupiers and Operator of a CBWTF are equired tn implement hareode systers hy 27/03/2039, 10, Actions in case of violation of bay code syste tn case of improper operation ofthe Bar-cude Based Sofware by either occupier operator of CBWTF, the Prosersbed Authority may take action against the responsible person(s) as per Rule 18 uf he BMW Rules, 2016and further amendments made thereof, 14, Data maintenance and output formats Barcode system should have quarry menu for verification or tracking of waste bags through bar-cade label information. The software system should also generate standard reports as may be required for SPCBS/PCCs, ‘A format for generating daily report on biomedical waste generated, collected and treated or éisposed by a CBWTF is given at Annexure-IL The software should also have features for generating user specific reports both inthe form of data sheets as well as graphs. 12, Additional Optional Features ‘The software provided for tracking of bio-medical waste using bar code system ean_-have an additional features for tracking bar coded bags or containers within the HCF prior to hand over to the representative of the CBWTF (waste picker). Such wracking would avoid pilferage of recyclable bio-medical waste (red category) prior to reaching waste collection point. ~00- u as Name of the State/tiT and the respective Coe Sho NameoftiesinyoT——_Sate/UP Code () Aaaivatrtesh ® (2) Aroacat Pradesh am Asam 1s iw BR (5) changes cc (we cs (7) Galore 5 (@) Hayne m (©) Hiachal Paes ww (30) Jaman Kashi ik (01) Paktand i (12) Karnataka a (13) Kerala _ KL (14) Madhya Pradesh ” MP (05) Maharsira vn iis) Manipur vn a7) Neila Me (U8) Mizoram me (19) | Nagaland 7 | NL (20) Osha oo ei)” Pun 5 (22) Rapston 8 ‘ey ‘Sikkim 7 SK (28), Tami Nadw ™ | (29) Telangana 28) Trina eae Paes | cra en, a2) a) ea [pam |0)_[tatshntveey_ [ea [tue ” Annexe Annexure-t Format for Daily Report of BMW Management vehed B

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