Clasa: A III-a: Planificare Calendaristică Anuală

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Şcoala Gimnazială Porumbeşti

Anul Şcolar 2020-2021

Disciplina: LIMBA MODERNĂ 1. Limba Engleză
Prof. Dănescu Elena- Cristina
Clasa: a III-a
Manualul utilizat: Way Ahead 1 Printha Ellis, Mary Bowen, Macmillan
Nr.Ore: 2h/ săptămână

Planificare Calendaristică Anuală


1. Preliminary Unit The child about himself: names, toys 2 S1
Lessons 1-4 The Animals: animals’ names
The school: pupil’s objects
Daily activities
Culture and civilisation: typical names and
Indefinite article + noun
The Cardinal Numerals: 1 – 5; (5 – 10)
Qualifying adjective
Imperative forms
Unit 1 To salute and reply to a salute; to identify
2. Hello! My name elements from the familiar universe
is Meg. 2 S2
The child about himself: names, games, toys
Spare time activities
Culture and civilisation: typical names and
surnames, songs
Verb to be (imperative)
To salute and reply to a salute; to identify
elements from the familiar universe; to ask for/
Unit 2 give personal information
3. What is this? 2 S3
The child about himself: games, toys
The school: pupil’s objects, specific activities
The animals
Daily activities
The Article
Verb to be (imperative form)
To identify elements from the familiar universe;
to describe animals; to ask for/give information
on the surrounding area

Unit 3
4. How many 2 S4
dinosaurs? The child about himself: games, toys
The animals
Spare time activities
The Cardinal Numerals: 1-6
Demonstrative adjective: singular forms
Verb to be present (affirmative/negative,
interrogative) /imperative
To identify elements from the familiar universe;
Unit 4 to introduce someone
5. How old are you? 2 S5
The child about himself: name, sex, age
The family: family members, family
Spare time activities
Culture and civilization: typical names and
surnames, songs
Numbers: 1 – 10
Possessive Adjective
Unit 5 The Verb – imperative forms
It is big! They are To ask for/give personal information; to identify
6. little. elements from the familiar universe 2 S6

The child about himself

Animals: animals’ names
Spare time activities
The school: specific activities
Verb to be (present tense – affirmative,
Qualifying Adjective
The Article
Unit 6 The Numeral
This is my Imperative verb S7
7. grandfather. To introduce themselves/ someone else; to 2
identify elements from the familiar universe

The child about himself: name, body parts,

clothing, games, toys
The Family: family members
Daily activities
The Noun: singular/plural forms
Verb to be – present (affirmative, negative,
To introduce someone; to identify elements
Unit 7 from the familiar universe; to ask for/give S8
I have a rabbit. personal/ surrounding area information; to relate
8. activities; to ask someone to do something 2

The child about himself: name, sex, age,

physical traits, games, toys
Verb to have - present affirmative
Preposition in, on
Qualifying Adjective
Unit 8 The Noun
The duck is in the To identify elements from the surrounding S9
bath. universe; to describe persons, animals; to ask for
9. personal information; to localize persons, 2
The child about himself: games, toys
The house: rooms, furniture S10
The family: family members, occupations/jobs
The Preposition: under, on, in
Unit 9 The Article
What are these? The Verb: imperative form, present affirmative
To identify elements from the surrounding
10. universe; to localize persons, objects, actions; to 2
propose/ask someone to do something S11

Unit 10 The Family: family members, occupations/jobs

Are these your Daily and spare time activities
shoes? Demonstrative Adjective: singular/plural forms
The Cardinal Numbers: 1-10/11*-12*
11. To identify elements from the familiar universe; 2
to describe persons, animals; to ask for/give
The child about himself: names, physical traits, S12
clothing, games, toys
Unit 11 The school: pupil’s objects
There is a house. The family: family members
The house: rooms, furniture
The animals
12. To identify elements from the familiar universe; 2
to localize persons/objects

The child about the surrounding world: town/

village, buildings
The animals
Spare time activities
The Article
The Verb to be S13
Unit 12 The Qualifying Adjective
What is the time? Specific structures: there is, there are
The Cardinal Numerals
The Preposition: in, on, next to, under
To identify objects from the familiar universe;
13. to describe persons, animals, places; to ask 2
for/give information on the surrounding area

The child about himself: games, toys

The school: pupil’s objects, activities
The house
The family
Activities: the moments of the day, daily
activities, spare time activities
Unit 13 The Cardinal Numerals S14
She has a little Specific structures: there is, there are
pink mouth. The Preposition: under, in, on, (next to)
The Article
The Adjective
To ask for/ give information; to thank/ reply to
14. thanks; to identify elements from the familiar 2
The child about himself: names, physical traits,
body parts, clothing, games, toys
REVISION Activities – spare time
Culture and civilization: typical
names/surnames, songs
The Verb to have
The Qualifying Adjective
To introduce someone; to describe persons,
15. animals; to identify elements from the familiar
universe; to ask for/give personal information

Exercise with the Present Tense Simple

- observing images
- identifying certain words through association
of messages with a certain image
-describing persons / buildings / places
- logical rearranging of words in sentences
- integrating certain words in correct sentences
- counting from 1 to 10/12*
Pronunciation of individual words
1. Unit 14 The child about himself: physical traits 3 S1-S2
Hippos are The Animals
big. The Adjective
The Verb to be, to have
To describe persons, animals; to ask for/ give
information; to identify elements from the
familiar universe

2. Unit 15 The school: pupil’s objects, specific activities 3 S3-S4

Please sit Daily activities
down. The child about himself: physical traits
The animals
Culture and civilisation
The Noun: singular/plural forms
The Qualifying Adjective
Specific structures: there is/ there are
The Numbers 1 – 10/12*
The Verb: imperative forms
The Preposition
To salute/reply to a salute; to ask someone to do
something; to identify elements from the familiar

3. Unit 16 The child about himself: clothing articles, toys 4 S5-S6

Whose is The school: pupil’s objects
this? The Animals
The Pronoun
The Adjective
To identify elements from the familiar universe;
to describe animals; to propose someone to do
4 S7-S8
4. Unit 17 The child about himself: games
I can run. The Animals
Spare time activities
Culture and civilization: names, songs
The Verb: can (affirmative, interrogative,
To identify elements from the surrounding
universe, to express mental and physical
5. Unit 18 capacity/capability 4 S9-S10
She can sleep.
The child about himself: physical and moral
Daily activities, spare time activities
The Animals
The Verb: can
The Qualifying, Possessive Adjective
To identify elements from the familiar universe;
Unit 19 to describe persons, animals; to ask for/ give
6. Where is it? information; to localize; to express mental and 4 S11-S12
physical capacity/capability

The child and his surrounding worlds

The Animals
The Article
The Preposition
Specific Structures: there is, there are
The Verb: can
To identify elements from the familiar universe;
Unit 20 to describe animals, places; to localize; to
7. I can see… express mental and physical capacity/capability 4 S13-S14

The child about himself: physical and moral

traits, clothing, games, toys
The Animals
The house: rooms, furniture
Spare time activities
The Verb: to have / can –
The Numbers: 1 – 10/12*
To salute/ reply to a salute; to identify elements
from the familiar universe; to describe persons,
Unit 21 animals, places; to ask for/ give information; to
8. This is our localize; to relate activities; to express physical 4 S15-S16
school. and mental capacity/capability

The school
The child and his surrounding world
The family: family members, occupations/jobs
The child about himself: physical traits, games,
Daily and spare time activities
Culture and civilization
The Adjective
The Noun
The Verb – present simple
Unit 22 To salute/ reply to a salute; to introduce
9. I get up at 7 themselves; to identify elements from the 4 S17-S18
o’clock. familiar universe; to describe persons, animals,
places; to express likes/dislikes

The child about himself: body parts, games, toys

Activities: moments of the day, daily activities,
spare time activities
The family: family members
The Animals
The Verb – present simple
The Article
The Preposition
The Noun – singular and plural forms
GENERAL To salute/ reply to a salute; to identify elements
10. REVISION from the familiar universe; to ask for/ give 4 S19
information; to localize persons, objects, actions;
to relate present activities

Exercise with Present Tense Simple, The Noun

and The Space Preposition
- observing images
- identifying certain words through association of
messages with a certain image
-describing persons / buildings / places
- logical rearranging of words in sentences
- integrating certain words in correct sentences
- counting from 1 to 10/12*
To express a permission, an ability
To express a necessity, an obligation/an

Programul ”Să ştii mai multe, să fii mai bun!” va avea loc în perioada 3- 8 mai 2019

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