AL R N D S I A L R: Iterature Eview and EW ATA Upporting An Nteractive Ccount of Etter-By-Letter Eading

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COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 1998, 15 (1/2), 7- 51



Marlene Behrmann, David C. Plaut and James Nelson

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA

We present a theoretical account of letter-by-letter reading (LBL) that reconciles discrepant

findings associated with this form of acquired dyslexia. We claim that LBL reading is caused
by a deficit that affects the normal activation of the orthographic representation of the
stimulus. In spite of this lower-level deficit, the degraded orthographic information may be
processed further, and lexical, semantic, and higher-order orthographic information may still
influence the reading patterns of these patients. In support of our position, we present a review
of 57 published cases of LBL reading in which we demonstrate that a peripheral deficit was
evident in almost all of the patients and that, simultaneously, strong effects of lexical/ semantic
variables were observed on reading performance. We then go on to report findings from an
empirical analysis of seven LBL readers in whom we document the joint effects of lexical
variables (word frequency and imageability) and word length on naming latency. We argue
that the reading performance of these patients reflects the residual functioning of the same
interactive system that supported normal reading premorbidly.

INTRODUCTION acquired in adulthood , take an abnormally

long time to read ev en single words. This read-
Letter-by-letter (LBL) reading is the term used ing deficit is typically associated with a lesion
to define the read ing pattern of premorbidly in the posterior portion of the dominant hemi-
literate patients who, following brain damage sphere and sometimes, but not al ways, accom-

Requests for reprints to Marlene Behrmann, Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
15213-3890, USA (E-mail:
This work was supported by NIMH FIRST awards to MB (MH54246-01) and to DCP (MH55628-01). We thank our
colleagues, Dr. Sandra Black, Dr. Graham Ratcliff, and Dr. Jason Barton for referring the patients to us. We also thank Max
Coltheart, Martha Farah, Marcel Kinsbourne, Jay McClelland, Marie Montant, Tatjana Nazir, Eleanor Saffran, Tim Shallice,
and an anonymous reviewer for their insightful and constructive suggestions.

Ó 1998 Psychology Press Ltd 7


panied by a lesion of white matter tracts such extent to produce such higher-order or later
as the splenium of the corpus callosum or for- effects on performance. Two classes of theory
ceps major (Damasio & Damasio, 1983). The have emerged, each of which emphasises one
reading performance of such patients is char- of these two paradoxical findings. One class
acterised by a “word length effect”, a signifi- argues that the deficit occurs early in process-
cant increase in naming latency as a function ing, prior to the activation of an orthographic
of the number of letters in a string. Times in the representation, and the early visual deficit ob-
order of 1–3 seconds per additional letter in a served in LBL read ers is consistent with this
string have been measured for some LBL read- view. We will refer to such views as peripheral,
ers, although there is considerable variability consistent with the Shallice and Warrington
in reading speed across patients (Hanley & distinction in which impairments that ad-
Kay, 1996). When the read ing deficit manifests versely affect the attainm ent of the visual
in the absence of other read ing, writing, or word-form are considered to be peripheral
spelling deficits, it is referred to as “pure (Shallice, 1988; Shallice & Warrington, 1980).
alexia”. When other written language deficits By contrast, if the impairment is at a later stage,
do accompany the LBL read ing, they usually the dyslexia is classified as central. With respect
consist of surface dyslexia (Bowers, Bub, & to LBL read ing, central views maintain that the
Arguin, 1996; Friedman & Hadley, 1992; Pat- deficit occurs after the activation of a well-
terson & Kay, 1982) or surface dysgraphia specified orthographic description and thus
(Behrmann & McLeod, 1995; Rapp & lexical and semantic information can still be
Caram azza, 1991). Although less frequent, accessed .
there are also reports of at least one case of What is probably ev ident, ev en from this
deep dyslexia (Buxbaum & Coslett, 1996) and brief description, is that the peripheral and
one case of phonological dyslexia (Friedman et central accounts of LBL readings are difficult
al., 1993; Nitzberg-Lott, Friedman, & Line- to reconcile. Peripheral views cannot readily
baugh, 1994) accompanying LBL reading. account for the lexical/ semantic findings and
Two critical empirical findings concerning the central views do not explain the impaired
LBL read ing pose difficult challenges for theo- early visual processing in these patients. In the
ries of this disorder. One finding is that these present paper, we will argue that both sets of
patients are impaired at letter processing. A empirical findings can be accommodated
second important finding is that some of these within a single, interactive reading system to
patients hav e available to them lexical and which both hemispheres contribute. We first
semantic information about the stimulus, as present in detail the findings for a low-level
evidenced in their above-chance performance deficit in LBL readers and then we consider the
on lexical decision and semantic categorisation details of the lexical and semantic findings.
tasks. This latter finding suggests that the vis- Thereafter, we exam ine not only the peripheral
ual stimulus has been processed to a sufficient and central accounts but also views that incor-



porate some aspects of both. Finally, we pre- Levine & Calvanio, 1978; Patterson & Kay,
sent our account and, to substantiate it, we 1982; Schacter, Rapcsak, Rubens, Tharan, &
review most of the published cases of LBL Laguna, 1990; see also Miozzo & Caramaz za,
reading and present new empirical data from this issue). Still others have maintained that
seven LBL read ers. LBL read ing arises from insufficient atten-
tional resources, thus forcing a serial, left–right
strategy (Rapp & Caram azza, 1991), or from a
problem in capacity or in s witching visual at-
KEY EMPIRICAL FINDINGS tention (Buxbaum & Coslett, 1996; Price &
Humphreys, 1992). In a recent paper, one of us
(Behrmann & Shallice, 1995) argued that the
Impairment in Early Visual Processing
core deficit is one of letter processing and that
It is now well established that patients with the time to activate the representation for even
LBL reading do not activate orthographic rep- a single letter is slow. Importantly, we argued
resentations adequately; for example, many that the processing deficit is not spatially de-
patients are adversely influenced by altera- termined, i.e. processing does not proceed
tions of the surface characteristics of the stimu- from left to right of the array; rather, it has to
lus (for example, poorer read ing of script than do with serial order such that letters appearing
print) and many make mostly visual errors in later in a string (even when all letters are pre-
reading (for exam ple, JAY ® “joy”). There are, sented at fixation in an RSVP paradigm) are
however, several different explanations for the disadvantag ed relative to letters appearing
impairment in activating orthographic repre- earlier in the string.
sentations. Some studies have claimed, for ex- It is important to note that many of these
ample, that these patients suffer from a general peripheral views are not necessarily mutually
perceptual deficit that impairs all forms of vis- exclusive. For exam ple, although the critical
ual processing (Behrmann, Nelson & Sekuler, deficit may be one of disordered perceptual
1998; Farah, 1991; Farah & Wallace, 1991; processing, an obvious consequence of such a
Friedman & Alexander, 1984; Sekuler & deficit is an impairment in rapid and accurate
Behrmann, 1996), although letter and word letter processing and identification (Behrmann
recognition might perhaps be especially vul- & Shallice,1995; Sekuler & Behrmann, 1996).
nerable (Farah, 1997). Others hav e claimed that What is central to all these peripheral views
the impairment is specific to orthography and (labelled under the head ing orthographic ac-
impairs the identification of letters per se (Ar- cess view, [Bowers et al., 1996]), howev er, is
guin & Bub, 1993; Karanth, 1985; Kay & Han- that the fundamental impairment is one of vis-
ley, 1991; Reuter-Lorenz & Brunn, 1990), or ual processing, arising relativ ely early and pre-
affects the rapid processing of multiple forms venting the derivation of an adequate
in parallel (Kinsbourne & Warrington, 1962; orthographic representation.



Numerous investigators have commented mented in several fairly early reports of LBL
that problems in letter-processing tasks are so patients (Albert, Yamadori, Gardner, &
common in LBL reading that impaired letter Howes, 1973; Caplan & Hedley-Whyte, 1974;
identification is likely to underlie their read ing Kreindler & Ionescu, 1961); ev en though the
deficit (Coltheart, 1981; Patterson & Kay, 1982). patients in these studies could not identify a
In support of this, Patterson & Kay showed written word overtly, they were still able to
that all four of their patients made letter iden- match this target with a word spoken by the
tification errors, albeit to varying degrees. Pa- investigator, or with a visually presented ob-
tient CH, for example, identified correctly only ject. These initial observ ations of implicit or
16/ 26 upper-case and 10/ 26 lower-case letters covert read ing abilities of LBL read ers in the
and chose the odd letter out (for exam ple, f F absence of explicit identification have been up-
E) correctly on only 75% of the trials. Patient held in a number of more recent studies. For
TP, on the other hand, identified 25/ 26 lower- exam ple, Shallice and Saffran (1986) reported
case letters and made no errors on cross-case that their patient, ML, was above chance at
matching (e.g. D d). Interestingly, the types of performing lexical decision and semantic cate-
errors made by all the patients reflected the gorisation tasks with stimuli presented too
visual similarity between the target and the briefly to permit overt identification. Several
error, suggesting that visual feature overlap is other studies have similarly shown that their
a major factor in letter misidentification (see patients can perform lexical decision (Bub &
also Perri, Bartolomeo, & Silveri, 1996). Consis- Arguin, 1995) as well as semantic classification
tent with the findings of letter misidentifica- of words (for exam ple, living vs. nonliving) at
tion, Behrmann and Shallice (1995) maintained exposure durations too brief for the patients to
that there is no convincing evidence of normal have identified the target items explicitly (for
letter processing in any LBL reader. They then exam ple, Bub & Arguin, 1995; Ho ward, 1991).
posed the challenge that, unless the hypothesis In the largest series, Coslett and colleagues
of impaired letter processing was found want- (Coslett & Saffran, 1989a, 1994; Coslett, Saf-
ing, this should constitute the default explana- fran, Greenbaum , & Sch wartz, 1993) hav e de-
tion for the reading impairment in patients scribed five patients who performed well
with LBL read ing. abov e chance on lexical decision and semantic
categorisation tasks with the very same stimuli
they could not identify explicitly (see also Saf-
Lexical and Semantic Effects on Reading
fran & Coslett, this volume). Coslett and col-
Give this ev idence, it is particularly puzzling leagues also described two additional patients
that some LBL readers, ev en if they cannot who fit the definition of optic aphasia and who
explicitly identify the stimulus, can nonethe- were completely unable to name letters (or any
less demonstrate some lexical and semantic other stimuli from visual presentation). Even
information about it. This result was docu- in the absence of letter naming, these two pa-



tients were fairly successful at lexical decision plicit tasks that do not require explicit process-
and binary categorisation tasks (Coslett & Saf- ing, such as semantic categorisation or prim-
fran, 1989b, 1992). ing, the contents of this system are not
available for overt report. This view has prob-
ably fallen out of favour for a number of rea-
THEORIES OF LETTER-BY-LETTER READING sons, including the fact that it cannot account
for the existence of the early visual processing
The two empirical findings of an early deficit impairment and that there is no explanation
and the influence of later lexical and semantic for the hallmark feature of this problem, the
properties of the stimulus on perform ance are letter-by-letter reading itself or the increase in
now both well documented in the domain of naming latency with word length.
LBL reading. As mentioned previously, there A second central view argues for a visual-
are two main classes of explanation of LBL verbal disconnection, i.e., that the v isual areas
reading which differ in the extent to which involved in read ing are anatomically and/ or
they emphasise one or the other of these two functionally disconnected from the more se-
findings. The peripheral view argues that the mantic/ conceptual areas. The best example of
deficit occurs early in processing, consistent this view is from Déjerine who, in his famous
with the early visual deficit observed in these 1891/ 1892 case studies (for overv iew, see Bub,
readers. Proponents of this view hav e focused Arguin, & Lecours, 1993), interpreted the LBL
on the letter-processing deficit and its under- syndrome as a disconnection of the visual ver-
lying mechanism without paying much atten- bal input from “the visual memory centre for
tion to the later, lexical and semantic effects. words”, which is located in the left angular
The central view argues that the deficit occurs gyrus (Gesch wind, 1965; Greenblatt, 1973;
only after (or at least does not prevent) the Speed ie, Rothi, & Heilman, 1982). Bowers et al.
activation of a well-specified orthographic de- (1996a; also Arguin, Bub, & Bowers, this issue)
scription and, thus, lexical and semantic infor- have adopted a similar perspective and main-
mation can still be assessed. Within the central tained that the disconnection arises only after
view there are two different accounts. One orthographic word representations have been
account, although perhaps the less favoured at activated ; thus the disconnection is bet ween
present, is that the patients have an intact read- orthographic representations (logogens) on
ing system and can activate lexical and seman- the one hand and phonological codes on the
tic knowledge normally, but that the output of other. This disconnection delays (or precludes)
this intact system is disconnected from con- access to the phonological code for naming,
sciousness (Schacter, McAndrews, & while leaving lexical decision, semantic cate-
Moscovitch, 1988; Young & Haan, 1990). Thus, gorisation, and the word superiority effect in-
although subjects can process the information, tact. In support of their disconnection account,
and the results may be revealed through im- they showed that the read ing perform ance of



a LBL read er, IH, was facilitated by orthog- pretation, the lesion in pure alexia prevents
raphically related primes (e.g. GATE-gate) but, visual information from both cortices from ac-
unlike normal readers, not by homophonically cessing lexical and semantic representations in
related primes (e.g. gait-gate) (Arguin, Bub, & the left hemisphere, but this information can
Bowers, this issue). IH also showed no effect of still support the (albeit limited) read ing capa-
phonemic neighbourhood size on word recog- bilities of the right hemisphere. Consistent
nition performance. Given that IH shows no with the right-hem isphere view, Coslett et al.
evidence for covert phonological activation, (1993) showed that, as the LBL patients became
the functional site of the lesion, according to able to engage in covert reading, explicit rec-
this account, lies between orthographic and ognition perform ance was influenced by word
phonological processing (but see Montant, imageability and grammatical class, properties
Behrmann, & Nazir, 1998, for demonstration of often associated with the reading skills of the
phonological priming in an LBL read er). right hemisphere (Coltheart, 1980, 1983).
In summary, both the peripheral and central A particularly appealing aspect of this right-
explanations of LBL reading do well at ac- hemisphere view is that the later lexical and
counting for the subset of empirical findings semantic effects observ ed in LBL readers are
on which they focus. The limitations of most of similar to those generated by the right hemi-
these accounts, however, is that they do not sphere of commissurotomy patients as well as
simultaneously accommodate both the periph- by left-hem ispherectomy patients (Coltheart,
eral and central aspects of LBL reading. One 1983). In fact, a similar explanation has been
exception to this is the view of Coslett and proposed by some to account for the pattern of
Saffran, which takes into account both of these reading in patients with deep dyslexia
aspects (Buxbaum & Coslett, 1996; Coslett & (Coltheart, 1980, 1983; Saffran, Bogyo,
Saffran, 1994; Saffran & Coslett, this issue). Sch wartz, & Marin, 1980).
These authors have suggested that there is a Although the right-hemisphere account of
deficit (most likely peripheral and early) in the LBL reading takes into account both its periph-
normal read ing system in these patients and eral and central aspects, it makes the very spe-
that the sequential output pattern typically as- cific assumption that these different aspects
sociated with LBL reading is mediated by the reflect entirely distinct modes of read ing and
left hemisphere. The covert reading and later are mediated by different hemispheres. This
lexical/ semantic effects do not depend on the assumption would seem to imply that the nor-
inaccessible (or degraded) word form gener- mal modes of operation of the two hemi-
ated by the left hemisphere. Rather, a separate spheres are altered in LBL reading, with the
reading mechanism, subserv ed by the intact right hemisphere playing an increased role
right hemisphere, is responsible for the find- relative to its normal contribution. However,
ings of preserv ed lexical decision and semantic the exact relationship bet ween the roles of the
categorisation. On this right-hemisphere inter- left and right hemisphere in LBL reading and



their roles in normal reading has never been each other whereas inconsistent alternativ es
made explicit on the right-hemisphere ac- (e.g. the words MAKE and TAKE) mutually
count. By contrast, we present an alternativ e inhibit each other. The critical properties of the
theory in which both the early and late effects model for our purposes are that processing is
in LBL reading arise as a result of a peripheral cascaded and interactive. Cascaded processing
impairment to the normal word read ing sys- means that partial results at each level, in the
tem that is supported by both hemispheres. form of intermediate levels of activation,
propagate to other levels immediately and
continuously, rather than waiting until proc-
AN INTERACTIVE ACCOUNTOF LETTER-BY-LETTER essing at lower levels is complete. Interactive
READING processing means that activation not only
propagates from lower to higher levels, but
One possible reaction to the controversy be- that the activation at higher levels feed s back
tween the peripheral and central accounts of to lower levels to provide additional support
LBL read ing is to argue that reconciliation is for those lower-level elements that are consis-
unnecessary and that a host of different under- tent with the higher-level activation. Thus, cas-
lying deficits may give rise to this problem. caded, interactive processing causes early
Moreov er, individual differences could also letter activation to feed forward and partially
arise from the different compensatory strate- engage word representations, which in turn
gies adopted by the patients (Price & Hum- feed back to the letter level to influence sub-
phreys, 1992, 1995). On this view, no uniform sequent processing.
account of letter-by-letter read ing exists and We should point out that we are adopting
none is needed. In this paper, howev er, we the IAM as a framework for explaining LBL
argue that a reconciliation between these vari- reading not out of any commitment to the lo-
ous positions is both desirable and possible calist word representations it contains, but be-
and that LBL may be accounted for by a single, cause it provides a clear instantiation of the
unifying view of the normal word reading sys- principles of cascaded, interactiv e processing.
tem. The same principles apply within distributed
Our account takes as its starting point the accounts of lexical processing (e.g. Plaut,
framework of the Interactiv e Activation Model McClelland, Seidenberg, & Patterson, 1996;
of letter and word perception (hereafter IAM; Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989; Van Orden,
McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981; Rumelhart & Pennington, & Stone, 1990) and, as we expli-
McClelland, 1982). The model contains three cate below, essentially the same account of LBL
levels of processing units — letter features, let- reading holds within such models.
ters, and words — such that elements and their We claim that the fundamental impairment
components (e.g. the word MAKE and the let- in LBL reading, following an occipital lesion, is
ter M in the first position) mutually support a general perceptual deficit that degrades the



quality of visual input. In the IAM, this deficit LBL read ers can improve perceptual process-
can be conceptualised as damage to the letter ing by rescaling covert attention from the en-
feature level or bet ween this level and the letter tire word to apply successively to letters
level. The impact of this perceptual impair- within the word .
ment on word recognition is that it permits Even though the word-level activation pro-
only weak or partial parallel activation of the duced by the initial, weak, parallel letter acti-
letters in a word. This weak activation does not vation is insufficient to support explicit
suffice for explicit identification of the word identification, it nonetheless would be ex-
(i.e. no word unit achieves a sufficiently high pected to activate the correct word to a greater
level of activation to exceed the response extent than its competitors, and to produce
threshold) and the system must resort to se- more activation overall than would be pro-
quential processing to enhance the activation duced by a non word (see McClelland & Ru-
of individual letters. Critically, this type of melhart, 1981). Thus, assuming this lexical
sequential processing is not an abnormal strat- activation propagates further into a semantic
egy only employed following brain damage, system (not implemented in the IAM, but see
but is the manifestation of the norm al reading McClelland, 1987), during the course of the
strategy of making additional fixations when sequential processing, activation from individ-
encountering difficulty in read ing text (Just & ual letters propagates into the system and adds
Carpenter, 1987; Rayner & Pollatsek, 1987). For to the cumulative activ ation at the word level.
example, normal subjects fixate more fre- Concurrently, this word-level activation feed s
quently in a long word than in a short word in back to the letter level to facilitate subsequent
order to enhance the quality of the stimulus recognition of the word’s letters. The strength
(O’Regan & Levy-Schoen, 1989). LBL readers of this top-do wn support is a function of the
also fixate more frequently; in fact, given the degree of partial world-level activation. We
very poor quality of the visual input, they fix- assume that, in a more general system includ-
ate almost ev ery letter (Behrmann, Barton, & ing semantics, the degree of higher-level acti-
Black, 1998), giving rise to the hallmark word vation would scale not only with frequency (as
length effect. Presumably these fixations aid in the IAM) but also with imageability, such
perform ance by permitting the increased spa- that words of higher frequency or imageability
tial resolution of the fovea to be applied to would be more active, and hence provide
multiple locations within the word. In fact, stronger top-do wn support for letter activa-
even in the absence of overt saccades, a word tions, than would words of lower frequency or
length effect would be expected, given that imageability. Consequently, the system would

Although the IAM does not incorporate mechanisms for overt or covert shifts of attention, the model could be
extended to include such a mechanism (see, e.g. Hinton, 1990), and other word reading models that are consistent with
cascaded, interactive processing do contain such mechanisms (e.g. Plaut, McClelland, & Seidenberg, 1995)



converge more quickly on responses for high- down support that facilitates subsequent
imageability and high-frequency items lower-lev el processing. This account provides
compared with low-frequency and low-im- a unified explanation of both the early visual
ageability items. and later lexical and semantic findings in LBL
A further determ inant of the degree of the reading.
strength of top-do wn support is the time over In fact, an interactive theory of this general
which higher-level activation can accumulate, form has already been proposed to account for
and it is this time factor that gives rise to an another type of acquired peripheral dyslexia,
interaction between these lexical variables and neglect dyslexia (Behrmann, Moscovitch,
word length. Given that longer words take Black, & Mozer, 1990; Mozer & Behrmann,
longer to process in LBL reading, their higher- 1990). According to this theory, neglect dys-
level representations have longer to integrate lexia arises from a low-lev el deficit in spatial
bottom -up support and, therefore, produce attention that affects the bottom -up processing
stronger top-do wn effects on performance. of one-side (typically the left) of a visual stimu-
Thus, there is more opportunity for frequency lus. Given that reduced attention does not
and imageability to influence the recognition completely filter out information, but only
of seven-letter words compared with three-let- lowers the likelihood that it is propagated into
ter words. Indeed, ev en in normal subjects, the system, the unattend ed information on the
there is a significant interaction of word length neglected side of the stimulus may still engage
and frequency; Weekes (1997) found that, higher-level processes, albeit to a lesser extent
whereas, there was no effect of word length than the non-neglected information. Provided
on the naming latency of high-frequency that the attentional deficit is not too severe,
words, there was a small effect for low-fre- stimulus information from the neglected side
quency words and a more marked effect for may be processed sufficiently to engage
non words. higher-level (lexical / semantic) repre-
The essence of our account, then, is that LBL sentations. Thus, factors such as lexical status
readers make use of the same cascaded, inter- and morphological composition can still influ-
active system as normal read ers but are ence performance, leading to, for exam ple, bet-
prompted to resort to sequential processing ter reading of words compared with non words
more often (manifest either as multiple eye and better read ing of compound words com-
movements or shift of covert attention) to com- pared with two single, unrelated words
pensate for the degradation in visual input (Behrmann et al., 1990; Brunn & Farah, 1991;
following the left occipital lesion. Nonetheless, Làdavas, Umiltà, & Mapelli, 1997; Sieroff, Pol-
the weak, parallel activation from this input latsek, & Posner, 1988). Thus, as in LBL read-
propagates to higher levels of the system to ing, both “early” effects (e.g. influence of
engage lexical/ semantic representations par- stimulus size, horizontal position, and word
tially, and these representations provide top- length) and “late” effects (e.g. influences of



lexical status and morphology) may be ob- (thereby reflecting its lexical properties to a
serv ed in the same patient. degree) but may not settle it completely (which
To this point, we have cast our views in would correspond to explicit recognition).
terms of the IAM, in which the critical lexical Thus, the partial activation and competition
effects are mediated by word-specific (localist) among word units in the localist IAM corre-
processing units. Howev er, as alluded to ear- sponds to the partial movement of activity
lier, this choice is to a large extent merely ex- patterns towards word attractors within dis-
pository. The same lexical effects can be recast tributed systems. Yet both types of systems
within models of lexical processing employing employ cascaded , interactive processing such
distributed representations (e.g. Seidenberg & that partially degrad ed orthographic input is
McClelland, 1989; Plaut et al., 1996; Van Orden propagated throughout the system to engage
et al., 1990). In a distributed representation, these “lexical” effects to varying degrees. Thus,
words are encoded by distinct but overlapping we claim that our account of LBL within the
patterns of activity, such that each word is framework of the IAM also holds for distrib-
represented by the activity of many units and uted connectionist models of lexical process-
each unit participates in representing many ing.
words. Within a distributed system, lexical In fact, many of the effects that we ascribe to
knowledge— the fact that certain patterns of top-do wn activation from word units in the
activity but not others correspond to familiar IAM have been demonstrated in existing simu-
stimuli— is reflected not in the structure of the lations of distributed attractor networks. For
system but in the dynamics of how the units exam ple, Hinton and Shallice (1991) demon-
interact. Specifically, lexical knowledge in the strated relative sparing of categorisation per-
form of learned weights on the connections formance with poor explicit identification
between units causes the activity pattern cor- following lower-lev el damage to an attractor
responding to each word to form an attractor. network that was trained to map orthography
What this means is that, when the system is in to semantics. Plaut and Shallice (1993) repli-
an unfamiliar pattern of activity — one that cated this finding in an attractor network that
does not correspond to a known word — inter- mapped orthography to phonology via seman-
actions among units alter this pattern so that it tics, and also showed that, for the words the
moves towards and ultimately settles to the network failed to read correctly following
nearest (most similar) familiar attractor pat- damage near orthography, it was nonetheless
tern. A critical property of attractor dynamics well abov e chance (d’ = 1.80) at lexical deci-
for our purposes is that they can be partial; an sion for these words. Plaut and Shallice also
activity pattern that is sufficiently far from the demonstrated in a similar network that high-
nearest attractor may still be pulled towards it imageability words develop stronger semantic

This d’ value is reported incorrectly as 1.36 by Plaut and Shallice (1993, p. 445).



attractors than low-imageability words — as re- input to the same cascaded, interactive sys-
flected by their relative robustness to dam- tems that supported normal read ing premor-
age— if imageability is instantiated in terms of bidly. Although we do not question the fact
the relativ e richness of a word’s semantic rep- that the right hemisphere has some language
resentations (i.e. how many semantic features and reading abilities (Beeman & Chiarello,
are accessed consistently across contexts; also 1997; Michel, Henaff, & Intriligator, 1996; Var-
see Plaut, 1995). The stronger semantic attrac- gha-Kadem et al., 1997), our claim is that the
tors for high-imageability words would natu- lexical and semantic findings in LBL read ers
rally lead to stronger top-do wn effects on do not arise solely from the more primitive
orthographic representations, although this right-hem isphere reading system. Rather,
was not tested directly. And finally, in conjunc- these higher-lev el effects emerge from the re-
tion with the interactiv e theory of neglect dys- sidual workings of the interactive reading sys-
lexia mentioned earlier, Mozer and Behrmann tem that involves both hemispheres, governed
(1990, 1992) simulated the co-occurrence of by the sam e computational principles.
many of the lower-level perceptual effects and What type of evidence would support our
higher-lev el lexical/ morphological effects ob- interactive account of LBL reading? First, all
serv ed in neglect dyslexia by damaging input patients should have an early deficit of some
to the attentional mechanism within MORSEL form that prevents the rapid and reliable acti-
(Mozer, 1991), a network model that imple- vation of orthographic information. Second ,
ments attractors for words using a “pull-out” variables considered to be diagnostic of later
network over letter-cluster units. lexical processes should also influence the
In contrast with the right-hem isphere ac- reading performance of these patients. In sup-
count of LBL reading (Buxbaum & Coslett, port of our position, in this paper we present a
1996; Coslett & Saffran, 1994; Saffran & Coslett, rev iew of the existing literature as well as new
this issue), our view does not specifically im- empirical data obtained from seven LBL read-
plicate a particular hemisphere as the locus of ers. As the findings will indicate, both the lit-
the lexical and semantic effects. We have ar- erature review and the empirical data are
gued that the simultaneous presence of visual consistent with our position, showing that
and lexical/ semantic findings arise from a sin- early visual deficits are identifiable in almost
gle interactiv e system, involving both hemi- every patient (and not demonstrably absent in
spheres, and that there is no compelling reason the remaining cases) and that, when they have
to invoke the separate right hemisphere as the been investigated carefully, strong effects of
sole (or ev en primary) mediator of the postlexi- lexical variables are also observed. That a par-
cal effects. Importantly, this view entails that, tial low-level deficit can permit partial higher-
in LBL read ers, the read ing system per se is level activation (supporting lexical decision
unchanged from its premorbid state; read ing and categorisation performance) that further
behav iour arises as a consequence of degrad ed influences lower-level processing (producing



frequency and imageability effects on read ing Hedley-White, 1974; Kreindler & Ionescu,
latencies) is, on our view, a direct consequence 1961), although we hav e generally made refer-
of the cascaded, interactive nature of the nor- ence to these papers elsewhere in the text. We
mal reading system. are also aware of posters of LBL read ers pre-
sented at conferences and have not included
those (with the exception of the Vigliocco, Se-
REVIEW OF PUBLISHED CASES OF menza, & Neglia, 1992, because the description
LETTER-BY-LETTER READING of the patients is sufficiently detailed). We
have also come across a few papers published
This rev iew of the published studies of 57 LBL in other languages (El Alaoui-Faris et al., 1994),
readers was undertaken both to document the but have restricted our analysis to published
existence of early deficits and to exam ine the English papers. Finally, to make the table as
extent to which there is higher-level processing comprehensiv e as possible, we hav e included
in these patients. Although this review is in- our own patients at the end. To do so, we have
tend ed to be as comprehensive as possible (see combined the findings from the empirical
Table 1), we have deliberately excluded sev- analyses we describe in the latter part of this
eral papers. Many of the excluded papers have paper with prev ious descriptions of these pa-
a different focus and do not provide sufficient tients’ reading performance.
detail for our analysis; for exam ple, some pa-
pers focus on the anatom ical aspects of the case
rather than on the reading performance per se
(Ajax, 1967; Damasio & Damasio, 1983; Green- For this analysis, we reviewed the published
blatt, 1973), others describe aspects of the pa- papers to determine whether there was any
tient’s performance such as the intact read ing evidence for a peripheral deficit in the patient.
of stenography (Regard, Landis, & Hess, 1985), If the authors of a paper classified the patient’s
an associated deficit in music read ing (Horik- deficit as occurring early (peripherally or
oshi et al., 1997), or associated colour deficits prelexically), this was counted as positive evi-
(Freed man & Costa, 1992), which are unrelated dence. We also took as positive evidence a
to the issue at hand, and yet other papers re- reported perceptual difficulty in single-letter
port a rehabilitation procedure for the patient processing or identification or a more general
without including much detail on the patients’ perceptual deficit in which other visuopercep-
pre-therapy reading perform ance (Kashi wagi tual abilities are impaired, even if the authors
& Kashi wagi, 1989; Tuomainen & Laine, 1991). did not classify the patient in the peripheral
There are also a small number of papers that group per se. We also determined whether
are not included simply because the descrip- there was evidence for lexical and semantic
tion of the patient’s reading is unclear or insuf- effects in these same LBL readers. This con-
ficiently detailed for our purposes (Caplan & sisted of rev iewing the reported papers and



determining whether there was positive ev i- Although these other variables are relevant to
dence for: (1) covert reading under brief expo- the issue under investigation, reports of this
sure (either in lexical decision or semantic were too few to warrant a separate category.
categorisation tasks), (2) a word superiority Because this analysis is retrospective, there
effect, (3) effects of frequency, imageability, are obviously a number of problems. In many
regularity, and part-of-speech on naming cases, the critical variables are not tested (or
words, and (4) effects of frequency and image- perhaps tested but not reported or analysed
ability on lexical decision. With regard to the statistically). Even when they are tested sys-
word superiority effect, we simply noted the tematically, the dependent variable is often a
better report of items in words over non words measure of accuracy rather than reaction time.
in any experimental parad igm (not solely the Yet the effects in LBL reading are typically
standard Wheeler-Reicher type task) and did more robust (and perhaps only ev ident) in re-
not take special note of a pseudoword effect action time, given the high degree of accuracy
(better report of items in legal pseudowords in many cases. We have not differentiated be-
over illegal non words). tween the various depend ent measures and
In analysing the effects of lexical variables simply note the presence of the main effect
such as frequency, imageability etc., we con- using either metric.
sidered their impact on naming and on lexical
decision under both brief and prolonged expo-
sure duration. We have only documented
whether these variables significantly influence Evidence for a Peripheral Deficit
the patient’s reading performance (i.e. as a Many researchers have previously observed
main effect) in either reaction time or accuracy. that LBL read ers invariably perform poorly on
Very few studies present the interaction be- tests of letter recognition, although, to date,
tween these different variables and word there has been no substantiation of this claim.
length (see Doctor, Sartori, & Saling, 1990, for Almost all the patients we reviewed had some
an exception) so we do not consider the inter- noticeable problem with letter processing, as is
actions in our tabulation, although we consider evident from the first column of Table 1. In-
it to be crucial for our interactiv e view. Finally, deed, 50 of the 57 patients have a positive check
some studies (for exam ple, Buxbaum & mark in the first column. Although some of
Coslett, 1996; Coslett & Monsul, 1994; Coslett these patients were highly accurate on naming
& Saffran, 1989a; Coslett et al., 1993; Doctor et single letters for an unlimited exposure, a find-
al., 1990; Friedman et al., 1993; Shallice & Saf- ing which might suggest no obvious impair-
fran, 1986) assess the reading of other higher- ment, the time to name the individual letters is
order lexical, orthographic, or semantic often abnormally long. For exam ple, DR (Doc-
variables, for exam ple a comparison of per- tor et al., 1990) correctly identified 24/ 26
formance on suffixed/ pseudosuffixed words. lower-case and 25/ 26 upper-case letters, but


Table 1. Review of Published Cases of Letter-by-letter Reading

Brief Exp Naming LD
——————————————— —————————— –—————
Patient Study PL LD SC WSE Fr Im Rg PS Fr Im
DM Arguin & Bub (1993, 1994a,b) ° ° ° ° ° – – – ° –
Bub & Arguin (1995)

EL Behrmann et al. (1998) ° ± ± – ° ° – – – –

Montant et al. (1998)
IH Bowers, Arguin, & Bub (1996) ° – – ° ° – ° – – –
Bowers, Bub, & Arguin (1996)
Arguin et al. (this issue)
JV Bub, Black, & Howell (1989) ° – – ° ± – – – – –
n/ a Buxbaum & Coslett, (1996) ° – – – ± ° ± ° – –
1 Coslett & Saffran (1989a) ° ° ° – + ° – ° ° ±


2 Coslett & Saffran (1989a) ° ° ° – – – – + ° ±
3 Coslett & Saffran (1989a) ° ° ° – ° ° – ° ° ±
4 Coslett & Saffran (1989a) ° ° ° – – – – – ° –
JWC Coslett et al. (1993) ° ° ° – – – – – ° °
DR Doctor et al. (1990) ° ° ° – – ° – – – –
RE Feinberg et al. (1995) ° ° ° – ± ± – – ° °
n/ a Friedman & Alexander (1984) ° – ± – – – – ± – –
BL Friedman & Hadley (1992) ? – – ° ° ± ° ± – –
TL Friedman et al. (1992) ° – – – – – – ° – –
n/ a Grossi et al. (1984) ° – + – – – – – – –
DC* Hanley & Kay (1996) ° – – ° – – – – – –
n/ a Henderson et al. (1995) ° – – – – – ± – – –
PM Howard (1991) ° ± ± – – ± ± – – –
KW Howard (1991) ° ± ° + ° ° ± – – –
PD Kay & Hanley (1991) ° – – ± ° ° – – – –
Hanley & Kay (1992, 1996)
L Kinsbourne & Warrington (1962) ° – – – + – – – – –
P Kinsbourne & Warrington (1962) ° – – – + – – – – –
S Kinsbourne & Warrington (1962) ° – – – + – – – – –
C Kinsbourne & Warrington (1962) ° – – – + – – – – –
n/ a Landis et al. (1980) ± – + – – – ° ° – –
ON Lazar & Scarisbrick (1993) ° – – – – – – – – –
CC Levine & Calvanio (1978) ° – – ° – – – – – –
RT Levine & Calvanio (1978) ° – – ° – – – – – –
GC Levine & Calvanio (1978) ° – – ± – – – – – –
CP Montant, Nazir, & Poncet (this issue) ° – – – – – – – – –
MW Patterson & Kay (1982) ° ± ± – – – – – – –
CH Patterson & Kay (1982) ° ± – – – – – – – –
TP Patterson & Kay (1982) ° ± ± – – – – – – –
KC Patterson & Kay (1982) ° – ± – – – ° – – –
SP Perri et al. (1996) ° – – – ° – ° – – –
EW Price & Humphreys (1992) ° ± ± – ° – + – – –
HT Price & Humphreys (1992) ° ± ± – + – ± – – –
SA Price & Humprheys (1995) ° ± – – – – – – – –
WH* Price & Humphreys (1995) ° ± – – – – – – – –
HR* Rapp & Caramazza (1991) ° – ± – ° ± – – – –
PT Rapcsak et al. (1990) ? – – – – – ± ± – –
Schacter et al. (1990) – – – – – – – –
WL Reuter-Lorenz & Brunn (1990) ° – – ° – – ± – – –
ML Shallice & Saffran (1986) ° ° ° – – – – – ° –
n/ a Stachowiak & Poeck (1976) ° – – – – – – – – –
BY Staller et al. (1978) ° – – – – – – – ° °
BD Vigliocco et al. (1992) ? ± – ° – – – – – –
RG Vigliocco et al. (1992) ? ± – ° – – – – – –
RAV Warrington & Shallice (1980) ? – ± ± – ± – – – –
JDC Warrington & Shallice (1980) ? – – – – – – – – –

Our Patients
DS Behrmann, Black & Bub (1990) ° – – ° ° ° – – – –
Behrmann & Shallice (1995)
Sekuler & Behrmann (1996)
PC ° – – – ° ± – – – –
MW Sekuler & Behrmann (1996) ° – – – ° ° – – – –
DK ° + + – ° ° – – – –
MA Sekuler & Behrmann (1996) ° – – – ° ° – – – –
IS Behrmann & McLeod (1995) ° – – ° ° ± – – – –
TU Farah & Wallace (1991) ° – – – ° ° ± – – –
Sekuler & Behrmann (1996)


PL = Prelexical; LD = Lexical Decision; SC = Semantic Category; WSE= Word Superiority Effect; Fr = Frequency; Im = Imageability; Rg = Regularity;
PS = Part of Speech; ° = evidence for; ± = evidence against; + = some evidence for; ? = unclear; – = not tested; * = left-handed; = ambidextrous.


the time to do so was 2.03 sec and 1.75 sec, at 100% on word stimuli), perform ance
respectively. Patients PD and DC (Hanley and dropped below 50% for items in position 4 of
Kay, 1996; Kay & Hanley, 1991) also made a words (and close to floor for items in position
relativ ely small number of letter misidentifica- 4 of non words). A similar account of preserv ed
tions (26/ 26 and 25/ 26 lower-case letters, re- accuracy but abnormal speed of processing
spectively) but their speed of processing was may account for the patient reported by Landis
dramatically slowed relative to a control sub- et al. (1980). Although this young man accu-
ject. This slowing was particularly evident rately identified single letters, this was done so
when the two patients performed a letter- hesitantly, especially when the letters were in-
matching task and made same/ different termixed with numbers (see similar observa-
judgements on two letters (e.g. aR) presented tion by Polk and Farah, reported in Farah,
simultaneously or sequentially (500msec 1997). Both BD and GR (Vigliocco et al., 1992)
SOA). The control subject showed a slight re- performed similarly to normal control subjects
action time advantage for the sequential over on a letter-m atching task under simultaneous
the simultaneous condition. PD’s reaction and sequential conditions, suggesting that
times were similar to the control in the sequen- speed is normal for them. We do not, however,
tial condition but he took roughly 400msec know what their accuracy was on this task.
longer when the letters were presented simul- When presented with single letters for 2 sec on
taneously. DC was even slower than PD on the a separate task, a duration that is extremely
simultaneous condition but, in addition, was long for normal subjects, BD identified 88%
far slower than PD or the control subject on the correctly and GR 90%. The errors produced
sequential condition (see Hanley & Kay, 1996, were all visual confusions with the target (for
Fig. 4). These findings suggest that neither of exam ple, d/ b, v/ u). It appears then that even
these patients process letters normally. these two subjects might not have normal letter
There remain seven contentious cases for processing and that the apparently normal re-
whom a letter processing deficit is not clearly action times may be due to a speed-accuracy
apparent. We consider each in turn. Patient BL trade-off.
scored 25/ 26 correct on upper-case naming Both RAV and JDC (Warrington & Shallice,
but we have no indication of the time required 1980) appear to identify single letters particu-
to do so (Friedman & Hadley, 1992). There is larly well, even when separated by either al-
also no report of other letter processing tests phanumeric characters (Expt. 1) or when
nor tests of general visual processing for BL. flanked by distractors (Expt. 2). Nonetheless,
We do know, however, that BL showed a very both patients are more affected than normal
steep serial position curve in reporting letters readers by items presented in script compared
from four-item strings under tachistoscopic with print. Moreover, RAV appear to show an
presentation. Whereas perform ance was rea- interaction in reaction times between
sonably accurate for items in position 1 (almost script/ print and word length. For three-letter



words, the difference between script/ print is deficit for read ing. We hav e assumed that the
2.4 sec, whereas the difference increases to 5 letter processing deficit plays a causal role in
sec for seven-letter words. Both the differences LBL read ing and that, because the weakened
between script and print and the interaction activation is insufficient, subjects make both
with word length have been taken to be strong overt and covert gaze shifts to enhance the
indicators of an early visual processing deficit letter activation. A correlation bet ween read-
(Farah & Wallace, 1991). Lastly, PT (Rapcsak, ing speed and the accuracy of single-letter
Rubens, & Laguna, 1990; Schacter et al., 1990) identification, suggestive of a strong relation-
perform ed well on tasks of letter discrimina- ship between the two, was described by Shal-
tion (letters vs. nonletters or mirror-rev ersed lice (1988) in a small group of eight LBL
letters; 100%), cross-case matching (95%), and readers. This correlation, howev er, does not
pointing to letters (100%). Although accuracy seem to be perfectly upheld, as a recent study
was low for letter naming, with a score of only described two patients with fairly similar letter
15/ 26 for upper-case and 15/ 26 for lower-case recognition patterns but with very different
letters, this might possibly be a result of an performance in word recognition (Hanley &
anomia rather than of a letter recognition defi- Kay, 1996). The exact relationship bet ween
cit per se. Once again, however, we have no poor letter and word recognition processes is
indication that PT perform s these simple letter beyond the scope of this paper. Also beyond
tasks at normal speeds. Whether her letter the scope of this paper is whether the poor
processing is indeed normal, therefore, re- letter processing derives from an ev en more
mains unans wered at present. fundamental perceptual problem, as we
The findings from the rev iew thus far sug- (amongst others) have argued elsewhere
gests that there is no single subject for whom (Behrmann et al., 1998; Sekuler & Behrmann,
letter recognition is definitively normal. As is 1996; see also Chialant & Caram azza, this is-
evident, patients may be impaired in speed, sue), or whether it is restricted to alphanu-
even if not in accuracy, and sometimes the meric stimuli. For the present purposes, we are
converse is true. Additionally, as noted by Pat- only interested in establishing that, across the
terson and Kay (1982), even high accuracy population of LBL readers, there is strong evi-
might not be a satisfactory indicator of letter dence for a peripheral deficit that adversely
processing skill; an accuracy score of 85% in affects letter processing. We now turn to the
letter naming may not seem too serious an question of whether variables associated with
impairment but this might become very debili- later stages of word recognition are also ob-
tating in a more taxing task when the subject is served in this population.
required to represent letters for the purposes
of word recognition. Evidence for Lexical and Semantic Effects
An important question that remains, then, The major problem we encountered in this
is what are the consequences of this peripheral rev iew is that very few studies systematically



document the higher-level effects in the read- 1991; Patterson & Kay, 1982; Price & Hum-
ing behaviour of LBL read ers (especially in phreys, 1992, 1995; Vigliocco et al., 1992; War-
cases who are a priori diagnosed as having a rington & Shallice, 1980) and in some of our
peripheral impairment). Because the interest own studies (Behrmann, Black, & Bub, 1990;
has traditionally been on the effect of word Behrmann & McLeod, 1995; Behrmann & Shal-
length, unconfound ed by other variables, lice, 1995). Why there are such marked individ-
stimuli are standardly matched on frequency ual differences is taken up further in the
and imageability, for example, and length General Discussion.
alone is manipulated. In those few cases where With respect to the word superiority effect,
these other variables are tested and reported, as with the covert reading, only a small subset
perform ance is measured in terms of accuracy of the population has been tested and so strong
rather than the more sensitive measures of claims about the effect of orthographic context
reaction time and the statistical analyses of should be made cautiously. Of the 16 reported
both the main effects and their interaction are instances, 12 patients show a word superiority
often omitted. Nev ertheless, we have re- effect, one shows a trend in that direction, and
viewed the literature and present the findings the remaining 3 are not influenced by ortho-
in Table 1. We discuss covert or tacit reading, graphic context. One of these 16 patients is DS
the word superiority effect, and the influence who, in our initial testing in the first year post-
of lexical variables separately. stroke, did not show a word superiority effect
Positive ev idence for preserv ed implicit (Behrmann et al., 1990) on a Wheeler-Reicher
reading under brief exposure is found in only type task. In subsequent testing, roughly 5
a small number of cases. Aside from the stud- years post-stroke, DS did show a word supe-
ies by Coslett and Saffran and colleagues, who riority effect on one task, reporting the begin-
document covert effects in five LBL read ers, ning and end letters more accurately from
definitive covert processing is reported only in words than from non words. DS, howev er, did
patients ML (Shallice & Saffran, 1986), KW not show an advantage for words in a second
(Howard, 1991) (in semantic but not lexical task that required a decision on whether two
decision tasks), DR(Doctor et al., 1990), and RE strings (both words or both non words) placed
(Feinberg, Duckes-Berke, Miner, & Roane, one abov e the other for an unlimited duration
1995). A positive trend in this direction is also were the sam e or different (Behrmann & Shal-
noted in Grossi, Fragassi, Orsini, Falco, & Sepe lice, 1995).
(1984) and in Landis, Regard, and Serrat (1980), A suggestion for why the word superiority
and we have some preliminary evidence of effect is only observ ed in some but not other
relativ ely good semantic categorisation under cases has been made by Farah and Wallace
brief exposure in one of our own patients, DK. (1992; see also Farah, 1997). They observ ed that
By contrast, the absence of covert abilities has at least two of the patients who showed the
been documented in several studies (Howard, word superiority effect had a letter recogni-



tion profile that was similar to normal subjects tistics are not al ways available) and only three
(referred to as an “ends-in” profile). At least subjects are not obviously influenced by
two of the cases who did not show a word frequency. One of the 3 subjects who does not
superiority effect showed a gradient of letter show a frequency effect is patient RE
recognition, with best performance on the in- (Feinberg et al., 1995), whose performance is so
itial letter and decreasing accuracy across se- poor that he is unable to read even a single
rial position. They attribute the presence of a word aloud. The absence of a frequency effect
word superiority effect to the presence vs. ab- then might simply result from a floor effect in
sence of the letter-by-letter gradient. In fact, this patient.
even within a single subject, one can see this at Of the 19 subjects tested for imageability in
work: Bub, Black, and Howell (1989) found naming, again in reaction time or in accuracy,
that their patient showed a word superiority 12 show a positive result (5 of our 7 patients).
effect in only one experiment and it was in this Again, one of the subjects who does not is
single experiment that the patient did not patient RE, and this may again result from a
show a left–right gradient in accuracy across floor effect. Five out of 14 subjects show an
letter positions. The suggestion that strategy effect of regularity on naming and 5 out of 9
determines the presence of a word superiority subjects show an effect of part-of-speech on
effect may well explain the variance in the data their performance. Few subjects are tested on
on this effect in LBL readers. In fact, even in these lexical variables in lexical decision, as is
normal subjects, focusing sequentially on indi- evident in the final two columns of Table 1. All
vidual letters affects top-do wn effects; specifi- eight patients for whom frequency data are
cally, the word superiority effect is reduced available for lexical decision are affected by
when normal subjects attempt to read letters in frequency. There are imageability data for only
particular positions rather than distributing five patients in lexical decision, and two of
their attention across the entire stimulus array these show a positive finding.
(Johnston & McClelland, 1980). Unfortunately, Taken together, the rev iew of the later
the patients who show covert reading are gen- lexical and semantic effects is not strongly
erally not tested for a word superiority effect conclusive. Too few patients are tested on the
and vice versa, making it difficult to reach higher-order variables and when they are, they
conclusions about the relationship between are usually not tested on all of the different
implicit reading and higher-order ortho- tasks or different variables, making
graphic processing. comparisons difficult. One finding worth not-
Of the 26 subjects tested for effects of fre- ing, howev er, is that across the population of
quency on word naming, 17 are influenced by 57 subjects, there are only 13 subjects who do
frequency either in reaction time or in accu- not show any lexical or semantic effects on any
racy, including all 7 of our patients. A further of the measures. A further four patients have
six subjects show some effect of frequency (sta- not been tested on any of the measures and so



the presence of the later effects for them re- EMPIRICAL DATA FROMLETTER-BY-LETTER
mains indeterminate (Lazar & Scarisbrick, READERS
1973; Montant, Nazir, & Poncet, this issue;
Stacho wiak & Poeck, 1976; Warrington & Given the paucity of data on the lexical and
Shallice, 1980; patient JDC). A central finding semantic effects in LBL patients, we have un-
of the rev iew, then, is that the great majority of dertaken a retrospective analysis of data col-
patients show some form of lexical/ semantic lected from seven who have participated in our
effects on read ing perform ance. studies over the last decade. In this analysis,
we specifically explore whether both a periph-
eral visual processing deficit and the effect of
lexical and semantic variables are observ able
across this group. All of these patients are
Summary of Review
highly accurate in single-letter identification
The evidence for a peripheral deficit is strongly under unlimited exposure duration although,
supported by the rev iew and there is no con- as pointed out previously, this in no way indi-
vincing counter-evid ence. In those few cases cates that letter recognition is normal and, in
where accuracy or even reaction times appear some instances, we know that it is not (for
to be within normal limits, it is often the case exam ple, patient DS; see Behrmann & Shallice,
that this could result from a speed –accuracy 1995). It is also the case, though, that these
trad e-off and poorer perform ance is generally patients are much more impaired than their
seen on the complementary metric. These re- control counterparts in identifying two or
sults substantiate the initial part of our account three random letters presented under brief ex-
and endorse the previous observation of a defi- posure (for example, patient DS, see
cit in letter processing that is common to all Behrmann, Black, & Bub, 1990; patient IS,
LBL read ers. Unfortunately, strong conclu- Behrmann & McLeod, 1995).
sions about later lexical and semantic effects Our view of LBL reading predicts that, even
are not as obvious from this review, as there in those patients with a peripheral deficit, one
are too many empty cells in the database. An would still see effects of word frequency and
important finding, though, is that these later imageability on perform ance. On this account,
effects are not restricted to a small subgroup of we therefore predict significant main effects of
the population and there is at least partial ev i- word frequency and imageability that will re-
dence for them in more than two-third s of the flect the strength of the top-do wn contribution.
patients. We also predict that as word length increases,
the difference bet ween high- and low-fre-
quency and the difference between high- and
low-imageability items will increase, given
that for longer words there is more opportu-



nity for top-do wn effects to influence perform- exam ple, did well with single letters ev en at
ance. the presentation limits of the computer
(17m sec; no masking) but performance was
poor on two- and three-item arrays even when
exposure duration was more than tripled
Sev en LBL read ers are included in this analy- (Kinsbourne & Warrington, 1962; Levine &
sis. Five of them have been described in detail Calvinio, 1978). Relative to normal subjects,
in other publications (see final seven rows of who can identify letters at 10msec with mask-
Table 1 for citations), whereas the remaining ing (Sperling & Melcher, 1978), these patients
two, PC and DK, have only been tested fairly are much slower at letter identification.
recently. The subjects will only be described Four of the seven subjects participated in the
briefly in this paper and the read er is referred study by Sekuler and Behrmann (1996), which
to the more detailed publications for further documented the ability of LBLpatients to proc-
information. All subjects are right-hand ed and ess visual stimuli that are not alphanumeric. In
native speakers of English. Biographical infor- that study, patients completed three different
mation and anatom ical details of their lesions experiments: they performed perceptual flu-
as well as some read ing data (which will be- ency judgements under time pressure, made
come relevant later) are provided in Table 2. same/ different judgements to contour fea-
tures that appeared on objects, and searched
for a target in visual displays that increased in
Evidence for an Early,Peripheral Deficit
the number of distractor items. In all three
As mentioned prev iously, all of these patients experiments, these patients perform ed signifi-
do reasonably well, although not perfectly, on cantly more poorly than their control counter-
single-letter identification under unlimited ex- parts. These findings suggest that all four of
posure duration, although performance is these patients suffered from a general percep-
marked ly poorer than normal subjects when tual deficit, which extended beyond their abil-
brief exposure is used. For example, patient ity to deal with orthographic material. It is this
DK perform ed perfectly on single-letter iden- more fundamental visual perceptual problem,
tification when the letters were presented for we claim, that gives rise to their LBL pattern in
an unlimited duration. He made 30% errors the first instance.
when the letters were presented for 250msec Five of these same seven subjects (excluding
(even without a mask) and 40 errors at 100msec PC and TU) hav e also participated in a recent
exposure duration. Similar patterns are seen in study examining their accuracy and reaction
other patients. Those patients who perform time to name black-and- white line drawings of
well on single-letter identification even at brief high and low visual complexity, taken from
exposure duration may then do poorly when the Snodgrass and Vander wart (1980) set of
two or three letters are present; patient IS, for pictures (Behrmann et al., 1998). Whereas age-


Table 2. Biographical and Lesion Details of the Seven Letter-by-letter Readers
Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð aÐ Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð bÐ Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð c

Patient Age Etiology CT Scan Results Other Relevant Behaviours Freq Image
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
DS 37 Posterior cerebral artery L occipital infarction upper quadrantanopia 397** 72**
occlusion; migrainous
PC 63 Resected meningioma L occipitotemporal R homonymous hemianopia 1651* 3039**
(area 19/ 37 boundary)
MW 67 Infarction L occipital lobe infarction R homonymous hemianopia; 570* 292**


ensuing depression
DK 65 Posterior cerebral artery L occipital lobe infarction R homonymous hemianopia 588** 443
infarction & mass effect
MS 37 Closed head injury No focal CT lesion; R homonymous hemianopia; 1552** 1629*
bilateral frontal slowing EEG surface dysgraphia
IS 46 Posterior cerebral L occipital-temporal region R upper quadrantanopia; 540** 99*
artery infarction including hippocampus, mild memory deficit;
fusiform and lingual gyri surface dysgraphia
TU 56 Resected arteriovenous L occipital haemorrhage; R homonymous hemianopia; 968** 388
malformation additional L temporal damage R hemiparesis;
marked anomia
Age refers to the age at which the initial testing took place. Some patients have participated in subsequent follow-up studies and the age of testing
is then obviously different.
Frequency score in msec.
Imageability score in msec.
*P < .05; P < .01.

matched normal control subjects showed a of higher-order processing in a naming latency

152m sec reaction time advantage for low-com- task, including effects of word frequency, dif-
plexity items over high-complexity items, the ferences bet ween word and non word reading
LBL readers (with the possible exception of (word superiority), part-of-speech effects, and
patient MW) showed a disproportionate in- an effect of imageability or concreteness
crease in reaction times to name the high-com- (Coltheart, 1980; Warrington & Shallice, 1980).
plexity items. Averaged across the patients, We hav e chosen to use word frequency and
low-complexity items were named 530msec imageability, both of which are assumed to be
faster than their high-complexity counterparts. reliable indicators of access to a preserv ed
Taken together, these data suggest that these word form system (Kay & Hanley, 1991), and
patients have a deficit that affects their proc- for which there is likely to be sufficient data for
essing of several classes of visual stimuli and analysis. These two variables have also been
that, under rigorous testing conditions, this studied extensively in normal read ers and
more widespread perceptual deficit may be there are several models detailing their specific
uncovered . effects in word recognition. A recent analysis
Based on these findings, we can definitively of the effects of frequency, for example, shows
conclude that there is an early deficit in six of that word frequency is a critical determ inant of
the seven LBL readers. We do not have suffi- the speed of lexical access (what Monsell et al.
cient information about PC, but the limited referred to as “lexical identification”)(Monsell,
data obtained from her single-letter processing Doyle, & Haggard , 1989). Frequency effects
suggest that she too may be impaired in early can be explained, depend ing on whether one’s
stages of processing prior to activating an or- model is localist or distributed, as arising from
thographic representation. Whereas she is able higher resting levels of activation, lower
to identify accurately all three letters from a thresholds, or increased bias on the weights for
random letter string (e.g. YFS) presented for an high-frequency compared with low-frequency
unlimited exposure duration, she only identi- words (McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981; Mor-
fies about 70%of the letters when the exposure ton, 1979; Plaut et al., 1996; Seidenberg &
duration is around 1sec, suggesting that her McClelland, 1989). Thus, the speed by which a
letter identification threshold is probably ab- word is recognised is determ ined by the time
normally high. Unfortunately, PC died before to reach threshold or for the network to settle
we were able to obtain any further data. on an interpretation of the stimulus; the time
will thus be less for high-frequency than for
low-frequency items.
Evidence for Lexical and Semantic Influences on
Imageability effects hav e not received as
Word Recognition
much press as frequency effects, although
There are a number of different lexical vari- there is little doubt that the influence of image-
ables that might potentially serv e as markers ability on perform ance arises at later stages



and is indicative of semantic processing. Strain from those lists in which the words were pre-
et al. (Strain, Patterson, & Seidenberg, 1995), sented in script or cursive font. Frequency and
for example, showed that normal readers are imageability are orthogonally crossed with
slower and make more errors on low-image- word length in each list. The cut-off for fre-
ability than high-imageability words but only quency was 20 per million, with items below
for low-frequency exception words. This that classified as low in frequency and items
three-way interaction between imageability, abov e that classified as high in frequency
frequency, and regularity is explained with (Ku cera & Francis, 1967). Im ageability is
reference to a system in which the time to standard ly hand-coded but, for the purpose of
translate orthography to phonology varies. this analysis, word imageability was taken
When this translation process is slow or noisy, from the MRC Database; items which did not
as is the case for low-frequency exceptions, have an imageability rating in this listing were
words with rich semantic representations (i.e. excluded. Again, imageability was converted
high-imageability words) are most likely to to a categorical variable with items exceeding
benefit from this interaction. This interpreta- 525 being classified as high in imageability and
tion of how later effects (semantic repre- those below this cut-off as being low in image-
sentations in this case) interact with somewhat ability.
earlier processes (translating orthography to In all cases, the words were presented on a
phonology in this case) is consistent with the computer screen to the left of central fixation
interactiv e account of LBL reading that we to circumvent the right visual field defect that
have proposed. was present in all patients. The words were
right-justified so that the final letter of each
Stimuli and Procedure word appeared in the character space just to
To exam ine the effects of frequency and image- the left of fixation. The standard procedure
ability on the reading behaviour of LBL read- was as follows: a central fixation point ap-
ers, we analysed naming latency data for single peared for 500m sec. After a 1 sec delay, the
words collected from these seven patients. At word appeared and remained on the screen for
some point during their testing, these patients an unlimited duration until a response was
read aloud lists of 60 words presented in a made. The visual angle subtended by stimuli
variety of fonts and sizes containing 20 items of three, five- and seven-characters in length
each of 3-, 5-, and 7-letter words. These lists were 1.5°, 2.4° and 3.6° respectively. Words
and forms of presentation are used standard ly were presented in black font against a white
in our laboratory to measure the naming la- background . Both reaction time (via a voice-re-
tency of LBL readers and patients typically lay-key) and accuracy (recorded by the exam -
read three of four such lists during their pre- iner) was measured . In all patients, except in
liminary testing. We hav e included as many the case of DK, presentation and timing was
word lists as possible for each subject apart controlled by Psychlab (Bub & Gum, 1988) and


a Macintosh Classic or IIci was used, whereas line is the value of the slope calculated for that
for DK, presentation was controlled by Psy- subject in a linear regression analysis, with RT
Scope (Cohen, MacWhinney, Flatt, & Provost, set against word length. As is ev ident from this
1993) on a Powerbook 540C. figure, subjects differ fairly dramatically in
their base reaction time [F(6,821) = 118.7, P <
.0001]. Also evident from this figure is the sig-
nificant main effect of word length [F(2,821) =
Reading responses to a total of 24 word lists (N 167.3, P < .0001], with a mean across all sub-
= 1440, cumulative across subjects) were col- jects of 1442, 2465, and 3520m sec for 3-, 5-, and
lected from the subjects. A number of trials, 7-letter words, respectiv ely, indicating that
however, were excluded for a variety of rea- roughly an extra 500m sec is required to proc-
sons: imageability ratings were unav ailable for ess each additional letter.
315 trials, patients made errors on 168 trials, Although ev ery subject shows the hallmark
the microphone was not triggered or the sub- monotonic relationship bet ween reaction time
ject coughed on a further 50 trials and 2 trials and word length, subjects differ in the slope or
were extreme outliers from the subjects’ reac- increase in RT per-each additional letter
tion time distribution (more than four SDs [F(12,821) = 18.3, P < .0001]. At the highest ex-
from the mean). A repeated -measures treme is MA, who shows an increase of
ANOVA with word length crossed with word 1409.3m sec per letter. At the bottom extrem e,
frequency and word imageability was per- the mildest LBL subject, DS, who had a stroke
formed on the remaining 905 trials. Subject roughly 10 years ago (Behrmann, Black, et al.
was included as a further between-subject 1990), shows an increase of 97msec per letter.
variable so that profiles for the individual sub- Although this latter slope is rather flat in com-
jects could be drawn up. We note that the parison with the population of LBL readers, it
amount of data per subject is not equivalent must be noted that this increase is roughly
(given that different subjects read differing three times greater than the maximum of
numbers of lists and error rates differed) and 30msec per letter needed by normal subjects in
so the estimates of the effects are better for naming words presented to the left visual field
some subjects than for others; subject PC has (Henderson, 1982; Young & Ellis, 1985). In-
the least data and her performance is the most deed, some studies have demonstrated that
variable (see all Figs). As mentioned earlier, normal subjects show no effect at all of word
unfortunately PC died before we were able to length on naming latency for words (Schiep-
collect further data. The number of trials per ers, 1980; Weekes, 1997). Any reliable increase
subject is included in both Figs 2 and 3. in latency as a function of string length might,
The reaction time (RT) to name a word as a therefore, be considered abnormal. On the
function of string length is plotted for each same word lists as those read by our LBL read-
subject individually in Fig. 1. Along with each ers, normal subjects, who served as control



Fig. 1. Mean reaction times for the seven letter-by-letter Importantly for the present purposes is that,
readers as a function of word length and the sl ope of the
across these seven subjects, word frequency
regression function.
significantly affected reaction time [F(1,821) =
41.8, P < .0001]; high-frequency words (N =
566) were named, on average, 884msec faster
subjects for some of the patients (some of than low-frequency (N = 339) words. The dif-
whom are elderly), typically showed very flat ferences between the mean RTs for high- and
slopes; control subject BR (Behrmann & low-frequency words for each patient are in-
McLeod, 1995), for exam ple, showed an in- cluded in Table 2. A one- way ANOVA per-
crease in RT of 15.3m sec for each additional formed separately for each subject, comparing
letter in a word, whereas control subjects AS RTs for high- and low-frequency words,
and JD, averaged, show a slope of 9.4msec yielded significant values for ev ery subject.
(Behrmann et al., 1998). Relative to these val- The effect of frequency did not vary as a func-
ues, all of our subjects are markedly abnormal, tion of word length, collapsed across subjects
including the mildest subject, DS. [F(2,821) = 2.06, P < .13], and the frequency



effects remained relativ ely constant across tion of word length, although this held to a
subjects [F(6,821) = 1.17, P < .32]. However, varying degree across subjects [F(12,821) =
the three-way interaction of frequency by 1.76, P < .05]. The interaction is particularly
word length by subject is significant. This is evident in patients DS, MW, DK, and IS and, to
seen in Fig. 2 which shows the mean reaction a lesser degree, in MA. It is only in patient PC
times for the individual patients for high- and (for whom the least data are available) that this
low-frequency words as a function of word function does not follow the predicted pattern.
length. It is important to note that the y-axis on Interestingly, there is a good correlation across
this figure differs across subjects. As is evident the subjects between the severity of the LBL
from this figure, the difference bet ween high- reading (defined by the slope of the reg ression
and low-frequency words increased as a func- curve on the naming latency data in Fig. 1) and

Fig. 2. Reaction times for the seven letter-by-letter readers, plotted individually, as a function of word length for high-
and low-frequency words.



the effect of frequency on performance (de- tern across subjects is less clear. The expected
fined as the msec difference bet ween naming interaction, howev er, is clearly ev ident for pa-
high- and low-frequency words (r = .85, P < tients PC, MW, DK, MA, and TU and less clear
.005), indicating a close relationship between in DS and IS (although the increase in 5-letter
severity and frequency, as would be predicted words is perhaps a bit more ev ident for IS). It
by our account. is also worth noting that PC’s data are particu-
Word imageability also significantly influ- larly variable; PC has a total of only 43 data
enced naming [F(1,821) = 52.3, P < .0001]; points, 5 of which are 7-letters long and low-
high-imageability words (N = 455) were re- imageability, and thus the very long mean RT
ported 696msec faster than low-imageability of 13049msec for this last cell should be inter-
words (N = 450) on average, although the ex- preted cautiously. There was a positive corre-
tent of this difference varied across subjects lation bet ween the severity of the LBL deficit
[F(1,821) = 10.6, P < .0001]. The differences in (again, using the value of the regression slope
mean RT for high- and low-imag eability in naming latency) and the imageability effect
words for each subject are presented in Table (defined as the msec difference bet ween nam-
2 along with the significance values obtained ing high- and low-imageability words) (r =
from a one- way ANOVA perform ed sepa- .53, P < .06), again indicating a relationship
rately for these data. Five of the seven patients between severity and imageability, although
showed a significant difference bet ween high- this correlation was not as strong as was the
and low-imageability stimuli. The advantage correlation with frequency.
for high- over low-imageability words was,
however, influenced by word length [F(2,821)
Summary of Empirical Data
= 20.7, P < .0001]; the difference between high-
and low-imageability words is 169msec for 3- The findings from the empirical study are
letter words compared with an 852msec differ- fairly straightfor ward. In a group of LBL
ence for 7-letter words. Again, this difference patients, all of whom show the characteristic
as a function of word length varies across sub- effect of word length on reaction time, we see
jects. This is evident in Fig. 3 in which the mean a difference in perform ance between high- and
reaction times for the individual patients with low-frequency items in all seven patients and
high- and low-imageability words are plotted a difference bet ween high- and low-imageabil-
as a function of word length. Although there is ity words in five of them. Moreover, both fre-
a general trend in all subjects (except for sub- quency and imageability interact with the
ject DS) for the difference between high- and length of the string such that the frequency
low-imageability words to become increas- effect and the imageability effect are more
ingly magnified as word length increases marked for long than for short words. The
[F(12,821) = 7.6, P < .0001], these data are more exact discrepancy between the high and low
variable than the frequency data and the pat- items as a function of word length is evident to



Fig. 3. Reaction times for the seven letter-by-letter time, as reflected in both naming and lexical
readers, plotted indivdually, as a function of word length
decision tasks. There are two major findings in
for high- and low-imageability words.
the LBL literature: The first is that patients
have a deficit at a peripheral stage of process-
a greater degree in some patients than in others ing. Evidence supporting a peripheral impair-
and this interaction is more pronounced in the ment comes from the finding that many, if not
frequency than in the imageability analysis. all, patients are unable to represent ortho-
graphic input normally and they show an im-
pairment in letter processing. The second
DISCUSSION finding is that the reading performance of
many patients is influenced by lexical and se-
Letter-by-letter reading is a form of acquired mantic variables, suggesting that the deficit
dyslexia in which patients show a monotonic occurs only after an adequate orthographic
relationship bet ween word length and reaction representation is activated. Support for a cen-



tral impairment comes from the finding that length of the word. Thus, covert or tacit read-
many LBL readers appear to hav e processed ing in the form of semantic categorisation and
the visual stimulus sufficiently to have derived lexical decision is possible despite poor stimu-
semantic, lexical, and higher-order ortho- lus identification; lexical variables such as fre-
graphic information from it, as indicated by quency and imageability may still influence
their ability to perform semantic categorisa- word recognition, and lexical/ semantic repre-
tion tasks or to make lexical decisions about sentations may feed back onto letter repre-
stimuli that they hav e not identified explicitly. sentations and produce a word superiority
In this paper, we put forward an account of effect. Thus, just as higher-lev el repre-
LBL read ing that reconciles these disparate sentations can compensate for or mitigate
findings. We argue that there is a fundamental against the spatially degraded input in neglect
peripheral deficit in LBL that adversely affects dyslexia (Mozer & Behrmann, 1990), so too can
parallel letter processing. Despite this lower- such representations feed back and support
level deficit, however, some information is still the weakened orthographic activation in LBL
propagated to higher-level (lexical and seman- reading.
tic) representations. In an attem pt to enhance In support of this theoretical position, we
orthographic activations, subjects employ the cite ev idence from a review of published re-
normal reading strategy of making additional ports of 57 patients with LBL read ing. There
fixations (or covert attention shifts) when en- was positive ev idence in almost ev ery case for
countering difficulties in text. This sequential the presence of a peripheral deficit and, even
letter processing adds further to the activation in those few cases for which no definitive evi-
of lexical/ semantic representations. Due to the dence existed, there was no compelling
interactiv e nature of processing, these higher- counter-evidence. The findings from this re-
level representations feed back to provide sup- view regard ing the higher-level lexical and se-
port for subsequent orthographic processing. mantic effects were somewhat less conclusive
The strength of this support depends on the but this was largely because of the dearth of
degree of higher-lev el activation, which we data. Relatively few patients have been tested
assume scales with word frequency and im- systematically for the influence of different
ageability. Because patients take longer to variables on performance and, ev en when
process words with more letters, the lexi- there was some suggestive ev idence in a case
cal/ semantic activation has a longer time in report, the effects were not usually evaluated
which to accumulate and influence the de- across a sufficient range of measures to pro-
graded letter activations. The main point is vide a full description of the patient’s perform -
that, in an interactive system, impoverished ance. Perhaps the most relevant finding from
input can still activate lexical and semantic this rev iew, however, was that more than two
information and, moreov er, that the strength thirds of the patients showed some evidence of
of this activation over time is related to the higher-level effects, whether in implicit read-



ing under brief exposure, in the presence of a Moreover, the discrepancy between the two
word superiority effect, or in the influence of types of items was greater for longer than
lexical variables on reading performance. The shorter words: whereas there was no accuracy
key point, then, is that in many of these pa- difference for high- and low-frequency four-
tients with peripheral deficits, there is also a letter words, there was a difference for longer
strong suggestion of some kind of lexical and words. Interactions of word length and image-
semantic processing. ability have also been reported in a few cases.
To substantiate our position further, we Patient DR (Doctor et al., 1990), for exam ple,
carried out a retrospective empirical analysis took longer to read low- than high-imageabil-
of the reading perform ance of seven LBL read- ity printed words, particularly as word length
ers we have tested over the last decade. We increased. A similar trend, albeit nonsignifi-
have prev iously determined that these pa- cant, was also observed in this patient for
tients all suffer from a peripheral impairment hand written words. Finally, JH (Buxbaum &
of some form. In the current analysis, we dem- Coslett, 1996) showed a dramatic increase in
onstrated a significant main effect of word fre- reaction time (and decrease in accuracy) as
quency and word imageability on reaction word length increased , but this was especially
time in almost all cases and, in most cases, true for low-imageability words. Thus, the dif-
these effects interacted significantly with word ference in accuracy between high- and low-im-
length (although to varying degrees and with ageability words was approximately 10% but
more variance in imageability than in fre- increased to approximately 45% for eight-let-
quency). We suggest that this interaction is ter words (see their Fig. 7).
specifically predicted by an interactive ac- In addition to showing the predicted inter-
count. In particular, we argue that, because of action between word length and imageability,
the additional time required by LBLreaders for patient JH (Buxbaum & Coslett, 1996) provides
longer words, there is more time in which additional support for our account. JH was
higher-lev el activation can accumulate and af- clearly impaired at lower-lev el processing: He
fect reading perform ance. was unable both to represent information on
Our review of the literature has turned up a the right of a display and to distribute attention
number of other cases in whom an interaction with sufficient resolution for the purposes of
between a lexical variable and word length has letter identification. Despite this impaired pe-
also been demonstrated. For exam ple, Bowers, ripheral processing, howev er, JH’s reading
Bub, & Arguin (1996) documented the effect of performance showed a part-of-speech effect
word frequency on the accuracy and reaction (nouns were read better than functors), an ef-
time of patient IH’s reading responses. Al- fect of lexical status (words were read better
though a statistical analysis was not provided, than non words), and an effect of morphologi-
high-frequency words were read better and cal composition (pseudosuffixed words were
faster overall than were low-frequency words. read better than suffixed words). The two



major findings, a peripheral deficit concurrent 1994), and even in normal subjects. Monsell et
with lexical influences on read ing, and an in- al. (1989), for exam ple, have postulated a
teraction between word length and lexical mechanism similar to ours to account for the
variables, provide clear support for our uni- finding that normal subjects can perform lexi-
tary view of letter-by-letter read ing. cal decision well without being able to identify
There are a number of suggestions in the the stimulus. They claimed that a subthreshold
literature that bear some resemblance to, or signal from the target relative to the activity of
even foreshadow, the v iew we hav e proposed neighbouring items may enable a legitimate
here. More than a decade ago, Shallice and word to be distinguished from non words but
Saffran (1986), in their explanation of patient may not suffice for identification. If the sub-
ML’s tacit or covert read ing abilities, sug- jects monitor the activation in the system, “the
gested that weak input from an impaired familiarity assessment process”, then high-fre-
word-form system might still allow sufficient quency words which have strong er repre-
activation of a semantic representation that sentation and are more familiar can bias the
would suffice for a task like semantic categori- subject towards a positive response before
sation. They argued , howev er, that inhibition unique identification has occurred (see Plaut &
might be inadequate in the system. Because it Shallice, 1993, for connectionist simulations
is necessary to converge on a single correct consistent with this idea).
output for stimulus identification, the alterna-
tives must be inhibited and patient ML was
unable to do so. Thus, weakened but sufficient MODELSOF LETTER-BY-LETTER READING
activation in combination with inadequate in-
hibition might give rise to abov e-chance se- There are no existing models of reading that
mantic categorisation in the absence of fully instantiate our theory of the mechanism
stimulus identification (see Friedman et al., underlying the performance of LBL readers.
1993, for a similar account and Hinton & Shal- However, there are a number of models which,
lice, 1991, for an interpretation of ML’s data in their behaviour under damage, exhibit
that is consistent with this). Along similar many of the critical properties on which our
lines, Bub et al. (1989) have suggested that, if account is based. As mentioned in the Intro-
activation is sufficient, even if not of normal duction, the fact that a partial peripheral im-
strength, lexical decision and semantic prim- pairment may give rise to both lower- and
ing may still be possible. Similar ideas about higher-level effects has already been demon-
weakened activation and/ or inhibition have strated with respect to lexical influences on
also been suggested to explain phenomena of reading performance in neglect dyslexia
tacit recognition in other neuropsychological (Mozer & Behrmann, 1990), in the preservation
disorders, such as prosopagnosia or im- of semantic categorisation and lexical decision
plicit/ explicit memory differences (Farah, with impaired overt recognition, and in the



occurrence of semantic errors following visual reading. More recently, Plaut (1998) has dem-
damage in deep dyslexia (Hinton & Shallice, onstrated properties of LBL reading following
1991; Plaut & Shallice, 1993). In the specific peripheral damage to the “refixation” model
context of LBL reading, support for co-occur- first described by Plaut et al. (1995). The model
rence of lower- and higher-level effects follow- generates a sequence of phonemes as output in
ing peripheral damage has recently been response to orthographic input presented over
provided by Mayall and Humphreys (Mayall position-specific letter units. A critical aspect
& Humphreys, 1996) who implemented a con- of the model is that, if it encounters difficulty
nectionist model whose architecture incorpo- in generating a particular phoneme in the
rated some of the properties of the IAM. In a course of pronouncing a word, it can refixate
single architecture, reflecting the normal word the input (using an internally generated atten-
processing system, Mayall and Humphreys tional signal) to bring the correspond ing pe-
were able to reprod uce many of the covert ripheral orthographic segment to “fixation”,
abilities of LBL patients when they lesioned the where perform ance is better. Early on in train-
network. They tested both early lesions (near ing, the model fixated virtually ev ery graph-
the input layer) and more central lesions (to eme but, by the end of training, it read correctly
hidden units). Of primary concern to us is the 99.3% of the 2998 monosyllabic words on
pattern of results obtained with the former, which it was trained, producing an average of
peripheral type of disturbance. When a per- only 1.3 fixations per word. When letter activa-
centage of the input units were disconnected tions were corrupted by noise, correct per-
from the hidden units, letter naming, although formance dropped to 90.1% correct. Using a
poor (35% correct) was significantly better median split on frequency, accuracy was
than word naming (9% correct). The errors greater on high- versus low-frequency words
produced were mostly visual rather than se- (92.1% vs. 88.6%, respectively) and short ver-
mantic. In addition, a greater number of cor- sus long words (e.g. 92.0% for 4-letter words
rect semantic categorisation and lexical vs. 85.2%for 6-letter words). Critically, among
decision responses were observ ed compared words pronounced correctly, the average
with naming responses. Finally, effects of number of fixations per word increased from
word frequency and imageability were noted 1.3 to 1.93. Moreover, the number of fixa-
in naming, categorisation, and lexical decision. tions — a loose analogue to naming la-
This ensem ble of findings is precisely what one tency — was strongly influenced by the length
would expect with a cascaded , interactiv e of the word. For exam ple, the model made an
model. average of 1.76 fixations for 4-letter words but
A significant limitation of Mayall and Hum- 2.92 fixations for 6-letters words. The model
preys’ (1996) simulation, howev er, is that it also made fewer fixations to high- versus low-
does not address the hallmark characteristic of frequency words (means 1.86 vs. 2.00, respec-
LBL readers — namely, their letter-by-letter tively). Finally, and most importantly for the



current account of LBL reading, there was a imageability). Exactly what the parameters of
clear interaction of frequency and length: The this degradation are remains unclear and
difference in the number of fixations for high- needs to be determ ined. There are, however, a
versus low-frequency words was 0.04 for 4- few studies that have exam ined this issue in
letter words but 0.20 for 6-letter words. Thus, normal subjects. An early study by Terry, Sa-
under peripheral damage, the model exhibited muels and LaBerge (1976; Expt 1) had normal
the hallmark word-length effect characteristic subjects press a response button when the pre-
of LBL reading, combined with the appropri- sented item was an animal word (two thirds of
ate higher-level effects: A word frequency ef- all words were animal words and were the
fect that was greater for long compared with highest-frequency animal words). The words
short words. However, the model contains no varied in length from three to eight letters and
semantic representations and, thus, is unable the letters could be degraded or not. Unfortu-
to account for the effects of imageability on nately, conclusions from this study are tenu-
LBL read ing, nor the relatively preserved lexi- ous for our purposes. First, it appears that the
cal decision and semantic categorisation per- degrad ation had no effect on accuracy, as evi-
formance of these patients. dent in the error data (op. cit. p. 580). Given
that this is a potential ceiling effect, it is not
surprising that there is no interaction bet ween
ADDITIONALISSUES degrad ation and word length ev en in reaction
times. Second, the results for the longer words
There are three outstanding issues that require (sev en and eight letters) could not be calcu-
discussion in the context of our theory of LBL lated as there were too few observations in
reading. The first concerns effects of stimulus these cells. Finally, because the task is more
degradation in normal readers, the second con- like a decision task than a naming latency task,
cerns the heterogeneity in the performance of the effect of word length, if it exists, is likely to
LBL readers, and the last concerns the sub- be smaller than is the case in standard naming
strate mediating the lexical and semantic ef- latency tasks (see Henderson, 1982, for rev iew
fects. We take up these issues in turn. of relevant findings).
In a more recent study, Snodgrass and Min-
tzer (1993), have examined the effect of stimu-
Effects of Stimulus Degradation in Normal
lus degrad ation on word length in the context
of studying how orthographic neighbourhood
A straightfor ward prediction that one might and word frequency influence the speed of
make from our account is that normal subjects word recognition. They presented degraded
should rev eal a word length effect when tested word stimuli of varying lengths to normal
under conditions of stimulus degradation (and readers and gradually improved the quality of
that this should interact with frequency and the stimulus until it could be identified. The



threshold of time to identification did not vary ditions, subjects are unlikely to make an initial
as a function of word length nor did it vary as attempt at parallel identification, as we pro-
a function of neighbourhood or frequency, as pose is the case for LBL readers. Taken to-
one might have expected (see Snodgrass & gether, the findings from these three studies
Mintzer, 1993; Table1, p. 251). The absence of a fail to show the expected interaction of word
correlation bet ween the threshold of identifica- length and stimulus degradation. However,
tion and any of these other variables, as ac- none of these studies appears to be a good test
knowledged by the authors, might be a of the hypothesis given the particular meth-
function of the fact that frequency and neigh- odological choices the experimenters have
bourhood size were not particularly carefully made. Our prediction still holds then: If one
controlled. In light of this, the authors go on to can simulate the nature of the peripheral im-
a second experiment in which these variables pairment in LBL readers in normal subjects,
are controlled and the expected results ob- then interactions with word length as well as
tained. Unfortunately, length is not controlled the other lexical variables should be observ ed.
in this second experiment and so conclusions Preliminary data are encouraging in that an
about the effect of degradation of word length interaction between word length with fre-
in normal readers remains to be determined . quency and with imageability is more evident
A final experiment, perhaps the most with increased stimulus degradation (Nelson,
closely related to the focus of this paper, is that Behrmann, & Plaut, 1998).
of Farah and Wallace (1991) who plotted nam-
ing latency as a function of word length for
Individual Differences in Letter-by-letter Reading
stimuli that were either masked (as a proxy for
stimulus degradation) or not. Whereas latency A particularly striking finding that seems to
differed significantly as a function of word challenge to our account concerns the range of
length and also of visual quality, there was no individual differences observed in the LBL
interaction bet ween them. On the surface, this readers. As is evident from Table 1, whereas
seems to be a challenge to our account. Impor- some patients show striking lexical and se-
tant to note, however, is that Farah and Wal- mantic effects, others do not. There are several
lace (1991) instructed their subjects to read possible explanations for this variability. One
letter-by-letter as they were particularly inter- explanation might be that this simply reflects
ested in the visual impairment hypothesis of limitations in the av ailable data. Patients are
pure alexia. Unfortunately, for our sake, this not routinely and systematically tested and so
does not constitute a relevant test of our ac- the sparse data may be exaggerating the differ-
count, given that strategic effects can signifi- ences between patients. Although it is true that
cantly alter the nature of the read ing additional data are sorely needed, this is un-
processing (see following section on individ- likely to be the sole explanation. It is also un-
ual differences) and also that under these con- likely that individual differences in literacy or



reading skill can fully explain the range of a 3-month period and showed imageability
variability in the LBL read ing profiles (Hanley and part-of-speech effects in reading (Coslett
& Kay, 1996). & Monsul, 1994).
Perhaps a more persuasive explanation for These findings suggest that there may be an
differences among LBL readers concerns the inverted -U function relating the severity of im-
severity of the deficit. In Mozer and pairment to the strength of higher-lev el effects
Behrmann’s (1990) interactive theory of ne- observ ed in LBL readers. When the visual in-
glect dyslexia, the difference bet ween the two put is well processed , top-do wn support is
patients is explained by the severity of the largely unnecessary, and when the deficit is
early attentional deficit. Thus, Mozer and too severe, higher-order representations are
Behrmann suggested that, in the case of the not strongly engaged . It is only in the middle
more severe neglect patient, the orthographic range, when the orthographic input is still suf-
input was far too degraded to activate the cor- ficiently intact, that the later lexical effects be-
responding higher-order lexical and semantic come apparent. At this point, then, when there
representations. In the case of the more mild is sufficient activation, the exact magnitude of
neglect patient, there was sufficient bottom-up the higher-ord er effects depend s on the sever-
activation of higher-order representations, and ity of the deficit. The slower the reader (or the
effects of lexical status and morphological more marked the word length effect), the
composition were observed. We suggest that longer the time for the top-do wn processes to
differences in severity of impairments may play a role. This is well illustrated in our group
also underlie the individual differences ob- of seven patients in whom there is a correlation
serv ed among LBL read ers. For example, between the severity of LBL reading (defined
Behrmann, Black, et al. (1990) showed that, in by the slope of the regression curve on the
the early stages post-stroke, DS did not show a naming latency data; Fig. 1) and the frequency
word superiority effect in her read ing. When effect (difference in ms between high- and low-
she was retested several years later, her read- frequency words). There is also a positive cor-
ing had improved (as measured in the slope relation between slope values and the
and intercept of the latency-per-letter func- imageability effect, although this correlation is
tion), although she was still an LBL reader. more modest than the frequency effects. Thus,
Importantly, at this later stage, she now the more severely affected the LBL reader
showed a marked difference in read ing of (within the range permitting higher-lev el acti-
words versus non words. Consistent with this, vation), the greater the effect of the lexical vari-
Coslett and Saffran (1989a) found that the pos- ables.
tlexical effects in their patients became more The claim that severity, defined this way,
apparent after partial recov ery had taken might determine the extent of the lexical/ se-
place. For exam ple, patient JG gradually re- mantic effects, is interesting but is likely to be
gained the ability to perform tacit reading over too simple. The slope of the read ing function,



in our account, is determ ined by the severity of from one patient to another. Differences in re-
the lower-level deficit, but we know that the sponse threshold and confidence in respond-
correlation bet ween the degree of peripheral ing might also bring about differences in the
impairment and reading performance is not overall pattern of read ing perform ance across
perfect. Hanley and Kay (1996) have described patients.
fairly large differences in the reading perform- A final but important difference concerns
ance of two LBL patients with roughly equiva- the strategies individual subjects might em-
lent letter identification performance. Their ploy in compensating for their peripheral im-
interpretation of the discrepancy bet ween the pairment. It is now well recognised that
patients echoes that of Patterson and Kay particular strategies can diminish and possibly
(1982), who invoked a second lesion (in addi- even eliminate lexical/ semantic effects (also,
tion to the peripheral one) to account for the Howard, 1991). Farah and Wallace (1991)
differences between patients. Specifically, they pointed this out in relation to the presence/ ab-
proposed that an additional impairment at the sence of the word superiority effect and the
level of the word form system is present in type of serial letter strategy used, whether
some but not other LBL readers. “ends-in” or left-to-right. But perhaps the best
Some authors have suggested that yet an- illustration of the importance of considering
other potential source of individual differences strategy effects comes from patient JWC
is parametric variation in the strength of over- (Coslett et al., 1993), who appeared to be able
all inhibition within the lexical system. As to use two distinct strategies, only one of which
mentioned previously, according to Shallice produced covert reading. When JWC was in-
and Saffran (1986) it is the strength of inhibi- structed to name words, he employed a labo-
tion that is critical for the system to converge rious, serial LBL strategy that ev entually
on a single response for identification. Suffi- resulted in explicit word identification. In con-
cient (ev en if not normal) activation, on the trast, when instructed to make lexical decisions
other hand, might be adequate for semantic on semantic categorisations on briefly pre-
categorisation. One might imagine that d iffer- sented stimuli, he adopted a “whole-word”
ing degrees of inhibition and activation might strategy that was fast and less effortful but
lead to different patterns of performance, only which failed to provide explicit word identifi-
some of which produce results consistent with cation. Based on these findings, Coslett and
higher-lev el effects on perform ance. Arguin colleagues argued that differences in task de-
and Bub (1993), in their demonstration of letter mands or instructions may be a critical factor
priming in LBL read ing in a connectionist that affects the emergence of the higher-lev el
model, have made a similar point. They argued effects and, presumably, in their account, the
that the crucial parameters are the amounts of involvement of the right hemisphere in read-
inhibition and activation and the balance be- ing. They recommended that patients be dis-
tween them. It is this balance that may vary couraged from employing the slow and



inefficient left-hemisphere LBL procedure ciples and the final manifestation of LBL read-
during rehabilitation and should instead be ing is the result of the dynamic processing
prompted to adopt the more parallel whole- within and between both hemispheres.
word strategy (but see Chialant & Caram azza, What data, then, might compel us to aban-
this issue. don this view and invoke a stronger right-
hemisphere account, or a greater division of
labour between the hemispheres? One source
The Locus of the Lexical/Semantic Effects
of evidence often cited in support of the right-
The last remaining topic for discussion con- hemisphere account is the apparent similarity
cerns the debate between the right-hemisphere in the pattern of performance in LBL patients
view and our own. The former, two-system and in the right hemisphere of commissuro-
account argues that the LBL reading and the tomy and left-hem ispherectomy patients.
word length effect are a consequence of the These last two groups of patients can make
processing of the impaired left hemisphere, semantic judgements but are poor at process-
whereas covert reading and later lexical/ se- ing low-imageability words, grammatical
mantic effects are mediated by the right hemi- morphemes, and functors — precisely the pat-
sphere (Coslett & Saffran, 1993; Saffran & tern reported for LBL readers (Coslett & Saf-
Coslett, this issue). We have maintained in- fran, 1994). The qualitative similarity bet ween
stead that the empirical data and profiles of the patient groups suggests that the LBL read-
perform ance associated with LBL read ers do ers might well be accessing a limited-capabil-
not require such a dichotomy. Rather, we have ity right-hem isphere reading system. There
argued that the full range of effects in LBL are, however, some important differences be-
reading can be explained in terms of properties tween these v arious populations both qualita-
of the normal interactiv e lexical processing tively and quantitatively (Baynes, 1990). For
system located in both hemispheres. Although one, unlike deep dyslexic patients, who are
the right hemisphere undoubted ly contributes thought to be read ing primarily with the right
to performance, as does the left hemisphere, hemisphere given the large extent of their left-
the observed LBL pattern is a reflection of the hemisphere damage, LBL readers almost
combined processing of both hemispheres, nev er make semantic paralexias. A possible
both for the sequential reading pattern and the response to this discrepancy is to claim that
higher-lev el effects. After damage to the left LBL readers are able to access the phonology
hemisphere, we would argue, the dynamic co- for the initial letter via the left hemisphere and
operation between the hemispheres and their this prev ents the production of semantic errors
relativ e contribution to the output continues as (a similar view is cited by Marshall & New-
was the case premorbidly. Importantly, on our combe, 1973, in the case of deep dyslexic pa-
account, the two hemispheres are governed by tients who make fewer semantic paralexias
the same computational and interactiv e prin- over time). Even if this were the case, this



would amount to the same claim as we are alexia after suffering small, exclusively subcor-
making: Both hemispheres contribute to the tical lesions to the splenium of the corpus cal-
final output. Setting the semantic errors aside, losum and in the region of the left lateral
however, if it were the case that LBL readers geniculate nucleus (he also showed a dilatation
were engaging the right hemisphere to such an of the left occipital lobe on subsequent CT
extent, we might expect that they would read scans, perhaps reflecting degeneration secon-
words as well as patients with deep dyslexia. dary to the lateral geniculate damage). The
Some deep dyslexia patients read concrete subcortical nature of the damage is different
words extrem ely well, and so the expectation from that in the over whelming majority of LBL
is that this should also be the case for LBL patients, whose lesions are cortical (Black &
readers. This, however, is not the case. Behrmann, 1994). Thus, although the findings
Perhaps the ev idence to distinguish be- from JG are indeed provocative, we do not
tween these accounts will only come from think that they are sufficiently firm on their
physiological studies that directly investigate own just yet to motivate a strong right-hem i-
the contribution of the two hemispheres to sphere account.
reading in letter-by-letter patients. One such Our conclusion, then, is that there are no
study is that by Coslett and Monsul (1994), data that compel us to accept the view that the
which used transcranial magnetic stimulation right hemisphere solely or even primarily sub-
(TMS) applied separately to the left and right serves the lexical and semantic effects in LBL
hemisphere of their LBL patient, JG. Interest- reading. Given this, we maintain that the nor-
ingly, JG’s reading was significantly disrupted mal premorbid read ing system, degraded by
by TMS to the right (from 71% to 21%, and brain damage, continues to function, and, be-
showed an interaction with frequency), but not cause of its interactive nature, gives rise to the
to the left hemisphere (68% to 61%). This find- expected patterns of lower- and higher-lev el
ing is strongly indicative of the contribution of effects. Perhaps the final adjudication will
the right hemisphere to reading. Interestingly, come from neuroimaging studies of LBL read-
JG’s reading was not totally disrupted by right- ers in which brain activation of each hemi-
hemisphere TMS; this might indicate that sphere is calculated separately and correlated
either the TMS only partially disrupted the with the lexical/ semantic effects.
right-hem isphere function or it totally dis-
rupted right-hem isphere function and the re-
sidual reading was mediated by the left CONCLUSION
hemisphere. Although this finding does seem,
on the face of it, to suggest strongly that it is the We have presented a unitary account of LBL
right-hem isphere that is mediating reading, it reading that, we hav e argued , reconciles pre-
should be pointed out that JG is a somewhat viously discrepant findings. We have claimed
anomalous LBL patient. He exhibited pure that a deficit in letter processing (perhaps at-



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