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Laboratory Exercise No.

Poles and Zeros of a Transfer Function

1. Objective:
The activity aims to determine the poles and zeros of a transfer function manually and numerically using

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:
2.1 understand the effects of poles and zeros of a transfer function in the stability of system.

3. Discussion:
Poles and zeros of a transfer function are the frequencies for which the value of the denominator and
numerator of transfer function becomes zero respectively. The values of the poles and the zeros of a system
determine whether the system is stable, and how well the system performs. Control systems, in the most simple
sense, can be designed simply by assigning specific values to the poles and zeros of the system.

Physically realizable control systems must have a number of poles greater than or equal to the number of
zeros. Systems that satisfy this relationship are called Proper.

The poles and zeros are properties of the transfer function, and therefore of the differential equation
describing the input-output system dynamics. Together with the gain constant K they completely
characterize the differential equation, and provide a complete description of the system.

The transfer function completely represents a system differential equation, its poles and zeros
effectively define the system response. In particular the system poles directly define the components in the
homogeneous response.

Time-Domain Relationships

Let's say that we have a transfer function with 3 poles:

The poles are located at s = -l, -m, -n. Now, we can use partial fraction expansion to separate out the
transfer function:

Using the inverse transform on each of these component fractions (looking up the transforms in our table),
we get the following:
But, since s is a complex variable, l m and n can all potentially be complex numbers, with a real part (σ)
and an imaginary part (jω). If we just look at the first term:

Using Euler's Equation on the imaginary exponent, we get:

And taking the real part of this equation, we are left with our
final result:

We can see from this equation that every pole will have an exponential part, and a sinusoidal part to its
response. We can also go about constructing some rules:

1. if σl = 0, the response of the pole is a perfect sinusoid (an oscillator)

2. if ωl = 0, the response of the pole is a perfect exponential.
3. if σl > 0, the exponential part of the response will decay towards zero.
4. if σl < 0, the exponential part of the response will rise towards infinity.

From the last two rules, we can see that all poles of the system must have negative real parts, and
therefore they must all have the form (s + l) for the system to be stable.

What are Poles and Zeros

Let's say we have a transfer function defined as a ratio of two polynomials:

Where N(s) and D(s) are simple polynomials. Zeros are the roots of N(s) (the numerator of the transfer
function) obtained by setting N(s) = 0 and solving for s.

Poles are the roots of D(s) (the denominator of the transfer function), obtained by setting D(s) = 0 and
solving for s. Because of our restriction above, that a transfer function must not have more zeros than
poles, we can state that the polynomial order of D(s) must be greater than or equal to the polynomial order
of N(s).
Consider the transfer function:

We define N(s) and D(s) to be the numerator and denominator polynomials, as such:

We set N(s) to zero, and solve for s:

So we have a zero at s → -2. Now, we set D(s) to zero, and solve for s to obtain the poles of the equation:

And simplifying this gives us poles at: -i/2 , +i/2. Remember, s is a complex variable, and it can therefore
take imaginary and real values.

Effects of Poles and Zeros

As s approaches a zero, the numerator of the transfer function (and therefore the transfer function
itself) approaches the value 0. When s approaches a pole, the denominator of the transfer function
approaches zero, and the value of the transfer function approaches infinity. An output value of infinity
should raise an alarm bell for people who are familiar with BIBO stability.

The locations of the poles, and the values of the real and imaginary parts of the pole determine the
response of the system. Real parts correspond to exponentials, and imaginary parts correspond to
sinusoidal values. Addition of poles to the transfer function has the effect of pulling the root locus to the
right, making the system less stable. Addition of zeros to the transfer function has the effect of pulling the
root locus to the left, making the system more stable.

The Pole-Zero Plot

A system is characterized by its poles and zeros in the sense that they allow reconstruction of the
input/output differential equation. In general, the poles and zeros of a transfer function may be complex,
and the system dynamics may be represented graphically by plotting their locations on the complex s-
plane, whose axes represent the real and imaginary parts of the complex variables. Such plots are known
as pole-zero plots. It is usual to mark a zero location by a circle (◦)and a pole location a cross (×). The
location of the poles and zeros provide qualitative insights into the response characteristics of a system.
Many computer programs are available to determine the poles and zeros of a system from the transfer
4. Resources:

5. Procedure:
1. The transfer function of the linear system described by the differential equation is


which may be written in factored form

Determine the single real zero , the pair of real poles and gain constant K.. Show your answers in the Data and

2. For a system that has a pair of complex conjugate poles p1,p2 =−1±j2, a single real zero z1 =−4, and a
gain factor K= 3. Determine the transfer function and the differential equation representing the system.
Show your answers in the corresponding cells under the Data and Results.

3. Consider the s-plane as shown below with the x-axis that corresponds to the real part and the y-axis that
corresponds to imaginary part. It is a pole-zero plot of a typical third order system.
Identify the one real pole, a complex conjugate pair, a single real zero and its gain constant K. Determine its transfer
function and the equivalent differential equation. Show your answers in the corresponding cells under the Data
and Results.

4. To find the zeros, poles and gain and to plot the poles and zeros to verify that they are in the expected
locations. represented by the transfer function:

b = [2 3];
a = [1 1/sqrt(2) 1/4];
[b,a] = eqtflength(b,a);
[z,p,k] = tf2zp(b,a)
Show the results in the corresponding cell under the Data and Results.

5.To plot the poles and zeros of the continuous-time system represented by the transfer function:

>> H = tf([2 5 1],[1 3 5])

>> pzmap(H)

>> grid on
Show the results in the corresponding cell under the Data and Results
Course: Laboratory Exercise No.: 6
Group No.: Section:
Group Members: Borja, Yasmin Kaye C. Date Performed:
Date Submitted:
Instructor: Engr. Maranan

6. Data and Results:

Procedure Results
1 Single real zero

Pair of real poles

Gain constant K 0.5

2 Transfer function

Differential equation

3 One real pole -1

Complex conjugate pole pair

Single real zero -4

Gain constant K 3
Transfer function

Differential equation

4 Real pole/s -0.4

Complex conjugate pole pair
Real zero/s

Gain constant K

5 Pole-Zero Map

Procedure 5a

Transfer Function

Real zeros
Real poles

Complex Poles
Differential Equation

Pole-Zero Map

Procedure 5b

Transfer Function
Real zeros

Real poles
Complex Poles
Differential Equation
Pole-Zero Map

Procedure 5c

Transfer Function

Real zeros
Real poles

Complex Poles

Differential Equation
Pole-Zero Map

Procedure 5d

Transfer Function

Real zeros

Real poles
Complex Poles

Differential Equation

Pole-Zero Map

7. Conclusion:

I therefore conclude that poles and Zeros of a transfer function are the frequencies for which the value of
the denominator and numerator of transfer function becomes zero respectively. The values of the poles and
the zeros of a system determine whether the system is stable, and how well the system performs. Control
systems, in the simplest sense, can be designed simply by assigning specific values to the poles and zeros
of the system.
9. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):
(Engineering Programs)
Student Outcome (e): Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
practice in complex engineering activities.
Program: Chemical Engineering Course: ECE 006 Section: CH42FB1 Summer SY: 2020
Performance Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Score
Indicators 1 2 3 4
1. Apply Fails to identify Identifies Identifies modern Recognizes the
appropriate any modern modern techniques and is benefits and
techniques, techniques to techniques but able to apply constraints of
skills, and perform fails to apply these in modern
modern discipline- these in performing engineering tools
tools to specific performing discipline-specific and shows
perform a engineering discipline- engineering task. intention to apply
discipline- task. specific them for
specific engineering engineering
engineering task. practice.
2. Demonstrate Fails to apply Attempts to Shows ability to Shows ability to
skills in any modern apply modern apply fundamental apply the most
applying tools to solve tools but has procedures in appropriate and
different engineering difficulties to using modern effective modern
techniques problems. solve tools when solving tools to solve
and modern engineering engineering engineering
tools to problems. problems. problems.
3. Recognize Does not Recognizes Recognizes the Recognizes the
the benefits recognize the some benefits benefits and need for benefits
and benefits and and constraints of and constraints of
constraints constraints of constraints of modern modern
of modern modern modern engineering tools engineering tools
engineering engineering engineering and shows and makes good
tools. tools. tools. intention to apply use of them for
them for engineering
engineering practice.
Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score / 3)
Percentage Rating = (Total Score / 12) x 100%
Evaluated by: Engr. Crispulo G. Maranan June 2, 2020
Printed Name and Signature of Faculty Member Date

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