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SUBJECT: English language

UNIT V: That’s Entertainment!
TYPE: new knowledge
THEME: At Leisure
Spoken Interaction 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest.
2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
2.3. Mastering pragmatics of turn taking, nominating topics, changing topics, etc.
Reading 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written messages.
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Written Interaction 4.3. Adapting a message format to communication situations depending on the style (formal / informal) used by the interlocutor.
Listening 1.4 Selecting relevant information from passages of informative texts, instructions, tables, maps to perform a task
Grammar Proper use of the Subjective Participial Construction

1. Discussion about leisure;
2. Role Play;
3. Reading the text “By Heart”;
4. Listening dialogue “At the Box Office”;
5. Creative Writing: Describe a play you enjoyed recently…
6. Using the Subjective Participial Construction.

MATERIALS: “English for Success” pupil’s book 9 form /Margareta Dușciac, Maria Gâscă, Timothy Schneider,
O Evalu
№ Stages Methods Content ation
UP - Hello everybody. Sit down. Glad to see you. Today we are going to practice our skills in speaking, reading and
listening and writing.
- Close your eyes and raise your thumb if you have a good mood, drop your thumb if you have a bad mood.
- I trust you'll be on your best behaviour.

DISCUS- - Let`s begin our lesson.

ABOUT - What is the season now?
AND WEA- - What month is it now?
THER - What date is it today?
- What day of week is it today?
- What’s the weather like today?

TIVES 1. Discussion about leisure;
2. Role Play;
3. Reading the text “By Heart”;
4. Listening dialogue “At the Box Office”;
5. Creative Writing: Describe a play you enjoyed recently…
6. Using the Subjective Participial Construction.

POINTS 1. In pairs, prepare a list of different social facilities ([fəˈsɪlɪtɪs] возможности) in your town (i.e. sport,
P.88 entertainment, the arts, etc.). Discuss your lists with the rest of the class.
There are social facilities ([fəˈsɪlɪtɪs] возможности) in our village:
dance clubs, art club…

2. In small groups, take turns ([teɪk tɜːnz] по очереди) at describing a typical week in your social life.
Do you take full advantage ([ədˈvɑːntɪʤ] воспользовался в полной мере) of the social facilities ([fəˈsɪlɪtɪs]

возможности)offered by your town?
Unfortunately, there are little social facilities ([fəˈsɪlɪtɪs] возможности) offered by our village?

3. Look at this questionnaire and think about your answers to the following.
a. Number of visits to the opera and ballet each year.
b. Indicate (указать) preferences ([ˈprefrənsɪz] предпочтение) by putting a number from 1 to 4 beside (рядом с)
these common leisure [ˈLEƷƏ] activities (1 as favourite):
going to the theatre; watching television;
listening to music; going to the country.
c. Favourite actors.
Konstantin Khabensky, Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Philip Anthony Hopkins, Robert Douglas Thomas
Pattinson, Mihai Volontir)

4. Ask another student questions so that you can complete this questionnaire for him or her. Discuss your
answers as a class.
Favorite singer, walking in the center

5. Comment on the quotation ([kwəʊˈteɪʃn] цитата) of the lesson.

The busiest men find the most leisure.
The busiest men find the most time. People who finish their work quickly have more free time.

Parts of the Auditorium (Части зрительного зала)
stalls [stɔːlz] партер
Work front stalls [frʌnt stɔːlz] передний партер
vocabulary back stalls [bæk stɔːlz] задний партер
upper circle [ˈʌpə sɜːkl] верхний круг
dress circle (Am. balcony, [dres sɜːkl, ˈbælkənɪ, ˈmetsəniːn] бельэтаж, балкон, мезонин
gallery (balcony) [ˈgælərɪ, ˈbælkənɪ ] балкон
boxes [bɔksiz] ложа
theatre seats [ˈθɪətə siːts] театральные места
orchestra pit [ˈɔːkɪstrə pɪt] оркестровая яма
stage [steɪʤ] ступень
proscenium [prəʊˈsiːnjəm] просцениум
forestage (apron) [ˈfɒrɪstɪʤ, ˈeɪprən] авансцена
revolving stage [rɪˈvɔlvɪŋ steɪʤ] сцена с поворотным кругом
curtain [kɜːtn] занавес
prompt box [prɔmpt bɔks] суфлерская будка
theatrical curtain [θɪˈætrɪkəl kɜːtn] театральный занавес
theatre hall [ˈθɪətə hɔːl] зрительская аудитория
wings [wɪŋz] кулисы
aisle [aɪl] проход
footlights [ˈfʊtlaɪts] огни рампы

- Let’s make sentences with these words.

I always take a seat on the balcony in the theater.
NING The footlights are brightly.
- Look to the picture. This is Swan (лебедь) Theatre. Stratford-upon-Avon. It is a theatre belonging to the Royal
P. 137 Shakespeare Company in England.

1. Work in pairs. Predict ([prɪˈdɪkt] предугадывать) what words will go to complete the dialogue below.

Unit Five. That's Entertainment

Lesson 1. At Leisure

At the Box Office (касса)

Ion: Are there seats left for tonight’s …. performance (представление)? …

Cashier ([kæˈʃɪə]): How many do you want?
Ion: Two, please.
Cashier ([kæˈʃɪə]): I’ve two together in the …dress circle ([dres sɜːkl] бельэтаж) … at 4 lei, two in the … stalls
([stɔːlz] партер)… at6 lei, and two in the box ([bɔks]ложа) at 10 lei each.
Ion: I’ll take two in the … stalls,…please.
Cashier ([kæˈʃɪə]): Here are your … tickets…, young man, numbers six and seven in… row ([rəʊ] ряд)…. 10. That
will be 12 lei, please.
Ion: Here you are. Thank you. What time does the …play …start?
Work in
Cashier ([kæˈʃɪə]): At six thirty. The doors open at …six….

2. Listen to the dialogue and check your predictions.

3. Compare your answers with those of your partner.

ZATION P. 88 1. Role Play the following situation.
You have decided to go to the theatre. They are playing “Macbeth”, “King Lear” and “Hamlet”. “Hamlet” is on
Saturday evening. You go to the box office and ask the cashier ([kæˈʃɪə]): if there are some seats left for
Work in
groups At the Box Office

I: Are there seats left for tonight’s performance “Macbeth” “King Lear” or “Hamlet”?
Cashier: ____________________________________________________________________________
Cashier: _______________________________________________________________
I: ________________________________________.
Cashier: __________________________________________________________________________
I: __________________________________________________________________________________
Cashier : _____________________________________________.

2. Use the words from the Word List Box to describe the interior of a theatre and explain where you like to
sit when you go to the theatre.

I always take a seat on the balcony in the theater.

3. Work in groups of three or four. One student should choose the name of one of the types of plays given
in the box below. The other members of the group will have to ask questions to guess the type of the play he
Work in

or she has chosen.
E.g. a. Does the play deal with historical events?
b. Does it combine tragic and comic elements?
tragedy mystery morality
comedy drama musical
tragi-comedy miracle nativity (сценка)
o Does the play deal with dramatically events?
o Does it combine tragic elements?
o Does the play deal with mystery events?
o Does it combine miracle elements?

4. Take turns at interviewing each other to find out what types of play you prefer watching.

5. What educational programmes do you listen to on TV and radio? Are there any types of music you
don’t like? If so, why?

6. In each set of words, cross out the word that does not have a similar meaning to the italicized (курсивный)
opera grand opera, a bass, chamber opera
a soloist’s ([ˈsəʊləʊɪst] солист) part a contralto, a ballerina, a tenor
ballet a full-length ballet, a one-act ballet, a song
singer operetta, aria, recitative

7. Călin and Ilie are at the opera theatre. Predict the sequel ([ˈsiːkwəl] продолжение) of their conversation.
Călin: I’ve heard you are a great opera-lover. What operas have you heard?
Ilie: Yes, I am very fond of operas. I’ve heard many, but my favourite opera is Giuseppe Verdi’s “Aida”.
Călin: How about going to the opera and ballet theatre tonight?
Ilie: With pleasure. I’d love to.
Călin: Here are your tickets. Two dress-circle.
Ilie: O.K. Let’s meet at 6 p.m.
Călin: Good, see you.
Ilie: Bye-bye.

Read the text once, say what it is about and state if the title of the story is a fitting (годный) one.
By Heart([baɪ hɑːt] наизусть)
Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end(работать годами). In many ways, this is unfortunate
for the poor actors who are required ([rɪˈkwaɪəd] требовать) to go on repeating the same lines night after night. One
would expect ([ɪksˈpekt] ожидать) them to know their parts by heart ([baɪ hɑːt] наизусть) and never have cause to
falter ([ˈfɔːltə] запнуться). Yet this is not always the case.
A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role (когда-то был в роли) of an aristocrat who
had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years. In the last act, a gaoler ([ˈʤeɪlə] тюремщик) would always
come on to the stage (сцена) with a letter which he would hand to the prisoner ([ˈprɪznə] заключенный). Even
though the noble ([nəʊbl] дворянин) was expected to read the letter at each performance, he always insisted ([ɪn
ˈsɪst]настаивать) that it should be written out in full.
One night, the gaoler ([ˈʤeɪlə] тюремщик) decided to play a joke on his colleague to find out ([faɪnd aʊt]
выяснить) if, after so many performances, he had managed ( удаться) to learn the contents of the letter by heart.
The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed ([rɪˈviːld] показал) the aristocrat sitting alone behind
bars (за решеткой) in his dark cell (камера). Just then, the gaoler ([ˈʤeɪlə] тюремщик) appeared with the precious
([ˈpreʃəs] ценный) letter in his hands. He entered the cell and presented the letter to the aristocrat. But the copy he
gave him had not been written out in full as usual. It was simply a blank ([blæŋk] чистый) sheet ([ʃiːt] лист) paper.
The gaoler ([ˈʤeɪlə] тюремщик) looked on eagerly ([ˈiːgəlɪ] нетерпеливо), anxious ([ˈæŋkʃəs] стремящийся) to see if his
fellow (товарищ) actor had at last learnt his lines (роли). The noble ([nəʊbl] дворянин) stared ([stɛəd] уставиться) at the
blank sheet of paper for a few seconds. Then, squinting ([ˈskwɪntɪŋ] прищуривание) his eyes, he said: "The light is
dim ([dɪm] тусклый). Read the letter to me.” And he promptly ([ˈprɔmptlɪ] стремительно) handed the sheet of paper to
the gaoler ([ˈʤeɪlə] тюремщик). Finding that he could not remember a word of the letter either, the gaoler ([ˈʤeɪlə]
тюремщик) replied, “The light is indeed dim, sir. I must get my glasses.” With this, he hurried off the stage. Much
to the aristocrat’s amusement ([əˈmjuːzmənt] изумление), the gaoler ([ˈʤeɪlə] тюремщик) returned a few minutes later
with a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter which he proceeded ([prəˈsiːd] начать) to read to the prisoner
([ˈprɪznə] заключенный).
From English Online
1. Explain in your own words the meaning of these words and expressions:
YOU’VE on end (подряд, дыбом) : a blank sheet of paper: empty [ˈemptɪ] or clear, or
 continuing without stopping for a specified period of containing no information or mark
time. (подряд)
 in an upright (вертикальном) position. ( дыбом)
night after night: repeatedly for many nights (not) to be written out in full
fellow-actor: one who acts with another to squint ([ˈskwɪnt] прищуривать) one’s eyes: Look at
someone or something with one or both eyes partly closed in an
attempt to see more clearly or as a reaction to strong light.

2. Express the following in one word:

to move or speak hesitantly ([ˈhezɪtəntlɪ] нерешительно) undecide
person in charge (ответственное) of the prisoners in a gaoler ([ˈʤeɪlə]
gaol ([ʤeɪl] тюрьма) тюремщик)
(of a light) not bright dim ([dɪm] тусклый).
to continue/to go further proceeded ([prəˈsiːd]
the state of being amused/enjoyment amusement ([ə
ˈmjuːzmənt] изумление)
a small room in a prison for one person or a small number of people cell (камера)
large section of a play performance
platform (on which a play is acted, etc). stage

3. Give extensive ([ɪksˈtensɪv] исчерпывающие) answers:

1) Why would the audience expect the actors to know their parts by heart?
2) What role did the actor have to perform in a highly successful play?
3) Why do you think the actor always insisted that the letter which was handed to him by the gaoler should be
written out in full? 4) What kind of copy of the letter did the prisoner get one day?
5) Why did the actor squint his eyes when he started reading the letter, which in fact, was a blank sheet of paper?
6) Why was it necessary for the gaoler to bring a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter on the stage?
7) What do you think followed next?

4. Respond as in the model:

– I wondered (сомневаться) if they had tested the equipment at the plant ([plɑːnt] завод).
– Yes, they had.
Prompts (подсказать):
1) to advertise the goods (рекламировать товар); 2) to win a victory over the enemies in the War of Independence;
3) to proclaim (провозглашение) the independence from …;4) to follow his mother’s advice; 5) to make a public
show with marches and meetings; 6) to sing an old Romanian song; 7) to see the New Year in; 8) to send good
wishes to all our friends.

5. Ask and answer as in the model:

– Had the contract been signed before they started the talks with Smith and Co?
– No, they hadn’t.
1) to advertise (рекламировать )the latest trends by the fashion designers; 2) to reserve accommodation
(размещение) for the team; 3) to build the new commercial centre; 4) to use part of the information; 5) to put up
flags on buildings; 6) to check all the tests; 7) to inspect five boxes; 8) to correct all the mistakes in our dictations.
Write a paragraph about a play you have enjoyed watching recently (недавно). Make use of words and expressions
from the Useful Words and Phrases box. Describe what was happening on the stage: Where was the scene [siːn]
(сцена) set? What characters were involved ([ɪnˈvɔlvd] задействованный) in the scene? What was the main conflict

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