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San Pascual Senior High School 2

Humanities and Social Sciences



A Research Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of
San Pascual Senior High School 2
San Pascual, Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for
Practical Research 1


February 2020

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

TITLE PAGE..............................................................................................i
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................ii

Statement of the Problem.....................................................
Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the study....................
Significance of the Study.......................................................


Conceptual and Related Literature.........................................
Research Literature...............................................................
Conceptual Framework...........................................................
Definition of Terms..................................................................


Research Design......................................................................
Subject of the Study..................................................................
Data Gathering..........................................................................
Data Gathering Procedures........................................................
Statistical Treatment of Data......................................................


AND ANALYSIS OF DATA.................................................................



CURRICULUM VITAE........................................................................................

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences


The focus of the study is to determine the romantic teenage relationship

of the students at San Pascual Senior High School 2. This chapter presents the

introduction, statement of the problem, scope, limitation and delimitation and

significance of the study.


High School represents a critical developmental period for both late

adolescents and young adults. Social factors such as romantic relationships,

organizations and clubs, and sports activities have been found to have effects on

students' academic performance. These social factors affect academic

performance in terms of time demanded and the psychological state they may

cause. A student may be influenced to be involved in any of the stated variables.

The question is how one strikes a balance between the stressful academic

attainment and social activities (Chickering, 2000).

However, in the current days, teenagers crave to have romantic

relationships in which love is given and received without restrictions. To illustrate,

we can see nowadays that many university students are prioritizing their time in

both academic and romantic affairs (Bernales and Colonia, 2011). Crucially,

being university students, we are faced with an increasing workload full of

assignments, research papers, projects, tests and exams which require students

to have a great amount of time and attention. Thus, many people believe that

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

students should not have a romantic relationship since it will distract their

attention and performance (Newman, n.d.). On the other hand, some also claim

that romantic relationships do not always bring disadvantages toward the

students’ performance but in some instances they also serve as a great

motivation for students to study harder (Giordano et al., 2008).

Relating ourselves to one another is building a relationship that lasts.

Relationships of all kinds are a distraction at this time, but in a way, studies are

distractions to the most natural growing up biological process as well. There is no

“studies” designed by nature. But of course relationships cause distraction so

long as academics are concerned. We tend to waste a lot of time daydreaming

about that person and don’t realize how time quickly flies away, which ultimately

hampers our performance. Relationship can be a key to focus in your study but

nowadays we used it as a game however we don’t know the effects on our whole


The fact that education plays an important role in human development is

often ignored. This is a shame, because it's this value that is often most

important. Education can help people develop economically, socially, and

intellectually. Further, it's not just individuals who benefit from education. Entire

communities benefit. In fact, when it comes to the value of education, community

investment is extraordinarily important. When a community doesn't value

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

education, the people who become educated often leave. This leads to brain

drain, which can impact the socio economic viability of entire regions.

Education in every sense is one of the fundamental factors of

development. No country can achieve sustainable economic development

without substantial investment in human capital. Education enriches people’s

understanding of themselves and world. It improves the quality of their lives and

leads to broad social benefits to individuals and society. Education raises

people’s productivity and creativity and promotes entrepreneurship and

technological advances. In addition it plays a very crucial role in securing

economic and social progress and improving income distribution.(Ozturk Ilhan,


Many people have defined the term “romantic relationship” differently

based on their perspectives, experiences and preferences. Matsumoto (2011)

emphasized that “when you have a romantic relationship with someone, you

share attitudes, visions, dreams, strengths and vulnerabilities with that person,

and there is also some kind of mutual support.” However, a “romantic

relationship” is not necessarily an intimate relationship in which partners are truly

themselves, completely open and honest. Rather, those involved in a romantic

relationship may overpower each other, which can create instability, hence

demanding both partners to respect each other to build a healthy one (Romantic

Relationships, n.d.). Based on Sutter Health’s (n.d.) definition, “a romantic

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

relationship is viewed as a part of an intimate relationship in which you can truly

be yourself with someone with you.

Romantic teenage relationship is one of the issues that people have

different views on. Some may argue that a relationship that starts at a younger

age is not healthy; others may think otherwise. Regardless of what people say,

teenage relationship has both its advantages and its difficulties. The researchers

work out the main topic of this study which is implementing a survey

questionnaire to find out the romantic teenage relationship on the selected

students in San Pascual Senior High School 2.

Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to determine the romantic teenage

relationship of the students in San Pascual Senior High School 2. In order to

achieve the general objectives of this study, the researchers have gathered data

and information which aim to answer the following:

1. What are the positive effects of romantic teenage relationship to the

student at San Pascual Senior High School 2?

2. What are the challenges met by student having romantic teenage

relationship to the students in San Pascual Senior High School 2?

3. What are the proposed material to attain a good academic performance

of students who are involved in a relationship?

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

This study covers up to determine the romantic teenage relationship of the

students at San Pascual Senior High School 2. As such, any other factor that

possibly influences the effects of teenage relationship which is not part of the

defined parameters of the study is deemed out of scope. The results are,

therefore, interpreted only within the context of the study.

The study is limited to the data collected from the selected students

through questionnaires and interview. This study limits only to students who are

currently enrolled in San Pascual Senior High School 2.

The findings of this study are primarily delimited by the answers given by

the students, which are assumed to be true and correct. It is also delimited to the

number of the students who are unavailable at that time that the survey was

conducted which slightly alters the population sample used in the study.

Significance of the Study

This research is being conducted for the purpose of determining the

effects of teenage relationship. The researchers believe that this study is

significant to the following:

To the School Guidance Counselor. This will help the school guidance

counselor to be aware on the effects of having love relationship of students for

them to be guided and be educated in a manner that it can help students attain

excellent academic performance.

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

To the Teachers. For the teachers, the information that they would get in

this study would help them guide and give proper attention to their students who

are involved in romantic relationship so that teachers could also help in

increasing the academic performance of their students not just by teaching them

lessons on the course/subjects they handled.

To the Parents. Findings of this study would also raise the awareness of the

parents of the students who are synchronizing their time in both academic works

and romantic aspects. These findings could benefit them so that they could guide

their children on how to balance time wisely, and as parents, they are tasked to

motivate their children to prioritize their study and set-aside/minimize factors of

romantic relationship (i.e., more frequent interaction with the partner) which can

affect the academic performance of their children.

To the Students. The result of the study would create awareness for the

students and raise their mindfulness on the effects of romantic relationship to

their academic environment. These concluded data would also make the

students who are involved in romantic relationship asses their time management

between romantic and academic aspects.

To the Future Researchers. The findings of this study may serve as

reference for the future researchers. This will help them in conducting a research

as it could give them idea about teenage relationship. It will also give the future

researcher the knowledge that they need in order to do the same research.

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the review of conceptual and research literature.

This includes the discussion of research literature taken from various sources. In

this chapter the researcher seek information that is connected to the study. It can

help to have perused to shed light on the topic under study.

Conceptual Literature

This include information relating to the study based on published

article, books and other information that is relevant to topic.

Romantic Relationship. Humans, particularly adolescents get in romantic

relationship for a variety of reasons. According to Aristotle, humans are ‘social

animals” which made them long to form an intimate relationship in which love can

be given and received freely. Psychologist called this “the need to belong” (Myers

2010). Rest assured of the love and care given by the persons close to them,

they are secured with the trust and confidence that they are acceptable to

individuals whom they can depend on for the satisfaction of their needs. Roman

(2010) stated that being in romantic relationship involves physical contact which

causes chemical arousal to the persons involved and at the same tome gives

love and confidence in which they are longing for.

According to Collins (2003) romantic relationships refers to shared

activities of romantic partners, what adolescent partners do together, how they

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

spend their time, the diversity of their shared activities, and the activities and

situations they avoid to do when they are together.

On the other hand according to Arnet as cited in Fincham and Cui (2011),

“late adolescents” is the stage where teenagers experienced how to be totally

and socially independent. This is the time for curiosity and exploration in

choosing and having a partner. Exploring this kind of relationship may not always

lead to pleasant and intense love affair. This is just a result of their inquisitive

mind and a sort of finding on how to fit into the world. “What is life all about”

Questions such as these assume special significance during teenage years as

adolescents seek to find their place in broader and social world.

Luqman (2009) said that an adolescent relationship plays an important

role to adolescent as it develops the ability for committed relationship,

Additionally, Pelt (2004) started that those relationship help develop personality.

She also added that it is a way of knowing ones unique qualities of opposite sex

and at the same time choosing the right life partner.

However, romantic relationships do not always behave in a positive way.

There are instance in which romantic relationship may harm adolescents and

because of this, they need adults who will guide them in developing healthy

relationship (Luqman 2009). In another way, romantic relationship gives more

negative effects in the academic performance of adolescents. Teens nowadays

consider romantic relationship as the number one source of stress (Manning, et

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

al, 2009). It results from the break ups on conflicts with partner. Even those who

give more importance on academics, spending time with one’s partner may also

serve as a distraction Myers (2010).

Dating Relationship. From the concept of Barber and Eocles (2003),

about dating relationships, students often refine their communication and

negotiation skill, development and learn how to maintain intimate relationship.

Also, the emotional ups and downs of students with getting together and

breaking up may help youth develop important skills, while break up may put

some young people at risk for depression. They may also help youth develop

emotional resiliency and coping skills needed to handle difficulties later in life.

Thus, young people need emotional support from their parent and partner. The

role of romantic relationship as a source of support and identity may be

especially important for sexual minority who are often compelled by social norms

to keep partner may be only people with whom they feel comfortable and safe

sharing their thoughts and feelings about their sexual identity.

Social influence on romantic relationship. Exposure to entertainment

and social media might influence the interest and attitude of youth towards

romantic relationship. This study explained how a teenage vision about romance

shifts from ideas. Studies have shown that romantic love been significantly

influenced by the exposure to westernized mass media and the conceptualization

about love among teenage (CR Agnew-2004).

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
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According to the study of Eggermant (2004), there is a moderate but

significant associations for between overall and romantically themed television

viewing and adolescents’ expectation of a romantic partner. It was found, after

background variables and the quality of other relationships were accounted for in

the 428 adolescents aged between 15 to 16 year, that physical attractiveness

and a pleasant personality is important in a romantic partner.

Huang (2004) found out that considering arousal and pleasure to be two

mediating mechanisms of romantic love in media he studied its impact on

advertisement attitudes, in this study spiritual compassionate love and were

considered as type of romantic love.

Effects of teenage relationship. Joshua Elevate (2016) stated the

advantages and disadvantages of early romantic relationship. First, many

teenagers “excel in their class” because they become motivated to study hard

because of their partner which is considered as a positive result for every

students and teenagers having an early romantic relationship.

Consequently, half all teens been in a dating relationship and nearly one

third of all teens have been in a serious relationship. According to Fuman (2002)

romantic relationship become more significant to adolescents in their social world

as they also develop from puberty towards late adolescents.

Negative outcomes may be in a form which worst may lead in teenage

pregnancy. On the bright side, positive outcome may be in a form of serving as

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

an inspiration and boost student determination to focus on their studies to get

high marks/grades in school. It may also teach students on how to be

responsible, patient and be nature on decision they make.

Different relationship affects teenagers in various ways. Friends impact

teenagers almost the same amount as their parent. Teenagers go to their friends

for help or to ask their parents about. Most of the time they friend give them a

good advice but then there is a downside when they put pleasure and they friend

to do something like to smokes, drinks and do drugs. (Heather R. 2000).

Dating has many positive benefits for teens even, if they easily get carried

away from romantic feelings. Appropriate teens relationship lead to maturity in

teenagers and a better understanding of adult relationship. Through dating, teens

gain essential tools in navigating the world and are better able to develop

meaningful intimate relationships as adult (Grey) .

Teenage relationship violence. Teen dating violence is defined as the

physical, sexual, psychological or emotional aggression within dating

relationship, including stalking. It can help occur in person or electronically and

might occur between a current or former dating partner. As teen develop

emotionally, they are heavily influenced by experiences in their relationship.

Healthy relationship behaviors can have positive effects on a teen's emotional

development. Unhealthy abusive or violent relationships can have short and long

term negative effects on a developing teen.

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

Although some people believe that having a relationship while studying

can be beneficial, opponents of this idea would argue that teenage relationships

can cause problems on academic performance in some ways. Based on a study

at the University of the Philippines by Bernales and Colonia (2011), when

teenagers are involved in romantic relationships, they tend to pay less attention

to their academic work. The study reveals that students who engage in

relationships are unable to manage their time well and mostly spend only 1 to 4

hours per week for their studies. As love grows fonder, along with the desire to

keep the relationship going, more time is allotted to various dating activities,

leaving only a small amount of time for learning (Newman, n.d.). This tendency

then has connection with course attendance; it was reported that students are

likely to be absent for at least three times in a semester (Schmidt & Lockwood,


Relationship quality is studied in a variety of disciplines, yet widely

accepted practices promulgate a lack of conceptual clarity. We build on a

conceptually simple and theoretically advantageous view of relationship quality

and suggest a shift to conceptualizing it as two distinct yet related dimensions—

positive and negative evaluations of relationships. Item response theory is a

powerful tool for measure development, demonstrating how relationship quality

can be optimally pursued in the context of modern test theory, thus leading to

better theory development. Recognizing the limitations of self-reported

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

relationship quality, we extend this two-dimensional conceptualization further by

drawing on developments in the derivation of implicit measures. After briefly

introducing such measures, we illustrate their application to assessment of

relationship quality

Challenges having romantic teenage relationship. Forming and

maintaining a successful romantic relationship can be a challenge. Without

question, attaining love and romance can enrich your life and can help satisfy the

need for positive, long-term social bonds. Yet, you can have trouble finding the

“right” partner or any partner at all, and even if you find a suitable partner, so

many things can go wrong. Your satisfaction can wane, and your level of

commitment can go with it. You can be tempted by infidelity, or your partner may

fall prey to similar temptations. These challenges can be particularly troublesome

among emerging adults, who tend to have relatively little experience with forming

and maintaining a successful long-term relationship.

Indeed, emerging adults in many ways must feel their way through a new

romantic relationship with relatively little knowledge or background to guide them.

Given the potential difficulties inherent in forming and maintaining a close

romantic relationship, it is surprising that so many relationships among young

adults are successful. However, their relationship successes are perhaps less

surprising when one considers that human beings have been succeeding at long-

term romantic relationships for thousands of generations. All of our ancestors

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
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were successful at mating (at least insofar as they were able to reproduce), and

we have inherited from them a very useful suite of psychological processes that

help us solve important relationship problems. In this sense all people are built to

succeed at romantic relationships.

Research Literature

This includes the discussion of research literature taken from a various

sources. It can help to have perused to shed light on the topic under study.

Roman (2010) stated that being in romantic relationship involves

physical contact which causes chemical arousal to the persons involved and at

the same time gain love and confidence in which they are longing for. From the

concept of Lucas and Curpuz (2001), “quality personal relationship that provide

stability trust and earing such as romantic relationship can increase learners’

sense of belonging self – respect and self-acceptance and provide a positive

climate for learning and thus increase academic performance.

Furman (2002) said that young people spend a great deal of time

thinking about being in a romantic relationship, yet adults typically dismiss

teenage dating relationship as superficial. Young people do not agree: half of all

teens report having been in dating relationship and nearly one-third of all teens

said they have in a serious relationship. Although most adolescent relationship

last for only a few weeks or month, these early relationships play a pivotal role in

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

the lives of the teens and ate important to developing the capacity for long-term,

committed relationships in adulthood.

In addition to poor time management, teenage romantic relationships

negatively affect students’ performance as it increases the level of anxiety. A

study from the University of Denver found that teenagers who are engaged in

romantic relationships are likely to experience emotional problems such as

anxiety and depression (Scott, 2015). They tend to feel worried if they look good

enough, if their partner loves them or even how to impress them. They can feel

even more distracted when that person is in the same class with them (Mwaura,

2012). Regarding the distractions, Laflamme claimed that when people are in

love, they simply cannot concentrate on anything but only thinking about their

lovers (Lannarone, 2014). Rather than paying attention to their teachers, some

teenagers turned out to be texting their partners during class time, and their level

of anxiety even increased when they had conflicts with their partner (Baleros,

n.d.). Based on the same article posted by Lannarone (2014), higher anxiety

happens once again in a more serious way when it comes to a break-up.

Motivation to study or even go to school is lost, and their performance of course

declines. A study conducted by Kopfler (2003) also pointed out that “students

who were involved in romantic relationships would not perform well in

undergraduate course works.” He argued that students involved in relationship

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
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are forced to manage their time by facing higher stress levels than who are not in

a romantic relationship (Kopfler, 2003).

Significantly, the level of motivation has played a key role in determining

the academic achievements of students. It is believed that students who seem to

be passionate about learning needed inspiration and encouragement in order to

accomplish any task. In this regard, by having a romantic relationship, it makes

teenagers feel affection, care and love, which make them motivated. Hence, a

sense of motivation to students who are involved in love affairs made them

perform better in their studies (Bernales and Colonia, 2011). Additionally, the

Phnom Penh Post (2010) interviewed radio personalities whose programs deal

with the topic of love to share their ideas on how Cambodian youth can find a

place for love in their busy lives and enjoy the benefits of romance without getting

hurt in the process. In this light, it is believed the result is possible to be a great

student and be in a healthy romantic relationship when they encourage each

other to study hard; therefore, they will have better results in their studies as

quoted by Ek Monosen. Similarly, Chhy Rotha also shared the same belief that

romantic relationships will urge people to study harder when they get involved

with a romantic partner who is a high-performing person. Despite these

advantages, Heng Sokchannaroth claimed that “It depends on our partner. If our

partner encourages us to study hard, it is good. But if our partner doesn’t like

studying and instead likes going out, we will bump into failure.

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences


The concepts principles and studies found relevant to present study are

once more reviewed to discover the similarities and disparities and to establish

the originally of this research.

As reviewed on this topic, the literature was able to conclude that being in

a romantic relationship can affect a students’ academic performance. They allow

bonds to be formed that can influence the behavioral aspect of adolescents

involved. Relationship can be described as expressions of affections, including

emotional, physical, and sexual. Men and women generally have different

feelings when it comes to romantic relationship.

An article of Barber and Eocles (as cited in Luqman 2009) talked about

the importance of romantic relationship to adolescent development and its “long

lasting” effects on self-confidence. It affirmed that romantic relationship teaches

moral values on romance. Intimate “relationships and sexuality”. In additional to

this healthy romantic relationship could possibly benefit student education.

(Philips 2007). Romantic relationship provides positive outlook of adolescent life

which motivates the adolescents in achieving goals such as performing well in

the studies.

According to Zulueta and Maglaya (2004) motivation constitute the degree

of an individual behavior as manifested by this interests, attitude and aspirations

to satisfy hid desired goal. It provided a positive romantic relationship that

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

adolescents would strive hard on performing well in studies to bring a brighter

future in their relationships.

Fuman (20008) stated that these relationships are significant to

adolescents live. Student academic performance occupies a very important place

in education as well as the learning process. The variables of the study were

student grades, intensity level of involvement in a romantic relationship and self –

esteem. Finding described significant effect of romantic relationship or academic

performance. Intensity and level of involvement also exhibited a significant

relationship on the student academics performance.

Conceptual Framework

This study focusses on the effects of teenage relationship to the academic

performance of the students.

Input Process Output

Romantic teenage Questionnaire Proposed Material


Figure 1

Conceptual Framework

The framework above signifies the input, process and output of the

study which serve as the construction of this study. The input of the study is the

romantic teenage relationship of the student at San Pascual Senior High School

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

2 wherein the researchers discussed the effects of teenage relationship. The

process of the study includes the data gathering instrument which is the

questionnaire wherein we create some question to prove our study or research

done by the action plan which will strengthen the effect of teenage relationship to

the academic performance of the student at San Pascual Senior High School.

In this stage of input the researcher will find out what is romantic

teenage relationship of the student in San Pascual Senior High School 2. After

making a questionnaire that are going to answer by the selected student of grade

11 and grade 12 in San Pascual senior High School 2 to determined what are

those after the stage of process.

In the stage of process the researcher used in conducting is giving a

survey questionnaire. In this way of conducting the study and the researchers are

able to have a short time to have a questionnaire. The researcher has already a

questionnaire that those respondents are able to answer. After conducting an

survey questionnaire the researcher was able to scoring and tallying it, after that

long process the researcher will make a recommendation.

In the stage of output the long process of scoring and tallying all the

answer by the respondents the researcher will give some recommendation and

action plan to be done.

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
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Definition of terms

For a better understanding of this study the following terms are hereby

defined theoretically and operationally.

Academic performance. is the extent to which a student teacher or

institution has achieved their short or long term educational goals.

(Heynonnynonny 2014) In this study it refers to the result of students in their

school if they can get high academic performance even though they are in a


Adolescence. The period following the onset of puberty during which a

young person develops from a child into an adult. (Roger J.R. Levesque 2011)

In this study it refers to the people who are starting to develop from a child into


Relationship. is the condition or fact of being related connection or

association. A particular type of connection existing between person related to

sexual involvement. (Ereck Flowers 2010) In this study it refer to the relationship

between a man and a women or between a girl or a boy.

Romantic. involving on characteristic of love affair on sexual love,

especially when the relationship is idealized or exciting and intense. It is

characterized by on suitable for love making on the expression of tender

emptions. (Shawn Blue 2017) In this study it refers to the people efforts.

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences



This chapter presents the research design of the study, the respondents,

and the data-gathering instruments, the construction and validation of instrument,

the data-gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of data used in this


Research Design

The main purpose of this study aims to determine the romantic teenage

relationship of the students at San Pascual Senior High School 2.

Quantitative research, is defined as a the systematic investigation of

phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical,

mathematical or computational techniques. ( Surendran,n.d.).

With this purpose, the researchers made use of the descriptive method of

research. According to Sevilla (2011), the descriptive method is designed for the

investigator to gather information about present existing conditions. A design that

provides a picture of a situation as it naturally happens. It may be used to justify

current justice, make judgments and develop theories (Burns and Groove, 2003).

The main data gathering instrument was the questionnaire. It purports to

present facts concerning the disaster awareness of students. The researchers

consider this method as the most appropriate because, according to Castillo

(2007), descriptive studies may include present facts as current conditions

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
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concerning the nature of a group of persons, a number of projects, as much as

class of events and may involve the procedure of analysis, classification,

enumeration and measurement of the given data.

Subject of the Study

The subject of the study was 50 selected students from Grades 11 and

12 of San Pascual Senior High School 2 School Year 2019-2020.

Data- Gathering Instruments

Construction of the Questionnaire. To effectively formulate an ideal

questionnaire, the researchers read many books related to the topic to frame up

good questions for the study. The first draft was prepared and shown to the

adviser for the corrections, comments and suggestions. Items were revised

based from the given inputs and suggestions. The researchers see to it that all

corrections were incorporated for the second draft. Finally, it was returned again

to the adviser for their proposal.

Validation of the Questionnaire. The final copy of the questionnaire was

submitted to the practitioners knowledgeable about the topic for the purpose of

clarifications of directions, correct grammar usage and enrichment of context.

The correction were accepted and considered for the output of another draft.

After such time all revisions were considered and now ready for the final approval

of the adviser. After the face to face validation, dry run was conducted to

determine reliability of the items in the questionnaire.

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

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Administration of the Questionnaire. After the long process of validating

the questionnaire, finally, the final draft was made. The questionnaire was

reproduced for the purpose of administration to the target respondents. The

questionnaire was administered to the selected students of San Pascual Senior

High School 2. The directions were clearly explained by the researcher so that

good results can be obtained. The questionnaire were retrieved after some time.

Scoring of the Responses. The data will be interpreted in terms of

criteria based on the following scale:

Option Scale Verbal Interpretation

4 3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Observed

3 2.50 – 3.24 Frequently Observed

2 1.75– 2.49 Moderately Observed

1 1.00- 1.74 Observed

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers prepared request to the teachers and principal asking

permission to conduct their study. The researcher conducted the questionnaire

and personally distributed it to the respondents. The aim of their study were

thoroughly explained to the respondents. After the retrieval of the filled- up

questionnaires, scoring and tallying of the students’ responses were undergone

by the researchers themselves as well as their adviser

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
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Statistical Treatment of Data

The data obtained from the respondents were tallied, tabulated and

interpreted using the following descriptive statistics.

Frequency. This measured the normal data. It also determined the

number of repeated occurrences of a particular response of the student’s


Percentage. This was employed to determine of the frequency count. This

was utilized in treating the profile of the respondents.

Weighted Mean. It refers to the arithmetic average of the overall response

of the respondents.

Composite mean. It refers to the average of the overall response of the

effects of teenage relationship to the academic performance of the students.

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
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In this chapter, the result and discussion of data from the quantitative

(survey) method are presented.


Positive Effects of Romantic Relationship Scale Range Verbal Interpretations

1. Helps students pay more attention on 3.23 Frequently Observed

2. Motivates student to study harder. 3.40 Strongly Observed
3. Builds self-confidence. 3.43 Strongly Observed
4. Students have open communication 3.43 Strongly Observed
between their family and partner.
5. Helps students to achieve good grades. 3.28 Strongly Observed
6. Reduces stress. 2.85 Frequently Observed
7. Encourage student to learn and have 3.85 Strongly Observed

8. Support student when meet difficult 3.23 Frequently Observed

9. Make student perform better in class. 3.38 Strongly Observed
10. Provides more time to review lesson. 2.98 Frequently Observed

Composite Mean 3.31 Strongly Observed

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
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Overall, the positive effects of romantic relationship have a composite

mean of 3.31 with a verbal interpretation of strongly observed. Based on Table 1,

the highest positive effects of romantic teenage relationship is encouraging

students to learn and have inspiration with the mean of 3.85 and a verbal

interpretation of strongly observed. This is followed by students building self-

confidence and having open communication between their family and partner

both having a mean of 3.43 and a verbal interpretation of strongly observed.

Based also on table 1 the bottom two are reduces stress with the mean of 2.85

and a verbal interpretation of frequently observed followed by provides more time

to review lesson with the mean of 2.98 and a verbal interpretation of frequently


From an attachment perspective, communication is seen as a vehicle for

fostering intimacy and trust in relationships due to partners feeling understood

and accepted (Pietromonaco, Greenwood, & Barrett, 2004). Johnson (2003)

stated that secure adults tend to engage in more self-disclosure and direct

communication than insecure adults, because they are confident enough to be

assertive and trust that their partner will respond supportively. Insecure adults

are more likely to cling, make demands, stonewall, or withdraw because they

believe their partner will reject them or they are protesting the unresponsiveness

of their partner. Johnson (2003) asserted that “the ability to disclose and confide

in a direct way about needs and fears and to tune in to the other’s experience is

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
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crucial if partners are to define the relationship as a safe haven and a secure


The result of the survey is parallel to the study of Arnet (as cited in

Fincham and Cui, 2011), that “late adolescents” is the stage where teenagers

experienced how to be totally and socially independent. This is the time for

curiosity and exploration in choosing and having a partner, and explores this kind

of relationship that may lead to pleasant and intense love affair. This is just a

result of their inquisitive mind and a sort of finding on how to fit into the world.

“What is life all about” Questions such as these assume special significance

during teenage years as adolescents seek to find their place in broader and

social world.


Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

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Challenges Met by Student Having Teenage Romantic Relationship

Challenges met by student Romantic

Scale Range Verbal Interpretations

1. Student can’t concentrate on their 2.28 Moderately Observed

study when they have a romantic
2. Poor communication or lack 2.33 Moderately Observed
3. Jealousy and insecurity causes 2.78 Frequently Observed
4. Student consumes their allowance on 2.50 Frequently Observed
their partner.
5. Lack of trust on each other due to long 2.43 Moderately Observed
6. Can’t find motivation to study because 2.23 Moderately Observed
parents don’t allow student to involve in a
romantic relationship.
7. Student can’t focus in their lessons 2.45 Moderately Observed
because of misunderstanding with
his/her partner.
8. Student can’t balance their time 2.43 Moderately Observed
between relationship and their
9. Romantic relationship make student 2.38 Moderately Observed

Composite Mean 2.42 Moderately Observed

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
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Based on Table 2 the main challenges met by students having romantic

teenage relationship is jealousy and insecurity causing problem with a mean of

2.78 and a verbal interpretation of frequently observed. This is followed by

students consuming their allowance on their partner with a mean of 2.50 and a

verbal interpretation of frequently observed. The third biggest challenge in

romantic teenage relationship is student can’t focus in their lessons because of

misunderstanding with his/her partner with the mean of 2.45 and verbal

interpretation of moderately observed. Based also on table 2 the bottom 2

challenges are can’t find motivation to study because parents not allowed

students to involved in a romantic relationship with the mean of 2.23 and verbal

interpretation of moderately observed followed by student can’t concentrate on

their study when they have a romantic relationship with the mean of 2.28 and

have verbal interpretation of moderately observed Romantic relationship can

sometimes lead to unhealthy outcomes. Therefore, our composite means is 2.42

with the verbal interpretation of moderately observed.

Adolescents can be exposed to abusive and violent interactions or

unwanted or coerced sexual activity within their romantic relationship. (Mulford &

Giordano, 2008). On the other hand other challenges facing young people

seeking or participating in romantic relationships include unrequited love and

breaking up. In the case of unrequited love, fantasies about the other can be

intense and obsessional, sometimes leading to misinterpretation that the feelings

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

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Humanities and Social Sciences

are reciprocated. In extreme cases this may result in maladjusted acting-out

behavior such as aggression and stalking (Leitz & Theriot, 2005), but more

commonly the distress is turned inwards, contributing to depression and low self-

esteem, someone with the risk of self-harm.

Based on the result it is similar to this study. Long-distance romantic

relationships (LDRs) are interesting and puzzling, and “people want to know. ‘Do

they work?’” (Stafford, 2005, p. 29). Because the partners voluntarily live and

work in distal geographical locations and then reunite (e.g., every other weekend)

to be together, LDRs violate scholarly and lay assumptions that physical

proximity is essential to relational quality (Stafford, 2005). LDR can cause of

jealousy and insecurity because sometimes you and your partner is not always

be together.

Based on the result it is similar to this study that the romantic

relationships do not always behave in a positive way. There are instance in which

romantic relationship may harm adolescents and because of this, they need

adults who will guide them in developing healthy relationship. (Luqman 2009). In

another way, romantic relationship gives more negative effects in their

performance. Teens nowadays consider romantic relationship as the number one

source of stress (Manning, et al, 2009). It results from the break ups on conflicts

with partner. Even those who give more importance on academics, spending

time with one’s partner may also serve as a distraction Myers (2010).

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences



This chapter presents the summary of the research finding of the study

that are discussed and interpreted. The significance of this research is in the

immediate context of the effect of romantic teenage relationship of student at San

Pascual Senior High School 2.


This research paper begins in the purpose of giving a questionnaire of the

researchers to their respondents to know the effects of romantic teenage

relationship to student at San Pascual Senior High School 2. And also the

challenges met by student having romantic teenage relationship.

Through quantitative research the researchers choose survey

questionnaire in gathering data and information to end this research. The

respondents of this survey are forty selected (40) students of San Pascual Senior

High School 2. The researchers also summarize the gathered data and the

average of each item and make a comparison and contrast of it. Most of the

respondents agreed in the provided questions. They are aware that having a

romantic teenage relationship have a big role as student. The researcher get the

needed information in the answers of the respondents. And most of all the

researcher reach their purpose in this study. Data from the survey were gathered

through purposive technique.

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences


1. Among the forty (40) students of San Pascual Senior High School 2, the

consolidated result reflects that the positive effects of romantic teenage

relationship are encouragement of student to learn and to be inspired with a

weighted mean of 3.85 and a verbal interpretation of strongly observed. This is

followed by building self-confidence and having open communication between

their family and partner with a weighted mean of 3.43 and a verbal interpretation

of strongly observed.

2. Results showed that out of 40 students of San Pascual Senior High School 2,

consolidated result reflects that the challenges met by students having romantic

relationship are jealousy and insecurity causing relationship problem with a

weighted mean of 2.78 and a verbal interpretation of frequently observed. This is

followed by students consuming their allowance on their partner with a weighted

mean of 2.50 and verbal interpretation of frequently observed.


Based on the outcomes of the study, the following conclusions were


1. The researchers conclude that there is a strongly observed positive effect of

romantic relationship among the student in San Pascual Senior High School 2. It

gives them encouragement to learn and have inspiration to accomplish their

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

responsibility as a student like doing their task on time and maintaining good


2. The researchers conclude that there are moderately observed challenges met

by student in having romantic teenage relationship in San Pascual Senior High

School 2. Some challenges met by students having romantic relationship are the

jealousy and insecurity causing problem maybe because of long distance

relationship and the other one is student consuming their allowance on their


3. An action plan was proposed to minimize the effects and challenges met by

student at San Pascual Senior High School 2.


1. The researchers recommend the school guidance counselor and teachers to

identify and counsel students who are experiencing effects of romantic

relationship especially if it affects the academic performance of the students.

2. The researchers recommend the parents to create an open and positive

communication with their parents to guide their children

3. The teachers recommend the students to be aware of the changes happening

to them when they are in a romantic relationship and to seek guidance if the

negative effects outweighs the positive effects.

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

4. The researchers would also recommend to the future researchers to

investigate different factors that can affect student who are involve in romantic


Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences


A. Journal

Jk Maner, SL Miller- Romantic relationships in emerging..,2010- –google scholar
J Vezina M Hebert- Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 2007-
FJ Neyer, D Voigt- European Journal of Personality, 2004- Wiley Online Library



Dear Madam/Sir,

Warm Greetings!

We are Grade 12 students of San Pascual Senior High School 2. Currently, we

are conducting a research study entitled “Romantic Teenage Relationship to the
Student at San Pascual Senior High School 2.”

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

In connection with this, we are humbly requesting assistance for the validation of
our questionnaire that will serve as our main data-gathering instrument. Your
comments and suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Thank you very much in anticipation of your favorable response

Respectfully yours,
Aguila, Cristell C.
Chavez, Agnes M.
Magsino, John Paulo R.
Matulac, Jhon Philip C.
Nitro, Margeline D.
Valderama, Jude D.

Practical Research 2 Adviser

Name (Optional):______________________________________
Strand: ______________________________________________
I. Positive Effects of Romantic Teenage Relationship
Directions: Read the following statements and put a check (/) on the box that
corresponds to your answer using the scale below.
4- Strongly observed 3- Frequently observed
2-Moderately Observed 1- Observed
Positive Effects of Romantic Teenage Relationship 4 3 2 1
1. Helps student pay more attention in studying.
2. Motivates student to study harder.
3. Builds self-confidence.
4. Student have open communication between their family
and partner.
5. Helps student to achieve good grades.
6. Reduces stress.
7. Encourage student to learn and have inspiration.
8. Support students when meet difficult lessons.

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

9. Make students perform better in class.

10. Provides more time to review lesson.

II. Challenges met by student having romantic relationship.

Directions: Read the following statements and put a check (/) on the box that
corresponds to your answer using the scape below.
4- Strongly Observed 3- Frequently Observed
2- Moderately Observed 1- Observed
Challenges met by student having romantic relationship 4 3 2 1
1. Student can’t concentrate on their study when they have a
romantic relationship.
2. Poor communication or lack of communication.
3. Jealousy and insecurity causes problem.
4. Student consumes their allowance on their partner.
5. Lack of trust on each other due to long distance.
6. Can’t find motivate action to study because parents don’t
allow students to involve in a romantic relationships.
7. Student can’t focus in their lessons because of
misunderstanding with his/her partner.
8. Student can’t balance their time between relationships and
their responsibility.
9. Romantic relationship make student sleep less.

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2

San Pascual Senior High School 2
Humanities and Social Sciences

Romantic Teenage Relationship of the Students in San Pascual Senior High School 2


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