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The Effects of Teenage Relationship to the Academic Performance of Students at

San Pascual Senior High School 2


This study aims to determine the effects of teenage relationship to the academic
performance of the students at San Pascual Senior High School 2.
During adolescence teens interested and involved dating because of the desire

to belong with others. Teenage relationship is all about the romantic relationship

between a girl and a boy. They come with all other changes going on during

adolescence physical, social and emotional. But these feelings are leading your child

towards s deeper capacity to care, share and develop intimate relationships. Can

teenage relationship affect the academic performance of student at SPSHS 2? It is clear

that over the time, teenage relationship is important to other. Many student inspired by

this relationship but some can affect the academic performance of student. Having love

relationship with other individual has been part of lifestyle for must student today.

Prioritizing their relationship with their loves ones makes their time less spent especially

in their subjects and to other school activities that affects their performance.

This relationship may result to some negative and positive outcomes. Negative

outcomes may be in a form which worst may lead to teenage pregnancy. The positive

outcome may be in a form of serving as an inspiration and boost student determination

to focus on their studies to get a high marks/grades in school. According to Robbins et

al (2004) note “The determinants of success in post secondary education have

preoccupied psychological and educational researchers for decades.”

Between social factors and academic achievement and concerned with parental

and peer relationships and their association with the academic achievement of

adolescents for fewer studies have analyzed romantic relationships. A true relationship

is someone who accepts your past supports your present, love you and encourage your

future. Having been in these situations the students who are in a romantic relationship

may be faced with the challenged in maintaining a good academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study is conducted to determine the effects of teenage Relationship to the

academic performance of student of SPSHS 2.

In order to achieve the general objective of this study, the researcher have

gathered data and information which aims to answer the following question:

1.1. What are the effect of teenage Relationship to the academic performance of

students of SPSHS 2?

1.2. Do you think teenage relationship is important?

1.3. What age do you start Romantic relationship?

1.4. Who are involved in romantic relationship on their academic performance

2. What can you do to avoid lowest performance while you are in a teenage


3. What action plan may be suggested in order to maintain a good academic

performance when you a romantic relationship?

Scope Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

The study will focus on the effects of teenage Relationship to the academic

performance of students at SPSHS 2. As such, any other factor that possibly influences

the effects of teenage relationship to the academic performance of student at SPSHS 2

which is not part of the defined parameters of the study is deepened out of scope. The

results are, therefore, interpreted only within the context of the study.

The limitation of the study was that data was only collected from the students

through questionnaires and interview. The contribution of this study to the body of

knowledge is to provide a baseline data of what is the effects of teenage relationship to

the academic performance of student SPSHS 2.

The findings of this study are primarily delimited by the answers given by the

students, which are assumed to be true and correct. It is also delimited to the number of

the students who are unavailable at the time that the survey was conducted which

slightly alters the population sample used in the study.

Significance of the study

Any research is made not only to solve an existing problem but also to

emphasize the contribution that will provide information for the school administrators,

teacher, parent, students, present researchers and future researchers.

To the School Administrators. This will help them to be aware on the effects of

having love relationship of students for them to be guided and be educated in a manner

that it can help students attain excellent academic performance.

To the Teacher. This will help them to identify what can help the students in

maintaining an excellent academic performance while having a love relationship so that

they can correctly educate them.

To the Parents. The result of this study will help them to aware on the result of

academic performance while having love relationship.

To the Students. Through this study the student will necessarily employ deep

understanding to their priorities both in their academic and relationship and how they

can balance their time.

To the Present Researcher. This study will help show them to identify factor

that affects the academic performance while having a love relationship.

To the Future Researcher. This study will help them to know the effect of

teenage relationship to academic performance of the student.

Definition of terms

For a better understanding of this study the following terms are hereby defined

theoretically and operationally.

Academic performance. is the extent to which a student teacher or institution

has achieved their short or long term educational goals.

Adolescence. The period following the onset of puberty during which a young

person develops from a child into an adult.

Effect. is something brought about by a cause or agent a result. The power to

produce an outcome or achieve a result.

Limitation. is a restriction or a defect, or the act of imposing restriction.

Negative effects. Is personality variable that involves the experience or negative

emotions and poor concept.

Positive effects. Pertains to the tendency of people when evaluating the causes

of the behaviour of a person they like or prefer, to attribute the person inherent

disposition as the cause of their positive behaviours and the situations surrounding

them as the cause of their negative behaviours.

Student. Is primarily a person enrolled in a school or other educational institution

who attends classes in a course to attain the appropriate level of mastery of a subject

under the guidance of an instructor and who devotes time outside class.

Relationship. is the condition or fact of being related connection or association.

A particular type of connection existing between person related to sexual involvement.

Romantic. involving on characteristic of love affair on sexual love, especially

when the relationship is idealized or exciting and intense. It is characterized by on

suitable for love making on the expression of tender emptions.

Teenage: is between 13 and 19 years old. It is relating to people who are

between 13 and 19 years old.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the review of conceptual and research literature.

Conceptual Literature

Humans, particularly adolescents get in romantic relationship with variety of

reasons. According to Aristotle, humans are ‘social animals” which mode them long to

form an intimate relationship which love can be given and received freely which

psychologist called “the nee d to belong” (Myers 2010). Rest assured of the love and

care given by the persons close to them, they are secured with the trust and confidence

that they are acceptable to individuals whom they can depent on for the satisfaction of

their needs. Roman(2010) stated that being in romantic relationship involves physical

contact which causes chemical arousal to the persons involved and at the same tome

gives love and confidence in which they are longing for.

On the other hand according to Arnet Cascited in Fincham and Cui (2011) “late

adolescents” is the stage where teenagers experienced how to be totally and socially

independent. This is the time for curiosity and exploration in choosing and having a

partner, and explore this kind of relationship may not lead to pleasant and intense love

affair. This is just a result of their inquisitive mind and a sort of finding on how to fit into

the world. “What is life all about” Questions such as these assume specissal
significance during teenage years as adolescents seek to find their place in broader and

social wold.

Luqman (2009) said that an adolescent relationship plays an important role to

adolescent as it develops the ability for committed relationship, Additionally, Pelt (2004)

started that those relationship help develop personality. She also added that it is a way

of knowing ones unique qualities of opposite sex and at the same time choosing the

right life partner.

However, romantic relationships do not always behave in a positive way. There

are instance in which romantic relationship may harm adolescents and because of this,

they need adults who will guide them in developing healthy relationship.(Luqman 2009).

In another way, romantic relationship gives more negative effects in the academic

performance of adolescents. Teens nowadays consider romantic relationship as the

number one source of stress (Manning, et al, 2009). It results from the break ups on

conflicts with partner. Even those who give more importance on academics, spending

time with one’s partner may also serve as a distraction Myers (2010).

From the concept of Barber and Eocles (2003). Through their dating relationship

students often refine their communication and negotiation skill, development and learn

how to maintain intimate relationship. The emotional ups and downs student with getting

together and breaking up may also help youth develop important skills, while break up

may put some young people at risk for depression. They may also help youth develop

emotional resiliency and coping skills needed to handle difficulties later in life. They

need a emotional support from their parent and partner. The role of romantic

relationship as a source of support and identity may be especially important for sexual
minority who are often compelled by social norms to keep partner may be only people

with whom they feel comfortable and safe sharing their thoughts and feelings about their

sexual identity.

Social influence on romantic relationship. Exposure to entertainment and social

media might influence the interest and attitude of youth towards romantic relationship.

This study explained how a teenage vision about romance shifts from ideas. Studies

have shown that romantic love been significantly influenced by the exposure to

westernized mass media and the conceptualization about love among teenage.

According to Eggermant (2004), aimed to explore the relationship between overall

and romantically thermed television viewing and adolescents expectation of a romantic

partner. He found noderate but significant associations for over all television viewing,

after background variables and the quality of other relationships were accounted for in

the 428 adolescents aged between 15 to 16 year old who related the important of

physical attractiveness and a pleasant personality in a romantic partner.

Huang (2004) found out that considering arousal and pleasure to be two

mediating mechanisms of romantic love in media he studied its impact on advertisement

attitudes, in this study spiritual compassionate love and were considered as type of

romantic love.

Correlation of time management and academic performance. Many student

become more focused on their romantic relationship since they spend more time with

their partner than in studying. The students who are involved in a relationship have face

a challenge and balancing their time in academic and romantic side. Consequently it is
indeed important to find out if there is a correlation between the time management and

their academic performance.

Crissey (2006) who studied the impact of romantic relationship among girls in

high school believed that the time management of the student involved in romantic

relationship affects their academic performance. She said that the more time spent by

the students to their partner the lesser the time they will spend in studying.

Research Literature

The study used the propensity score method to investigate the effects of early

teenage relationships on academic performance of senior high students. Frequent

dating behaviours and early sexual experience showed significant negative impacts on

both academic outcomes; help inform educators and families in developing appropriate

policies and educational conversations to guide youth toward a moderate timely of


An article of lock wood, 2017 talked about the loved and other grades. A study of

the effects of teenage relationship to academic performance of the students. Specially

logistics regression models show that participation in a romantic relationship more than

doubles the odds of failing to attend three or more class meetings per course in a


Humans particularly adolescents get involve in romantic relationship with variety of

reasons. According to Aristotle, humans are “social animals” which made them long to
form an intimate relationship in which love can be given and received freely which the

psychologists called “the need to belong” (Myers 2010).

Joshua elevate, 2016 stated the early romantic relationship (advantage and

disadvantage). First many teenagers “excel in their class” because they become

motivated to study hard because of their partner which is considered as a positive result

for every students and teenagers having an early romantic relationship.

Consequently, half all teens been in a dating relationship and nearly one third of all

teens have been in a serious relationship. According to Fuman (2002) romantic become

more ad more significant to adolescents in their social wold as they also develop from

puberty towards late adolescents.

From the concept of Lucas and Curpuz (2001), “quality personal relationship that

provise stability trust and earing such as romantic relationship can increase lea mers”

sense of belonging self – respect and self acceptance and provide a positive dimate for

learning and thus increase academic performance.

More over, theorist suggest that romantic relationship has a great role in the

academic performance of the students. Further more Vygotsky’s ideas about cognitive

development have become major influences in psychology and development today

Lucas and Corpuz (2007). Theorist suggested that romantic performance of students,

parents, peers and partners on the other hand. Cooperate, collaborate and enrich the

learning experience (Lucas and Curpuz 2007).


The concepts principles and studies found relevant to present study are once

more reviewed to discover the similarities and disparities and to establish the originally

of this research.

This is already been reviewed on this topic and the study was able to conclude

that being in a romantic relationship can affect a students academic performance.

They allow bonds to be formed that can influence the behavioural aspect of adolescents

involved. Relationship can be described as expressions of affections, including

emotional, physical, and sexual. Men and women generally have different feelings when

it come to romantic relationship.

An article of Barber and Eocles (as cited in Lungman 2009) talked about the

importance of romantic relationship to adolescents development and its “long lasting”

affects on self confidence. It affirmed that romantic relationship teaches moral values on

romance. Intimate “relationships and sexuality”. In additional to this healthy romantic

relationship could possibly benefit students education. (Philips 2007). Romantic

relationship provides positive outlook of of adolescents life which motivates the

adolescents in achieving goals such as performing well in the studies. According to

Zulueta and Maglaya (2004). “Motivation Constitutes the degree of an individuals

behaviour as manifested by this interests, attitude and aspirations to satisfy hid desired

goal”. It is satisfy his goal object. Provided a positive romantic relationship, adolescents

would strive hard on performing well in studies to bring a brighten future in their

The variables of the study were students grades, intensity level of involvement in

a romantic relationship and self – esteem. Finding described significant effect of

romantic relationship or academic performance. Intensity and level of involvement also

exhibited a significant relationship on the students academics performance. More over,

Fuman (20008) stated that these relationship are significant to adolescents live.

Students academic performance occupies a very important place in education as well

as the learning process.

Conceptual Framework

This study focusses on the effects of teenage relationship to the academic

performance of the students.

Input Process Output

Effect of teenage Questionnaire

relationship to the Interview
academic Action Plan
performance of the

Figure 1
Conceptual Framework
In the framework above, it signifies the input, process and output of the study

which serve as the construction of this study. The input of the study is the effect of

teenage relationship to the academic performance of the student at San Pascual Senior

High School 2. The process of the study includes the data gathering instrument which is

the questionnaire done by the action plan which will strengthen the effect of teenage

relationship to the academic performance of the student at San Pascual Senior High

School .

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