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Division of City Schools


Tinagacan, General Santos City


1. TITLE: Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)– Flexible Learning Options (FLO), School

Intervention in Reducing Drop-out Rate


High truancy rates can lead to poor academic performance. These are the students who

enrolled officially but miss some of their classes and even fall behind academically to their

classmates during the year. It is evident based on the class monitoring checklist that truant

students are increasing in the third quarter of the school year. Most often, these students may

become disengaged and may find indifferent towards their schooling and develop behavior

problems which tend to be difficult to address.

In the school year 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, Tinagacan National High

School faced high drop-out rate average to 4% due to unresolved issues of truancy and

absenteeism. On the preceding year 2013-2014, drop out reduced to zero (0) due to school’s

initiated interventions implemented. For this school year 2014-2015, the potential drop out

students continuously increasing in number based on the School Form 2 (Monthly Report on

Attendance as of October 2014) submitted by the teacher-Advisers that 20-22% truant and

absenteeism students are "At-risk." This was the first issue came up during the second quarter

of the school year. Out of 668 total enrollees, 153 are truant students caused to

pregnant/parenting teens, early marriage, working (earning) students and students who were

much affected with problems in the family like broken home, household works, lack of parental

support and financial which greatly affect the school academic performance specifically the

promotion rate if not resolve.

For this, the role of the school is vitally significant to find out an alternative way to

address these truant students in order to save them from dropping out of school.

The three (3) years consecutive dropout rate of Tinagacan National High School will be

served as the baseline data on this study. That average dropout students of 25 three years ago

is the main reason why the school needs to conduct a certain study to investigate the
underlying causes why students drop out of school and what interventions would be effective to

save SARDO students in order that the dilemma happened three years ago will not happen

again to our students. Further, it is the main goal of the school to help retrieve at risk students

remain and acquire education. We, therefore, take into consideration in finding ways and means

to address such arising problem. We were then prompted to consider school initiated

interventions that would truly be effective in dealing with indifferent characteristics of at risk



1. To decrease drop - out rate.

2. To increase promotion rate among high school students.

3. To provide alternative way to address students at risk from dropping out and give

them a chance to continue and finish their study.


Tinagacan High School students who are at - risk from dropping out.


School year 2013 and beyond


1. School Head 2. Guidance Coordinator

3. Teachers 4. Students at-risk from dropping out


School and office supplies for lesson activities and worksheets will be taken from the

school MOOE.

Prepared by:

Principal 1

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