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Home-Old English ham "dwelling, house, estate, village," from Proto-

Germanic *haimaz (cognates: Old Frisian hem "home, village," Old
Norse heimr "residence, world," heima "home," Danish hjem, Middle Dutch heem,
German heim "home," Gothic haims "village"), from PIE root *tkei- "to settle, dwell,
be home" (cognates: Sanskrit kseti "abides, dwells," Armenian shen "inhabited,"
Greek kome, Lithuanian kaimas "village;" Old Church Slavonic semija "domestic

'Home' in the full range and feeling of [Modern English] home is a conception that
belongs distinctively to the word home and some of its Gmc. cognates and is not
covered by any single word in most of the IE languages.

Home stretch (1841) is originally a reference from horse racing. Home base in

baseball attested by 1859 (home plate by 1867; home as the goal in a sport or game
is from 1778).Home economics first attested 1899. Slang phrase make (oneself) at
home "become comfortable in a place one does not live" dates from 1892. To keep
the home fires burning is from a song title from 1914. To be nothing to write home
about "unremarkable" is from 1907. Home movie is from 1919; home computer is
from 1967.

"To go home," from home (n.). Meaning "be guided to a destination by radio signals,

etc. (of missiles, aircraft, etc.) is from 1920; it had been used earlier in reference to
pigeons (1862). Related: Homed; homing. Old English had hamian "to establish in a

A home is a large house or institution where a number of people live and are looked
after, instead of living in their own houses or flats. They usually live there because
they are too old or ill to look after themselves or for their families to care for
them.  You can refer to a family unit as a home.  Home means relating to your own
country as opposed to foreign countries.  


abode, domicile, dwelling, dwelling place, habitation, house,
pad     (slang)   residence  
    birthplace, family, fireside, hearth, homestead, home town, household  
    abode, element, environment, habitat, habitation, haunt, home ground, range,
stamping ground, territory  
    at home:     
    available, in, present  
    at ease, comfortable, familiar, relaxed  
    entertaining, giving a party, having guests, receiving  
      (as a noun)    party, reception, soirée  
    at home in, on, or with      conversant with, familiar with, knowledgeable, proficient,
skilled, well-versed  
    bring home to      drive home, emphasize, impress upon, make clear, press home  
    central, domestic, familiar, family, household, inland, internal, local, national,

Proposition and expression:

This south-west region of France is the home of claret.  

Last night they stayed at home and watched TV.

The prime minister and the moderates are not yet home and dry.  

Home is where the heart is.

Meaning: your home is the place you love the most or that you desire to be the
Example: I’ve lived in this city for five years but I still miss my mother’s house..

Home sweet home.

Meaning: an expression of pleasure about being at home.
Example: (After returning from a long time away from home) Ahh,  home sweet

A home truth.
Meaning: a fact or truth (usually difficult or painful to acknowledge)
Example: After claiming to have an ‘ethical’ product, it was time for the
company to admit some  home truths  about how the staff in their factories were
really treated.

Until the cows come home.

Meaning: for a very long time
Example: He’s so dedicated to learning English. He keeps on practisinguntil
the cows come home.

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