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N S U S t u d e n t s i n P a r t - ti m e J o b s | 1

Research Proposal

NSU Students in Part-time Jobs

Submitted to
Sakiba Ferdousy

Senior Lecture
Department of English
North South University

Submitted by

Name: Swagata paul

Department of BBA
Semester: (7th)
Course Eng. 105 (3)
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1. Introduction:
This proposal will illustrate the capabilities and opportunities of students of NSU in the
real world. The paper will investigate what type of jobs the students prefer, what do they
normally want do or what type of part time jobs they are fit for while they are studying and
pursuing a degree. Part time jobs have been a good source of income and as well as a
method to earn self-confidence for the students. In the western first world countries part
time jobs had always been a tradition and a very appreciated means of being self-
dependent. Recently such opportunities have opened up in our country too. This paper will
focus on the NSU students in part time jobs; analyzing their opportunities, financial
standings and their academic influences as well.

1.1 Context of the Study:

Though part time jobs are a very new addition in our country, a huge number of college
and university students are choosing it as a great source of determining their career. NSU
students are also not staying behind. They are also following the trend of working part time
and earning their own livelihood while studying in the greater Dhaka city.
Now when we look at the job opportunities and the type of jobs NSU students get, we see
that they prefer variety of sectors. Many tend to work on places that focuses on their career
whereas others might prefer any field or call center jobs that will help them financially and
gain experience as well.
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1.2 Research Questions:

This research paper will mainly focus on three research questions on the following:
1. How NSU students maintain their financial expenses?

2. What type of part time jobs are better for them?

3. Are part time jobs effect students’ academic result?

1.3 Research Objectives:

This study will help teachers, professors and also employers to a point that they can
recognize their students from a different angle. Sometimes they can also offer part time job
opportunities from their end to the students who they think are capable and skilled. Based
on this study NSU might also find ways to create small seasonal or part time jobs for their
students to support themselves financially. On the other hand, employers around Dhaka
city will have a clear picture about the abilities and interests of NSU students in working
alongside studies.
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2.Literature review:
2.1 Previous researches:
A few numbers of researches have been done earlier and for years on various aspects of
part time jobs. Various changes that have recently taken place including the student
funding system and openings to higher education which have resulted in increasing
numbers of students considering paid employment during term time. According to a
research done by ‘Paul Barron’ and ‘Constantia Anastasiadou’ students are most likely to
accept employment opportunities in hotel, restaurants or other retail jobs. In the western
countries many companies and employers also prefer hiring part time working students as
cheap and affordable labor. ‘Manthei’ and ‘Gilmore’ (2005) found that an overwhelming
majority of students they surveyed were involved in part-time employment, with 8 out of
10 students holding at least one job during term time, for an average of 14 hours per week.
In many research papers published globally it is also studied that working part time
develops communication skills of students, the students understand more about the life
after their graduation, the value of practical skills and team working.
Still more researches are to be made on students’ part time employment and different pros
and cons of it. But studying past researches and my level of understanding the combination
of financial need, trying to achieve independence and ultimately increase career
opportunities have stimulated students of NSU in working alongside studies.
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I assume that the majority number of NSU students’ financial expenses are maintained by
their parents or nearest working family members. Again, there are also certain number of
students who work on online marketing places, call centers and also as cheap labors. The
study may also find out that NSU students are also involved in many internship
opportunities and retail job openings in super shops or big market places like Jamuna
Future Park. And one of the very common part time jobs of the NSU students is doing
tuition. It’s a high demand in the market for students in secondary and higher secondary
education level to seek help from students studying at universities like North South
University. The study will also enlighten that NSU students now a days prefer self-employed
jobs like Pathao, Uthao and Uber as well, where students with personal rides can do ride
sharing in exchange of money. Students more likely to be more focused on working part
time than studying because once they start earning they grow a tendency of earning more
which is bad for their academics.
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4 Research Methodology:

4.1 Research Design: In this research, I will use a mixed-method design. This mixed method
to determine the beliefs and use of andragogy has been student by other researchers also.

4.2 Participants: The subjects in this study will be one hundred students of North south
university in Bangladesh. Among the student participants, an equal proportion of male and
female member will be there.

4.3 Instruments:

4.3.1 Questionnaire: The Adult Learning Principles Design Process Elements Questionnaire
(ALPDEQ) as designed and validated by Wilson (2005) will be used in this study to measure the
anagogical preference of adult learners. The questionnaire items will be modified considering
Bangladesh context and the competence level of students. I will use one version of the
questionnaire: only for students.

4.3.2 Semi structured telephone interview:

Qualitative data will be collected through semi-structured telephone interview with some
selected participants. The interview participants will be selected from the interested survey

4.4 Procedure of data collection:

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Table: Instruments preparation and data collection procedures

No Stages
1 A 30-item Likert scale questionnaire will be developed using Google forms.
2 A semi-structured interview questions will be prepared.
3 The questionnaire and semi-structured interview questions will be reviewed
by the supervisor.
4 The questionnaire will be pilot tested.
5 The questionnaire will be modified based on the feedback from the pilot
6 Research ethics clearance will be received from the school.
7 The questionnaires and generic consent forms for participants will be
emailed to the participants.
8 Semi-structured interview questions will be asked to interested participants.

4.5 Method of data analysis:

All the information in this overview were investigated utilizing the Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS variant 16.0). For elucidating insights frequencies, means and standard
deviations have been determined for everything to sum up the members' general reactions to
the things. Means and standard deviations are appeared in slipping request to see the key
factors and which convictions the members for the most part concur with.
The qualitative data generated from research note on the internet and talking to my friends.
Data analysis from looking at the studies from the past and also at the present part time job
opportunities. statistical reports from many seasonal hiring companies reveal the number of
students they are hiring and the percentage of students being from NSU.

5. Conclusion:
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Part time occupations have been a decent wellspring of salary and just as a technique to win
self-assurance for the understudies. In spite of the fact that low maintenance occupations are
an exceptionally new expansion in our nation, an immense number of school and college
understudies are picking it as an incredible wellspring of deciding their vocation. They are
likewise following the pattern of working low maintenance and acquiring their own job while
concentrating in the more prominent Dhaka city.

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